Community > Posts By > michiganman3

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:41 PM
<<<<< not good looking, not gay.....but very taken by a fellow Mingler!

Not rich eitherlaugh

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 09:33 PM
Chat Global-Date Localshades

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 06:11 PM
Did you know that there are 'wheelchair' athletes, that really don't use/need wheelchairs???

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 06:10 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Tue 08/31/10 06:10 PM

I love cloud busting :thumbsup:

I bet you have to get pretty high to bust clouds. I have been to some rodeos where they had bronco busters.

I used to have a dustbuster ...

but it busted

I threw mine away, it sucked.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 03:20 PM're banging someone else?.........and you had a decent time twice despite plans not going as planned, he's a bit tardy with the ph. call and you are kicking him to the curb ?

I am missing something here......

michiganman3's photo
Tue 08/31/10 05:56 AM
Hey the Army will take you with a GED, check out your local Army recruiter see what they can offer.

But never forget this is the military, they fight wars.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/30/10 07:34 PM
Where is PATSFAN???

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/30/10 06:20 PM

Are you looking for women who get validation and self worth from outside themselves? If so ... you are never going to be enough...and it has nothing to do with you.

Quoted for Truth.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/30/10 02:03 PM

Has anyone read the Philip K Dick book?

A long time ago.

This particular book was made into the movie "Blade Runner"

Similar to the way the short story "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long" was made into the movie

And 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' into Total Recall, 'Second Variety' into Screamers, 'The Golden Man' into Next.....

The Running Man by Richard Bachman (Stephen King) was a very different book than the movie.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/30/10 01:55 PM
Whats the rush?

Take a bit of time to enjoy getting to know this guy.

You can still date other guys should the opportunity arise.

Go and have fun!

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/30/10 08:32 AM
My mother had buried 2 husbands before she was 40.

She used to joke that at least she knew where they were.

She married a third time and it lasted over 30 yrs until she passed.

By all means continue to live life as best you can, do your best to be happy. Involve yourself in issues and activities that you enjoy.
Take the time you need to grieve your loss......but don't linger for too long.

Good Luck to you.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:48 PM

The darkness within. You can never escape it. I am bipolar and every minute of every day is very difficult. There is no cure and it is progressive. I live this so I believe it is more difficult. But I have never experienced such horror from external sources so I can hardly comment on it.

I truly understand external demons...a child being raped, a wife being beaten to a pulp by her husband, a mother losing her child. I have every bit of respect and compassion for those victims. Their pain and agony is life altering. But so is my personal battle with my affliction. It has been with me all my life and you never get use to it.

But you are aware of it, accept it, deal with it.

What if you just blamed the world or society for your problem....especially if it went untreated?

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:39 PM
Smokes.......working nights.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:37 PM

12 years younger and 3 years older

Dude. You are a pimp!:thumbsup:

Hey now, Michigan and I are too! :tongue: laugh

laugh :banana: laugh

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:36 PM

The "shadow self" eventually demands to be known....for all of us, denial is no longer an option. It's then, during the coming to 'terms' that we experience freedom. Once we have embraced ALL aspects of our self....the good, the bad, the ugly, the light and the dark, the only left to do is accept and love who we really are.
And that is true freedom!
In general, our 'shadow self' is not as bad as we first may have thought..

Yet we wrestle with it, deny it, bury it..............
(Smoke-eat-drink-work-sex to extremes)

Does it manifest itself in 'sabotaging' our efforts at success in life?

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:30 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sun 08/29/10 09:31 PM
16 yrs younger( just a couple dates).....10 yrs older(about a yr).

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:20 PM
Not 'bad days' kind of thing...deeper.

Example: I went through a series of dysfunctional relationships in my 20's. It seemed I keep finding the same type of woman despite very different externals. Some one suggested that all behavior has some kind of pay-off.....I asked myself what kind of pay-off or reward I was getting from these dysfunctional relationships.

I wanted to be needed....rather than loved.
We won't discuss that.......but the realization caused me to change....and start dating different women...with better results.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:07 PM
Our personal darkness.......the shadow self......that which we hide from public view....often ourselves too. Must be accepted, come to terms with.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 09:00 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sun 08/29/10 09:41 PM
Well...after she returned to Michigan...I saw a road sign that said
138 Miles to.............
So I told her thats how close she was now.
Turned out to be 150 miles...2.5 hrs.
Did that for more than a few months.

Worth every mile.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/29/10 08:58 PM
So we were discussing the 'The Last Exorcism'.....comparing to 'The Exorcist' and how the book goes so much deeper into the lives of the characters, external to the problem of Regan being possessed. These people are tortured by their own psychological 'demons', which is the current explanation of what possession truly is. Who is more tortured, and can these characters every be free from their personal demons that haunt them throughout their lives ? Which is scarier...the evil external to ourselves.......or the darkness within ?