Jesus was speaking of literal cups with literal wine in parable form Funches. a "literal parable" is a contradiction .... when Jesus talks to the masses it's a parable... when Jesus talks to his disciples it literal .... he was talking to his disciples about eating flesh and drinking blood Funches , you are a very bad guy , you scared to death CowboyGH and now he gone and sure he'd forget what we asked him here... /as usual/ He was about to learn something about religion. Or maybe one of 3-some God's entities grabs his mouse in the darkness of his religious mess knowledge and forces him now to read bible . ![]() |
khan327 said:
I think, adultery is forbidden in all religion. Not only in islam. As i know about your religion. In your religion even sex with animals is not forbidden. Facts say: EVIDENCE THAT ISLAM ALLOWS CHILDREN TO ENGAGE IN SEX BEFORE prepubescent PREPUBESCENT Islam allows female children to be married and engaged in sex prior to their first menses (prepubescent). Starting with the Quran: 65:4, Dawood If you are in doubt concerning those of your wives who have ceased menstruating, know that their waiting period shall be three months. The same shall apply to those who have not menstruated. As for pregnant women, their term shall end with their confinement. God will ease the hardship of the man who fears him. Islam allows husbands to engage in sex with their child-brides like Mohammad and Aisha: Bukhari vol. 7, #65: "Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)."" Mohammad was having sex with Aisha while she still was a child! The Quran allows this, Muhammad did this, Aisha stated this, and the scholars affirm this AND ONE OF THE MOST DISGUSTING FACTS: ******** A Selection from "Resaleh" (Towzih ol Masael) Book of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: ********** I. A woman may legally belong to a man in one of two ways; by permanent marriage or temporary marriage (Siqeh). In the former, the duration of the marriage needs not to be specified; in the latter, it must be stipulated, for example, that it is for a period of an hour, a day, a month, a year, or more. II. A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister. III. A father or a paternal grandfather has the right to marry off a child who is insane or has not reached puberty by acting as her representative. The child may not annul such a marriage after reaching puberty or regaining her sanity, unless the marriage is to her manifest disadvantage. IV. Any girl who is of age, that is, capable of understanding what is in her own best interest, if she wishes to get married and is a virgin, must procure the authorization of her father or paternal grandfather. The permission of her mother or brother is not required. V. If a wife finds out after the marriage that her husband is suffering from mental illness, that he is a castrate, impotent, or has had his testicles excised, she may apply for annulment of her marriage. VI. A marriage is annulled if a man finds that his wife is afflicted with one of the seven following disabilities: 1. madness 2. leprosy 3. eczema 4. blindness 5. paralysis with aftereffects 6. malformation of the urinary and genital tracts 7. malformation of the genital-tract and rectum through conjoining thereof, or vaginal malformation making Coitus impossible. VII. If a wife has her marriage annulled because her husband is unable to have sexual relations with her either vaginally or anally, he must pay her as damages one-half of her Mehriyeh (her wedding prize) specified in the marriage contract. If the husband or wife annuls the marriage for any of the above-mentioned reasons, the man owes nothing to the woman if they have had sexual relations together; if they had not, then he must pay her the full amount of the dowry. VIII. A Muslim woman may not marry a non-Muslim man; nor may a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim woman in continuing marriage, but he may take a Jewish or Christian woman in temporary marriage. IX. If a man who has married a girl who has not reached puberty, possesses her sexually before her ninth birthday, inflicting trauma upon her, he has no right to repeat such an act with her. X. A man who has contracted a continuing marriage may not leave his wife for so long a time as to allow her to question the validity of the marriage; however, he is not obligated to spend one night out of every four with her. XI. A husband must have sexual relations with his wife at least once in every four months. XII. A woman who has been temporarily married in exchange for a previously established dowry has no right to demand that her daily expenses be paid by her husband, even when she becomes pregnant. XIII. A temporary marriage (Siqeh), even though only one of convenience, is nevertheless legal. XIV. A man must not abstain from having sexual relations with his temporary wife for more than four months. XV. A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband's permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfillment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so. XVI. A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later sexual relations; however, she retains the right to be paid damages if she is repudiated. XVII. If a father (or paternal grandfather) marries off his daughter (or granddaughter) in her absence without knowing for a certainty that she is alive, the marriage becomes null and void as soon as it is established that she was dead at the time of the marriage. XVIII. To look upon the face and hair of a girl who has not reached puberty, if it is done without intention of enjoyment thereof, and if one is not afraid of succumbing to temptation, may be tolerated. It is however recommended that one not look upon her belly or thighs, which must remain covered. XIX. To look upon the faces and hands of Jewish or Christian women, if this is not done with intention of enjoyment thereof, and if one does not fear temptation, is tolerated. XX. A woman must hide her body and her hair from the eyes of men. It is highly recommended that she also hide them from those of pre puberty boys, if she suspects that they may look upon her with lust. XXI. A woman who becomes pregnant as a result of adultery must not have an abortion. If a man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, and subsequently marries her, the child born of that marriage will be a bastard unless the parents can be sure it was conceived after they were married. XXII. If a man is called upon, for medical reasons, to look upon a woman other than his wife and to touch her body, he is permitted to do so, but if he can give such care by only looking at the body he must not touch it, and if he can give it by only touching, he must not look at it. XXIII. A child born of an adulterous father is legitimate. XXIV. The best person to breast-feed a newborn baby is its own mother. It is preferable that she does not ask to be paid for such service, but that her husband pay her for it of his own free will. If the sum the mother asks for is greater than that charged by a wet nurse, the husband is free to take the child from its mother and turn it over to the wet nurse. XXV. A man who repudiates his wife must be of sound mind and past the age of puberty. He must do so of his own free will and without any constraint; therefore, if the formula for divorce is spoken in jest the marriage is not annulled. XXVI. A woman temporarily married, say, for a month or a year, has her marriage automatically annulled at the end of that time, or at any other time when the husband releases her from the balance of her engagement. It is not necessary for this that there be any witnesses, or that the woman have had her period. XXVII. A woman who has not yet reached the age of nine or a menopausal woman may remarry immediately after divorce, without waiting the hundred days that are otherwise required. XXVIII. A woman who has had her ninth birthday, or who has not yet entered menopause, must wait for three menstrual periods after her divorce before being allowed to remarry. If a woman who has not reached her ninth birthday or who has not entered menopause gets temporarily married, she must, at the end of the contract or when the husband has released her from part of it, wait two menstrual periods or forty-five days before marrying again. XXIX. If the father or paternal grandfather of a boy has him marry a woman for a temporary marriage, he may prematurely cancel it in the boy's interest, even if the marriage was contracted before the boy reached the age of puberty. If for example, a fourteen-year-old boy has been married off to a woman for a period of two years, they may return her freedom to the woman before this time has run its course; but a continuing marriage cannot be broken in this way. XXX. If a man repudiates his wife without informing her of it, and continues to meet her expenses for a period of, say, a year, and at the end of that time informs her that he got a divorce a year earlier and shows her proof of it, he may require that she return to him anything he has bought or given her during that time, provided that she has not used it up or consumed it, in which case he cannot demand its return. XXXI. If a child dies within the mother's womb and it is a danger to her life to leave it there, it must be extracted in the easiest way possible; it can if it needs to be cut into pieces; this should be done by the woman's husband or a midwife. XXXII. A woman who wishes to pursue her studies toward the end of being able to earn her living through respectable work, and who has a male teacher, may do so if she keeps her face covered and has no contact with men; but if that is inevitable, and religious and moral tenets are thus undermined, she must give up her studies. Girls and boys who attend coeducational classes in grammar schools, high schools, universities, or other teaching establishments, and who, in order to legalize such a situation, wish to contract a temporary marriage may do so without the permission of their fathers. The same applies if the boy and girl are in love but hesitate to ask for such permission. also about sodomy and pervert sex: A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable. If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned. Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not. If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid. During sexual intercourse, if the penis enters a woman's vagina or a man's anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions. For more google |
CowboyGH and all mess within 1 page in 2 post : CowboyGH's 1st claim : CowboyGH said: Jesus doesn't say he IS God, he always says YOUR God. CowboyGH's 2st claim : CowboyGH said: Here is another explaining Jesus to be OUR God. CowboyGH's 3rd claim : CowboyGH said: Mark 15:34 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ========= Jesus said to his Father : No comment CowboyGH's 4th claim : Jesus is our God. But Jesus and his father are one God. Question 1: Who created who ? / God created Jesus or Jesus create God ?/ Question 2:Why Jesus said : Mark 15:34 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? CowboyGH's 4th claim : So God the father is our God as well, thus Jesus is the path to God the father. Question 3rd:so if God is Jesus then danggggggggg ! God is dead ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 04/03/12 12:42 PM
CowboyGH and all mess within 1 page in 2 post : CowboyGH's 1st claim : CowboyGH said: Jesus doesn't say he IS God, he always says YOUR God. CowboyGH's 2st claim : CowboyGH said: Here is another explaining Jesus to be OUR God. CowboyGH's 3rd claim : CowboyGH said: Mark 15:34 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ========= Jesus said to his Father : No comment |
God and religion.
Cowboy said: God is not about religion. God is placed in the "religion" category for those whom do not believe. But all in all, God has nothing to do with religion. Placing God in "religion" is like in a sense putting God on a shelf, to bring down just when you need him. CowboyGH , how do you know about existence of God ? You look sincerely for God, you will find God. One just casually looks for God, they will not find God. They will not, because as soon as they have found God, Satan then starts putting doubt in the person and causing things to happen in their lives resulting in more doubt. Once one truly has found God, there is nothing that can separate the two. CoyboyGH , I ask you again - how , where do you know from about God , Satan , Jesus ? |
Chocolina said: ========================================================= Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus =========================================================== If you claim you follow Jesus Christ then you follow Christianity if B=C , then C=B CowboyGH said: Not exactly….. But "Christianity" is man made so to speak, it is a belief system all in it's ow CowboyGH . Christians follow Jesus Christ and his teaching , Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus You claimed : CowboyGH said: No I'm not a Christian. I don't follow the teachings of Christianity, I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Now we are sure why Jesus raises from the dead - he couldn’t bear anymore nonsense abt him spreading from ppl like you Jesus didn't teach "Christianity" in specifics. Or else there couldn't be so many different denominations inside of that one belief. "Christianity" is a belief system on the way THEY believe Jesus ment what he said and how he said it.. "they" would be involving who ever started the religion "Christianity". God isn't about religion, God is about relationship. A personal relationship at that. It can not be personal when you are told what God wants from a third party. That is why it's personal, the walk itself is personal, and the findings of what God wants personally would then also be personal. CowboyGH , I'm sure now that you don't follow neither Jesus nor the rightnous path to the God because you have no idea what Jesus were teaching or saying or what his disciples were keeping and teaching ppl . woooow Funches is right , you are an atheist in deny and ppl like you scares ppl like us hearing so many false claims and Hollywood- Bollywood free style fantasies , lies and imaginations on theme "Jesus and his stalker ..ops follower CowboyGH" CowboyGH , look who walks beside you . Jesus hasn't horns ![]() CoyboyGH said: And who are you to judge weather I walk beside Jesus or have any idea what Jesus was teaching? Who's to say your understanding trumps mine? Or anyone else's for that matter. I'm one of forumers here who read day by day your false claims and lies about Jesus , his teaching and scriptures . I'm one of those here who Jesus e-mail me to tell you that maybe he gonna back earlier than he planed to the Earth if you keep posting such nonsenses about him . ![]() ![]() CoyboyGH said: Yes, I have made error's in my discussions on here and then was shown my error. Never said I was perfect. But most of what I say has been dead on. But I do not exploit it and continue to discuss on it as people here do the errors. If something is said correctly, it is left at that, then people go on to the next topic. But if there is an error, that error follows the person, even after it's been corrected. By the person that made the error or another, but people won't let them forget the mistake they made. Where's the humbleness in that? CoyboyGH , the problem is that you keep posting the same lies and stubbornly repeat page after page them and when we get you in contradictions and lies you flood us with new lies ...You confused God though, claiming he is 3-some ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just friends?
Do you think men and women can just be friends? Before or after sex ? ![]() ![]() |
God and religion.
Cowboy said: God is not about religion. God is placed in the "religion" category for those whom do not believe. But all in all, God has nothing to do with religion. Placing God in "religion" is like in a sense putting God on a shelf, to bring down just when you need him. CowboyGH , how do you know about existence of God ? |
Chocolina said: ========================================================= Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus =========================================================== If you claim you follow Jesus Christ then you follow Christianity if B=C , then C=B CowboyGH said: Not exactly….. But "Christianity" is man made so to speak, it is a belief system all in it's ow CowboyGH . Christians follow Jesus Christ and his teaching , Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus You claimed : CowboyGH said: No I'm not a Christian. I don't follow the teachings of Christianity, I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Now we are sure why Jesus raises from the dead - he couldn’t bear anymore nonsense abt him spreading from ppl like you Jesus didn't teach "Christianity" in specifics. Or else there couldn't be so many different denominations inside of that one belief. "Christianity" is a belief system on the way THEY believe Jesus ment what he said and how he said it.. "they" would be involving who ever started the religion "Christianity". God isn't about religion, God is about relationship. A personal relationship at that. It can not be personal when you are told what God wants from a third party. That is why it's personal, the walk itself is personal, and the findings of what God wants personally would then also be personal. CowboyGH , I'm sure now that you don't follow neither Jesus nor the rightnous path to the God because you have no idea what Jesus were teaching or saying or what his disciples were keeping and teaching ppl . woooow Funches is right , you are an atheist in deny and ppl like you scares ppl like us hearing so many false claims and Hollywood- Bollywood free style fantasies , lies and imaginations on theme "Jesus and his stalker ..ops follower CowboyGH" CowboyGH , look who walks beside you . Jesus hasn't horns ![]() |
Chocolina said: ========================================================= Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus =========================================================== If you claim you follow Jesus Christ then you follow Christianity if B=C , then C=B CowboyGH said: Not exactly….. But "Christianity" is man made so to speak, it is a belief system all in it's ow CowboyGH . Christians follow Jesus Christ and his teaching , Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus You claimed : CowboyGH said: No I'm not a Christian. I don't follow the teachings of Christianity, I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Now we are sure why Jesus raises from the dead - he couldn’t bear anymore nonsense abt him spreading from ppl like you |
CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. Then CowboyGH said: CowboyGH said: I have no "religion". Religion is : * set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity CowboyGH said: I follow as the scriptures say. Scriptures are : * The sacred writings of Christianity contained in the Bible CowboyGH said: I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. Christianity is : ** based on the life and teachings of Jesus CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. God ,Jesus,Holy Spirit and SatanGH say : No comment ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What are you talking about? I don't follow "Christianity". Christianity is a belief in it's own, following Christianity is putting faith in Christianity. The only thing I see worth putting faith in is Jesus Christ. Not an already made belief. CowboyGH , \read again but slowwwwwwwwwwwly to get what is Christianity ========================================================= Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus =========================================================== If you claim you follow Jesus Christ then you follow Christianity if B=C , then C=B ![]() If you claim you don't follow Christianity then you deny Jesus Christ if B is not = C , then C is not= B so Cowboy are you a Christian ? ![]() |
CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. Then CowboyGH said: CowboyGH said: I have no "religion". Religion is : * set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity CowboyGH said: I follow as the scriptures say. Scriptures are : * The sacred writings of Christianity contained in the Bible CowboyGH said: I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. Christianity is : ** based on the life and teachings of Jesus CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. God ,Jesus,Holy Spirit and SatanGH say : No comment ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() CowboyGH said: What are you talking about? I don't follow "Christianity". Christianity is a belief in it's own, following Christianity is putting faith in Christianity. The only thing I see worth putting faith in is Jesus Christ. Not an already made belief. CowboyGH , all that above are your words - quoted from p.35 till here Poor Jesus , if he had knew that he gonna get a follower like you he'd ask his father to flood not only Earth but Milky way either to be sure no more his follower like you gonna survived ![]() or maybe he knew that and because of this he was crying out : ' "Eli Eli Lama sabachthani" aka "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me to CowboyGH's translation of my teaching?" ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 03/22/12 12:28 PM
CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. Then CowboyGH said: CowboyGH said: I have no "religion". Religion is : * set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity CowboyGH said: I follow as the scriptures say. Scriptures are : * The sacred writings of Christianity contained in the Bible CowboyGH said: I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. Christianity is : ** based on the life and teachings of Jesus CowboyGH said: No, not a liar. God ,Jesus,Holy Spirit and SatanGH say : No comment ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
MorningSong Said:
To Cowboy they are 3 entities ( instead of just ONE ENTITY as The Bible teaches ) !!!!! To Cowboy, they are 3 entities just under a " TITLE" of oNE GOD...ONE God is just a friggin TITLE TO HIM...NOTHING MORE!!! "ONE GOD" IS LIKE ONE GOVERNMENT TO COWBOY, WITH MANY UNDER THAT ONE GOVERNMENT!!! THAT IS ALL ONE GOD MEANS TO HIM...ONE TITLE..LIKE ONE GOVERNMENT!!! ALL THIS CRAP OF HIS IS JUST A MOCKERY OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, CAUSE HE CALLS HIMSELF A CHRISTIAN!!! And since he thinks he is also A God, he THINKS he is also included under the TITLE of ONE GOD ALSO!!! He has been MISREPRESENTING AND ABUSING THE CHRISTIAN FAITH on here LONG ENOUGH NOW........and it is TIME for it to STOP !!! IT IS GOING TO STOP!!!!! IF HE DOES NOT STOP, GOD WILL STOP HIM!!!! Just read his later post to me and you gonna add new, more shocking lines to your post here Maybe CowboyGH has to check who is walking beside him ... Jesus or something with horns whispers in his ears lies after lies abt God, Jesus , Christianity , scriptures ![]() |
CowboyGH is on the way to create his own version of cowboy-ismic bible with god's options 1,2,3,more ![]() CowboyGH said: I have no "religion". I follow as the scriptures say. I investigate, and learn it myself. I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. If you wish to call that "Christianity" so be it, but I "subscribe" to no "religion". GowboyGH, your post each time is more and more funny and I think that God started to read them too, because they are like a comics "CowboyGH into Religion" ![]() ![]() But son , God and Jesus told me to give you very short lessons and they hope that you gonna stop spread nonsense and lies calling them scriptures Lesson 1 /very short version/: * A system expresses belief in a divine power aka God/s * Definition always includes a deity or superhuman power * A belief concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine and the practices pertaining to them * any specific system of belief, worship,practices or conduct that prescribes certain responses to the existence of God/s * set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity * If you accept the existence of whatever myth, god, spirit, or supernatural force *....... = thousands more All that is RELIGION CoybowGH LESSON 2 /super short version/: Christianity is : ** based on the life and teachings of Jesus ** The foundation of Christian is expressed in the early Christian writings and scriptures ,later used in Christian theology |
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Tue 03/20/12 12:41 PM
AdventureBegins said:
Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind. God and needs ?! Then this is not an Almighty God but an ordinary creature in whatever there need |
But yet there is still just one God. For again "god" means authority. Even though we are the gods of this planet in comparison to say the animals, we still have a god over us eg., an authority over us. Thus Jesus, our God. So there is still just one God to us, Jesus. And Jesus has an authority over him, his father. Is the reason he referred to his father as "God" eg., my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me. Cowboy, unless you believe in the "trinty" concept, placing Jesus as "our God" breaks the commandment of thou shalt not have any gods before me... CowboyGH is on the way to create his own version of cowboy-ismic bible with god's options 1,2,3,more ![]() |
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Tue 03/20/12 12:26 PM
Chocolina...There is ONLY ONE GOD. There are 3 Separate PERSONS (NOT human persons)WITHIN THAT ONE GOD. PERSONS is a just way of describing the 3 Separate Manifestations WITHIN ONE GOD. 1. If GOD is the only ONE then he can't be three if A { God} = 1 , then A{ God} is not =3 2. If God is more than One /1 unit , part, number etc./ then we have polytheism which makes the claim 'GOD is the ONE' false 3. If God is three then he : a) he fertilized a woman to create himself in flesh , hence in total contravention of scriptures b) he died deceiving ppl, that he's dying in the name of ppl in front of the God / himself/ c) if he is from flesh and spirit then he is changeable, matter , weak and again in contravention of scriptures THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THREE GODS!!!!!!!! BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT 3 PERSONS IN ONE GOD. AND NO....NOT HUMAN PERSONS !!!! ![]() To exist our world , universe we know , God , faith and etc. all that is on the base of logic. Then the logic is broken , then the claims became like in sci-fi movie ... you watch it but you know that is not true . So let me explain again : The claim: " BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT 3 PERSONS IN ONE GOD. " is not logical , because when something is ONE , then everything which we gonna add to it will be ONE and something and always is more than 1 1 God Father + 1 Son God + 1 God Spirit = 3 Gods , not One But if God : * created , sends, supports , loves , defends etc. someone who calls him 'my father' * sends floods, earthquakes, smoking bushes etc .. He is still The One and all above his way to manifest /display his presence or power or ... So whoever claims 'ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!;' has to stop till here . The rest will be sci-fi heavenly scriptures BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT 3 PERSONS IN ONE GOD. " is not logical , because when something is ONE , then everything which we gonna add to it will be ONE and something and always is more than 1 It's not logical you say? How many persons in our one government? The United States is a federal union of fifty states. Tell me which one is the main and which one of them are subordinate ? Who has right to get the decisions ? CowboyGH said There isn't multiple different governments in the USA. There is one, a Democracy. Bravo .. you have to add now only that it's named also ' an institution' if you want to be correct So God is an institution for you ? CowboyGH ..pls send your CV to Hollywood for the position " Sci-fi Religious Script-writer.. ops ...Scriptures -writer. I gonna vote for you .. Satan too ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 03/20/12 12:15 PM
Chocolina.....GOD IS SPIRIT ....NOT Logic. ![]() ![]() ![]() 1. If God created all of us and universe then its impossible not to notice that all is based on logic. Without logic there is no life, universe , harmony etc. 2. If you think that God is spirit then he is created / arisen out of the matter which contradicts the idea about God and his essence |
CowboyGH said: They all three are God, but they are one God. There is not three Gods. God and all 'person(s)' are buzy to de-code what CowboyGH said above ![]() And to be more complicated for all Trinity's department CowboyGH quoted the bible : James 2:19 19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. [/b/ Yep , the devils believe and tremble , but CowboyGH is brave and spread false ideas abt God ![]() God and all 'person(s)' are buzy to de-code what CowboyGH said above And to be more complicated for all Trinity's department CowboyGH quoted the bible : Makes perfect sense. God in itself is not an entity, it is a word to show authority. Thus the reason God said "know ye not that ye are gods, I have said ye are gods" and is the reason Jesus cried out "my God, my God," to his father while on the cross. So Jesus - God /1/3 of God / cried from pain to Father- God / his other 2/3 / to send him Holy Spirit, which is one pigeon /their other 3/3 / CowboyGH . I'm sure god reads now your post and starts to divide on 4 pieces . new one is God -CowboyGH ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |