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Topic: i keep dropping hints..
twingirl2's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:42 AM
what to do ???.. i met a guy thru a dating site, ok? we were ''chatting'' for over 3 hrs. finishing each others' sentences !!..really ''getting '' each other..and wanted to meet--finally did, and it was great!! i told him i really liked him and would love to see him again...sent a thank you email that nite..he writes back and says ''u've been with one person most of your life--play the field..i leave him alone but by end of week he is emailing me..just ''talking'' like we did on chat..and i respond back..and this keeps up so afr for a while now..several times /wk... ,ok??..he makes comments to me, like he's seeing if i still like him and like he likes me-romantically..WELL-- i let him know the same..but we both dont come right out and say it straight up... but now i've just about pretty much sent out a ''cant miss it'' suggestion to hook's the thing--his comments and questions arent the kind a 'just friends'' guy makes... i still REALLY like him--VERY attracted to him..and want him in my lfe romantically.. i even let him know nothing's happening for me on the dating ... i dont know what to think, or do for sure... any ideas or suggestions, clues??..HELP --i havent dated in 30 yrs{was married}

JamieRawxx's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:22 AM
there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:34 AM

He may actually be right. Maybe you should 'play the field'. Not to say you should do anything you dont want to do, but dont invest your whole heart in anything so quickly. Try approaching dating with a casual air.

That doesnt mean he wont end up being a serious potential, but it sounds like he's letting you know HIS intentions. He seems to not be looking for 'serious' just yet.

He may be very skilled at playing this chat game. Some men try to appear very 'sensitive' and interested in you to get what they want. Just a heads up on caution. I have known men to invest a great deal of energy in chatting up women, then developing a relationship that they intend to take a few months with and move on to the next. Ive watched it over and over.

This pretty much sums it up.

I know how hard it is after you've come out of a very long relationship. I was with my husband 10 years and you were married 3 times as long. It's VERY easy to jump into something too soon after that. So, just take it nice and slow.

Oh, and when a guy is really won't have to wonder. At least that's what my male friends tell me. If they are sending mixed signals, then they are just not that into you. So, wait for someone who is.

In the meantime, date. Meet people, have fun, I strongly advise not having sex with the guys you casually date and guard your heart. But, not so guarded that it's closed when your Prince Charming comes along.

Good luck! flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:02 AM

Oh, and when a guy is really won't have to wonder. At least that's what my male friends tell me. If they are sending mixed signals, then they are just not that into you. So, wait for someone who is.

Word :wink:

venusenvy's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:11 AM
Sounds to me that hes keeping you on a string...You dont want to be a string girl. Dont answer him back for a week, let him cool his heels. Then see how he feels. In the meantime, the dating world awaits. Take it slow. You need time to heal, adjust, and get to know yourself. Maybe you should stick to a relationship with yourself for awhile, Until you feel steadier. Live your life for a bit, before getting wrapped up in a new relationship. I bet at this point you dont even truly know what you want yet. And believe me, You will go through many more "dont wants" before you find a "Do want" So be easy on yourself. flowerforyou

michiganman3's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:26 AM
Take your time, whats your hurry?

Do some casual dating.....get your feet wet again.

Spend some time with just you.


tanyaann's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:27 AM
If he is telling you to play the field, then he may not be interested in something serious at this time or the same thing you are wanting.

no photo
Mon 08/16/10 07:28 AM
Stop dropping hints. Be very upfront about what you want.

venusenvy's photo
Mon 08/16/10 07:30 AM
Besides, If he was serious about you, You wouldnt have to be dropping hints. flowerforyou

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/16/10 07:35 AM

what to do ???.. i met a guy thru a dating site, ok? we were ''chatting'' for over 3 hrs. finishing each others' sentences !!..really ''getting '' each other..and wanted to meet--finally did, and it was great!! i told him i really liked him and would love to see him again...sent a thank you email that nite..he writes back and says ''u've been with one person most of your life--play the field..i leave him alone but by end of week he is emailing me..just ''talking'' like we did on chat..and i respond back..and this keeps up so afr for a while now..several times /wk... ,ok??..he makes comments to me, like he's seeing if i still like him and like he likes me-romantically..WELL-- i let him know the same..but we both dont come right out and say it straight up... but now i've just about pretty much sent out a ''cant miss it'' suggestion to hook's the thing--his comments and questions arent the kind a 'just friends'' guy makes... i still REALLY like him--VERY attracted to him..and want him in my lfe romantically.. i even let him know nothing's happening for me on the dating ... i dont know what to think, or do for sure... any ideas or suggestions, clues??..HELP --i havent dated in 30 yrs{was married}

He wants ***** only... thats allll hes saying.

no photo
Mon 08/16/10 07:59 AM
just go with the flow and dont worry about anything...the point is to enjoy your time together...dont psychoanalize a few chats and one date..its just that, a few chats and one date.....


Goofball73's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:35 PM
Bake him a cake?

RKISIT's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:42 PM

what to do ???.. i met a guy thru a dating site, ok? we were ''chatting'' for over 3 hrs. finishing each others' sentences !!..really ''getting '' each other..and wanted to meet--finally did, and it was great!! i told him i really liked him and would love to see him again...sent a thank you email that nite..he writes back and says ''u've been with one person most of your life--play the field..i leave him alone but by end of week he is emailing me..just ''talking'' like we did on chat..and i respond back..and this keeps up so afr for a while now..several times /wk... ,ok??..he makes comments to me, like he's seeing if i still like him and like he likes me-romantically..WELL-- i let him know the same..but we both dont come right out and say it straight up... but now i've just about pretty much sent out a ''cant miss it'' suggestion to hook's the thing--his comments and questions arent the kind a 'just friends'' guy makes... i still REALLY like him--VERY attracted to him..and want him in my lfe romantically.. i even let him know nothing's happening for me on the dating ... i dont know what to think, or do for sure... any ideas or suggestions, clues??..HELP --i havent dated in 30 yrs{was married}
keep letting those shoulder straps drop and this may take care of your hinting problemlaugh jkdrinker

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:56 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:13 PM
Just tell him you are interested. He'll either run and you are well shod of him (he wasn't gonna stick anyway) or he'll "get" the message. Guys definitely do NOT think like women! Hints are like a big "huh?" to most of them...

Wishing you good things and happiness!

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:13 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

No ****.

RKISIT's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:15 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

No ****.
eww you be on top again...

Goofball73's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:19 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

No ****.

How rude!:angry: laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:21 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

No ****.

wow.. never seen you use a dirty word before...

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 08/16/10 06:24 PM

there is a time when flirtatious "hints" must end and you must be straight up with somebody. Say hey i really like you, i'd like to "be" with you (in whatever way you want it to be sexually or relationship wise)and see what they say if they keep beating around the bush about things move on and it's guaranteed they will come right back to you. But i agree with the person above me, always be cautious and try to make good judgment.

you're right because GUYS DON"T GET HINTS....

No ****.

wow.. never seen you use a dirty word before...

Well you've never spent a day at the office with me. laugh

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