Community > Posts By > Bravalady

Bravalady's photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:36 PM
You're not having a midlife crisis. You're just paying your dues.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:35 PM
New season starting this Wednesday. Anyone going to watch besides me?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:33 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Sat 09/15/12 11:34 PM
The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin
The Little Prince by St-Exupery
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pynchon
Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon
Rabbit Boss by Thomas Sanchez
Collected Works of Mark Twain
Poetry by Robert Frost
Poetry of Emily Dickinson
Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
The Iliad
All of Shakespeare

I could go on . . . I am constantly reading.

Edited to add more

Bravalady's photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:28 PM
I Love Lucy
The Cosby Show
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour when Tommy wasn't ranting
Arrested Development

Bravalady's photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:25 PM

Take your juvenile tirade elsewhere, wux...I have no time for this nonsense.

Oh, let him alone. If you don't find him entertaining, just skip his posts. It should be obvious by now that Wux has a unique way of looking at things. And by the way, if you think that's a tirade, you're pretty sheltered. I'd suggest you visit the Politics forum now and then for the real thing.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 09/14/12 07:43 AM

The owner of a man is that woman, man, or legal entity of personal identity, who holds the ownership certificate to the man.

In case the man is a bigamist, and he is part-owned by two women, he must be evenly split between the wives in case of divorce.

The man can sell himself to slavery. This may take several legal forms; such as signing an army enrollment form, getting into a deal of exchange of equally valuable items with the Devil(**), or by signing a marriage certificate before a government-accredited officiant and an appropriate number of witnesses with a woman or two.

A man may be owned by a bank, by an employer, or by a prison guard, be the PG an officially appointed keeper, or a private collector, who keeps his specimen locked up in his soundproof basement.

Sometimes a man is owned by an idea, such as the ideals of Marxism-Leninism, or of the Christian Faith, or of NeoNazi Nationalistic tendencies.

Sometimes a whole country is owned by its leader, such as Khmer Rouge, or Nero's Roma, or G.W. Bush's America. In these instances the owner can do any evil to the coutry he owns, without punity of any sort.

In some rare instances a man can be owned by a Taiwanese whooping mouse, or by an inaccessibility report filed in the local vehicle driver's licence issuing office. These instances are rare, but much more common than the common man with common knowledge would imagine.

(**) Equal-value exchanges may include, but are not restricted to, the following, as examples:

1. The man's soul for havign sex with Katherine Hepbourne.
2. The man's soul for getting a promotion to head the branch office in Honolulu, Hawaii.
3. The man's soul for allegedly everlasting young life with a virile sexual drive (be careful, this is almost always a trap).
4. The man's soul for a bowl of soup.
5. The man's soul in exchange for the soup bowl.
6. The man's soul in exchange for two numbers of the seven, which are needed to win the superbowl lottery.
7. The man's soul along with 40,000,000 souls of other fans, to get the Cubs win the cup.

Picture of Taiwanese whooping mouse, please.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 09/05/12 10:56 PM
Getting durn hard to find a man that much older than me. The ones that are, mostly they can't remember their own names, let alone if they're married or not.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 09/05/12 10:53 PM
PLEASE credit your source (the actual author) at the beginning of your thread so I know not to have to read through it as if it's your own thinking.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 09/02/12 06:05 AM
Some very nice sentiments, but please, please, don't post this as if it were your own. Please give proper credit to the actual writer.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 09/02/12 06:03 AM
Prejudice may tend to come from ignorance, but it also tends to come from fear of the unknown. And if your main social group is prejudiced, you may tend to take on that prejudice as an attempt to not be an outcast yourself, or simply from failure to question the group norm. A kind of intellectual laziness which is very common.

We are always prejudiced against those whom we perceive to threaten us in some way (which is why immigrants are usually the victims of prejudice because they're perceived as taking "our" jobs, regardless of the fact that "we" won't take those minimum-wage jobs anyway).

Fear, to me, is a more powerful generator of prejudice than simple ignorance. But fear is based on ignorance. Lots of reasons for prejudice. I don't think it will disappear anytime soon.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 09/02/12 05:48 AM
I'm glad you do, because I still don't. It's kind of like the Invisible Obama that only Republicans can see. The OP seems to see meanings in his words that, as far as I can tell, just aren't there.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 09/02/12 05:43 AM
OK, I've got to say it, this post is simply despicable. What happened to a sense of proportion? I really can't believe the number of people who have responded to this without criticizing the basic assertion.

NO. Obama is NOTHING like Hitler, never will be, never could be.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 08/22/12 10:52 AM

I think Yellow Rose said it earlier and I gotta agree....Terms of endearment are simply a part of the vocabulary. They don't actually mean anything personal unless we actually like you. It is no different than saying "Ma'am", "Sir", "Mr." or "Mrs."

Just cause we say "Sugar"....don't mean you are sweet.
Just cause we say "Honey"....don't mean you are sweet.

We are just giving everyone else the benefit of the doubt.

It's up to ya'll to prove us wrong by being a b*tch.


(Just trying to translate "southern" for all you foreign Cats and Dolls....yer welcome)

Translate "Yankee" for me then, Krupa. Seemed to me it was not used in a friendly way. And no BS, because no Southerner who comes to the North is ever addressed as Southerner or Dixie or whatever.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 08/15/12 10:47 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Wed 08/15/12 10:48 PM
In fact, I don't agree at all that all are corrupt. I grant you that it's easy for it to happen. Power goes to the head quickly. But there are those who have the integrity to resist it. You may say they are the exceptions, but actually I'm not even willing to grant that unless you give me statistics. We also have to remember that politicians are just people who have the spotlight on them all the time and who tend to have public, powerful enemies. I'm not convinced they are really any worse than any ordinary person would be who found themself in the same situation. In general. Certainly there are plenty of exceptions. But let's not confuse TV reporting with reality.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:29 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Sat 08/11/12 11:29 PM
I was so frustrated that the one sport I was most interested in was not broadcast, even though they said EVERYTHING would be. I could only find equestrian events on line. And again, although they said they would be streaming live, I never found out how/where to do that. This happens year after year. I hope I live long enough for NBC to no longer have control of the Olympics. ABC did a better job.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:09 PM
All right, here's another one, strangely related to the chocolate. I absolutely hate exercise. A lot of it is due to the counting you're supposed to do -- you know, count to 50 with the jumping jacks, count your breaths with yoga, everything is counting. Numbers are boring. But I also detest dancing so I stay away from that kind of exercise.

But one thing I can do is jog in place (or around the house) while the commercials are on. Now that commercial breaks run about 5 minutes at a time, this actually gives me some exercise. Maybe someday I'll do enough of it to lose some weight, even.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 08/11/12 11:05 PM
Oh geez, the answer to this one is so easy.

Chocolate. Chocolate chips, eat'em out of the bag. Brownie mix. Chocolate fudgsicles, the sugar-free kind if that impresses you at all. Chocolate syrup. Dove dark chocolate bars. Chocolate ice cream when all else fails (because however much I buy, it'll be gone the next day).

I'm going through chocolate withdrawal right now.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 07/25/12 04:16 PM

Ordering a pizza in 2015, after four more years of Obama.

Let's see . . . 2015 minus 2012 is three . . . so four years . . . hmm, someone's math is wrong.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 07/25/12 04:13 PM
I remember skeet shooting! My father took us a few times when we were kids. It was really fun to watch. (Since I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, I didn't participate.)

A skeet is something like a hard frisbee. You throw it up in the air and then try to hit it. Great bragging rights for those who can.

Bravalady's photo
Wed 07/25/12 03:52 PM
I saw some serious differences in the between Texas and California, but hopefully things have improved since then. Haven't been back to either place to check.