Community > Posts By > diserli_gears
Oh ok. I agree that democrats think we have a money tree. They think they can add an endless amount of people onto our welfare system without it collapsing. They remind me of a crazy cat lady who thinks she can take in every stray. Then one day her house gets condemned. exactly |
Another senseless shooting!
Apparently you must be a member of the psychic hotline. Because you can see things no one else can. I'm still waiting to see your video of the kid with a gun in his hand shooting someone. You do know what you're engaged in when you ASSUME don't you? Do you know when the kid got in the car? Maybe he saw his friends, waved at them, and they offered him a ride. Consult your crystal ball and see if that scenario might at least be possible. We'll stand by for the video. Comrade Sergei yuschevich viperovski how do you know that these kids were innocent, did they tell you themselves? Yes innocent kids run from the law all the time, I guess you must run from the cops all the time Comrade and yet here you are? interesting. What you cant seem to grasp is they were involved and described being involved in a prior shooting ( you know a crime), which is why they were pursued. |
Edited by
Sun 07/01/18 06:56 AM
When the story first aired it was Medicaid for all, then changed to Medicare. I pretty sure you have to be 65 to recieve Medicare. I think they are trying to clean up her promises a bit. Hopefully their are enough working people in that distric that a Republican is elected. Doesn't look hopeful for that area. no she said medicare, Medicare in the states is 65 and older, Medicare she is talking about is what goes in my country in Canada, we have Medicare which means Single payer system funded by the government for all citizens (except illegals) Its called Medicare here, same as in the UK.Australia,Taiwan. what ms.orcasio-cortez doesnt get it is, when you have medicare for all people citizens and undocumented you get the basics yes but its at a cost, for instance in the UK, look at the Charlie Gard case, the poor child that died because the British healthcare system refused to treat him because it was too expensive to treat his rare disease. And if you're old or too obese, good luck , ask any of our British posters what their hospitals are like compared to the American hospitals. I suggest Ms. Orcasio-Cortez take a trip to the UK and visit a hospital and see for herself. For the leftist and Democrats who wants a single payer health system, look up the Charlie Gard case, RIP to that sweet little child, the victim of socialized medicine. |
It depends on the person Im speaking to and where they are from
In Western culture its appropriate to look someone in the eye when you're speaking to them, but its different in Asian culture or middle east culture. In the middle east women are taught not to look a man in the eyes for long period of times unless there is a romantic interest. in North America that isnt the case. |
Another senseless shooting!
How about this Sturmbannführer? if the parkland shooter shot those those poor kids and teacher got into a car and took off , and saw you and offered you a ride, and you accepted, having no clue as what had transpired only minutes before then was stopped by police and then you got scared ran from his car and the officer shot you in the back , even though the killers guns was in the car( this to be determine later), should the cop be charged with criminal homicide for shooting you while you were running away? First of all, the Supreme Court ruled about 20 years ago, that cops can no longer shoot "fleeing felons". I find it difficult to understand how the guy (or you) could present a threat by showing your back and running away. Here in the United States, we have this funky little concept called presumption of innocence. Here the police are not allowed to just execute people because they're having a bad day. Results may vary on your home world. Comrade Sergei yuschevich viperovski in the case Tennessee vs Garner, which I assume you are referring to here is the part you forgot to mention " unless the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others." Let me refresh your memory Sergei, the suspect the 17 year old thug was involved in a shooting earlier, are you concerned about the people that was shot? let me explain the concept of shooting, you have a gun ( which was most likely illegally purchased) as 17 year old in the city dont need a gun, he and his friends/bangers/associates/crew member etc shot someone and fled The police were called and they stopped them , two fled one stayed behind, the officers didn't know if they had the gun on them or not , because thugs from previous experience of dead law enforcement from body cam or witness shows some people are capable of killing law enforcement to avoid being arrested. How is the officer to know if these teen thugs would just give up just like that? reality Comrade Sergei yuschevich viperovski |
Love online.
I still dont get how one can fall in love with someone online when you haven't met them in person?
An online relationship is just fantasy, even if you see them on skype or whatsapp etc. Until you actually meet and spend time with them, its all an illusion. |
why do people cheat
Because we were never meant to stay with one person our whole adult lives and yet some do. |
She bragged about campaigning on a clear message....abolish ICE and welfare for all. ![]() The white guy promised them a path to citizenship and better jobs. ![]() actually she didn't brag about it,it was an off the cuff remark she made . But still the message was loud and clear, she won on the issues plaguing her community 70% minority. She told the supporters that Joe Crowley doesn't live in the community, he doesn't send his kids to school in her community, he doesn't represent the community and he disrespected her during a debate where he didn't show up and sent a Latina women to represent him It also shows how uneducated the people in her district are, as she campaigned on the promise to abolish ICE, Medicare for all, high paying jobs guarantee jobs for all. she cant deliver on her promises, or are the people in her district that stupid? |
Interracial Dating
totally agree it is once choise and preferance, for exmple i like caucasian men compared to my fellow black does not mean i am a racist. Personally I dont think its anyone business who dates whom, and those that label people with terms like Racists , shallow and other overused terms should just mind their own business for once. |
Another senseless shooting!
another strong case for cognitive dissonance only as it relates to you. Wait, you have video of this particular kid actually shooting someone? No? Then what you have, is a dead kid that was executed for the crime of riding while black. Oh wait, he wasn't even riding, the car had been stopped, and he was running! (And yes, I've seen the video of that.) So the child was executed for the crime of running while black. More white kids need to be shot by cops to balance the books. if more white kids were involved in shooting people yes they deserve to be shot. Im curious and this is just hypothetical Comrade. If the parkland shooter whose name I wont mention because he is scum, if the parkland shooter shot those those poor kids and teacher got into a car and took off , then was stopped by police and then ran from his car and the officer shot him in the back , even though the killers guns was in the car( this to be determine later), should the cop be charged with criminal homicide for shooting the killer while he was running away? |
okay, I think I know where you're going with this now.
but I think it boils down to attraction. For example , I can have the same friendly conservation with 3 female posters on line , and if I'm attracted to one and she is attracted to me the possibilities are endless. If I'm at a supermarket and I engage in small talk with someone and there is a mutual attraction, it could lead to a potential date, if there is no attraction then its just friendly conversation. I think it all about attraction that separates possible romance from friendship. |
Another senseless shooting!
And if black cops started killing every white kid that stole a candy bar... A future bank robber in the making and all.. another strong case for cognitive dissonance Comrade. is the white kid that stole a candy shooting people? you see there is the difference, that 17 year old kid wasn't stealing purses or candy bar or pop out of a machine, he shot someone. Once again for those on the left that has a hard time with facts the kid shot someone earlier. Now I hear the cop is being charged with criminal homicide? unbelievable. I guess shooting a thug requires permission from the left, the ALCU, southern law poverty center and a written letter from the Democrat party and NAACP. |
Being ignorant doesn't make them stupid. They know which ones they can beat and get away with it, and they know which ones to keep their hands off. Occasionally, they do slip up. Like this one: (Bet you supported him too) Oklahoma City cop convicted of rape sentenced to 263 years in prison Daniel Holtzclaw, the ex-Oklahoma City officer convicted of rape and other charges after he preyed on African-American women over six months, was sentenced Thursday to 263 years in prison, as recommended by the jury, according to his attorney. The sentence comes just over a month after a sobbing Holtzclaw was convicted on 18 of 36 counts, including four counts of first-degree rape and four counts of forced oral sodomy. Prosecutors said Holtzclaw selected victims in one of Oklahoma City's poorest neighborhoods based on their criminal histories, assuming their drug or prostitution records would undermine any claims they might make against him. Then, he would subject them to assaults that escalated from groping to oral sodomy and rape, according to the testimony of 13 victims. Holtzclaw, whose father is a police lieutenant on another force, waived his right to testify. Two of those women shared their stories with CNN on Wednesday, recounting horrific memories of being forced to perform sexual acts by a serial rapist with a badge who was supposed to protect and serve. Jury wants 263 years Because the victims are black, race has been regularly invoked in the case. His trial began in November and was criticized by activists after an all-white jury was chosen. Protesters repeatedly gathered outside. Holtzclaw, whose father is white and mother is Japanese, is identified as "Asian or Pacific Islander" by court records. Attorney Benjamin Crump, who represented the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, has criticized the media, asking, "Where is the national outcry for their justice?" Crump praised the sentence Thursday saying it was "a landmark victory." "All the women were victims, from the 17-year old teenager to the 57-year old grandmother. This is a statement for 400 years of racism, oppression and sexual assault of black women; a statement of victory not only for the 'OKC 13,' but for so many unknown women," Crump said in a statement. On Wednesday, Holtzclaw's lawyers asked for a new trial, alleging prosecutors did not disclose newly discovered evidence -- including DNA evidence and the accounts of accusers who falsely claimed to be victims -- to the defense, according to CNN affiliate KFOR. Court documents posted on the station's website say a detective referenced the evidence in a Facebook post. The judge denied the motion for a new trial. The defense team filed for an appeal in court on Thursday, and it was denied, Crump said. They plan to appeal again, he said, but he was not sure what arguments they will use. Holtzclaw's attorneys aren't the only ones declaring his innocence, despite the verdict. His sister also runs a blog dedicated to telling her brother's "untold story." Victims' stories One of Holtzclaw's victims, Jannie Ligons, grandmother of 12, was among those who spoke at the sentencing on Thursday. In an interview with CNN this week, she recalled driving down Lincoln Street when Holtzclaw pulled her over and told her she was swerving, "which was untrue," she said. He told her to get out of the car. "He put a flashlight on my chest. He told me to pull my pants down to my knees. I did that but real quick and pulled them back up again. He pulled out his flashlight and shined it on my privates. I said. 'Sir, you not supposed to do this.' He said, 'Get back into my vehicle.' I did what he said. I began to get very, very scared," Ligons said. She remembers him telling her, "Damn, you got a big ***." "I thought he was going to kill me because I had seen his face and could tell on him and he was an officer and had to know he wasn't supposed to do this," she said. That's when Holtzclaw ordered her to perform oral sex, she said. Her mind racing and tears gushing from her then-57-year-old eyes, she was both disgusted and terrified. "I tried to perform oral sex," she said. "And trying to talk, I kept saying, 'Sir, please don't make me do this.' I said, 'Are you gonna shoot me?' He said, 'I promise I am not. ' I didn't believe him. I kept seeing his gun while he was making me do this right there on the street. I was sitting in the passenger side of the car and he was standing there. It was so horrifying. It was unreal. I cried and cried," Ligons said. Finally, he let her go, and "I decided right then If he didn't kill me I was going to tell on him," she said. Rape in a hospital bed She picked up her daughter and went to the police station. Investigators interviewed her and sent her to the hospital. She soon learned she was the last in a string of sexual assaults and rapes committed by Holtzclaw. "The detective I talked to in the hospital came in and she believed me. While she was writing the report she said, 'I got a good idea who it was,' " Ligons said. "I was relieved at first, but then I wondered why he was still on the street if they knew who it was." Ligons told reporters after the verdict was announced last month that she had to enter therapy and later "had a stroke behind this." Another victim, 24-year-old Shandegreon "Sade" Hill, told CNN she was intoxicated the night Holtzclaw arrested her. He promised to get her prior charges dropped, but while she was handcuffed to the hospital bed trying to detox, he raped her, she said. "He started to touch me. He touched my breast. From there, I just didn't know what to think. I am in his custody because whatever he tells me in my mind I just did it. As far as I know I could wind up dead in the hospital saying I was overdosed," Hill said. "He violated me. And made me give him oral. He stuck his hands into my privates. He done everything against my will, " she told CNN, her voice shaking and angry. Holtzclaw continued to pursue her, even following her to her home and stalking her on social media, she said. These are just two of the stories from the 13 victims, one of whom was 17 at the time and testified she was raped on her mother's front porch. Cops can do no wrong... Right? Comrade, who said all cops are choir boys? I didn't and Im pretty sure most haven't said that. Of course you're going to have bad apples, all industries have bad apples. The majority of law enforcement are pretty good law abiding people ( pardon the pun) Like the military, the majority of military folks are good people , and of course you have the bad apples. Just like the majority of Undocumented people are not committing heinous crimes or felonies,( if you dont count entering the United States Illegally) its the bad apples that spoils it for all I think its hypocritical of you to say the majority of cops are racists and trigger happy thugs when its a tiny percentage who are and say nothing about the criminal element of the undocumented immigrants committing crimes . A strong case of cognitive dissonance on your part. |
Interracial Dating
you obviously miss the point, we are attracted to INDIVIDUALS, not races. if we claim to know we cant be attracted to any of the billions of individuals in an entire RACE, that is racist. that is what Ive been saying... Good Lord. hence my first post about Gabreille Union and Regina King, but not Gabourey Sidibe When someone doesn't like a particular race its racist. And when I said we cant help who we are attracted to, what do you think I mean by that? what isn't racist is when someone ( an individual) from lets say China isnt attracted to me, its not because she racist or not, maybe she doesn't find my features appealing to her, that was my point. just like I dont find Yoko ono appealing, does that mean Im racist? |
scuba diving
happy people nature's beauty |
Interracial Dating
wrong, when you say that BILLIONS of people can not possibly be attractive to you based only on having a common RACE, that isnt about 'not helping who you are attracted to' because in every race, individuals have varying combinations of asthetic traits ... It is your mind telling you that "(insert race here) is not attractive" so that every person you see of that race, no matter their actual combination of features, you will block out of possibilities ... I didn't say Billions of people did I? I said we cannot help who we are attracted to. Some people have a preference based on what they find appealing or attractive some people have a preference based on race, and it depends why they have that preference, if its because they are attracted to them well that isn't racist, if a guy from another race doesn't make the women wet, or the girl from another race doesn't give the guy a chubby, how is that racist? If they said something hey your race is inferior to my race blah blah blah, well case closed. Love is blind as they say , your heart, penis, vagina knows, unless you're a sapiophile |
find happiness???
money makes life so much easier and of course happier.
I dont know too many broke and poor happy people. |
Interracial Dating
yes and yes. both are examples of racist choice. sorry but that is a load of crap, one cannot help to whom we are attracted to, its that simple. by your logic everyone is racists Example I think Gabrielle Union and Regina King are very attractive ladies,but Gabourey Sidibe isn't, am I racist because I dont want to date Gabourey Sidibe? I think Lucy Lui is nice looking and I think Yoko Ono is not, am I still racist or an ageist? Southern ladies are sexy, I think Emily Proctor is hot but I dont think more like I know someone like Britney Spears doesn't appeal to me, so again I ask I am racist for refusing to date Britney Spears or logically its because I'm not attracted to her? that is what it boils down to attraction, there are people of different races who may not be attracted to me for whatever reason, but if she said sorry I dont date black men because they are aids carrier, not responsible, druggies, etc, then you can safely say yeah that is a racist comment But if she said I'm not attracted to darker skin, I like blue Eyes, I like blonde hair that is what makes me wet, vs dark skin, brown eyes, black curly hair doesn't make her wet, that isn't racist . Its her hormones acting and telling her what is appealing to her or what isn't. That has nothing to do with racism. |
Interracial Dating
So when a Chinese person refuses to date an Black person, the Chinese person is racists?
So by that logic if a Black person refuses to date a white person, is that racist too? |
fresh scent of roses
freshly baked homemade cookies seeing the smile on someone face after you made their day. |