Community > Posts By > kolhauszer

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 08:13 PM
is a dominatrix at womens prison

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 08:10 PM
was arrested for selling crack on seasme street

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 07:13 PM
as for this guy-aside from the last couple of times that ive been onboard,its been about two years since i havent been around and things still seem like the same..sure most of the old gang from joy's palace arent here anymore (that was pretty much the only hang out that we used to go into) but aside from this there are still great people with a great sence of humor and so on..

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 06:37 PM
thats why winter sucks but at least there are indoor driving ranges to keep me till next spring.

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 06:33 PM
ahhhaaa but youve missed the whole picture here friend...
notice that in her left hand she is holding up a beer,which leaves me to believe that she or he poured alcohol on his nipple..and to me it seems like the guy is saying EWWWWWWWW or words to this effect,and attempting to grab a hold of her toung with his fingers..this picture wasnt taken at the port of san fransisco was it?

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 06:13 PM
hey no worries there tweeks.
why do you think that women never have hair on thier little red yummys?.because they take the time to love them,show affection to them,nuture them and so forth.

but if you want to learn more about self tweeking and other useful bits of information conserning nipples and areolas please consult your library..

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 06:00 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Thu 12/02/10 06:01 PM
lucifer's hammer...incredible book.
in most books and movies the government decides not to inform the public but in this book they do let mankind know that a world-wide desaster is about to happen..and the book tells the story of mankinds last few days on earth..hell why this hasnt been made into a movie as of yet i have no idea

kolhauszer's photo
Thu 12/02/10 05:34 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Thu 12/02/10 05:37 PM
ok here comes the truth from a biological point of view,soy-lent.
your body has grown jealous of you.

for years your nipples have been wondering why you have so much hair on your head and none on your little perky almost woman-like cherry colored little darlings,so they decided to throw a biological revolution.
ive seen it happen more then once my have to show just as much love to your scalp as you do to your them you care-talk to them,tweak them when you watch german porn and sure enough your nipples will stop growing hair...

or all this might just be because im still suffering from jet zealand isnt just across the

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 07:12 PM
always a ray of golden sunrises with you as well princess..take care

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 07:11 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Sun 11/28/10 07:11 PM
its been wonderful chatting again all,,but for now i gotta split.
i board the plane for new zealand tomorrow at promptly 6;03 in the am so i need some crash time..hope you all have a great night..

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 07:02 PM

seeing that the beautiful miss madam didnt include me in her greeting,do i take it to mean that she has forgotten all about me?..hey and a great evening to you as well miss sneaks

i've got some good verbal onslaughts at the ready if you need them...

youre talking to the canadian rankout king of 2007 with an undefeited record of 200/1..

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 07:00 PM
hey then can you remind me of what your past name was on here??..i have no doubt that i would remember you if you do this for brain is like a photogenic calculating computer with a 200000 gb hard-drive...of course im tonning it down somewhat:)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:55 PM
seeing that the beautiful miss madam didnt include me in her greeting,do i take it to mean that she has forgotten all about me?..hey and a great evening to you as well miss sneaks

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:53 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh good point Kol...

ahh yes well it takes an intelligent woman to know when a good point was made m'lady..kudos

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:52 PM
hey thanks there kc...but in truth it was a way of saying that i was ready for the onslaughts that i thought were going to come my way..verbal onslaughts of course,but no i take back my erronious words of comical tete-a-tete..son:)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:50 PM
dry??? please i joke poetically joyfull fact my humor is so wet that it drenches you like a cool spring waterfall:)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:48 PM was just an erronious feeling that i had thats all :)..see thats why i put in a smiley face so that other could see that i was smiling whn i wrote that...

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:45 PM
yes please for gods sakes go back and see if youve been respectful...why do i get the feeling that this young kid here is going to start something with me :)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:42 PM
oh yes i know..
not many from the old gang is still around as far as i can see...but i see that the madam is still around which is a wonderful thing..hey madam:)

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 11/28/10 06:39 PM
yeah for about a year..what am i missing here?
sure,back when i was around there was always guys here who had a major thing for this lovely lady but for the most part it was always kept respectful..when it didnt the princess would put thm in thier places...remember jimmy?..he had the princess in his blood too:)

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