Topic: Obama wants to control the census. | |
Apparently, Obama wishes the census bureau to answer to the white house mamagement (Rahm). In the past, there have been conflicts on things like calculating the final tally, largely along party lines. The Republicans prefer the actual tally while Democrats favor a calculated method as those in urban and rural areas that are more difficult to reach tend to vote democrat. The big issue is that the census is supposed to be apolitical and completely transparent. |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs?
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? And you believe that a census will tell him about the circumstances of the people??? When was the last time a census taker asked you questions about your life and needs?? |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? And you believe that a census will tell him about the circumstances of the people??? When was the last time a census taker asked you questions about your life and needs?? About 4 years ago. |
the census does let the government know about your situation but Obama will receive a full report from the agency under the commerce department.
4 years ago huh...I have never had anyone ask me questions...where do you the city, burbs or country?
4 years ago huh...I have never had anyone ask me questions...where do you the city, burbs or country? I assume that you can read, and that, if you want to know something, you can go to my profile, same as I go to yours. ![]() |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? you're being facetious right? You don't really mean that, do you?? It's the job of the President to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, not cater to the needs of nanny-state crybabies. |
4 years ago huh...I have never had anyone ask me questions...where do you the city, burbs or country? I assume that you can read, and that, if you want to know something, you can go to my profile, same as I go to yours. ![]() I see...there are many people who live outside of the city but list the nearest city..I usually don't check out profiles that don't post pictures..I figure if they don't want people to see who they are...they probably don't want to have people looking over their personal information..silly I know, but I respect everyones boundries.. |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? you're being facetious right? You don't really mean that, do you?? It's the job of the President to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, not cater to the needs of nanny-state crybabies. No, the president is elected to serve the people, all people, in his Country. |
"execute the office of the President" and "preserve protect and defened the constitution of the United States"
nowhere does it say cater to the every wish and whim of the people. what happened to being being responsbile for themselves?? It's served my family well enough. Have you gotten your social security statement recently? Every penny that you've put into it is GONE and you've got no hope of ever seeing a dime of it if you're under the age of 40. and that's being conservative in that estimate.. the real age is probably closer to 50.. I know for absolute certainty that every bit of money that's been taken out of my paychecks for social security is lost and gone forever. Got no hope of ever seeing it.. but hey! Let's put another 4 million on state run health insurance.. |
If that is all you expect of your president, then I don't see why you have to elect him, every single one of you. For that bit every dummy would do. You elect a president because you think he is going to serve your agenda best, don't you? |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? you're being facetious right? You don't really mean that, do you?? It's the job of the President to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, not cater to the needs of nanny-state crybabies. That is not true at all. It is his job to do both well. As for the crybabies, you must be refering to the destitute or near destitute of this country, a number that is growing by the day. |
"execute the office of the President" and "preserve protect and defened the constitution of the United States" nowhere does it say cater to the every wish and whim of the people. what happened to being being responsbile for themselves?? It's served my family well enough. Have you gotten your social security statement recently? Every penny that you've put into it is GONE and you've got no hope of ever seeing a dime of it if you're under the age of 40. and that's being conservative in that estimate.. the real age is probably closer to 50.. I know for absolute certainty that every bit of money that's been taken out of my paychecks for social security is lost and gone forever. Got no hope of ever seeing it.. but hey! Let's put another 4 million on state run health insurance.. This is not true either. The people of this country who need help, need help. Just because you or your family has never needed it does not mean the circumstances do not exist. Isn't funny how people cannot see outside of themselves to consider they will never know the fight in life of others. |
But Obama as a new president needs to know about the circumstances of people, how else can he cater for their needs? you're being facetious right? You don't really mean that, do you?? It's the job of the President to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, not cater to the needs of nanny-state crybabies. No, the president is elected to serve the people, all people, in his Country. Right, not just the ones like you. ![]() |
We need to get back to the days when people looked out for themselves and did wait around and expect others to provide for them.. I came from a poor background, my fathers family starved to death during the depression and only his older brother and him survived..he learned that he could not depend on someone else for his survival and so he worked hard, put himself through college and broke the cycle of poverty.. He taught me to do the same..anyone can do that, nothing is stopping anyone from doing that except a government and leader that tell everyone that they can do everything for them...
People can still help each other out, just like they used to do, but without government help.. Is it fair to burden some with the problems of you want your neighbor providing for you or you for them?? Helping is one thing, providing for them because of the choices they make is another.. |
To the OP, I'm not sure where the idea "Obama wants to control the census" comes from. It seems to me he just wants to make it more accurate and worth the money that is spent on it. And, to Raiderfan, my family has a strong work ethic, too! I have worked for the same employer for 25 years, but I am struggling more than a few years ago. My daughter is struggling more than a few years ago. Most people I know in my socio-economical bracket are struggling more than they did a few years ago. If you and your family are not struggling, you are blessed. Our government is nothing without its people. Dragoness...I agree totally! Oh, and the census is done every 10 years. Let the questioning begin! ![]() |
We need to get back to the days when people looked out for themselves and did wait around and expect others to provide for them.. I came from a poor background, my fathers family starved to death during the depression and only his older brother and him survived..he learned that he could not depend on someone else for his survival and so he worked hard, put himself through college and broke the cycle of poverty.. He taught me to do the same..anyone can do that, nothing is stopping anyone from doing that except a government and leader that tell everyone that they can do everything for them... People can still help each other out, just like they used to do, but without government help.. Is it fair to burden some with the problems of you want your neighbor providing for you or you for them?? Helping is one thing, providing for them because of the choices they make is another.. The problem with this philosophy is that people do not help others without stipulation. That is the problem, if the person is different from themselves or does not meet their approval they will not help. Charities cannot handle the brunt of the people in need and the families either cannot either or do not. The only solve all to this problem is to have a government that helps the indigent and carries the load. I do not mind at all that my tax dollars help people. I don't understand why people would not want to help without stipulations. You cannot stipulate who gets the help and you are mad about it. You only want to help those just like you. That is not the way it is suppose to go. When you help people it should be in kindness and nothing else. |
We need to get back to the days when people looked out for themselves and did wait around and expect others to provide for them.. I came from a poor background, my fathers family starved to death during the depression and only his older brother and him survived..he learned that he could not depend on someone else for his survival and so he worked hard, put himself through college and broke the cycle of poverty.. He taught me to do the same..anyone can do that, nothing is stopping anyone from doing that except a government and leader that tell everyone that they can do everything for them... People can still help each other out, just like they used to do, but without government help.. Is it fair to burden some with the problems of you want your neighbor providing for you or you for them?? Helping is one thing, providing for them because of the choices they make is another.. Those struggles and others are why we do the things we do today. That same generation got the ball rolling on social welfare! If there had been food stamps back then, they likely would not have starved. Sorry for their loss. Many people don't know their families or their neighbors. It's easy to help in a natural or man-made disaster, less easy to help when you don't understand the circumstances. So people look to their government to help. ![]() ![]() |
Helping the indigent is of course an important thing to do, I believe in giving and not having a government agency take money from me...why you ask..because 100% of every dollar I give actually goes to the people that need it, not the money collectors, managers, agencies and others that take the money from taxes and spends it,leaving only 5 cents of every dollar going to the people that need it...which is really doing the best job??
They used to have big institutions for people that were either mentally disfunctional, which covers the large majority of actual homeless people, or people that could not function in society on their own...was it the best thing for them to be thrown out and put on the streets?? For those people which is a small portion of those feeding at the government trough, I agree, we need to help them, but people that are capable to help themselves should do so. |