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Sun 04/27/08 06:19 PM
no, because nobody would have sex with a guy like you. Wow, they already did, and I have no problem with girls hitting on me. Turns out, they do like aloof pricks....contrary to your omnipotent opinion. |
![]() ![]() Pulling the middle school ostricize move isnt going to disuade me from speaking my mind, although, it might save you some typing, and countless hours spent seeking out my posts. |
and soon, so would mankind. Obviously, because people seeing eachother for exactly what they are, rather then what they want them to be, and making excuses for areas that fall short, is exactly what would cause the world to expire. |
thanks for proving my point, sweetie. Anyway, we need people like you so that we can appreciate all the ones who aren't like you. Thanks. ![]() The world needs more of me, and less people living in the artifical wonderland theyve constructed. If the world consisted of people like me, divorce would be non existant. |
you can't argue with this one..head thicker than a vault door..and just as impermeable..he wants no enlightenment, only to spew hate. I feel sick. ![]() ![]() Enlightenment? From the likes of you? Ill take a pass card on that one. Ill trust the countless observations Ive made, the hundreds of relationships Ive counciled, and my own life exprerience for that, as opposed to a female who has a problem with fitting in the neat little box that she does. |
Serious Question for Men =)
![]() ![]() Are you getting off with this? Seriously, for you to sit here and post this pointless crap after everything I say, I think you must be getting some crude excitement out of it. Obviously, it is empirical evidence in support of my last statement directed to you though. |
Serious Question for Men =)
It is truly sad how very closed minded you are, I would hate to hear your precious opinion on any other important issues. It is imperative that u understand she needed help and she reached out and received it. It has very little bearing on her eating habits or the quality of her character. As someone stated earlier there are many addictions and food happens to be right up there with gambling, drugs etc. Being overweight does not make a person less than or weak individuals and she could be a very active individual and exercise daily and still have extra pounds, your synopsis of overweight people is ridiculous and offensive..... Did something happen to you in your childhood and adolescence, maybe even your adult life cause ya seem quite bitter. Have a ![]() ![]() ![]() Statistics, almost every fitness trainer, government health agency and credible medical doctor back up my synopsis.....what is backing up yours? The Plastic Surgeon Guild of America? The newest pharmaceutical company pushing its miracle pills and proclaiming "its not your fault your fat, its your hormones"? The National Association for the Advancement of Fast Food? Pepsi Cola? |
Serious Question for Men =)
He's a freak.... just say ![]() ![]() It confuses him and he goes away... ![]() Or maybe your childish level of arrogance is being fulfilled by a simple coincidence. Then again, those with large holes in their self esteem often have the inability to consider any possibilities which do not coincide with their craved position within the center of all action. |
Serious Question for Men =)
I CHANGED MY MIND, YOU ARE A PIG. GOOD LUCK IN FINDING ANYONE WHO WILL DATE YOU! ![]() Im glad your opinion, or anyone on this site for that matter, is representitive of the general female populous. Besides, if you were an accurate representation, Id rather die single then be with anyone who takes issue with the truth in favor of politically correct no fault coddling. |
Serious Question for Men =)
The problem is you can't fix stupid..... ![]() I can assure you, stupid is not a word that could ever be used to describe me. Then again, I guess "stupid", "ignorant" and those types of general adjectives have been being applied to people who refused to cow tow to popular opinion through out history, including most every man/woman of innovation or great genius who ever lived. I stopped caring who's toes I walked on somewhere around kindergarten. |
Serious Question for Men =)
You know over weight people have many health issues. Some physical and some mental. Most over weight people do not CHOOSE to be that way. But I would not expect all to understand this. And I was asking for HONEST opinions here which you did give and I thank you for it. *note to self, DO NOT date this guy! ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah, actually, almost all overweight people do choose to be that way. I was overweight at one point, and you know what, I got that way by eating garbage and not excercising. It was not my Mom, my depression, my thyroid, blah blah blah. Want to know how I fixed that, I stopped blaming everyone and everything else, and my "genetics" for being heavy, and I changed my diet, started running and working out....and I lost the weight. My ex mother in law is morbidly obese, and she has a million health problems, so many that she was able to get on disability for it. She claims she "cant" lose weight, and doesnt know what the problem is. Yet, she eats out 3 or more times a week, sits around the house every day, and fries 90% of the things she eats.....how exactly is it NOT her fault that shes huge? |
Serious Question for Men =)
Weight gain is not always about eating twinkies. There are metabolism issues, hereditary, medications, physical problems. ![]() And excuses.....the morbid obesity of this planet is caused by fast food and a sedentary lifestyle, not "hereditary issues". Before fast food and computers, the United States had an obesity rate in the single digits, now we are looking at around 40% or more of the adult population. This is not explained by "steroids","metabolism". "thyroid problems" or any other garbage that is being pushed by popular media to blame everything and anything outside of the person pulling up to the McDonalds window every day like clockwork. I just went to a lazer tag match the other night, where I was the oldest one, the general age being about 15-20, and there were less then 10 people out of 70 that could be considered of healthy weight. I watched kids drink soda after soda after soda. What makes it even worse is that people get that way, and then dont want to do anything that might require work to fix it. Its always a pill, a magic shake, some stupid $500 a month magic diet, gastric bypass, etc etc. If anyone has ever watched "Biggest Loser", to lose weight, it just takes a little determination and dedication, and the weight will go. I have no respect for someone who takes the easy way out of anything. If they wont dedicate an hour a day to the gym, and 30 minutes to prepare a healthy meal, I want no part of that relationship. Id be too worried that a problem would develop, and theyd go for the quick fix of walking out. |
Well let me tell you a little something about my friends, those who are in my inner circle...I trust with my life, my child, and my last nickle...they have proven to me they are trustworthy. why am I dignifing this with a response????? IDK.. ![]() ![]() It is likely that they have never been placed in a spot where they were forced to choose something of greater value to them then your friendship. I pray for your sake that they continue to avoid that position. |
I just don't understand why a person with that outlook would even continue residing on this planet. Seem like it's time to move on. I dont value my own life by how much I value the human condition or others lives. But, you can take your own advice, and make my stay on the planet that much better if youd like. |
Serious Question for Men =)
Let me ask ya something. I have had gastric by pass surgery. Do you feel that is a turn off? Please give your honest opinion. Thanks, and don't ya dare ask how much I weigh (yet) =) Honestly, yeah, I feel its a huge turn off. Resorting to scientific means to lose weight speaks volumes of an individuals persona. If one cannot muster to will power to stop shoving twinkies down ones throat to save their own life, then how on earth can you expect them to muster the will power for a relationship or anything else it entails. |
wow. you seem a little bitter. No, just a realist. Most of you have been stabbed in the back, or happen to be the back stabber, but refuse to accept this as a human condition, and rather just write it off as an isolated incident. I forget who said it, but it was an awesome quote "Never trust your friends, because your friends will sell you out for the price of a Big Mac". That should be written on the Statue of Liberty. |
the truth being that a woman should act dumb cuz men don't like smart women, to lower her standards, and to prostitute herself....THAT'S YOUR TRUTH??? aye de mi'... 1. I did not tell her to "act dumb". However, men ARE intimidated on the whole by women who are intellegent. 2. If a person is not having success under one set of standards, they have two options, piss or get off the pot. You cant cry about starving because you cant afford fillet mignon. 3. I never once suggested anyone "prostitute" themselves. I actually have an intense problem with the fact that women generally are "prostitutes", since they usually "sell" their wares to the man giving them the highest bid. |
It's so cool that you never stereotype people. I dont stereotype people, I say the truth, and some refuse to believe it applies to them. |
you are such a ray of sunshine. getting lots of dates here? None, but then again, Im not much for pretending Im something Im not to get a date either. |
All sarcasm aside, it is a huge stereotype that males are automatically mechanical, and not emotional or cerebral.
If a women told me that, Id hope she wasnt looking for advice for the car, because I wouldnt have any advice to give, since Im a male, but have no knowledge of automobiles past changing the oil and the tires, and I have zero interest in them whatsoever. |