Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Mon 05/21/18 07:03 PM

When a man goes overboard with the gift giving, I feel like he’s trying too hard to impress me or thinks he can buy my affection. This can and has driven me away.

I’m with Blondey. If it’s from the heart, I will love it. And I will know. A woman always knows.

This is interesting and common sense

I chalk this up as woman with value

vs a gold digger and a materialistic person.

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Mon 05/21/18 06:17 PM
Edited by undrboss on Mon 05/21/18 06:34 PM

I actually researched the claim, and RACECARS that can be LEGALLY driven on the road, STILL have to meet certain regulations in order to do so, that was my point. We can always find outliers. but the analogy stands that there are regulations before a vehicle can legally be on the streets, (and I made an error as I have not found any example of F! specifically, but just 'race cars).

Mass shooters HAVE bought guns legally and that is the primary context behind renewed interest in looking at guns being retailed and to whom.

Many countries have implemented the 'red tape' of government involvement and seem to have gained a better hold of the mass shootings than we have.

No one said it will be simple but new rules and laws rarely are.


A race car can drive on the road in america but they don't because they are not made for driving on the street, they are called race cars for a reason, whether its F1, nascar or any single seat car designed to race at high speed.

2) you cannot compare other countries to America when it comes to guns only 3 countries have in their constitution the right to own gun as you know the US is one, the other two Mexico, and Guatemala.

But the U.S is the only country in the world that gives their citizens the right to bear arms without a constitution restriction

Here is a piece of useless trivia, In Mexico there is only one place for their citizens to buy guns at a heavily armed army base and you cannot own guns that the military or police use.

Getting a permit is very difficult hence the corrupition

Guatemala,is also difficult to get a permit, long lines and you cannot buy fully automatic

Only semi's, rifles, hand guns , shot guns and you're limited on the amount of ammunition

tell me would you like to live in Mexico ,Guatemala or the USA?

You mentioned many countries have implemented better gun control? well I just showed you only 3 countries gives their citizens the right to bear arms.

Every other country is its a privilege to own guns and its a long process to even get one and you cannot buy it for self defense.

you cant compare our countries to those countries.

makes sense?

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Mon 05/21/18 03:38 PM

Interpreting and misinterpreting are two different things. The one in which you engage is quite obviously, as shown above, misinterpreting.
oooh interpreting and misinterpreting are two different things


gee Wally I didn't know that? did you come up with that all by yourself or did your mortadella friends at starbucks drinking their frappuccino made with milk from some cow from some whacked out compound told you this?

Do the words "lexical ambiguity" mean anything to you slick?

you must be a Buffalo Bills fan.

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Mon 05/21/18 03:22 PM
Im guessing youre a little soar huh slick

of course you didnt mention I was talking to gable about your post mortadella

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Mon 05/21/18 03:15 PM
but you said that when he said in general you believe that you think that he said all

yes I did say that and I do believe that Gable

That is how I interpreted it

yes I know he didnt say ALL women, but I also said women HE EXPERIENCED dating .

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Mon 05/21/18 03:08 PM

I've noticed women, in general...

well I guess when I read Women in general I believe he is talking about all women

If I had meant all women, I would have said all women. I didn't say that though. I quite purposefully said in general.

I know you didn't say all women... but it also can be interpreted as you mean all women


wow, im not the one whining like some mortadella about women in general am I ?

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Mon 05/21/18 02:54 PM

My single girlfriend and I were talking the other night. While she's rather bitter towards men, her comment was, that "a girl wants a man that will buy her nice things and take her places".. At my age, I think I agree.

and you ladies will dumped for a younger model, because men who believes a woman's value is what he buys her and the places he takes her will always be looking for the younger hotter trophy wife.

Is that what you want?

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Mon 05/21/18 02:49 PM

well I guess when I read Women in general I believe he is talking about all women

Perhaps, and especially on message boards where you cannot see nonverbal expressions or hear voice inflection, it's best to take someone's words at face value.

If I had meant all women, I would have said all women. I didn't say that though. I quite purposefully said in general.

In general, reading a more polarizing meaning into a simple statement is something akin to the female gender and less to the male gender. So quit acting like a girl.
my message was deleted , hmmmm
okay not sure what I said that got it deleted.

dude, you are sharing your experience, that is what I originally said, but it also can be interpreted as you mean all women

I know you didn't say all women, Im just questioning YOUR EXPERIENCE


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Mon 05/21/18 02:40 PM
Edited by undrboss on Mon 05/21/18 02:44 PM

Yes, but we dont see F1 cars being rampantly driven on the streets huh?

And Im sure even they have to be registered and have licenses that document their PURPOSE and use, and also have to meet certain requirements to be safer ON THE STREETS.

if people use guns for defense, hunting, or sport, there should be no issue with them stating so during registering or purchase.

Keeping guns out of the mentally unstable can be done with mandatory Mental Health background checks

I think most women can find many other guns that are 'easy' to use, most dont take rocket science to figure out, point and pull the trigger. convenience should not overrule safety.

frustrated dear lord.

F1 cars are not made for street driving, your analogy is silly Ms.harmony.
I just told you why, it takes 7 to 8 engineers to get it started, the average person cant afford that, and the cars are not made for driving under 100 miles an hour for long period of time, you would kill the car in rush hour traffic.

the majority of people buying guns is for defense, hunting or sport, oh I forgot Gun collectors.

Criminals dont buy guns legally why do you that is?

The problem with mandatory health check is it could very from state to state, I cant imagine doing one in the people's republic state of California with all their bureaucrats, I imagine it would easier in states like Rhode Island with their smaller population

If the federal government gets in involved there will be too much red tape.

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Mon 05/21/18 02:22 PM

Yes. I do believe the purpose and location of use should be a part of the regulations for gun sales.

I believe those who have them should have the documented purpose of how they will be used (like car insurance) and then regulated by the stated specs of the weapon being used.

just like a Car that goes three hundred miles an hour has no business on the roads in the US where that is not the speed limit anywhere. There are weapons that have no business in civilian communities where there is no rational legal use for them.

I also want to see guns not placed so easily in the hands of the unstable, regardless of type.

My brothers have guns and my mother. I am not against guns AT ALL, I do not support BANNING any and all guns or even most guns, Im for honesty and common sense use and regulations.

purpose or location of use should be regulated? wow

There are only 3 reason why people have guns Ms.harmony.
Defense, sport or hunting.

The car analogy is silly , because F1 cars are legal to drive on the road but its not made for street traffic, it takes 8 engineers to star the car and it cant operate in speeds under 100 miles an hour for a long period of time.

F1 are made for certain tracks not the street road or highway/freeways.

You want guns out of the mental stable hand but you have not offered any solutions

You say certain weapons Im assuming you mean AR 15's dont belong, but most women find it easier to handle.

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Mon 05/21/18 01:37 PM
well that is wonderful Ms.Harmony that and 7 dollars will get you a grande frappuccino at starbucks.

Look, the reality most people are law abiding citizens, that isnt the problem, the problem is the small percentage who are not and do the most damage.

Stricter gun laws federal, municipal or state will not prevent people from getting guns.

Actually let me take that back, It will prevent some people from getting guns, so they will improvise and use other devices like a rented Van, like what happened in my city last year and up in Toronto earlier this year.

Or they will methods like Mcvie and those scumbag Boston marathon bombers.

but since this about Guns, why dont you be honest and put your cards on the table, you want to eliminate certain types of weapons period.

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Mon 05/21/18 12:24 PM

except the existing laws are not deterring the violence in Chicago is it?

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, how is that working for them?

which laws on the books deter criminal activity that uses violence?
which laws deters the mentally unstable from getting weapons and killing innocent people?

I have to bring up Olivers post again
'You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices. . .

what makes you think adding new laws will deter the gun violence we see today,provide some evidence please.

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Mon 05/21/18 10:20 AM


Las vegs -Paddock had LEGALLY OBTAINED AR-10 and AR-15 rifles.

florida nightclub -Mateen had LEGALLY OBTAINED Sig rifle and Glock

Virginia tech killer had LEGALLY OBTAINED Glock

Adam Lanza DID TAKE parents weapons

The church shooter DEVIN was sold an AR 556 from a licensed dealer/store

Nikolas Cruz used an AR 15 that he bought LEGALLY from a gun shop

The AR15 used by Malik and Farook were LEGALLY PURCHSED

the AR15 and the Glock that Holmes used to shoot up the theater were LEGALLY PURCHASED

the list goes on and on

when it comes to these MASS SHOOTINGS the weapons have not usually been 'stolen by criminals' but obtained by citizens who had not yet been considered 'criminals' and therefore permitted these types of weapons with no consideration of their history of illness or violence.

And I have conceded I in no way believe any law STOPS any type of crime completely, but may make it less simple for such crimes to be committed

but many homicides have been, just because they haven't made the national news doesn't mean it doesnt exists.

Mass shootings by strangers makes up the least % in gun homicides and since you mentioned those killers what do they all have in common?

In case you are wondering? mental health issues.
Normal people don't go around killing people for the sake of killing me people.

ask your friend Igor since he is the self proclaimed historian, how many mass shootings have there in America since her birth?

will he include the The 1873 Colfax Massacre, 1903 in Winfield Kansas a gun man named Gilbert Twigg opened fire during a concert killing 9 people.

America has a history of mass killings, whether by gun, bombs,racially motivated like the The Ocoee massacre in 1920.

So the question is how do we stop the violence? or can you?

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Mon 05/21/18 09:54 AM
gable we agree to disagree

at least we agree on that

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Mon 05/21/18 08:44 AM

free will comes at a price

Then it isn't Free Will.

Free Will requires no Heaven and no Hell.
No reward or punishment.

Free Will has no conditions, its free
or it isn't Free Will, no matter what religion says.

that is your interpretation.

free will , freedom or anything free comes at a price.

God gave mankind freewill, and the consequences of that free will will be determined in the end, heaven or hell

Freedom has a price, we are free do what we pleased with in the law, but the consequences of that, some people will be offended or left behind.

Please say certain countries have free healthcare, but the consequences of free healthcare is the service isn't great and people pay high taxes, its okay if you're rich to pay high taxes but if you're a working class stiff with a family to feed high taxes can be burdensome , want to ask the parents of the little beautiful lad Charlie Gard what they think of their free healthcare in the UK?

Free has a price, nothing is 100% free, there is always a cost or consequence.

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Mon 05/21/18 08:38 AM

Ok, first I'd seen any of this crap after I was offline.

So guess everyone forgot about this? How convenient.

Before he did his service, and my reason for joking with Prince Harry's name in my post.

That's ok, I still stand behind my post. waving

oh when he was an immature 20 year old, got it, like you've never done anything stupid when you were 20 right, you were perfect?

I bet you pledged allegiance to the flag, climbed trees to rescue kittens, escorted little old ladies crossing the street and volunteered in the soup kitchens to feed the homeless.

And you were a little angel with your parents and stood guard in your neighborhood to fight off communist aggression .

awwww how touching and sweet.

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Mon 05/21/18 08:33 AM

No. history has rarely ever recorded the name of victims, unless they die in a way considered to be heroic, thats my point. We dont learn about the names of the native americans who died at the hands of Columbus men, but we know Columbus name. We dont know the names of those enslaved by Presidents, but we know the Presidents names.

We can indirectly impact human behavior, but thats another topic. In the simplest form, we can adapt to individuals behaviors to reduce potential for harm. Just like a bank will not hire an ex bank robber, or a school a convicted pedophile. Gun retailers should have similar precautions, IMHO, in regard to who they sell guns to.

As far as style of weapons, the Santa Fe killer is an outlier, not what has been the general trend

and I have stated on many occasions myself that o law will stop all crime, but it is no reason to stop making the laws that attempt to define a structure and cultural expectations of behavior, and to assist in the prosecution of those who disregard them in harm to others....

strawman Ms.harmony, come on comparing crimes? I think you missed the point.

What you've posted made no sense, why would a bank entertain hiring a convicted bank robber? why would a school entertain hiring a pedophile?
Off topic ever heard of Frank Abagnale Jr?
he was a check forger and con artist, who spent time in prison in Sweden, france and America who ended up working for the FBI later and then his own business an expert in check forgeries.

On topic.

Gun retailers job is sell guns to the consumer, they follow the law with back ground checks etc, a psyche exam is not required(yet) , so how are they supposed to know who is mentally stable?

Its funny how you dismiss the santa fe killer as an outlier, interesting.

when are you going to jump on board to tell legislators that mental health among other things are a problem that needs to be addressed.

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Mon 05/21/18 08:07 AM

I still disagree with the conclusion. We know Hitlers name and we know Bin Ladens name, people who do monstrous things do not necessarily center their motivation around what infamy they may gain on the national or international stage, but around revenge and retaliation and pain against the IMMEDIATE environment they blame.

Could the press play one part in COMBINATION with other things which form the perfect combination of ingredients? absolutely.

but one of those ingredients is still always going to be the laws that deter the availablity of certain tools used to massacre from getting into the hands of those most likely to find motivation to do so.

so you couldn't name one victim huh? and comparing Bin Laden and Hitler to Nicholas Cruz, come on ?

I cannot go anywhere in the english speaking or first world nation that doesn't know the name of Bin Laden or Scumbag Adolf.

No one outside of the U.S. knows the name of Nicholas Cruz.

I like how you tried to sneak it in the back door about the available laws used to deter the availability of certain tools ( the so called assault rifle) in the hands of certain deranged individuals.

I'm curious what was weapon used in the lastest Texas shooting?

Reality time, I think it was Oliver who said it perfectly 'You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices. .

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Sun 05/20/18 09:10 PM
everything is a sin today

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Sun 05/20/18 09:09 PM
makes cannolis

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