Community > Posts By > LadyOfMagic
I've never dated outside my race before, as they say, but I am very attracted to white guys (I'm black by the way).Do you think people still have a problem with interracial relationships? If you are in one or have been in one, how did people act towards you? Well..speaking as a black woman who likes to date outside of her race(I don't care what your race..if you're a good guy then thats what I'm looking for)..but YES people still have a HUGE problem with that..but I'm from Alabama so that may be the year 2011..almost 2012 people are STILL very much racist and don't think that people should be allowed to be with whomever they want to..personally I have learned to just ignore idiot people who stare..make smart *** comments etc. |
![]() ![]() LOVE..REAL LOVE..Doesn't allow you to cheat..Lust allows you to cheat. |
My profile has to be "wordy"..Otherwise some fool will get an attitude with me about something that is beyond my control soooo I put it all in my profile so they have the option to NOT write me..but you know what..I still get people acting like fools because they decided NOT to read what I wrote before writing me then when I mention a touchy subject for them they wanna take it out on me..stupid jerks! ![]() ![]() DAM IT WE DO NOT HAVE TO COMPROMISE FOR MEN WHO ARE ILLITERATE!! WE CAN BE AS WORDY AND SMART AND WEIRD AS WE WANT TO!! IF THEY ARE TOO DAM STUPID TO READ, THEY DESERVE WHAT THEY GET. LET THEM GO TO POF AND MEET PSYCHOS AFTER THEIR MONEY. I so agree with you Tea..I am actually starting to think that most guys may suffer from some sort of mental disturbance that leaves them unable to mean..why else would a guy looking for a roll in the hay write a girl who is looking for an LTR..why else would a white guy looking only for white men write a girl who is clearly not white..why write a girl who plainly tells you that shes disabled long before you write her then be all shocked and disturbed when she mentions it again in a note?..See what I mean?..Insanity! |
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Thu 12/22/11 02:51 AM
My profile has to be "wordy"..Otherwise some fool will get an attitude with me about something that is beyond my control soooo I put it all in my profile so they have the option to NOT write me..but you know what..I still get people acting like fools because they decided NOT to read what I wrote before writing me then when I mention a touchy subject for them they wanna take it out on me..stupid jerks!
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A conversation with someone made me wonder about this... This is first a dating site, but as we all know, many of us use it to meet and keep in touch with friends. So, what are you looking for? Dating? Friendship? Just sex? A combination of all three? Just to participate in the forums? Nothing? Original intentions were for relationship purposes..then I realized that that's not gonna happen here so now I just use it for the forums and to pass the time away. |
A Sunday school teacher seeking a "family oriented Christian god fearing woman" just wrote me saying how he loved my profile........... errrrrrrr....OH-KAY........... Men do not read profiles..they see a picture that they like then write her hoping that they can change her into what they want her to be. |
I think my son is gay
First off..This thread has lasted too freakin long..secondly..I can't even believe the poster could even write such a thing..So her son might be gay..BIG DEAL..He is going to be judged for that and more when he steps outside of the home..WHY judge him there too?..LOVE HIM AND PROTECT HIM..THAT is your job..In the year 2011(almost 2012 now!)..The world should not still be seeing this as a problem or an issue..for those who still think that gay people actually WANT to be gay and PICKED that life..go pick up a medical book..There have been actual studies that SHOW they are born that way..There is a difference in the way that straight people and gay people are made up!..The way I see it..If you have enough time on your hands too worry about who your "neighbor" is sleeping with..YOU have too much time on your hands and need to go find something to do to fill it up!
![]() ![]() You know..I don't like the word "mythical"..That suggests "made up" or "make believe"..I don't think ANYTHING is "mythical"..just because we don't see them now does not mean that they were NEVER here..I think everything existed at some point..They just "died out" to make room for other things. |
Past lives?
I feel that like some of our traits are genetically inherited,then past experiences are also.I feel that they are coded somehow into our DNA and then at certain times we can "remember/recall something even when have not actually done it in our would be interesting to hear other views on this topic If you are asking if I believe in past lives..YES I do..and I have memories of several of mine..even of some of my deaths..It is important to know about your past lives because that gives you some insight on your currect life. |
Online dating is hard
Reason I say this is because I have met some women and its been a total disaster. One totally did not look like the pic she posted and the other ended up being pretty psycho. Other than bars whats a good place to meet single women? Online dating is "hard"?..Is THAT what you said?..Try are guys that look like something that Stephen King would be frightened of..but they want the woman to look like Beyonce Knowles! |
So, my next question is... If there is a rise in lesbianism or bisexuality among women in the area you live, what is prompting this? To rephrase for explanation and clarity: For years, gays and lesbians have tried to make us heterosexuals aware that it is not a choice, but rather something they were born as. They always felt it, even if they didn't recognize or understand it. So if there is a sudden surge among women who are lesbian or bisexual, does the inherent from birth argument still hold true? Or are many women making either a conscious or subconscious choice due to their life experience? Obviously only women who have experienced this, and know others who have, can really explain this to any plausible degree. Experience is the greatest tutor. even if some were 'born that way', some 'choose' that way and acceptance,, it became much more accepted at some point in history for women to wear pants in addition to dresses it never became equally acceptable for men to wear dresses with sexuality, it is much more accepted for a woman's nurturing side to be able to embrace and adapt to all situations in a 'loving' way its not as accepted(yet) for men to embrace men in such physical expressions of love ,,I know many who feel what women do is mostly fondling and foreplay because they arent equipped for much else naturally men however , are seen as the penetrator, because of how they are equipped and its less acceptable for two penetrators to bond physically than it is for two fondlers or two caressers the physicality of it makes the woman on woman action much more 'acceptable' socially than the man on man,,,and perhaps now with the beginning of legal 'support' for such relations we will see much more of both,,, but it will still be women who will feel more comfortable coming out,, No one chooses to be either are born that way or you aren't..Why CHOOSE a life that no one accepts and will punish you for having?..That's like saying that I choose to be black even knowing that the world is full of racists and racism. well, its different from saying I chose to be black when black is a label given to me by others from the moment I was in the nursery straight, gay, and bi are labels we give ourself at some point in our life as to choosing something that is not accepted by everyone(Because gay is indeed accepted by plenty of people) , we do it all the time its a weighing system of benefits vs risks and we make decisions based on which benefits are worth which risks for instance, its one thing to claim a sexual label that people may not agree with,, its another thing entirely to choose a career where someone might KILL you yet police officers make this choice daily,, I cant say they were 'born' to be police with no choice involved based upon my awe that they would 'choose' something with such potentially dire circumstances it was still their choice , apparently worth whatever perceived potential consequences they may have been able to foretell,,,, Alrighty..comparing being gay to being a cop..I won't even mess with this anymore.. |
So, my next question is... If there is a rise in lesbianism or bisexuality among women in the area you live, what is prompting this? To rephrase for explanation and clarity: For years, gays and lesbians have tried to make us heterosexuals aware that it is not a choice, but rather something they were born as. They always felt it, even if they didn't recognize or understand it. So if there is a sudden surge among women who are lesbian or bisexual, does the inherent from birth argument still hold true? Or are many women making either a conscious or subconscious choice due to their life experience? Obviously only women who have experienced this, and know others who have, can really explain this to any plausible degree. Experience is the greatest tutor. even if some were 'born that way', some 'choose' that way and acceptance,, it became much more accepted at some point in history for women to wear pants in addition to dresses it never became equally acceptable for men to wear dresses with sexuality, it is much more accepted for a woman's nurturing side to be able to embrace and adapt to all situations in a 'loving' way its not as accepted(yet) for men to embrace men in such physical expressions of love ,,I know many who feel what women do is mostly fondling and foreplay because they arent equipped for much else naturally men however , are seen as the penetrator, because of how they are equipped and its less acceptable for two penetrators to bond physically than it is for two fondlers or two caressers the physicality of it makes the woman on woman action much more 'acceptable' socially than the man on man,,,and perhaps now with the beginning of legal 'support' for such relations we will see much more of both,,, but it will still be women who will feel more comfortable coming out,, No one chooses to be either are born that way or you aren't..Why CHOOSE a life that no one accepts and will punish you for having?..That's like saying that I choose to be black even knowing that the world is full of racists and racism. |
Hello Mingle People!
Hey Everybody!..Its been awhile since I stopped in so I figured I would come and see whats up..I hope you're all doing well!
Why do you suppose our minds immediately place the responsibility on those OUTSIDE the relationship? Isnt it more accurate to say that people leave for 'themself'? truly did brad pitt leave jennifer FOR Angolina? or did he leave because whatever he 'missed' in one relationship he 'found' in another,, FOR HIMSELF and he thought(possibly correctly and possibly not) that he would rather have the one 'for himself' instead of the other? I understand holding people responsible for their PART in seducing or persuading others to stray, but why isnt the person in the relationship the one to get the MAIN stigma? The person IN the relationship is the one at fault..HE/SHE knows who they are is THEIR responsibility to be faithful to that person..Why should "John" or "Jane" have to turn you away..You're an one can make you stay OR go. |
So when you decide to have kids and have to choose a name for them we have names we would like to use but do we ever think of names to NOT use for our own? Well, I refuse to name my kids with a name that would haunt them in school. Boys: Gayland, Sue, Richard, Summer Wind (I actually met someone who hated "Flower Children" becasue of his name. We called him Steve until we found out what his real name was. His mom was a Hippie and that was the name she gave him and he regretted it! We stuck with Steve.) Girls: Loretta, Easy, Flo... So what are names you would refuse to give your kids? I like odd names..names I know that not many others will have..I have names for children that I probably won't ever I got names for them just in |
RIP Macho Man Randy Savage
Savage?! Noooo!! You guys almost had me on Luger, but no, he is still alive and getting over his paralysis. not really, still needs a walker to move around... steroids and drugs just completely messed up his life, and killed miss Elizabeth... might as well be dead. Yup..You're right..he got away with murder as far as I am concerned..but that isn't anything new..the rich can do what they or otherwise. rich people suck...i'm always happy to see a rich person go down...but luger never was "rich", he spent all his earnings on his stupidity... but mainly made ted turner and vince mcmahann richer... Yup..they do suck..and Vince is a d*ck..He was in trouble with the law back in the 80s cause he demanded all the wrestlers take roids if they wanted to work for actually if you wanna know the truth of it..Lex's addictions are Vinces fault. i wouldn't doubt that.. they would not test for steroids till the government made them, and then it was iffy at best... company doctor, company records, everything done in house... now it is way better, they are at the least (IMO) steroid and drug free... Unfortunately for people like Miss Liz..NOW is too late for the drug testing..They should've been doing that all along..she'd still be here. I've got different ideas on what happened with the Benoits but I wont go into that..everyone here already thinks I'm insane. |
RIP Macho Man Randy Savage
Savage?! Noooo!! You guys almost had me on Luger, but no, he is still alive and getting over his paralysis. not really, still needs a walker to move around... steroids and drugs just completely messed up his life, and killed miss Elizabeth... might as well be dead. Yup..You're right..he got away with murder as far as I am concerned..but that isn't anything new..the rich can do what they or otherwise. rich people suck...i'm always happy to see a rich person go down...but luger never was "rich", he spent all his earnings on his stupidity... but mainly made ted turner and vince mcmahann richer... Yup..they do suck..and Vince is a d*ck..He was in trouble with the law back in the 80s cause he demanded all the wrestlers take roids if they wanted to work for actually if you wanna know the truth of it..Lex's addictions are Vinces fault. i wouldn't doubt that.. they would not test for steroids till the government made them, and then it was iffy at best... company doctor, company records, everything done in house... now it is way better, they are at the least (IMO) steroid and drug free... Unfortunately for people like Miss Liz..NOW is too late for the drug testing..They should've been doing that all along..she'd still be here. |
RIP Macho Man Randy Savage
Savage?! Noooo!! You guys almost had me on Luger, but no, he is still alive and getting over his paralysis. not really, still needs a walker to move around... steroids and drugs just completely messed up his life, and killed miss Elizabeth... might as well be dead. Yup..You're right..he got away with murder as far as I am concerned..but that isn't anything new..the rich can do what they or otherwise. rich people suck...i'm always happy to see a rich person go down...but luger never was "rich", he spent all his earnings on his stupidity... but mainly made ted turner and vince mcmahann richer... Yup..they do suck..and Vince is a d*ck..He was in trouble with the law back in the 80s cause he demanded all the wrestlers take roids if they wanted to work for actually if you wanna know the truth of it..Lex's addictions are Vinces fault. |
RIP Macho Man Randy Savage
Savage?! Noooo!! You guys almost had me on Luger, but no, he is still alive and getting over his paralysis. not really, still needs a walker to move around... steroids and drugs just completely messed up his life, and killed miss Elizabeth... might as well be dead. Yup..You're right..he got away with murder as far as I am concerned..but that isn't anything new..the rich can do what they or otherwise. |
RIP Macho Man Randy Savage
Somebody told me MS Elizabeth is dead too.Is that true? They were married once weren't they? Yup..Randy and Elizabeth were married..She died in 2003 at Lex Lugars house of a drug overdose. lex luger is dead too Lex isn't dead as far as I know |