Community > Posts By > diserli_gears
hey Toody,
Yeah it was pretty horrific hearing about it, it was huge here and the azzhole apparently is a Incel sympathizer and typical loser who cannot get dates. Incel is a loser movement of azzholes that cant get dates with women. |
Travel Ban Upheld
Looks like the ban will continue! and now they have to fix the vetting process. |
Maybe Im not understand what you're trying to say?
A date as in two people physically meeting doing something romantically vs two people meeting but not romantically ? is that what you're asking? Help me out here. |
Love line
If you're married, the process is tell them, separation agreement than divorce.
If you're boyfriend/girlfriend, girlfriend/girlfriend/ boyfriend/boyfriend, non binary/non binary, you tell them and break up, if you're FWB, you're in trouble. Friends, bigger trouble. |
Are you serious?
A real date is when you're physically out with someone and a friendly and simple conversation can occur without a physical presence. if you're on a first meet I dont think one should call it a date, its a meet and greet to see if there is chemistry for a date. A friendly and simple conversation can happen but its not a date. |
Interracial Dating
Sorry, but it just doesn't add up. Too me it's the same as someone saying, "I don't have anything against people of color, but I prefer to hang around with white folks". I see what you're saying Motown, but friendship and romance are two different things, you cant help who you are attracted to. but Like I said before it depends on why the person said what they said. |
New start
no, but thanks for asking.
Who's ready to mingle
![]() ![]() |
Tried Everything...but
Looks like you have women on your friends list that could qualify as looking for a sugar daddy. Use common sense. yeah I noticed that too |
what if there was more than 3 things?
Tried Everything...but
ohhh I didn't see that, well no wonder he is getting the wrong type of women and sugar daddy requests.
ahhhhhh. |
Tried Everything...but
Its a free site, you get what you pay for
Most people who are seasoned forum dwellers will tell you that they dont trust the dating side of the website, but they trust the forum side. There are more real people on the forum so just continue on the forums , make some friends and who knows you might meet a nice lady on here, there are plenty of nice, stable,non spammer ladies on here and they wont charge you $3.99 per minute to talk to them or direct to some porn site good luck and welcome. |
Interracial Dating
I honestly dont think its racist that she wants to date someone not her race, I believe people have preferences, if she said she dates non whites because she finds whites despicable or beneath her , yeah you can make a case. I think it depends on why people like her prefers a certain race over others. If its because of attraction its not racist If its because she think they are inferior to her then she is racist |
Another senseless shooting!
Edited by
Sat 06/30/18 01:20 PM
no, independent thinkers have the ability to praise and criticize too
we dont worship Ive never worshiped Mr.Trump , there are many things I dont like about the man including he is not a true conservatives or has conservative values But he is better than Hillary Clinton on his worse days. I may not agree with his tweets, and the how often he tweets, I may not like his attention grabbing techniques, but I draw the line with the media and the left nitpicking every thing this guy does. He isn't racist, or xenophobic, or Islamophobic,or a fascists, Nazi or alt right klan man. He loves your country and wants to see it return to her former glory and nothing is wrong with that , he wants to see people living a good life why? and here comes the Ohhhhhhhhh, here goes, the richer the average person gets, the wealthier Trump becomes, yes its a strange concept for leftist to grasp. There are two ways of becoming wealthy in America, 1) you satisfy a market demand or need and 2) you're in bed with the government. he also wants to see Legal immigration, vetted to a tee and bring the best people to America and adopt American/western value. What is wrong with that? |
Ever see a movie called "The Blob"? There are actually two versions of it, the first is a 1958 version starring Steve McQueen. But that's not the point. The Trump Party IS The Blob. It has absorbed all the varied factions of what used to be the Republican Party. Now, they march in lockstep like the German Waffen SS. There are no more Republicans. The King is dead, long live the King. That's why they let Donnie get away with whatever he wants. wrong, and you're not wrong because you disagree with me, you're wrong because you dont know what you're talking about and posting sophistry doesn't help your case. What you dont get is the party political machine dismantling is going on not only the Republican party its also affecting the Democrat party. Both political parties no longer have comprehensible boundaries, as you see with Sanders for the Democrats and Trump for the Republicans If you looked carefully you can see political fallout in congress , look how long it took House Republicans to elect a speaker after that moron Boehner resigned. and dont look now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat a long time democrat, the Democrat party is also divided. Do you really believe the next Democrat candidate will represent the Democrat party of Obama, Clinton or JFK/LBJ? |
Getting more common
Over Trump's immigration policies ! Im guessing they dont have a life, why not sit on your borders and see if they can persuade illegals from crossing over, since they have all this time on their hands? |
Getting more common
why are some democrats protesting on the weekend?
Getting more common
if and or buts.
There are no "Republicans" anymore. Even former Republican say that it's now the Democrats versus the Trump party. Why do you think so many former Republicans have said they're not running anymore? Why do you think so many ambassadors have quit? They used to be Republicans, and they want nothing to do with the Trump party. There will always be a Republican party as there are different factions of the party, you know moderates, centralist etc, any of this ring familiar? Just like the Democrat party has different factions, the left wing socialist democrats the Bernie Sanders and that woman that won in New York a few days ago, you have the Centralist like the Hillary Clinton and the greedy section of Nancy Pelosi, Diane fienstein , barbara boxer , the rich elitists of the Democrat party |
Getting more common
I pay US taxes, on all three levels, federal, state, and real estate. You don't. It's my tax dollars supporting that dead bikers kid, not yours. congratulations , that and 8 dollars will get you a frappacino at Starbucks. And how is Your tax dollars supporting that dead bikers kid? |