Community > Posts By > michiganman3

michiganman3's photo
Sat 08/21/10 06:26 AM
love Dreamylove

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/19/10 06:27 AM
Sorry, none here.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/19/10 06:26 AM
My oldest daughter now 19 who lived with me for a while after she turned 18 is very happy for me since I have found someone special.
My youngest, 17 is not quite as happy...and is not interested in spending too much time with her, (us). But I am sure she will grow and accept it. It's strange for her too. I think she is afraid that she will be left behind maybe.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/19/10 06:19 AM
No good can come of this.

Take a hard look at yourself and figure out why this situation has such power over you. Then leave men alone for a few months. Get to know YOU.

Love is not about finding the right person, it is about being the right person.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/17/10 06:50 PM
Come back and tell us if it was a good time.

But like someone else're 18...relax, no hurries-no worries.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/17/10 06:47 PM

I don't understand it.

Nothing to understand, move on and find another...

I agree here .... and women are guilty as well. sad2

Quoted for Truth.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:26 AM
Take your time, whats your hurry?

Do some casual dating.....get your feet wet again.

Spend some time with just you.


michiganman3's photo
Sat 08/14/10 04:52 AM
Try this instead.....

Tow blonds walk into a'd think one of them would have seen it coming.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/12/10 08:31 PM
52-7=45.......that means there is a 90 yr old woman giving me the eye right now and thinking....oohhhh what a hottie he is.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/12/10 02:25 PM
Ex wife of 17 yrs had TBI. Focus on positive and not the losses or it can poison you.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/12/10 02:19 PM
Pursued they do not satisfy but leave a sourness in the core, of always wanting more.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 08/12/10 04:52 AM for sex.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 08/11/10 07:20 AM
Smoke or Don't smoke......don't put the decision on someone else.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/10/10 02:30 PM

On Mozilla I never even notice any pop ups.

Quoted for Truth.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/10/10 02:27 PM
<<<<<< Nurse

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/10/10 02:25 PM

lol at muslims started the wars.
1. if you want to even believe that muslims were behind 9 11, there were mostly saudi with 2 egyptians. what's that have to do with Iraq and Afghanistan?
2. If you want to believe 9 11 was actually done by muslims, it was YOUR meddling in the middle east , YOUR imperialism policies, and YOUR support for Israel's crimes that provoked this whole crusade.
Lest we not forget all of the sensless killings done by jews in the OT alone.
i'm tired of you trying to pin this on us alone. Seriously you can't be so arrogant to push around and bully the world for 200 years and not get a slap back.

1. The 911 attack was led, claimed and celebrated by....Al Qaida!

2. Al-Qaida is a radical Muslim organization.

3. It was terrorism. Senseless targeting of innocent civilians. Killing
men women and children in large numbers on purpose for no reason except
for a political grievance. There is never any justification for terrorism.
It is mass murder.

4. The people responsible are the Muslims who desecrated themselves
and their religion with this despicable act. They made the decision to
do this and they could have made the decision to protest peacefully.
No one else is responsible for their decision and actions.

Simple as that.

Quoted for Truth.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/10/10 06:55 AM
I am using latest version of "pop-ups" under-over, I get nothing on this site.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/10/10 06:45 AM
I used my Ipod Touch to read Hesse's Siddratha, my favorite book of all time.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/09/10 09:10 PM
It should be pronounced as "Twit" not "Tweet"

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/09/10 09:07 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Mon 08/09/10 09:08 PM

Anyone like the fall season more then the others?
What is it that you like most of Fall?

Natures slow turn,
from green to gold.
From life, to Winter's icy slumber.
Til all things are silent in the ground.