Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Fri 11/01/24 09:14 AM

OK, but:

'Absolutely Yes': CNN Data Reporter Spots Super 'Clear' Signal For A Harris Win

Historian who correctly predicted 9 of last 10 presidential elections picks Harris, still

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/31/24 10:58 PM
Not a lady, but the profile is OK. Some good pictures, and you filled in the biographical information. Your text blurb is weak, where you wrote Hi...I can't see likes so if your interested send a message.

Most people know that we don't see likes unless we're premium members, and you could use that space better by describing yourself and what you're looking for. Then just toss in the line inviting the ladies to send messages.

Also, "provider" is not really a profession; it's the results of your paychecks. You could replace that with your job title and possibly start another conversation.

Anyway, you seem like a good-looking guy. Kinda look like Tom Hardy. So you should do alright, either way. But for the profile with a weak blurb and the default headline, I rate it 7/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/31/24 02:21 PM

Yeah, saw where an election official in Texas got punched in the face when asked to remove his hat with MAGA on it. It’s a shame when some Trump voters are that way. Yeah, he got arrested, booked and posted a 30,0000 bail.

Some Trump supporters?
According to Joe all Trump supporters are garbage..Lol. Is he trying to kneecap Kamala.? The worker had no business asking anyone to remove his Maga hat. No different than the pamphlets they have being handed out for either candidate at voting precincts.

The election laws have been there for decades, and in Texas, they take it seriously enough to post signs at the boundary. 100 feet (30 meters). It's the cult of Trump where voters insist on wearing their political stuff when going to vote. It's like they've lost their minds.

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/31/24 12:20 PM
It could be that polling is getting better. The error is progressively getting smaller. But it's never perfect, so just saying that Trump is not losing in your polls, doesn't mean he's "way up."

Or it could be that Kamala sucks as a presidential candidate just as she sucked at being VP, and folks know what a disaster she would be to this country if elected.

You keep saying that. I don't see any part of the vice president's job that she was bad at. She broke every tie in the senate, and worked well with the Biden Administration. What do you think makes her worse than Pence or Cheney?

Vice President Harris was only maligned because apparently Republicans don't know what "border czar" means, and mistakenly gave her that title. The vice president is not the border czar. On the other hand, Harris chairs the National Space Council. She's also led efforts to reduce migration in Central America, as well as improving voting in the US, on top of championing women's health care and reproductive rights.

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/31/24 12:02 PM
It's a start. You left the text blurb and headline as the default "Hi.." which is lame, and your photos are all you looking at your phone screen. At least they do a good job of showing your face, and you seem like a good-looking guy trying to grow a beard.

For better results, you could learn where the camera lens is and look into it when snapping the selfie. More light is better, so go outside during the day to take the picture. The smile is good, so keep up with that, and you could even get a friend to take your picture so you might look more natural. Just some thoughts.

Then your blurb. Take a minute and add some information about you and what you're looking for. You don't have to write a whole page, but a few sentences to tell the ladies what you're like would help make the profile look legitimate. I had to chuckle when I read "Employed" for profession. I hope that was a joke. Maybe work on that.

Anyway, you seem alright, and maybe the Saint Cloud women dig the silent type, or know how to ask the questions to get you to open up, but for the profile that looks incomplete, I'd only rate it 6/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Wed 10/30/24 10:25 AM
It could be that polling is getting better. The error is progressively getting smaller. But it's never perfect, so just saying that Trump is not losing in your polls, doesn't mean he's "way up."

Mortman's photo
Tue 10/29/24 11:27 AM
I wonder if the democrats are going to pay people 15 dollars again to organize marches in every city again, after trump wins.
they did that in 2016
adds on craiglist in every city, i saw those adds

You checked all the cities on Craigslist? Oh, sure, that happened. More likely, people created fake posts on Craigslist to make it look like that was happening. Try to find anybody who actually got paid, or show receipts of the transaction.

Mortman's photo
Tue 10/29/24 01:24 AM
Well let’s just hope he doesn’t end up calling for recounts in states he lost in like the last election which were based on false assumption.

In case you have forgot, the dems are the ones that kept the recount going for 3 weeks in Florida in the 2000 election. Some dems in congress are already talking about stopping Trump from taking the White House should he win. Jamie Raskin for one..

Yes, the Democrats called for a recount in Florida in the 2000 election. But due to some technicalities, they were denied the recount, and then the Supreme Court (the Republican-appointed majority, anyway) ruled the counting over, before Florida could complete their recount.

Compare that to the 2020 election, where Georgia and all the other close states were allowed to finish their recounts, and the Republicans kept suing and demanding more recounts. The Republicans were pretending that the Republican Secretary of State for Georgia tried to tip it to Biden when he refused to "find" 11,780 votes for Trump.

Mortman's photo
Tue 10/29/24 01:11 AM
Here’s a unsettling thought. The Biden DOJ is suing the state of Virgina for removing non-citizens from the voter poles. These people checked the box for non - citizen , so the state abided by the law and removed those names.. now the DOJ is suing to replace the non-citizens back on the voter roles with 11 days before we vote. Another attempt to cheat the American voters. Who’s the real threat to democracy.. it’s plain to see…

You left out some key facts in that summary.

Those "non-citizens" are just people who checked a box on their DMV registration that indicates they aren't citizens, but others have said the DMV form is confusing, and they're probably just mistaken. Checking the wrong box doesn't renounce one's citizenship. A similar effort was made years back in Georgia and they only found 20 non-citizens out of 8.2 million registered voters, and only 9 of those had ever voted.

The biggest legal hang-up is that Governor Youngkin waited until less than 90 days before the election to purge the voters. It's just a political stunt, so that Republicans can point to this when Harris wins Virginia next month (polls show she's up by 6 points).

Mortman's photo
Tue 10/29/24 12:49 AM

That's a very biased view. In truth, I honestly think it won't make a difference either way who we elect economy wise. Most of the inflation we experience is a global phenomena caused by continuing supply chain issues for a variety of reasons.

This election is all about foreign policy really.

Support Trump if you want the war in Ukraine to end, western europe to hate us, and to be more close to China/Russia.

Vote Kamala if you want Western Europe to love us, Ukraine to continue, and for relations with China/Russia to worsen.

It's not that the war in Ukraine will end, but that under Trump, the US will give up on Ukraine and let Russia have their way. Probably end the sanctions against Russia. Then it'll be Russia rolling into Russia and nobody will hear about the genocide of Ukrainians. The Russians have been fed the propaganda that Ukraine isn't really a country and Ukrainians are sub-human. They'll round up the people who resisted the Russian invasion and slaughter them. France and the UK may step up their foreign aid to Ukraine, but Trump, being so enamored of Putin, will simply do what Putin asks. You could call that closer relations, but it won't be based on respect from Putin or Russia--or any other country for the US.

Mortman's photo
Fri 10/18/24 10:36 AM
Edited by Mortman on Fri 10/18/24 10:39 AM
During speech in which he used teleprompters, Trump falsely claims he doesn’t use teleprompters

So what if Kamala Harris uses teleprompters for speeches. Every major politician since Ronald Reagan has used teleprompters for speeches. Trump implying this is bad shows that he's clueless and a hypocrite.

Mortman's photo
Fri 10/18/24 10:34 AM
And as "incompetent" as she is, she still handed DJT's butt to him at the debate, and didn't fall apart under interrogation by Bret Baier on Fox News. So, there's that.

Mortman's photo
Fri 10/18/24 09:55 AM
13 million viewers for Kamala's two interviews? Not bad. And who do you think Trump is converting at his rallies? That all-women "town hall" Fox held was filled up with Republican voter groups, brought in specially for it.

Mortman's photo
Fri 10/18/24 09:47 AM
A debate on abortion is a better discussion for your "political philosophy" thread, instead of hijacking the thread about Trump's medical records.

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/17/24 08:04 PM
Yea , we’ve all heard how you Trump haters despise Fox News ( the #1) cable news network by far with viewers.. but it’s the same with all the democrats. They go straight to that talking point. Most Americans understand the democrats want to hide her as much as they can but also have her out there bashing Trump, so she gets softball questions from non-serious interviewers or washed up has beens like Howard Stern or the ding-bats on the View, or late night “ comics”… be glad she didn’t have that interview with Sean Hannity…

For 'wanthing to hide her' they're doing a lousy job. Interviews on CNN, Fox and top podcasts, she's reaching out to millions, instead of the few thousand trump might get to come to any rally.

Mortman's photo
Thu 10/17/24 07:57 PM
Abortion is definitely one of the worst atrocities against humanity and this is something Democrats should think about is you’re killing a potential further voter for you.

Counterpoint: Abortion is not really anybody else's business, beyond the mother and her doctor, and potential Democratic votes aren't more important than the life of the mother or her right to make her own healthcare decisions.

Mortman's photo
Wed 10/16/24 10:03 PM
What do I think? I think Trump has done numerous hostile interviews over the last 8 years. In fact, what you saw tonight is what Trump has powered through from the very night he went down the escalator and its never let up since. Tonight was the VERY FIRST TIME Kamala has ever been somewhat held to the fire by anyone in the media, and she bombed.

It's blatantly obvious what her/their "plan" is: It's NOT "Here, let me explain who I am, how I think about things, and my vision", rather, its "I'm not Trump so vote for me". Period.

And frankly, based on years of never ever hearing Libs discuss Trumps policies (because they are better), its always been about personality ONLY. Kamala is banking her entire presidency on "I'M NOT TRUMP, VOTE FOR ME". Pretty lame, but that's pretty much all any lib I've ever talked to cared about so who knows, it might work. Still lame though.

They didn't have time to let Kamala talk about who she is, or what her plans are. Bret didn't even let her finish a sentence before interrupting.

Mortman's photo
Wed 10/16/24 09:48 PM
Call it what you want but it comes down to different rules ( bad rules) lead to what we have had the past 3+ years. A invasion at our southern border. No denying that…Trump knows you don’t have to get congress to pass a law to protect us from a invasion. To bad Biden and Harris are ignorant of that fact.. The presidents no. 1 job is to protect the United States from foreign aggression or invasion . Where has Biden been on that very serious and potentially dangerous issue. AWOL… Asleep at the wheel.. what you call separating children from their parents is ridiculous, no telling how many children he may have saved from being trafficked into prostitution or slave labor. Unlike Trump, Biden didn’t vet anybody and because of him and Harris many children are now at the mercy of traffickers . But maybe Kamala’s plan to buy the black vote for $20,000 for only blacks will work for her. She will never get it passed though congress if it’s even legal , sounds like it may be racist..

What Trump was doing, separating families, was essentially crimes against humanity. Also AWOL doesn't stand for "asleep at the wheel." It's an acronym for "absent without leave" ("leave" being the military term for time off, or permission to leave).

And even though the Trump Administration stopped separating families in 2018, there are still 1,000 children who cannot be reunited with their parents because Trump didn't have CBP create or keep the necessary records for those kids.

Mortman's photo
Wed 10/16/24 07:17 PM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 10/16/24 07:17 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris sat down with Fox News' Bret Baier for about 25 minutes, mostly focusing on the border. It's up on FNC's YouTube channel

Maybe Bret was expecting quicker answers from Kamala, as he kept talking over her every time she spoke. Thankfully, she didn't scold him with "I'm talking."

Anyway, it was a pretty short interview, and I wonder if they'll have her back before the election to dig deeper. I doubt Trump would do anything like that, maybe an interview on MSNBC, since he threw a fit when "60 Minutes" asked him a mildly difficult question back in '20.

What do you think?

Mortman's photo
Wed 10/16/24 01:16 PM

It's beyond laughable that the Democrats, AND HARRIS SPECIFICALLY, hid Biden's mental and physical limitations from the public for 4 full years and now suddenly health and medical records are important to Democrats.

How do you even do this a straight face?

Same thing with the border. For 3.5 years Biden/Harris let the invasion happen, even encouraging it, then right before the election they pretend its important to them.

How do you even do this with a straight face?

The only explanation is Harris thinks the public is stupid enough to fall for it and given what you posted, it obviously works on some.

The president just upholds the laws. Congress writes those laws, and the president signs the laws. But at no point does the president get to make up his or her own laws. If Republicans wanted borders closed, they could have come up with a law to close it. And recently, when Republicans negotiated with Democrats to pass a law to fix the jam at the border, Trump called and told them to kill it. How do you even blame that on Biden and Harris? Oh right, because you're just trolling. Good job.

Anyway, back to the topic of the thread: Soufiehere's thought that it could be VD is an interesting angle on this, and would totally be an embarrassing finding, and might help explain Melania's reluctance to help Donald on the campaign, among other things.

Any angle( or lie) that comes out of a democrats mouth is from pure desperation. I guess you forgot that Biden did make up his own law when he did away the 96 executive orders that were keeping our border safe and than did very little vetting to the people coming in illegally. There are several terrorists somewhere in our country just waiting to attack and kill Americans. Like the isis-k terrorist caught planning a Election Day massacre, he was unvetted by the Biden administration….And six democrats voted against that ridiculous bill that you think would have stopped the invasion but it wouldn’t have stopped it, only let more in… and now Biden’s DOJ is sueing Va. for following the law and purging non citizens off the voter rolls, but it seems the democrats want the votes from non-citizens to count if they vote for a democrat.. nothing wrong with Trump health. He’s out there everyday and night in front of crowds and nobody sees anything with Trump like what Joe is suffering through… Kamala is the one hiding from real interviews from someone that doesn’t have their head up her a**… democrats are so scared and desperate that they are going to lose this election( which they should) that they will say anything that comes to their mind… did Kamala mention yet about her plan to put a moratorium on how many children a family can have. and a mandatory abortion if you go over that number…

Getting rid of previous EOs is not making up a new law. It's just discontinuing the old policies. Trump was separating families at the border and breaking all sorts of laws with his actions. Exposing the government to all sorts of lawsuits from civil liberties attorneys. Canceling that crap just made sense on so many levels. And it's not like Trump fixed the border problems.

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