Community > Posts By > CrazyPalindrome

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Mon 02/18/08 05:00 PM
Do you ever wake up,
stare at the ceiling,
feel bottled up
this horrible feeling

Where the hell am I going?
to hell? to life? to naught?

And you don't ever know
like a car out of control
it's momentum grows
and downward you roll

but to where?
To your death? to fate? to hate?

Depression seeks you
while your down and confused
your friends try to help you
till they start to feel used

and you wonder,
and you wonder,
and you wonder,

where the hell have I been,
that's brought me here?
and you don't care where you're going,

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 03:53 PM
Kids on leashes: no. Though I'm from the boonies and not from a city, so I guess letting kids run around isn't as scary.

Me on a leash? Maybe... haha. For Halloween or something...

A boy on a leash: H*llz Yeah! With a studded collar... booya.

I'm partly kidding. Though my suitemate has a collar from his girlfriend, and it's hilarious and awesome.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:48 AM
I still like the one with the bucket haha!

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:43 AM
Man, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do this weekend. Sad thing is, I'm actually looking foreward to Monday, but I have my reasons. I'll probably just end up chilling this weekend.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:32 AM
It depends on how shy you are, or how much you let the shyness interfere. Some of my best friends are geeks and they're shy about new people, but get them talking about videogames and they open up. It helps if you get a group of people you know as friends, then one or two new people introduced to the whole group doesn't seem as intimidating, because you've got other friends there to talk too. Shyness can be okay, as long as you keep pushing yourself to get out there and talk to people. I consider myself shy in face to face interaction, but here, I can jump in and meet new people, and take time with responses. It's easier to take risks in meeting people, when you only have to worry about someone not returning a message, instead of haveing an awkward conversation.

Good luck!

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:16 AM
the grammar... ai yai yai... it's from being raised by a teacher. Profanity is okay in moderate amounts, but using it every other sentance or every other word is ridiculous.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:16 AM
the grammar... ai yai yai... it's from being raised by a teacher. Profanity is okay in moderate amounts, but using it every other sentance or every other word is ridiculous.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:14 AM
I like to cook for other people, because then I can get other oppinions on what's good, and what I need to change... but mostly what's good (I make some really good rosemary potatoes on the grill)

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:08 AM

It was just reported that Depp was found dead
noway :cry: sad

I just googled the deppster and couldn't find anything about him dead... so I suspect that was a horrible practical joke.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:07 AM
My favorite is Benny and Joon, it's just so sweet, and his character is amazing.

I really hope that it's not true he's dead, because then we'll have lost Heath Ledger AND Depp, and they're both so awesome... and I'd die a little on the inside

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:04 AM
A horse is a very beautiful animal, and it would make sense that you would have some very nice memories of him. Tell your son stories of him, and maybe he'll get interested in horses as well, and you'll have something to share. My mother used to tell me stories about her horse, and I love them, though I've never had a chance to own one myself.


CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 11:01 AM

thank u

i like pen palling then i can use my stickers.

Have you ever made your own stickers? There's a neat machine that you can use to make one side of anything sticky, and you can make your own stickers! It's fun.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 10:59 AM
Welcome! I would say something in German, but it's one of the languages I haven't tried learning yet. Don't worry about the bad english, I know plenty of people who's native language is English, yet they still haven't mastered it. It's a difficult language, it has so many contradictory rules.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 10:56 AM
That whole last level is just so amazingly epic. I was playing, and I just kept saying "Oh my GOD... this is so epic. EPIC!" I can't wait for the others either. I really like how it's an rpg and a shooting game at the same time, so even those of us who aren't that good at shooting games can have fun playing.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 02:15 AM
*dawning realization* "... We could kill EVERYBODY" - The Boondock Saints

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 02:01 AM

I have a ****zu. He's my lil old man. He has about 3 teeth and well he just fits with my family. He puts up a hellova fight with my cat still so when he gives that up I will know its time!!!

HAHA... sorry, I just had to laugh that they bleeped it out... that's priceless...

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:59 AM
I had a Cairn Terrier... but she passed on... And I sort of have a chpcolate lab (technically my bro's but I taught it a bunch of neat tricks). I want to get a huskey or a german shepard... or a doberman pincher... or mabey just a mutt. I would name it Jed. Or Jedetta. (kidding)

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:43 AM
My elbows bend backwards pretty far, and I can turn my hand all the way around in a circle. I used to creep people out just by leaning on my arm on a table or something.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:39 AM

you had to go bring up rad racer, That game and spy hunter took so much of my money.

That first level was so hard... oh man... my friend and I only made it to the second level like... twice. We kept getting caught on the same stretch of road every time. It was so annoying.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:36 AM
I think I used to play Mortal Kombat III. I was awesome with sub zero (who wasn't really... he was an easy character to master) and I was pretty good with the four armed woman person thing. I could do the "spider stomp" (that's what I called it" where she just flew up into the air and came crashing down on the unsuspecting victim. Oh man... those were the days. Back when Rad Racer was cool... Never did beat that game.