Community > Posts By > canaryrx8

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:39 PM
Me! I :heart: Joy Division, New Order etc etc :smile:

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:35 PM
I like Save a Prayer, I saw them in concert years ago with The Cranberries as the opener :smile:

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:33 PM
yup, lots of instruments, I sing and "spin" too bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 11:01 PM
Edited by canaryrx8 on Tue 01/06/09 11:01 PM
an instrument of some sort, or some tools so I can make stuff. being stranded would be kinda cool actually, no more stress from work, or spam from the internet, no more bills, if I was alone I could just let myself go, sport a huge ass zztop beard and dreadloks and such, and not have a care in the world. bigsmile laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:57 PM

Nevermind; I just beat it! bigsmile :banana:

awesome, I'm thinking about buying the "full" version, it's pretty cheap and it's awfully clever, and I think stuff like that should be rewarded as we just don't see enough of it anymore :smile:

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:55 PM
Jumper -third eye blind (I :heart: that song)

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 10:54 PM

I enjoyed MTV up until the point that the programming changed. I cant remember when that was but I remember watching it through graduation and that would have been 1990. It just started to steadily decline and then all of those stupid "reality programs" set in. huh I enjoyed 120 Minutes and also that Alternative Nation.
:smile: I was exactly the same way. I watched MTV everyday until they quit showing music videos and started just showing a bunch of crap in the mid 90s.:smile:
Yea, F*** MTV!:tongue:

just gave me an idea for a t-shirt bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:26 PM
Anyone here play this? I got hooked on it a while back and it's a blast if you like brain teasers/building stuff. (sorry if it's a repost)


canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:20 PM
Ozzy in his early days?

My vote probably goes for Gwar though, or the Jim Rose Circus if they count.

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:18 PM

ok...for 4.95 i can get my domain name...
now i need a good web design site for little or nothing...



Depends on what you want to do, I pay 100 bucks a year through bluehost, but that includes the name and hosting with tons and tons of space. I've built several sites using a CMS system known as Xoops, it's based off php/Linux and it's pretty cool to work with. (There are others out there like Mambo, phpnuke etc., Xoops just happened to be the one I got introduced to first) I've built stuff with flash and basic html, but my best results have come from using Xoops.

2 of the sites I've built are for our car club, and for my buddie's car audio business, both using Xoops. There's also wordpress and others as well, really just depends on what you want or need to do with your site.

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:02 PM

OMG! what an amazing game, Pryor is going to be a superstar, and Colt was indescribable, wow, hats off to "The" OSU, that was the best bowl game of the year BY FAR. bigsmile :banana:

As much as I hate both of those teams, I went for the lesser of two evils, and had to go with Texas since they are Big 12, and I'm a Huskers fan.

But yeah....incredible bowl game. The best one I've seen yet. I'm sure a lot of people are still upset about that out-of-bounds call at the end.

I can't wait for the BCS Championship. Again....lesser of two evils. Me being a Huskers fan should give you an idea of my feelings towards Oklahoma. And, I LIVE in Florida, but I'm not a huge fan. I do respect their program and legacy though.


I can't bring myself to go for the Gators, I'm sick and tired of Tebow, even more sick and tired of Bradford, but if OU wins then Texas has a longshot at a possible shared national title, which would be awesome considering all the smack talking OU was doing after they went to the Big12 champ game. The BCS is a joke anyway, Utah at 13-0 and destroying Alabama gets nothing, OU after losing to us still gets to go to the big12 champ game (against another team Texas beat) and now to the "national championship", we'll never really know who was the best team with our current system since none of the best play each other. frustrated

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 01/06/09 01:04 PM

Mac Brown - "dude, why'd you have to get stoned before the game?"

Matt - "huh, what? where am I? huh huh, Orange is so any twinkies, corn dog maybe?"

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 10:44 PM
I didn't know it was a sport in the first place bigsmile laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:55 PM
OMG! what an amazing game, Pryor is going to be a superstar, and Colt was indescribable, wow, hats off to "The" OSU, that was the best bowl game of the year BY FAR. bigsmile :banana:

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:34 PM

because it's too hard writing originals these days, duh bigsmile laugh
they redid the songs instrumental only using the cello

dang, they must have found some killer drugs then rofl

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:22 PM

That describes me in the 80's. I spent my weekends going from city to city, record store to record store buying vinyl. The 80's were actually a great time for music, it's just a lot of it was over-looked or forgotten". Ya' gotta' realize, MTV dictated America's musical taste. That's what killed music...right there

MTV is awful, once they started with the "real world" we were all screwed, I remember back when it had 120 minutes, I would watch it all the time and usually find at least a dozen or so new bands/albums I had to hunt down. I learned of "Curve" from that show, and it took me over 2 months to find DoppelGanger but alas one day I found it at Tower Records and I was so stoked. Now we don't have a Tower Records anymore, we only have one music store that's decent, and a bunch of chain stores frown I used to make a night of going to all the different places, scoring new music, the going home and listening to it until all hours lol I don't think MTV killed music, but they did a lot of damage and continue to this day to work tirelessly to destroy our youth as well with an ominous onslaught of awful shows laugh I thought MTV2 would maybe save them a bit, but now all they do is play re-runs on that channel and no music either. you feel my pain. What happened to the music industry? I used to set aside $50 a week for nothing but new music. Now...there's nowhere to go. In my town there's only 3 places where I can find what I want to hear. It's sick

I just download everything now, it's pretty much the only way I can find anything anymore.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:53 PM

lol im sorryflowerforyou

no big whoop, I have hope for the future, lots and lots of hope, just no patience bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:50 PM

no dating going on here... too cold

dateing ha thats funny who dates any more. they just jump into bed together and hope for the best. lol jk

where is this happening??!?!?!!! bigsmile laugh

everywhere lol

pffffft everywhere but here tears laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:49 PM
music and automobiles mainly, aside from the obvious stuff like family etc.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:46 PM

no dating going on here... too cold

dateing ha thats funny who dates any more. they just jump into bed together and hope for the best. lol jk

where is this happening??!?!?!!! bigsmile laugh