Community > Posts By > undrboss

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Sat 05/19/18 09:06 AM
now that was a great scene , a classic ..shybutkind.laugh

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Sat 05/19/18 08:47 AM

Still a bit hazzy friend. But I picked up the martial arts references. I don’t think Shotunate have good odds in a reolution against tanks and missles though. I don’t believe anyone here is calling for revolution.

I dont know about that Shy, because it sure worked for Võ Nguyên Giáp general of the North Vietnamese troops as he outsmarted Westmoreland many times, even though America has superior weaponry

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Sat 05/19/18 08:25 AM

it always comes out as gibberish underboss. translator has been dropped one too many timesslaphead
okay, and I thought for a sec I was going oobatz.

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Sat 05/19/18 08:15 AM

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Sat 05/19/18 07:35 AM

I am 22. Looking for an elder girl who could teach me about sex or dating. Never dated any girl before. Don't know how to initiate.
you should try You tube, you can learn a lot from watching videos there.


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Sat 05/19/18 07:19 AM

I think the family responsibility has definitely either vanished or been taken away from people. partly because of do gooders against parents being able to punish children for mistakes to the generation of of children being raised by previous drug generations.
Also peer pressure, wealthy to poor. children can be very cruel.
The internet has isolated some, how many friends they have on Facebook is more important than physical friends!
Parents making children feel inadequate instead of praising them for what they are actually good at. If your not in the crowd then your nothing.
We see this in the adult world, if you're left or right, it's your choice and what you believe in. Every day we see adult hate because of others belief's.
Children see this and it's a bad model for them. using the mental health card is fake! Parents have children not the state so stand up to your responsibility!

Mikey dead on there man, between you, Tom, greeneyes, shybutkind, you folks have pretty much nailed it.

and given us a lot to think about.

Imagine this, 4 people on this thread have pretty much figured out the problem, yet legislators sits on there duff and do jack **** about it, its better for them to let things happen and keep talking about it and to keep themselves in power vs actually doing something about it.

liberal indoctrination is not a good thing and now we are seeing the results of that 1960's experimentation , so much for your great society LBJ.

I wouldnt call this a great society today

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Sat 05/19/18 06:52 AM

Curious what happens when a meet is unsuccessful ... and the man is rejected ... Does he still feel a manly obligation to pay for her coffee:wink:

that is the difference between the self proclaimed nice guy and a confident guy

The self proclaimed nice guy would throw a hissy fit, whine, complain, freak out, slander the woman on social media because he is rejected, wahhhhhhhh.

The confident guy just chalks it up as experience and moves on, because he knows nothing is guaranteed in life

To those nice guys if you want guarantees , commit a crime and go to jail, there you are guaranteed a roof over your head and three squares a day.

for the rest of us its carry on as usual.

even our founding fathers never guaranteed anything, you know life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness not GUARANTEED of happiness its up to us for happiness

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Fri 05/18/18 09:13 PM
you're still a minor

advice, get your life in order kid.
anyone who is down to eating one meal a day , forgetting basic hygiene and crashing in someone's basement needs to probably seek out professional help.

Strangers on a dating website cannot help you.

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Fri 05/18/18 09:09 PM
any one with a pet can answer that question.

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Fri 05/18/18 09:01 PM
oh, you're into men.. okay then

look that is your thing I can respect that but you will be attracting all sorts of pervs and chester the child molestor, youre still a minor.

I say probably work on getting your life in order first kid.

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Fri 05/18/18 08:50 PM
so what happens if you end up chatting up a girl that lives in the people republic of California?

plus you are only 17, not many teens on line and older gals will not want to grease your weasel , its that ick factor.

where are your parents?

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Fri 05/18/18 08:30 PM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/18/18 08:39 PM
you're having issues in life and you're on a dating site looking to get your weasel greased.

priorities huh?


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Fri 05/18/18 06:38 PM

Solution: Active Parenting

Problem is, its not just the kids.
The parents are often more messed up than the kids.
Its a generational cycle like bigotry.
I feel the solution lies with breaking that cycle but how could that even be done?

One possible way would be to use the media overload as a tool.
Problem is, that doesn't make as much money as selling misery and discontentment.

When I was growing up Saturday morning cartoons were violent and full of bigotry. It was our parents and guardians that gave us the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Nowadays, the cartoons, tv shows and movies attempt to take the guidance out of the hands of the parents and look what we have?

When I was growing up, people lived within their means.
Credit was something you got in an emergency or to make a large purchase.
People managed their households on single incomes. Parenting was active and a family affair.
Nowadays, it takes both parents working to maintain their life of credit.
The credit card has changed our value system from family to the all mighty buck. People spend more than they have, so naturally, to stay above it all, they both have to work.
When the parents are dealing with work and money issues they are not thinking about what's really best for the child's development.
The 'depend' on other things to be the parent.
Whether that is the TV, school or the neighborhood.

Then, all these neglected children grow up to have children of their own which are raised on quick fix value systems. The only value systems those parents know.
Its a cycle and to fix the problem the first step needs to be to break the destructive cycle.

Another step is to get parents to own up to what their doing.
You try to tell someone they are messing up their kid and you will get anger and denial, even if you are accurate.
"Those are MY KIDS, Don't you dare try to tell me how to raise my own children"

One aspect feeds the other and so on.
To start fixing the problem, break the cycle.

that is pretty dead on balls accurate Tom , I wonder what the father of the loser shooter will say?

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Fri 05/18/18 04:11 PM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/18/18 04:13 PM

you are dead on, along with Greeneyes posts you two nailed it.

1) we don't teach our kids to cope

2) teachers today are not equipped to deal with new generation of kids on drugs

3) a lot of kids are over medicated, poor diet etc.

and to add in lack of disciple and respect.

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Fri 05/18/18 04:06 PM
I think soulmate is one of the those overused words

I don't believe in soulmates , I subscribe to the theory of successful relationships ( at least the ones that last) takes a lot of work, soul mates infers that you will be together no matter what and that isn’t realistic, people tend to take each other for granted when they think they are with their soul mates.

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Fri 05/18/18 03:55 PM
and if the dad was irresponsible and did not have locked up properly he should be charged with negligence , its his responsibility as a law abiding gun owner.

If his son has a history of mental instability well then the father has a lot to answer for.

but until all the facts comes in , right now we are just speculating.

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Fri 05/18/18 03:14 PM

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Fri 05/18/18 03:13 PM
greeneyes that is a good point and a point Ive heard from a few people .

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Fri 05/18/18 02:49 PM
so in other words he likes the booty call.

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Fri 05/18/18 02:33 PM

real life relationship is a big pain...? s.. life relationship is good... what you say fnd...

real life relationship is a pain when youre with the wrong person.

because between the ball breaking and agita it isn't worth it, but when you're with the right person, everything is fun, every thing is good.

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