Community > Posts By > CrazyPalindrome

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:25 AM
I know they still have arcade type things in malls... but they don't have the same classic games... it's all DDR, racing game, interactive shooting game type stuff... I miss mortal kombat... I have the song mix on my compy

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:20 AM
I think they had an x-men game at my YMCA, and I used to save quarters to play it after swim team...

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:18 AM
A menagery of images in my head
whizzing about,
I try to make sense of what I said
So strange
so random...
so me...
Trying to compress all the things I have read
cluttering my brain
there breifly....
my memory leaves...
I think it is time to go to bed
The images pounce
I sleep...

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:05 AM

,there lie perdus three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing of poets,

I think this may be "I love you?" I really have no clue... Poe was a bit disturbed, and yet... so facinating.

thats what a harsh abuseive life will do to youdrinker

It effects different people differently... I didn't even Realize I'd had a messed up childhood till recently... and I'm an eternal optimist now! Huzzah... But yeah... pretty much everyone in Poe's life died of tuberculosis.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:01 AM

,there lie perdus three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing of poets,

I think this may be "I love you?" I really have no clue... Poe was a bit disturbed, and yet... so facinating.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 12:44 AM

How bout squirrel?:tongue:

THERE'S A TAILLESS SQUIRREL HERE! It's awesome. It looks kinda like a rabbit with short ears... I call it the Squnny.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 12:41 AM

can you people understand this?

It's a bit too late for my brain to be functioning properly, so apparently at this moment, I cannot appreciate it fully. I do like the rhythem of it though.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 12:32 AM

You could always try puppy flavored ramen

Youve crossed the line.

hahaha yes,
puppies would possibly be harsh...
but im still routing for kitten and potbellied pig =D

what about guinea pigs? They're pigs too... and they're conveniently sized.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 12:20 AM
I used to love ramen noodles so much... but 3 years of college have kind of... killed the love. I can only have them every once in a while now. But I love noodles... When I'm home alone, I like to take the ramen noodles and dangle them over my mouth in the most uncivilized manner possible.

I wouldn't think kittens would have much meat on them...

My dad's favorite joke to try and horrify people. "oh, so you're a cat lover too? We should trade recipies sometime!"

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:58 PM
I think I'm becoming nocturnal. It's kinda crazy.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:39 PM
I would say it's both true and false... depending on your definitition of friend. There are a lot of people I'm getting to know and like on here, and I like them, but I find it hard to feel that close to people through a screen sometimes, it just seems a little distant. It definitely helps to meet in person, but that doesn't mean that you can't have friends online at all. Sometimes it's easier to talk to people online, and maybe in some way you're closer to those people. It depends on the person.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:29 PM
When I go to sleep... like I should be doing now... but I'm not... I use this poem as my away message sometimes. It's not the best, but it works.

in a land of cacauphony and din
where only subconsious may enter in
where laws of gravity need not take hold
And where the meek may be the bold
This is a land that darkness can make
that shall entertain me till ere I wake

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:22 PM

There is one called a litter box cake. Only it is really a pie in my book. I am told it is really really good. But it looks way too realistic to me and I couldn't even stay when people were having it.

... Yeahh... having had cats myself... I don't think I'll try that one.

Though I have had dirt cake, which is amazing.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:20 PM
Meep. I would say... keep away from them. That's kinda sketchy.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:16 PM

Pecan pie, Love that stuff

Haven't made that one yet, but I should try to sometime.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:15 PM
also, I think you know more palindromes than I do.

I know my name is a palindrome, and madam I'm adam, and was it a rat I saw, and the panama one, and that's about it, though I used to have a book of them.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:14 PM
Umm... I don't think I got it... I just searched through my inbox too... so... I don't know what happened. Apparently the interweb god flushed it down the tubes for fun.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:10 PM

my fav is Chess Pie... but I have NO IDEA how to make it! Someone made it for once and I never had it again sad

I'll have to look it up. I have a recipie book entirely devoted to pies, so maybe it's in there...
if u find it... please let me know

does that sound like that's it?

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:08 PM

Pumkin or Sweat potatoe...:tongue:

I've made pumpkin before, people said it was pretty good... I think the pie I'm best at though is either blueberry, or strawberry rhubarb.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:07 PM

A slut nixes sex in Tulsa. Which you never responded to and hurt my feelings but oh well.

buh? *Confusion*

that's an awesome palindrome anyway.

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