Community > Posts By > CrazyPalindrome

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:14 AM
Everyone poops. Or "Number Two's" or schitz, or however you want to say it. It's no big deal. However, it's much more exciting for women, cause our's glitters... and if any of you saw that, the conspiracy would be over. Dang... shouldn'ta said that. laugh

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:12 AM

not arguing the fact, but you're supposed to worry about it in all writing

Also... umm... I'm noticing a lack of captials and punctuation here too. Just write how you feel, and let punctuation fall where it may.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:09 AM

not arguing the fact, but you're supposed to worry about it in all writing

Generally, in poetry,
I only punctuate
when it feels right to me

Mayhaps when i want a pause...
the dramatic clause

poetry is free to me
seprate from heavy essays
where capitals roam Free
it's just my creativity.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:04 AM
It had beautiful imagery... Which I liked a lot. It was a little long to me, but then again, that's probably just my style. Nice write.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:57 AM

Nice, watch the capitalization and punctuation though!

Why? It's poetry.... you're not supposed to worry about either one of those things... *cough*e. e. cummings *cough*

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:51 AM
My favorite place, is in a tree,
I hide there clinging desperately
no worries of falling, but of being seen
I am silent and still in my land of green

I watch them walking, an ebb and flow
Oblivious to me, as they go
They can't touch this feeling, so serene,
In my world of brown and green

I start to whistle, unaware,
and still no one espies my lair
As they go about their ways,
no one does look up these days.

I climb on down, and with surprise,
A girl sees me with widened eyes.
I smile at her, but walk on by,
and stare serenely at the sky.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:29 AM
Woah... what the he!! happened in here?!

Matt... Make your own dam lasagna, that'll make you more manly/badass anyway. I mean, a guy who can take care of his own goddarn self? Now that's kickarse.

Adaline, you could be badass no matter what you listen to. It doesn't matter the songs you like, its how you feel about yourself. So, yeah. Be all the badass you want.

.... Flogging Molly is still awesome.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 02/20/08 11:06 PM
Heh... my high school teacher told this to a bunch of us his last day there...

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 02/20/08 11:02 PM

my fellow metal fans have all retired for the evening sad

One of my friends here at school reviews metal bands. He's pretty hardcore. He's also an insomniac, so he's awake... but he's not on this site, so he can't talk to you about... uhh... *tries to think of metal band names*... "Blind Guardian?" (I think that's the one he's always talking about...) or any other metal band.... or about almost breaking his nose in a mosh.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 02/20/08 10:53 PM

I also love them! yay for irish punk bands..I also like Flatfoot 56 and The Killigans..have you heard of them?..

I haven't heard of them, no, but I'll look them up.

I have heard of the Dropkick Murphies though. They're pretty cool too.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 02/20/08 10:51 PM
The warmup bands weren't that bad either. The second band had a WASHBOARD. It was kinda awesome.

Yeah Flogging Molly is a mixed breed of irish, punk, rock, and anything else they feel like. They're pretty cool. Heehee... the banjo player looked almost emo tonight which was funneh... emo banjo...

They look like they're having a blast, even though you know they've played the same songs hundreds of times.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Wed 02/20/08 10:46 PM
I just went to a live concert of Flogging Molly tonight. It was ridiculous, and awesome. I'm glad I stayed away from the mosh pit. It got crazy.

Anyone else fans of Flogging Molly? They're a fun group to see live, I reccommend it

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 11:52 AM

My favorite games right now are everything in the Orange Box and AudioSurf. I am the Peggle champ!

I'm not entirely sure what the orange box is... except a bunch of software.

Also, nice Cthuhlu pic (that is Cthulhu right?). Happpy "Chaoflux"?

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:19 AM
I know with skype you can call other computers free, but I think there's a small charge for calling landlines... but I'm not sure.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:14 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a cockroach... weird...

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:10 AM
It's not the big bugs you've got to worry about... it's those stupid little blackflies.... ugh... they'll suck you dry the little buggers.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:05 AM

I don't sleep outside. I'm not very good at it.laugh

Haha, well I'm not very good at sleeping in cities!

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:01 AM
Someone told me today is Chaoflux... some made up holiday for "discordians" ... don't ask me, I haven't a clue.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 07:00 AM
The ewoks are cute... but I think they'd get a little annoying after a time. I think I'll stay here on Earth for the most part.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Tue 02/19/08 06:56 AM
Halloween is my favorite holiday... hehehe costumes...