Community > Posts By > Larsson71

Larsson71's photo
Fri 06/12/20 07:36 AM
Like a fart in a Spacesuit, that's how I feel!

Larsson71's photo
Fri 06/12/20 07:33 AM

so in my country, calling someone a Boomer is offensive to elderly people but it is a hot meme word too.

how do you respond to someone younger, more like teenager, when he/she calls you a Boomer?
Our language is a lot different from yours. Tell me what "Yer da sells Avon, ya bawbag" means in Scottish, then disagree with me, ok? :thumbsup::joy::beer:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 11:36 PM

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 10:22 PM
Just had my breakfast, two square lorne sausages, two slices of haggis, two eggs, tattie scones, three bacon, mushrooms, tomato, baked beans, two hash browns, 2 lamb chops, two crispy morning rolls and a can of Irn Bru. Now ready to go to work shortly and face the day. :thumbsup::sunglasses::blush:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 10:13 PM

For Larsson71,

Luchd-ealain ciùil stèidhichte air tùsan celtic
Musical artists based on Celtic origins

Bha Raibeart Uilleam Gary Moore (4 Giblean 1952 - 6 Gearran 2011) na chluicheadair giotàr is seinneadair is sgrìobhadair òran à Èirinn a Tuath. A rèir Ultimate Classic Rock, bha “slighe dreuchd gun stad aig Moore - a’ toirt a-steach blues, roc, meatailt throm, jazz-fusion agus stoidhlichean eile thairis air ceithir deicheadan gu leth ”. Tha e air a mhìneachadh gu tric mar chluicheadair giotàr beusach.

Robert William Gary Moore (4 April 1952 – 6 February 2011) was a Northern Irish guitarist and singer-songwriter. According to Ultimate Classic Rock, Moore had a "restless career trajectory—taking in blues, rock, heavy metal, jazz-fusion and other styles over four and a half decades". He is often described as a virtuoso guitarist.

Dunluce-Gary Moore

Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues (Live From London)

Uilleam Rory Gallagher (2 Màrt 1948 - 14 an t-Ògmhios 1995) B 'e Èireannach blues agus creag iom-ionnsramaid, songwriter, agus riochdaire. Rugadh Gallagher ann am Béal Átha Seanaidh, Siorrachd Dhùn nan Gall, agus thogadh e ann an Corcaigh, chlàraich Gallagher clàran aon-neach tro na 1970n is 1980an, às deidh dhaibh an còmhlan Taste a chruthachadh aig deireadh nan 1960an. Tha na clàran aige air còrr air 30 millean leth-bhreac a reic air feadh an t-saoghail.

William Rory Gallagher (2 March 1948 – 14 June 1995) was an Irish blues and rock multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and producer. Born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, and brought up in Cork, Gallagher recorded solo albums throughout the 1970s and 1980s, after forming the band Taste during the late 1960s. His albums have sold over 30 million copies worldwide.

Rory Gallagher - Bullfrog Blues

Rory Gallagher - Pistol Slapper Blues_Too Much Alcohol - 2/14/77 RTE Studios, Dublin

B ’e buidheann ciùil Ceilteach à Austin, Texas, na Stàitean Aonaichte a bh’ anns na Brobdingnagian Bards.

The Brobdingnagian Bards were a Celtic music group from Austin, Texas, United States.

Seven Drunken Nights in Hobbiton

Old Dun Cow - Brobdingnagian Bards

Tha Celtic Woman na ensemble ciùil boireann Èireannach a chaidh a chruthachadh agus a chruthachadh le David Kavanagh, Sharon Browne agus David Downes, a bha na stiùiriche ciùil air an àrd-ùrlar Èireannach Riverdance. Ann an 2004, dh ’fhastaich Downes còignear luchd-ciùil boireann Èireannach nach robh air cluich còmhla roimhe: luchd-gutha Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Lisa Kelly agus Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, agus am fìdhlear Máiréad Nesbitt, agus chum iad a-steach don chiad loidhne den bhuidheann a dh’ ainmich e “Celtic Woman ", buidheann sònraichte. Thagh Downes repertoire a bha a ’dol bho fhuinn traidiseanta Ceilteach gu òrain an latha an-diugh.

Celtic Woman is an all-female Irish musical ensemble conceived and created by David Kavanagh, Sharon Browne and David Downes, a former musical director of the Irish stage show Riverdance. In 2004, Downes recruited five Irish female musicians who had not previously performed together: vocalists Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Lisa Kelly and Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, and fiddler Máiréad Nesbitt, and shaped them into the first lineup of the group that he named "Celtic Woman", a specialty group. Downes chose a repertoire that ranged from traditional Celtic tunes to modern songs.

Celtic Woman, Téir Abhaile Riú | Live from 3 Arena Dublin

'Mo Ghile Mear' Live from The 3 Arena
For Larsson71,

Luchd-ealain ciùil stèidhichte air tùsan celtic
Musical artists based on Celtic origins

Bha Raibeart Uilleam Gary Moore (4 Giblean 1952 - 6 Gearran 2011) na chluicheadair giotàr is seinneadair is sgrìobhadair òran à Èirinn a Tuath. A rèir Ultimate Classic Rock, bha “slighe dreuchd gun stad aig Moore - a’ toirt a-steach blues, roc, meatailt throm, jazz-fusion agus stoidhlichean eile thairis air ceithir deicheadan gu leth ”. Tha e air a mhìneachadh gu tric mar chluicheadair giotàr beusach.

Robert William Gary Moore (4 April 1952 – 6 February 2011) was a Northern Irish guitarist and singer-songwriter. According to Ultimate Classic Rock, Moore had a "restless career trajectory—taking in blues, rock, heavy metal, jazz-fusion and other styles over four and a half decades". He is often described as a virtuoso guitarist.

Dunluce-Gary Moore

Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues (Live From London)

Uilleam Rory Gallagher (2 Màrt 1948 - 14 an t-Ògmhios 1995) B 'e Èireannach blues agus creag iom-ionnsramaid, songwriter, agus riochdaire. Rugadh Gallagher ann am Béal Átha Seanaidh, Siorrachd Dhùn nan Gall, agus thogadh e ann an Corcaigh, chlàraich Gallagher clàran aon-neach tro na 1970n is 1980an, às deidh dhaibh an còmhlan Taste a chruthachadh aig deireadh nan 1960an. Tha na clàran aige air còrr air 30 millean leth-bhreac a reic air feadh an t-saoghail.

William Rory Gallagher (2 March 1948 – 14 June 1995) was an Irish blues and rock multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and producer. Born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, and brought up in Cork, Gallagher recorded solo albums throughout the 1970s and 1980s, after forming the band Taste during the late 1960s. His albums have sold over 30 million copies worldwide.

Rory Gallagher - Bullfrog Blues

Rory Gallagher - Pistol Slapper Blues_Too Much Alcohol - 2/14/77 RTE Studios, Dublin

B ’e buidheann ciùil Ceilteach à Austin, Texas, na Stàitean Aonaichte a bh’ anns na Brobdingnagian Bards.

The Brobdingnagian Bards were a Celtic music group from Austin, Texas, United States.

Seven Drunken Nights in Hobbiton

Old Dun Cow - Brobdingnagian Bards

Tha Celtic Woman na ensemble ciùil boireann Èireannach a chaidh a chruthachadh agus a chruthachadh le David Kavanagh, Sharon Browne agus David Downes, a bha na stiùiriche ciùil air an àrd-ùrlar Èireannach Riverdance. Ann an 2004, dh ’fhastaich Downes còignear luchd-ciùil boireann Èireannach nach robh air cluich còmhla roimhe: luchd-gutha Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Lisa Kelly agus Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, agus am fìdhlear Máiréad Nesbitt, agus chum iad a-steach don chiad loidhne den bhuidheann a dh’ ainmich e “Celtic Woman ", buidheann sònraichte. Thagh Downes repertoire a bha a ’dol bho fhuinn traidiseanta Ceilteach gu òrain an latha an-diugh.

Celtic Woman is an all-female Irish musical ensemble conceived and created by David Kavanagh, Sharon Browne and David Downes, a former musical director of the Irish stage show Riverdance. In 2004, Downes recruited five Irish female musicians who had not previously performed together: vocalists Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Lisa Kelly and Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, and fiddler Máiréad Nesbitt, and shaped them into the first lineup of the group that he named "Celtic Woman", a specialty group. Downes chose a repertoire that ranged from traditional Celtic tunes to modern songs.

Celtic Woman, Téir Abhaile Riú | Live from 3 Arena Dublin

'Mo Ghile Mear' Live from The 3 Arena

Gum bi gaol agad nach tig gu crìch gu bràth,
Tòrr airgid, agus tòrr charaidean.
Slàinte bi leatsa, ge bith dè a nì thu,
Agus gun cuir Dia mòran bheannachdan thugad!

May you have love that never ends,
Lots of money, and lots of friends.
Health be yours, whatever you do,
And may God send many blessings to you!

I was born in Glasgow, but my mums family are from Ireland and my dad's are Scottish. So I've got the best of both Worlds mate:thumbsup:Alba gu brath, Erin go bragh:sunglasses::beer::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 10:06 PM

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 09:59 PM

sir I don't know how to open a link, it doesn't turn to blue or get highlighted as a link. it's just a plain text.
please do something about it too
Keep your finger on it and it'll open, ok? :thumbsup::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 04:30 PM
Kango hammer

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:53 PM

Thank u for the replay :)
Actually, I wonder how I look mainly about the beauty level (from handsome to ungly) not much technically. I appreciate your advice though :)

you're so fine looking and properly shaped guy except a few pounds. out of 10, I'd say 7 and add 0.5 because of your glittering eyes :two_hearts:
and if you don't mind, please go and check out some tips about taking selfie. you take straight hands up to face selfies, raise your hands up to your head at least instead.

I'm sorry I'm speaking so much but these are sincere words :sweat::pensive:

Are you sure it's a woman you're after on here mate? :joy::joy::thumbsup:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:51 PM
As interesting as watching a painted room dry mate, to be honest. You're on a dating site, so try and sell yourself a little bit better in your profile, ok? :thumbsup::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:47 PM
Salt and pepper Chinese munchie box, for both me and the wee man earlier! Class! :thumbsup::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:43 PM

Jumanji: The Next Level
I liked it although the start felt a bit slow to me. I'd almost switched it off, hihi. But then... it got really good.
Try the Scottish Police Series "Taggart" Crystal. Set in Glasgow, with more twists in the plot than a corkscrew. :thumbsup::sunglasses:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:30 PM
Ben Dover

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:28 PM

Wrong!!! To all you women who think an activity partner means anything other than sex, you’re wrong!!! Sorry to tell you this way but, in plain English... it only means *** in the air, legs spread wide open sex!!! I’m a guy so ask me how I know!
I bet you also believe that a man and a woman can't be friends either? I have women friends that I go to Glasgow Celtic, football matches, nights out and days away and I've never slept with any of them. They're just my mates, that's all, as we all grew up together! An intimate encounter, or a friend with benefits, though is what you're getting your wires crossed with, as that's something completely different then!

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:19 PM
Watching Pink Floyd the Wall, the film with Bob Geldof, playing the lead part of Pinky. Not seen it in years. :thumbsup::sunglasses::notes::beer:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 03:16 PM
Hairy legs, flip flops and moustaches, definitely put me off some women's profiles! :joy::joy::thumbsup:

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 02:38 PM
Oasis - Little By Little (Official Music Video)

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 02:17 PM

Tell him not to get used to it laugh tongue2 drinker
Nah, my mum always wants him if I want a night out anyway, so you're OK there River! :joy::joy::thumbsup:

Cool, next time I'll join you and your mates... I don't drink so I can be the designated driver! laugh bigsmile drinker
We usually get brought home in either a Taxi, or a Wheelbarrow! laugh laugh drinker

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 02:15 PM
Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out (Official Music Video)

Larsson71's photo
Thu 06/11/20 02:13 PM

Tell him not to get used to it laugh tongue2 drinker
Nah, my mum always wants him if I want a night out anyway, so you're OK there River! :joy::joy::thumbsup: