Community > Posts By > noblenan

noblenan's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:09 PM
Edited by noblenan on Fri 04/03/09 01:11 PM

:heart: Do you think that the person you love should know every secret you own, or are there some things better left unsaid?:heart:

Know every secret? Hardly! But, I would like to have someone I felt comfortable enough with to tell every secret, if I wanted to tell.

Interesting question! flowerforyou
Interesting answers!flowerforyou

noblenan's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:16 PM

"There's the face of the Republican Party, folks. Doesn't have a friggin' clue and willing to say anything for money."

Joe the plumber is now the face of the Republican Party? I thought Rush Limbaugh was?

This is all so confusing. Is Chris Dodd or Barney Frank the face of the democrat party?

On another note...

Is there any democrat that pays taxes? I mean really.. Now I am beginning to understand why democrats love raising taxes..

Because they dont pay them....

That is the face of your party.. Wear it well..

The Speaker of the House of my state was ousted for not paying taxes. His replacement just admitted "overlooking" taxes due. Both are Republicans. i don't know where you get your information but I can assure you I pay my taxes.


noblenan's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:52 PM

if he wanted to blame others (like everyone else) he would have said more about his budget plan and the earmarks...not to mention all of the economy since that is a huge problem right now. every president inherates the problems of the president before him. so looking back saying "he did it not me" doesn't help anything. address the problems going on now and how to take care of it. I find it strange that he didn't call on what alot of sides in here call the reputable sources.

Ever wonder why those "reputable sources" didn't know what was going on before now? So much for investigative reporting.
He very clearly stated the problem with this country right this minute. I don't feel I am versed enough to know if his plan will work in the long run. I do believe I can judge what sounds like common sense. Without reform of the present inflated system, we are just throwing good money after bad. I am hopeful that the corruption doesn't overpower him. I am hopeful that he succeeds.


noblenan's photo
Sat 03/21/09 07:37 AM

The AIG bonuses were payed with Bush money! TARP!

People seem to be missing that point!


noblenan's photo
Thu 03/12/09 04:09 PM

this is common among dementia patients. i'm surprised he didn't have a social worker to help him with such things.

Making welfare checks is not the focus of most state paid Social Workers. Law-enforcement agencies and Adult Protective Services only learns about folks when they are reported. If there was not family or close friends, he probably never became know to a social service agency, or refused services (his right). People refuse public and private services every day, particularly those who are afraid they are going to be placed in a nursing home if it is discovered they can not take care of themselves. It's quite sad.


noblenan's photo
Fri 02/27/09 05:26 PM
We can not rationalize pain, only deal with it. Everyone does that in a different way. I isolate myself for a time so that I don't have to focus on other things, too. I rest my mind and body so that I can get myself to the next point to help me return to normal, whatever normal may be. Sense of responsibility motivates me.
This may be of no help to you or anyone else. It is simply what I do.


noblenan's photo
Fri 02/27/09 10:00 AM

If you've had a lot of pain, whether physical or emotional, and suffering in your life, how do you make sense of it, how do you rationalise it? I personally don't believe in God so for me that's not the answer. My own thoughts aren't fully formed on it, yet.
I also do not believe in god, or any final purpose, or meaning to life. I did not always feel this way.

I broke my back in a car accident. This caused me to fall into a deep depression. I spent a lot of time thinking on the concepts of fate, destiny, I had always believed I was meant to do something great in life, and couldn't understand how I had fallen so far.

I spent most of my days just trying to find a way to cope with the pain, yet I needed to find a job. Things started to get desperate.

I started to read a lot. About physics, about anything really, science, reality, philosophy, anything to take my mind off my situation. I read about Stephen Hawking, and the pain and suffering and the true hopelessness of his condition. I read about madam curie and how she died of cancer from her research with radioactive materials.

I came to the realization that life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate. If we check in, we check out. I also realized its not how long you live, or how much money or things you accumulate. Its the effect you have on the people around you, its the joy of life you experience, its the way you treat yourself and those around you, its how you teach children and anyone who will listen, but its also about knowing that what you teach is real, and can move forward someone, anyone . . .

Buddhism helped me deal with the pain, not by escaping it, but by acknowledging it. Buddhism for me was not a religion, but a practice of self awareness. I read about amazing people, who had been injured even worse then myself, who had such strength of character, who had such perseverance that they would not let their injuries stop them from living life, from moving mountains with there will power to achieve what most people in there situation would think hopeless.

I had such a high expectation for my life when I was 20 years old. Now I realize that such things are nothing in the face of real adversity. I realized that each day is its own life. You must choose how you want to live it. Each person in your life is affected by your actions, your thoughts, your emotions, everything.

I decided in a single moment that I was not going to let my injury stop me from having the kind of impact I expected of myself, but also allowed myself to see that this impact isn't any final goal, or degree, or research, or fame, or fortune, but how each day plays out, and how life is enriched for everyone when you can step up to being the person you want to be in each decision made. I realized that character is cumulative.

That day I got up and ran on an elliptical. It hurt. The pain was pain of laziness, it was pain of apathy. Each day was easier. Each day my mind was clearer. Its been a year since my accident. I feel good. I will always live with pain, but I am LIVING!

Beautiful! Thank you!

noblenan's photo
Tue 02/10/09 06:52 AM

no airplanes have flown into the building I work in......That's pretty good...

This statement always amazes me. It was eight years between the first World Trade Center attack and the second. It takes time and money to plan such an intricate scheme. I know someone who took an illegal substance on an airplane just last summer. If they could do it, anyone can. It's scary that people have such a false sense of security.


noblenan's photo
Sun 02/08/09 11:37 AM

He hasn't been in office for a month yet! What is up with all this "he's a failure" BS? Get a life! Instead of spouting off all this negative crap, tell us what your doing to make things better? Tell us what your Legislator is doing to make things better? Gees!

And, anyone who condones or advocates the assassination of any President should be in jail!


Did you offer past presidents the same benefit that you are asking for with this one??

Yes, I always hope things will be good for our country. I don't wish misery on my fellow Americans anymore than I do on myself. With this President, my hope is that we as Americans see the err of our past ways and make changes in our own behavior that will lead to a better way of life for our children. And, that we pay close attention to what ALL of our leaders are doing and stop the accepted greed and corruption.


noblenan's photo
Sun 02/08/09 11:17 AM
He hasn't been in office for a month yet! What is up with all this "he's a failure" BS? Get a life! Instead of spouting off all this negative crap, tell us what your doing to make things better? Tell us what your Legislator is doing to make things better? Gees!

And, anyone who condones or advocates the assassination of any President should be in jail!


noblenan's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:36 PM

We need to get back to the days when people looked out for themselves and did wait around and expect others to provide for them.. I came from a poor background, my fathers family starved to death during the depression and only his older brother and him survived..he learned that he could not depend on someone else for his survival and so he worked hard, put himself through college and broke the cycle of poverty.. He taught me to do the same..anyone can do that, nothing is stopping anyone from doing that except a government and leader that tell everyone that they can do everything for them...

People can still help each other out, just like they used to do, but without government help..

Is it fair to burden some with the problems of you want your neighbor providing for you or you for them?? Helping is one thing, providing for them because of the choices they make is another..

Those struggles and others are why we do the things we do today. That same generation got the ball rolling on social welfare! If there had been food stamps back then, they likely would not have starved. Sorry for their loss.
Many people don't know their families or their neighbors. It's easy to help in a natural or man-made disaster, less easy to help when you don't understand the circumstances. So people look to their government to help.


noblenan's photo
Sat 02/07/09 02:27 PM
To the OP, I'm not sure where the idea "Obama wants to control the census" comes from. It seems to me he just wants to make it more accurate and worth the money that is spent on it.

And, to Raiderfan, my family has a strong work ethic, too! I have worked for the same employer for 25 years, but I am struggling more than a few years ago. My daughter is struggling more than a few years ago. Most people I know in my socio-economical bracket are struggling more than they did a few years ago. If you and your family are not struggling, you are blessed. Our government is nothing without its people.

Dragoness...I agree totally!

Oh, and the census is done every 10 years. Let the questioning begin!


noblenan's photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:26 PM

In a major change, the bill allows states to cover certain legal immigrants — namely, children under 21 and pregnant women — as well as citizens.

Until now, legal immigrants have generally been barred from Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program for five years after they enter the United States. States will now be able to cover those immigrants without the five-year delay.

The bill requires states to verify that people covered by the children’s health program are United States citizens or legal residents. But states are given a new option. Instead of requiring people to produce documents showing citizenship, states can try to verify eligibility by matching a person’s name and Social Security number against federal record.

Hmmmmmm.... Let me guess whats coming... Another attempt at Comprehensive Immigration Reform. AKA.. AMNESTY

We can't legalize 20 million people with giving them free healthcare. That's not the "NEW" American way...

Uh, yes it is. Soon to be Sooners is what it's called in Oklahoma. Catchy, huh?


noblenan's photo
Sun 02/01/09 04:50 PM
I celebrate my whiteness every day by eating Oreos!


noblenan's photo
Sun 02/01/09 04:39 PM
Ooooh, Oreos! Got milk? happy

smokin drinker


noblenan's photo
Wed 01/28/09 07:05 AM

The OP was intended to be about what would happen if the Obama administration completely nationalized big banks such as Citigroup or Bank America.

I agree that the cheap interest rate policies of Alan Greenspan and crew caused much of the problem. Bush and Congress too.

But, if another big bank fails or is nationalized investor confidence will be destroyed for many years thus leading to the loss of an unbelievable amount of jobs. Look what Lehman's failure has brought about.

The best solution for the long run is for the government to start buying from the banks HOMES that are in foreclosure and on a one by one basis trying to negotiate to keep people in these homes if possible. Yes there are many decisions to be made as for the rules and values but its the best way out. At least the government would have some value in the tarp money (the home). If Paulson had stuck to such a plan we'd be ahead of the game.

But, what would the plan do for someone like me who didn't get a sub-prime mortgage and has paid her bills, but now finds the dollar stretching less and less. I see many of those sub-prime folks with Lexus' and Hummers, big screen TVs, and other luxuries. I don't have any of that ands I can pay my mortgage. Why should my tax dollar help them? Will the help suddenly teach everyone the ere of their ways? What's to stop these folks from taking a deal to keep their homes and then taking a vacation to the Bahamas?
There is nothing "right" about any of this!


noblenan's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:24 PM


why would the banks take the bailout money and then fight being nationalized?


because to them, it's free money to a privatized entity.

a corporation is separate from it's shareholders and therefore, the board has no real liability to the company other than the stock they hold. if it were a proprietorship or partnership like many businesses, the owner is still liable for any debt even after the company collapses.

you see, since there is no liability, they will do whatever they can to stay up in their cushy jobs because anything is better than the collapse they were supposedly headed to. even if they take the loan and still go down, they still have no liability to the loan and are no worse off than when they started. free money.

Awww, the "American" way! Take what you can and to hell with the rest. Sad that many of us have come to see that as a good thing. frown


noblenan's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:41 PM
Question? Why didn't these Investors pull their money out when they found out how lavishly their money has been squandered by those who have been managing it? And, why would the banks take the bailout money and then fight being nationalized?


noblenan's photo
Tue 01/27/09 11:11 AM
IMO I thought the speech was fine. And the black minister's was. too. We need to get over ourselves a tad bit.


noblenan's photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:51 AM
I've always suspected that's how Earth began. Warp speed? Maybe so.


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