Because we want to suck your soul through your frontal lobe... ![]() Finally! Someone who "gets" it! ![]() |
Overly Jealous
![]() ![]() it depends on whether the jealousy stems from their being insecure in the relationship or if i've given them some indication that they should be jealous. i don't buy into that 'accept me as i am or i leave' stern and unbending attitude. part of loving someone is doing things for them which makes them happy, secured, and loved, even if they are not always things which you want to do. so while i would object to the partner who tried to possess and rule me with an iron fist, i still would try to make concessions so that he felt more secure with my love and devotion - providing, of course, that he wasn't cruel and demanding. I'm jealous of this woman's amazing wisdom, sensibility, and understanding of the core of all humanity. Does that count? ![]() ![]() |
when i'm laying next you
| the point in very few verses.
Well done! ![]() |
Wondering ...
For myself I've gone to online datin because I live in a small one horse town where the men are either married, drug addicts, or felons. There are no decent men left in this lil hovel of a town so I've had to expand my horizons to the internet. ![]() Well, according to the OP here...that's all you are gonna find online, Beans... So, you better cowgirl up, Beans! Hope you picked your chaps up at the dry cleaners today, hon! ![]() ![]() |
First, foremost, and always...regardless of gender...
How they carry themselves and how comfortable they appear with such. |
Wondering ...
| dating is kind of a big gamble u never know what ull get... Ummm...sounds rather parallel to REAL LIFE yanno?! ![]() |
I'll always remember that one beautiful snowflake...
that seemed so "far away"... but will never regret getting all "tangled up" while trying to catch it on my tongue before it fell. If only I had kept "my eyes open" and run just a wee bit faster. ![]() |
Yep, clever with a few great pics!
![]() Wouldn't say it's "one of a kind" tho...reads like a scripted diary yo mr, but nothing wrong with that if it's drawing the male attention you desire. ![]() Best of luck and welcome to Mingle. ![]() |
When my stuff goes a year without being used, I get rid of it. Including clothes and shoes ![]() ![]() Hey? Did you go to the same secretarial school I attended? There was this acronymn they used: O.H.I.O. = Only Handle It Once That kind of stuck with me...even tho I can't seem to get rid of my all-consuming collection of vintage walking sticks. I keep thinking..."some day I'm going to actually use those suckers"! ![]() Stuff is just that...STUFF. Sure, I like my "stuff"...but, I always remind myself what I would grab FIRST if my home was burning down. Anything that doesn't hit the top 10 list...can be sold/donated/pitched. No problem. ![]() |
...and you are bored, what else on the computer do you do when your usual activies get boring? (forums, reading, games, etc.) So, what do you do? I personally don't "do" boredom. No offense, but IMHO...only boring people get bored. Honestly? If I find myself getting "bored" on the computer...I just simply shut down and walk away. No harm, no foul. And I then proceed to choose differently. Remember the good ole' days when it was the norm to "go outside and play"? I do have other interests and things that actually KEEP my interest beyond a keyboard. I just make the choice to tap/retap into those interests.... ...or I just lay down and take a nap! ![]() |
where's all the nice guys
and what are those shortcommings? You seem pretty calm headed to me. Oh, Good LORD...put the crack pipe down, G!!! ![]() Let's see here, I'll share 3 shortcomings, okay? 1. I drive waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast most times, with no regard for others...I just need to "GET THERE"...and in a hurry. ![]() 2. I'll let a fresh head of broccoli sit in my "crisper" bin to the point it needs a CSI team to investigate it's "real" origin of slimey death. ![]() 3. I'm really impatient with people who are impatient. ![]() And, for the record, I ain't arguing with anyone here. I actually find how discombobulated this whole INTERNET topic became...quite amusing actually. Where's that popcorn? ![]() |
where's all the nice guys
....look at each of your profiles i bet not one of you has anything about your temper, yourshort comings your failures anything like that. everyone of you tries to come off as a good or "nice" person. what is wrong with that? you tell me. ill go look at another profile and see if im wrong Go right ahead. Peek-a-boo at my states I'm bald, heavyset and really not that interesting. So, am I "real"...or am I "Memorex". Let's shake the 8-ball for the answer, shall we? ![]() Conversely, I will share my shortcomings AND my self-perceived failures on a forum board. Why wouldn't I? You all don't know I have nothing to gain or lose. Sure, I'm "nice-nice" sometimes...but, I'm also a royal princess pain in the butt. I have no quams in admitting that I'm human. ![]() Okay, who the hell put the pea under my mattress??? ![]() |
Call or text?
I know because so many women have told me they never check voice mail and I've watched them read my texts when I see them in a nightclub before they see me and I send them a clever text. Clue: Either those women are lying to you...or they are lazy and fallen victim to "impersonal" interaction. Again, I text...but, VERY RARELY!!! And those I text with, already are aware of how much I HATE IT!!! Call me kooky...but, I just prefer the "personal" interaction. Kinda "old school" here, I suppose. ![]() |
Call or text?
text unless you never get to talk to them at all....texting works better for me because I can think about what I want to say and delete if I make a mistake lolol ![]() But then, in a way, you are hiding who you really are. Do you always think about what you say before you say it. Or do you sometimes make off the cuff remarks without much thought going into them?? People are people. People make mistakes in some of the things they say. That's life. And just so the folks that have talked to me about this kind of thing don't see me as some kind of hypocrite...yes, I prefer written ( or texted ) word as well. But I also feel that it really is hiding. At least a little. Applause, applause, applause! |
where's all the nice guys
and in case anybody is wondering im a nice guy i open doors, i help clean house, i take care of my daughter, and i respect women. but thats because of the way i was raised not a an ex trying to change me ![]() I really mean no offense by this, Racer...and no, I am NOT bashing you, but I truly have a difficult time with others who profess themselves to be "nice". I don't think that is up for us to judge for ourselves. Certainly, I'm a proponent for "positive affirmations" and tooting our own horn at times. However, when it comes to trying to justify and validate our own self-professed "niceness"...I think that should come from others in our personal lives that can accurately provide references. |
where's all the nice guys
That's just stupid... And you tell me not to get angry... How is a woman to know that 3 yrs into her marriage her husband is going to try to kill her? A great guy for 4 yrs then all of the sudden he doesn't get what he wants or he feels she cares about her work more than him b/c he's insecure and BAM he tries to choke her to death and throws her around for hours.. YOU tell me PLEASE how she allowed that? EDIT on my part, Indian, ok? Certainly, my previous post has no reference to physical, mental, or emotional abuse. That's a whole different ballgame, hon. ![]() You had NO part in responsibility in that...unless you provoked it, which likely you did not. However, I have experienced that to a certain degree...but, will still never openly "bash" my way long ago "ex" for it. Perhaps it is because he realized he had anger issues and began seeking help for it before he became an "ex". I forgive him for it. He was not well...clearly. ![]() |
where's all the nice guys
see,everybodies ex is an a hole and these are women that laid down and had sex with them. im sure there was a nice guy who was trying to date you and you brushed him off for an ex. thats just life and like us men it will never change. lol Ummm...errrm...I think I can honestly state I have NEVER (and never will) say my few "ex's" were a'holes. I loved them for a reason...and remain focused on that reason...til the bitter end. I do believe anyone who truly knows me here can state my case that I have NEVER (and never will) "ball bash" any of my ex's. EVER! I am woman enough to stand up and say "guess what? I screwed up too!!" Sure they did things that hurt me...sure they weren't perfect...sure I may vent my hurt somethings. But, NEWSFLASH...I sure didn't see MY name appear in the Daily Times stating "Virgin Mary Found Reborn on Sixth Street in Zoom Zoom, NC" either. I don't love quickly, easily or often...but, when I do choose to share that part of me, it is wholly and completely with a love partner. There WAS a reason I felt love...once. So, when I find the need to walk is ALWAYS with respect, NO MATTER HIS FAULTS (as *I* perceive them). Wholly, completely and devoid of the need to discredit my partner. ![]() |
Call or text?
Edited by
Tue 07/07/09 12:09 AM
Interesting. I've actually been texting exclusively for about a year. I like texting because it's less intrusive and she can reply whenever she wants to. I have found that people never check their voice mail and may return a call if they know the number. I like to send a text a couple of hours after getting a number. Just something short and clever to make her smile, keep in touch with her and let her know I like her. I have found that if I call and leave a voice mail she likely won't even check it. But, she will read a text. She may not reply, but at least I can tell her what I wanted to say and know she'll read it. No offense, really...but, that concept makes NO sense to me whatsoever!!!! How do you actually "know" she is not checking/listening to her voicemails? How do you actually "know" she is reading your text messages? My perception of that is if you have a way to know she will spend time "reading" something vs. actually "listening" to may want to rethink your "exclusive" and "non-intrusive" relationship. Sounds more "obtusive" to me. |
where's all the nice guys
what's a beenie weenie? or do I not want to know? ![]() ![]() ARE kidding me with this question, right??? ![]() ![]() Oh wait a sec, nevermind...just checked your profile, Cali gal! No wonder you don't know what beanie weenies are! Guess it's a "southern thang". But, could also be a "girlie thang", if'n you think about it in a different context than I was referencing. ![]() |
Dare to have a rematch in Gin Rummy???
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