Community > Posts By > LadyOfMagic
Asking to call right away...
This week so far, I've had three men email me and ask me to call them right away. It happens fairly often. I don't really understand the need to have to talk on the phone immediately. If you don't like typing/emailing, why be here to begin with? I'm guessing I'm not the only person this happens to. It just gets annoying, especially when these men get angry and don't want to email at all. I get notes like that ALL the time..Its nuts..If I don't know you I will not call you or be giving you any of my contact into..I have had guys write me and leave phone numbers without even bothering to give me a name to ask for IF I was crzy enough to call that soon to begin with..I just figure they want phone sex or |
It really amazes me how people TRULY believe that they can change another person into what they want them to someone said earlier there are plenty of women here who will give those pics out..hell most of them ALREADY have them posted on their exactly how much sense does it make to write someone who isn't already putting herself out there like that?..apparently if those pics aren't already posted then you've come to the wrong page expecting to see that and requesting OR demanding them isn't gonna make it happen!
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Sun 01/17/10 10:44 PM
EH...I get a bunch of naughty messages from guys for showing skin in pics. Cant a girl just be feminine? Dude wasnt askin to see "skin" he can see on the pics cuz my face has I have no prob with..its what HE was askin to see that I have a prob with..and to cuss me even before I get a chance to respond to it just shows that he knew sending that note was out of line to begin with. |
so LoM....I assumed the answer was no???? ![]() quite was more like.."h*ll no!" |
I just got a note from some fool cussin me for not having naked pictures on my profile..What are people drinking,eating,taking or breathing in that makes this type of behavior acceptable!?! It's not acceptable!!And I sure would not want what erer their smocken! ![]() ![]() ![]() LOL..I don't know what hes on but I like my brain so I'm staying away from it..far far |
I just got a note from some fool cussin me for not having naked pictures on my profile..What are people drinking,eating,taking or breathing in that makes this type of behavior acceptable!?!
![]() ![]() Hi Jeff..welcome to the site..very interesting profile/page..I hope that you find what you're looking for |
Happy Birthday Calleigh 12
Happy Birthday Calleigh!..I hope that you have a great day!!!
verbal abuse?
so just wanted to get a opinion of sorts on verbal abuse. my so called boyfriend when he gets made or angry at me will cuss at me like for example i asked him if i could go out with friends and he replied through text message "do whatever you want im throwing up blood here so just go enjoy your damn self" granted hes in another state playing solider right now and i wasnt gonna go out if he was throwing up blood when he always talks to me he told at at one point in a text i told him i was gonna stay in and he was like "then be ignored i dont ****in care" it just seems when he gets angry he just cusses at me and thats not ok. and its not the b word ot anything its just the f word and gd word and blaming me for me bugging him oh and i got fired to day.. In many ways verbal abuse is worse than physical abuse..THOSE wounds eventually heal..but words break down your spirit which is harder to repair..DON'T let anyone do that to you! |
Doe's "Mingles" even work?
Hello all, Just curious about what kind of luck the men & women using this dating/relationship website have had? For myself, I have not even had a single phone call, let alone a date! And I am told that I am not a bad looking guy, 6'2", 220lbs,take care of myself, told I look at least 10 years younger than my age (52) The only response I have had have been from women older than myself, and I am not interested in that, I said so in my profile. I would like to meet a woman from 30-48 years of age. Just curious how everyone else is doing, does this website work for you? Zenrider52 Nope..It has not worked for me..I met a few nice people to just chat with but I didn't come here for that so then I started just creating posts and commenting on others posts..BUT I am apparently doing THAT wrong 2009 will be my last year here. |
Good Morning Minglers!
Well I sure hope that you guys are having a better day than I am.
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Don't Get It.....
She deactivated her profile..after 6 I was here forever before I decided that enough was
Don't Get It.....
I don't understand why I have had a profile on here for a while now and no one has responded. Is it because I'm not pretty enough? the ones who have responded, I highly doubt they are into me but just wanna be pals....I don't know, maybe chivalry and love is dead... You wanna talk about no resposes after just SIX days..Oh wouldn't last a day in my shows..Do you see how long I've been here? ![]() ![]() |
Blue Moon
New Year's Eve is gonna be a blue moon (2nd full moon in a month) how cool is that I read up on "Blue moon" because I actually thought it would show blue in the sky..yes I am stupid..its not gonna be blue at all,damn shame tho..would have been pretty to see. |
There are lots of reasons. Could be for healthcare coverage. Could be because of Social Security Coverage. There is also a difference between being seperated and being legally seperated. The only thing the divorce finalization allows you to do is get re married. Now who there right mind would chose that avenue....... ![]() Well the guy that I'm talking about told me that his ex still lived in his home they just do not share a bed(Yeah right!)..He said he did it for the kids but kids are just fine without living in a house with both mama and daddy IF they are truly done..Kids care if they eat and got a place to live..not if mama and daddy are still doing it or not..I broke that off with him and about a year later ran into him again..He had moved into a new home AND the "wife" went with him!..Hes scum I tell you,pure scum! Ok... I guess there's a bigger world out there than my experience, go figure, I assume when one is separated they reside at different locations, and if seeking to date others, have determined that it is best to move on without the soon to be ex. Well thats the way I'd say it..I'd suppose any normal person would but he was so hooked on "I gotta make her love me again that he was willing to let her step on him like an old raggedy rug just to SEE if she'd come back to him..Shhe never really came back to HIM..she came back to that big pretty house where all 4 of her children would have their own bedrooms and such. |
There are lots of reasons. Could be for healthcare coverage. Could be because of Social Security Coverage. There is also a difference between being seperated and being legally seperated. The only thing the divorce finalization allows you to do is get re married. Now who there right mind would chose that avenue....... ![]() Well the guy that I'm talking about told me that his ex still lived in his home they just do not share a bed(Yeah right!)..He said he did it for the kids but kids are just fine without living in a house with both mama and daddy IF they are truly done..Kids care if they eat and got a place to live..not if mama and daddy are still doing it or not..I broke that off with him and about a year later ran into him again..He had moved into a new home AND the "wife" went with him!..Hes scum I tell you,pure scum! Well as long as you have your radar up and filter out the scum, that's all it matters. Unfortunately we live in a world which has a lot of scum in it and they won't change no matter what. Karma will get them though... Yup I know Karma will get him(She got another one of my exes just wish that her time table and mine matched up a little |
There are lots of reasons. Could be for healthcare coverage. Could be because of Social Security Coverage. There is also a difference between being seperated and being legally seperated. The only thing the divorce finalization allows you to do is get re married. Now who there right mind would chose that avenue....... ![]() Well the guy that I'm talking about told me that his ex still lived in his home they just do not share a bed(Yeah right!)..He said he did it for the kids but kids are just fine without living in a house with both mama and daddy IF they are truly done..Kids care if they eat and got a place to live..not if mama and daddy are still doing it or not..I broke that off with him and about a year later ran into him again..He had moved into a new home AND the "wife" went with him!..Hes scum I tell you,pure scum! |
| maybe someone can explain this to me..I have seen MANY profiles on date sites that state that the person is "Separated and looking for a relationship"..I am having a problem understanding why a person can't finish off one relationship before seeking another?..I mean if you're separated it means you're married just not LIVING with that person right?..Why not get a divorce,be completely over and done with that person THEN move on?. It's like the jobs. Start going to interviews and get hired before you quit your current one. Thats not the same thing at you do that with jobs to make sure that you are still covered when bills start rollin far as doing it in relationships I think people do it out of just not caring who they hurt or use. |
I was seperated from my first wife for about three years (or was it the second? I forget) I just packed my shiit and moved out of town. But I was just as single as if i was divorced. Three years later when I moved back to town she filed Separated is NOT divorced tho!..doesn't matter how long you go with out seeing each other I don't think..You're still married until you go sign papers stating otherwise. |
i did a reading for a client earlyer and she dating this guy that is going through a divorce and has 2 kids he bought her a dang wall heater for xmas a tight wade he could had bought her a elctric blanket she paid more for his dang present. but in what i got it doensr even seem he wants the dang divorce and he has been leing to her from the start... i also got him cheating not only on his soon to be ex wife but with the current person hes seeing.. between me and another reader we both saw the relationship going no where. she expects him to take her out on new yrs. .i dont think so.. i can say this guy is beyond jurksville See thats the kind of stuff that I'm talking about..a "separated" person can change their mind at any time and then YOU can even come out looking like a fool or the bad guy/girl..She's gonna get hurt and hes not gonna care cuz he was just using her and any other woman who will let him,to get his jollies..I should get readings done by you're so cool! ![]() |