Community > Posts By > Bravalady

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:35 AM
Not an animal -- a puppet.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:33 AM
You are plenty attractive enough and you are proving that you have good values, too--not only in how you talk about your (beautiful) daughters but because you don't spend time criticizing your ex. I for one always look at what a man has to say about past relationships, because I figure if he spends a lot of time dumping on them then (1) he has a negative soul and (2) he hasn't gotten over them.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to turn from the past toward the future. We can't change our past, whether it was good or bad. What we can do is take steps toward a better future. Making the best of what we have and figuring out how to build on it. Some people do this naturally, others (like me) have to work at it constantly, but it's worth the effort.

We always think about our negatives, our weaknesses. We don't think enough about our strengths. And what we think about is what we present to others. So even though your insecurities are real and you have good reasons for them, spend more time thinking and talking about the positive lessons you're learning and what's looking up for you. It takes time, but in my opinion it's the only way. Good luck! You deserve it and I believe you can find it.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:20 AM

The only person I seem to be on the same page as is Goofball, and I think he's too young for me. Of course, pretty much everyone is.

Yeah, me too. I am on the same page as Goofball. He is wise for his age. :thumbsup:

Omigod, I have to fight you for him? But I like you. Plus, no way I could win that one. biggrin

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:16 AM

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:15 AM

My wish for this Halloween is that some kid scares the Chihuahua next door to death, or poisons her. Then I can stop dreaming about doing it myself.

Yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap all day long, every day. Except when I dare to go out in my own backyeard, when the little *(& throws herself at the fence frothing and snarling. And yapping louder.

You need a pellet gun. They are practically noiseless.:wink:

When it went through the fence, I think it would make some noise. I'm in favor of poisoned beef, myself.

I love dogs and have had several. Never really HATED one before. And I know it's not the little &*(^(&'s fault. The owners could just call her in, like the owners of the other dogs on the street do. The cops have already been called on them once.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:11 AM

You meet someone. It's all great. Good times, both of ya getting along very well, and all signs point to a relationship that looks (and feels) healthy. Few months go by, and then the reality hits. They are getting on your nerves. You aren't happy with them like you were. Perhaps you two didn't have as much in common as you first thought. But man, oh man alive! The Sex!!!! The sex is so damn good. And it is the sex that keeps you around.

I got to wondering. We all know a relationship can't exist if it is just a physical thing. But why do we put ourselves though it? Are some of us that arrogant to think that we can make a sexual relationship work? What say you?

I can honestly say I have never experienced that. If a relationship is not working; it would completely turn me off to sex with that person.

This is my experience too. Any by "not working" I mean a lot more than just finding the guy a little boring. I mean throwing things at each other.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:05 AM
Why did you sign your post with PTSD? Do you have PTSD? If so, you ought to address it the sooner the better, and yes I would think therapy would be the way. But maybe they were just some meaningless letters you threw in for no reason? You did say a lot has happened to you in the past 4 years. At any rate, I don't think the way to happiness is by trying to make other people jealous. Go with your first thought and look for things that make YOU feel good inside. Just doing that is hard enough.

Patience, self-knowledge, compassion, and inner courage will get you far. Don't worry about whether you're following a common trail or not. But waiting around is guaranteed to make you regretful. Best of luck to you.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/22/12 10:46 AM
Edited by Bravalady on Mon 10/22/12 10:47 AM
I got lumped into your Dispos-All generalizaton, but I'll answer the question anyway. For me to look my best I need:
1. A perm, preferably fresh, since I can't style my own hair to save my life.
2. Contacts, which aren't going to happen any more, sadly.
3. Makeup, which again I have no talent for, but clearly I need it.
4. Alcohol for both me and any observers.
5. Somewhat subdued lighting.
6. I have also found that a dog helps. People sometimes extend their liking of the dog to me.

Ideally I would need a wig and a major facelift plus nose job, but those aren't going to happen either. Even a wig is unbelievably expensive.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:31 PM

My inclination is to say time doesn't exist. Yet as Prashant points out, there are such things as duration which rely on time for their definition. My understanding of physics is almost zilch.

Time = the number of planetary or galactic rotations? I mean, you can't talk about aging (of people or the universe) without depending on time. Hmm.

But you are awfully:wink: cute!

Oh please.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:27 PM

LOL.............for one I didn't interject the word "lazy" into this piece, the original, or one who is passing themselves off as original is. Read the EndNote.

Um, aren't you the original poster? Who put the word "lazy" in the title?

I don't get what the fun is in slapping people down and then pretending you didn't do it.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:11 PM
My wish for this Halloween is that some kid scares the Chihuahua next door to death, or poisons her. Then I can stop dreaming about doing it myself.

Yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap all day long, every day. Except when I dare to go out in my own backyeard, when the little *(& throws herself at the fence frothing and snarling. And yapping louder.

Bravalady's photo
Thu 10/18/12 11:01 PM
Well, we see what we want to see, don't we?

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:34 PM
I just wish it had a different name. Every time I see it in the listings I think it's about astrophysics.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:32 PM
My inclination is to say time doesn't exist. Yet as Prashant points out, there are such things as duration which rely on time for their definition. My understanding of physics is almost zilch.

Time = the number of planetary or galactic rotations? I mean, you can't talk about aging (of people or the universe) without depending on time. Hmm.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:25 PM
Yep, got my ballot in the mail a few days ago and will be sending it out this week. I think it's the trend of the future. Wish they would get with on-line voting, that would be even better.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:13 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Mon 10/15/12 10:13 PM

So they guys that cut our taxes want us to pay more than the guys that want to raise our taxes? How does that work? Also I just got a been high offer and it pays more than I am making now. I am young and my pay is going up not down. Just saying.

How does it work? They lie about it, of course.

I don't know what "a been high offer" is, but congratulations on your raise. It sounds like you're worried about your tax rate. So you're getting up into that $250K range already? You must have a fantastic job.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 10:07 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Mon 10/15/12 10:08 PM
Solidarity is not racism, even when it's solidarity with your race. Racism is a belief in keeping the "unfavored" race OPPRESSED.

Also, expecting to get meaningful analysis from actors and celebrities and politicians is like trying to stuff an elephant into an apartment room. Notice that the only quote that had any depth to it came from an ordinary person, a Milwaukee salesman.

This obsession with "black racism" is, in my mind, just a cover for that same old fear that "they're going to take over and it will be awful." I'm pretty much in the camp of, "Yup, some people of all colors are racist. The world is far from perfect. Get over it."

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:50 PM

No that is not what racism is. Racism is a hatred towards another group of people. KKK, Black Panthers, Nazis.

Racism does not have to involve hatred. Racism can simply be the belief that one race is somehow superior or inferior to another race.

This in fact is the correct definition of racism. Therefore, if a black person votes for a black candidate partly or mostly or completely because of their shared race, it is not necessarily racism. What they are doing is expressing a belief that that person, because of their shared race, which implies a shared background and values, is more likely to pursue policies that the voter wants. (In other words, he's not Herman Cain.)

Ms Harmony, I apologize for using "black" because I was too lazy to write out African-American twice. I read in another post your reasons for not liking the word black.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:38 PM

2008 numbers.
Blacks 95 percent
Hispanics 67 Percent

Wow, I LOVE the way you immediately define "illegals" as Hispanics. Really kind of jaw-dropping.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 10/15/12 09:36 PM

I've only seen it once, and I think she is like 7 maybe, she said, I'm sweatin' like a whore in church. And I think this girl is between 5-7 yrs old. I can't tell

And she is well on her way to being a fat obnoxious pig only trailer trash would find sexy...

Just like mom. I wonder is she squeals like a pig? She sure looks like one!

While you are busy frothing at the mouth about her appearance and can't get your mind out of the gutter, Mama June is laughing all the way to the bank. And has turned down an offer from Rosie O'Donnell to by her a new house, if what I read is right, because she doesn't want to let fame disrupt her family.

I'm not a fan of obesity, trash talk, and children's beauty pageants either, but there's more to this than meets the eye.

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