Community > Posts By > IntelligentLady

IntelligentLady's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:02 PM
Now,now...there are some women in the DFW area on here! Well there's me anyway...

IntelligentLady's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:59 PM
The entire online thing just sometimes is too much for me. Friends lists...numbers...etc...I prefer to meet people and make friends in person. If I dont talk to them I delete them.

IntelligentLady's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:55 PM
anywhere where there is sun and I could scuba dive without cold ever to come............

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:58 PM
I guess I'll have to block him now....getting ridiculous.

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:55 PM
I studied Latin for 3 years in high school....I always loved the mythology and the greco-roman deities after that....

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:46 PM
Diana/Artemis/Baccus/Pan...just to throw in a few

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:28 PM
I took care of cancer patients for three years....I learned not only what true beauty was but saw true loving relationships as comes in many forms, usually where you least expect it...

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:24 PM
Great advice and I think those can all apply to women as well. The only thing I disagree with is the phone thing if you are a parent. I have no problem with a guy that has a teenage son at home (as I do myself) texting to be sure dad is okay as I always message my son to let him know i'm okay when I'll be is not acceptable, however, to take calls from the ex or friends unless there is an emergency. Just my 2 cents...

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:13 PM
Dating in this day and age is a different animal than before online communities. It's evolved and the lack of a second date doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or with the men, just that you've not met the right one yet. There are far more choices for dating these days. It can be exhausting and, at times, disappointing but if you want to find a relationship (it sounds like you do), just keep working at it. Sooner or later you'll find that second date and will be glad that you met the one that was worth spending that amount of time with.

By the way, I applaud you not sleeping with someone on the first date....get to know someone first...once you do have sex you can't go back and it changes the relationship...if you do it first thing then many women find out later this is a relationship that is not for you. Everyone is usually on their best behavior the first couple months after all when it comes to relatioinships. By the time you learn someone is not right for you (and usually you can figure it out quickly) if you jumped into a physical relationship, things have come to a different level that makes a break up more difficult in my opinion. Many people may disagree with me which is fine as casual sex works for them and I can't judge, but my opinion for what works for me is that it's good to wait a little while and get to know each other before the jump into the bed time.

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:03 PM
Nice for you to give him the benefit of the doubt but basically the message said my pic was to perfect and had to be fake/spam...I like that you're trying to find the good in people, will bring you great friendships!

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:56 PM
I went back and forth between deleting and responding but finally decided I just had to mention back that at least I was clothed. Quite frankly anyone that sends an email like that isn't someone I want to get to know anyway but regardless, I just brought it up just to mention that I am still of the belief of some honesty and respect to one another even online.

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:54 PM

My goodness, your pic looks great to me and you look absolutely beautiful. Ummm, as far as the photos of you with your top off in front of a mirror go, can I get in line in first place, please? I promise, I'll ONLY examine your topless pics with an eye to judging the photographic and artistic merits of the photos and give absolutely NO thought to any purient interest that the photos might stir in me.

*Laughs* you're too funny! I'm afraid there are no topless pics of me around that I am aware of. You never know what may come back to haunt you but I appreciate your offer to critique :)

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:52 PM
Thank you everyone. I appreciate the replies and do believe there are good guys out there to meet. You are kind and I still stick with the theory of what's the point of lying if you're going to meet someone who will figure it out as soon as they see you!

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:44 PM
I just received an unsolicited email from someone I don't know stating that my profile is "spam" because my picture is too perfect. People never cease to amaze me at how rude they can be. I wonder why someone cares if my picture is real or not. What would be my point of lying? I have too much to do with my life to spend time wasting making false profiles online. People say things online that they never would in person. What happened to respect? Before I send something to someone or respond, I always think, is this something I'd say to this person face to face? I put a picture up I had taken by a photographer when I took my son for his updated yearly pictures. Because it's not me holding a camera at a mirror with my top off it makes it spam? Come on guys....what happened to the do unto others and general respect?

IntelligentLady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:22 PM
i'm not sure which i find more odd....the thought....or the idea of sitting through 'The Hulk' again....

IntelligentLady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:06 PM

ok, i really have this urge to go threw and answer each one of these questions in the most scientific way possible.......

as do I but I can't think of an appropriate, ladylike, politcally correct, accepted by the moderators way to explain the astroid/hemmrhoid question

IntelligentLady's photo
Sun 12/09/07 04:25 PM
interesting...some friends and I were talking about this about our kids last night

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 08:02 PM

Do something for me...tell that IDIOT of an ex you have that I (Steve) said he is a PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A FATHER! (I will include address and telephone number for him is he wishes..and give me his..I'll go to Singy and pay him a visit...and know I can!)

Sorry but I get so ANGRY when a parent tries to pull such SH*T!

I was divorced when my son was not quite 4. I moved back to Oklhaoma and stayed there for ONE REASON...that was to be my son's FATHER! I even fought in court several times to get as much time with him as I could. Hell, I even got visitation with him at his daycare!

I spent all those years and NEVER regret ONE MINUTE!

So for your son's father to make some pathetic excuse that he did not want to be in then out of his son's life for his son;s sake is BS and a COPOUT! Even if he has to travel, there is e-mail, mail and phone. He may not be able to be there in person, I know that can happen. But I would be finding every other possible way of staying in constant contact any way I could. And without a doubt HE COULD TO if he only puts a LITTLE EFFORT behind it!

OK, I'm off my soapbox..but tell him that for me..I'm serious! I'll tell the bum what for! bigsmile

My best to you and your son! bigsmile

thank you Steve....the one promise I made out of my family's warped idea of parenting is that I would never, ever let my son go through that...and he never will

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:59 PM
i'm so sorry for what you're going through. my father pretty much did the fall in and out of our life thing up until recently when i decided to cut him off...all you can do is give your son unconditional love like I do my son...yours is so young he can't understand but i'd recommend some family counseling for you both to get through this and so he will understand it's not his 2 cents for what they're worth

IntelligentLady's photo
Fri 12/07/07 07:51 PM
but what scares you more....the blood and gore or the psychopathology of the killer?....something to think about when it comes to horror films...