Community > Posts By > kolhauszer

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 11:20 AM
take it from this guy, miss danielle,

i counted 4 times when i set just say hi on it's it seemed..due to my flairings..
there was 4 times when i said things that were deleted right away from the mods...
i was ..shall we say..pushed into a rage by others...

but this was at the begining..when i first joined here.

the lovely miss txs,told me how things were here..persay.

and since then whenever i get my fur up..i let it slide..

maybe you are new here too as i was??..

it's all casual for me instead of saying words that would make the hands of hell reach up from the brimstones..i throw it back..and a jovial way...the perpatrator gets the point..and my words dont get removed..

just a thought:wink:

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:25 AM
well i could only stick around for a few mo' car is burried under the frozen wasteland again....

i better get to it...

i sure envie you american folks that live close to the coastlines...the mountains keep most of the snow away from you i would guess..

how does it feel hardly ever having any rains a lot i would guess.
but i would so take the rain more then the snow...

until later on everyone...

lets give a great big wish to miss p for better health...
i'd use the word prayor..but i'm an agnostic..


kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:19 AM
ahhhhhh...this makes me go cary grant all over...:heart:

i really dont venture out onto the world os jsh much anymore...even when i dont post i read...

all that everyone wants is always right here...:smile:

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:11 AM
it sounds like black coffee mixed with alcohol am i right??

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:08 AM
shame for an italian to admit this..but i never heard of a mud slide before...whats in it?

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:04 AM
hi miss fade....
great choice of beverage..

nothing like a corona on a hot day in the summertime...
how is the lady,that age forgot to visit........:heart:

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 10:02 AM
well a fond howdy to you as well miss bad g....
i still gab with everyone here many times...and i love to chat with you too...i love how you used to go for my throat many a joke of

but now..for a while it seems..after i post a few thoughts..i really only like to read rather then post...but im alwyas here though..

all the love bad g...:heart: :heart:

well maybe not chopped liver pal...more like melted chheze whizlaugh

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 09:56 AM
thats nice..

in the summertime i as well have a garden,but not with flowers though...
i plant vegetables...herbs for cooking thumb but not for dasiys

kolhauszer's photo
Sat 03/01/08 09:51 AM
whats up everyone?...
yo hunter..scalped your lawn?...

does this mean that there is no snow where you are??

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:51 PM
ok well i is gooooonnee..


and stop fighting the slumber miss p...
please get wellflowerforyou

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:32 PM there's a new one...devo oncwas sure that the lady he was talking too one time was one of them..trans-testicals

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:28 PM


you missed our last fun Winn...

Well you didn't want her anyway Wiley she can't even read.... might as well date a brutally honest pregnant chick that smokes...laugh

and wears fur coats......ooooooooooowwwww

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:27 PM
i dont know about this really.....
i would think that you get more responses just being yourself...

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:24 PM
really??? you have any idea of how that movie turned everything on it's ear...this was back in ....73?
and it;s still the best horror flick ever..

or are you not really into horror miss p?

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:21 PM
ahhhhhhhh..i just heard it....

regan just vomited all over father cariss...devil devil

devil puke..devil puke..

sorry you 2..
as you were

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:12 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Fri 02/29/08 08:16 PM
well i do see the point...i really do..

hell i had to learn not to be soooooooo....controversial here on jsh...and most of the time..political correctness takes a back seat...

i still like to have meaningful and in depth conversations though....

so what does everyone feel about the logistics and evolutionary/revolutionary transmigrational flux and co-elesinces of the space time continum

d;uhhhhhh i like peanuts and cream corn

see im flexable....i can go either waylaugh

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:07 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhh..i needed to share this,,,you know how bob barker always mentioned at the end of every price is right have your pet spade or nuitered?

well before i watched this animated little slice of m.r barker..going around town cutting off little hooty hoos..of dogs and must have been from mad t.v...or something.

but it was his real voice though..
he must have agreed to do this for mad tv..
he does have a great sense of humor..

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 08:02 PM
yeah but i cant make myself look like a total dweeb either...

i'll stick to unmentionables and edible undergarmentslaugh laugh

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:59 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Fri 02/29/08 08:00 PM
exorsist was playing..i left to watch it..but came back

devil devil devil devil well is isnt finished yet

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:39 PM
well i am of meditaranian origins....intellectual..and a over developed libido....flowerforyou

who said that...
i heard youlaugh laugh