Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Thu 05/24/18 08:13 AM

that is sort of a load of crap!!
marriage is nothing but a egotistacal title,or a way to catagorize people into pigeonholes for OTHER people's asthetic conveinience!
'marriage' is an antiquated practice,and has lost all of its meaning,as it has become a disposable institution that can be broken on a whim.
if a couple is truly commited to each other,they dont need a title to prove it!
especially to some sort of supreme being who they are asking to supposedly bless their union.
IMO,if it wasnt for the tax benefits that people receive for being married,there would be absolutely no sane purpose for it whatsoever!!
wow a little cynical there pal.

Marriage is a personal thing,if differs from culture to culture , religion to religion and even country to country.

In America we view marriage differently than lets say those who live in Asia.
doesn't mean they are wrong and we are right or vice versa.

Those that follow judeo christian beliefs views marriage differently than an atheist , so its important to some of us, just because you dont think its important doesnt mean we are wrong

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Thu 05/24/18 08:13 AM
i wonder where she likes to be kissed

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Thu 05/24/18 08:03 AM
Tenerife , nice
you will enjoy the weather vs back in the UK.

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Thu 05/24/18 08:01 AM

as in run forest runnnnnnnn

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Thu 05/24/18 08:00 AM
Im not wondering anything

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Thu 05/24/18 07:50 AM

Frankly, I don't think this really matters. We don't know what kind of agreements President Trump and his wife have inside the bedroom. There are many married couples that are open sexually to various scenarios.

The only time it become a problem is if President Trump lies under oath about it, and that is the only problem I had with the whole Clinton mess was committing perjury, a crime.

It's not surprising that a President has affair's. Its been happening for hundreds of years and it got more open when Roosevelt and Kennedy were blatant about it including Kennedy's skinny dipping and 3 somes with Fiddle and Faddle in the White House pool.

this +1 :thumbsup:

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Wed 05/23/18 04:40 PM

Yet you can't even spell "God"..laugh

But we all know what your "God" looks like.

im guessing sarcasm is lost on you sport

Of course I know how to spell GOD, vs Gawd..


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Wed 05/23/18 03:30 PM
Another good day so I feel beeping good.

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Wed 05/23/18 03:29 PM

my thoughts...someone always gets hurt. our may be fine I the now...but their pain hits in the later...

somebody always get hurts in all relationships.

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Wed 05/23/18 03:09 PM
You cant justify cheating, there is nothing one can say to justify it, and using the excuse its an accident is not only laughable and insulting.

A choice is never an accident.

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Wed 05/23/18 02:24 PM
dude, are you a pimp ?


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Wed 05/23/18 02:15 PM
not everyone on a site like this is there for dating,ever considered that?

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Wed 05/23/18 01:58 PM
cheating is never a mistake,
unless you call a mistake in judgment a mistake.

A mistake is putting salt instead of sugar in your coffee

A mistake is turning off the wrong exit on a freeway

There is no mistake when a penis hits a vagina, how is that a mistake?

Its by choice.

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Wed 05/23/18 01:28 PM
which country?

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Wed 05/23/18 01:07 PM
she is from the city, a little far for you Mankum.

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Wed 05/23/18 12:41 PM

gosh, I wonder if that is fun. let me try one.
the Trump cult is scary...

Good Gawd, the dumbest things leftists/democrats say.
No wonder the rest of the world doesn't take the left and liberals in America seriously.

Do you know what the Chinese call western liberals? "Baizuo"

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Wed 05/23/18 08:22 AM
The same guy who keeps every text you texted him

is that proper english Texted??

Anyways I have a client here and I have to make a trip over to Ferrara's after to grab some Cannoli's and sfogliatellas to have with my espresso

I have a feeling Im going need a shot of espresso.

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Wed 05/23/18 07:57 AM

The difference is i told the guy I was seeing someone after I dtred with my guy. Men try to get with women while in a relationship. With online dating there are a lot of options.

I need to have an espresso , because I need go to to Ferrara's and get some cannolis to have with my espresso.

then I can tackle your post.

what you just posted made no sense

"men try to get with women while in a relationship"??

so let me see If I get this without having an espresso, so when a woman is seeing a guy she can keep men in the friendzone, but men are pigs because they try and get women because online dating has a lot of options?

Did I get this, or do I need to make a run to Ferrara to pick up some cannolis because you cant have an espresso without cannolis or sfogliatellas

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Wed 05/23/18 07:31 AM
I wonder if HiLIARy will run again?

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Wed 05/23/18 07:29 AM
put my feet up and relax.

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