Community > Posts By > Bearsman

Bearsman's photo
Mon 12/24/07 06:48 PM
merry christmas

Bearsman's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:12 PM
The normal peeps leave to recover, and never come back.
I love Chicago with all its quirks, but I never seem to be able to get back to stay. Beware, your gonna miss it bad!!


Bearsman's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:03 PM
What kinda bearfan!?

Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/18/07 08:41 PM
I love the black river. It reminds me of the olden days.

Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/18/07 08:39 PM

I am his FATHER.....

really my son's name is luke.


Bearsman's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:57 PM
Congradulations Hillfolk. That really great. Longevity is a beautiful thing, but we get there one day at a time.

Bearsman's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:50 PM
So do drunks.

Bearsman's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:49 PM
Hey Viva,

Your lookeeng good to me!

Bearsman's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:37 PM
Let's face it! Women say they are looking for the good guy, but they really like the bad boys. They want the sense of adventure that the bad boys bring. The macho, testosterone filled, abs rippling, tatoo wearing, pierced niqqle, 5 O'clock shadow wearing hip dude, tall muscular, with a mean streak..
That's how you get their hormones ablazing. It's a scientific fact. Women, when ovulating, look for that type. They want the nice guy to take care of them, either when they're pregnant or in between the cycle.. So there is the real story.


Bearsman's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:24 PM

Bearsman's photo
Wed 11/07/07 06:03 PM

The onlu thing you have to fear, is fear itself.
That is what will hold you back, remain confident and patient with yourself. Easy does it. Relax.


Bearsman's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:20 PM
Thank you DRV!

Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 09:21 PM
I am thinking about doing the same, Marie.
I am moving to Orlando, take care of parents.

My dad had several strokes it the past two yrs. He barely ever talks, unless spoken to. Mom has to take care of him and she cannot drive. I work for a company that has an office down there. It is a recruiting company, so I think the job market may be okay for me. The thing is I have 2 kids, living with their mother, my ex, and I won't be able to see them as often..

Tough stuff!!


Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 08:46 PM
Now Janis,

You know you ain't killin this thread..

By the way, that's a mighty fine cat you got there!


Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 08:43 PM
I'll back that up!!


Bearsman's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:40 PM
Leaving, who's leaving? Not NOden!!

Stop hiding!! You ain't no bear, no hibernating.


Bearsman's photo
Sat 11/03/07 09:11 AM
You a teddy, I am a big bad BEAR.


Bearsman's photo
Wed 10/31/07 11:36 PM
You too Marie.

And God Bless.

Bearsman's photo
Wed 10/31/07 11:21 PM

Thank you for kind words. The song goes back aways for me. I played it in a band back in the day, so it crops into my head when I get melancholy about like/love situations. I felt I had a great connection with a certain woman, but there are many complications. We connected seemingly at first write. Our conversations have reached a high level of understanding. I feel as though I have known her for months. We have already shared some personal information that would not be expected after 3 weeks of emailing back and forth. It is usually limited to 15 minutes. So I know I cannot be in love with her at this point, but I find that have made a bound of mutual friendship reserved for people that have known each other for a longer time. All this, mind you, without once, talking or meeting face to face. E-mail only. To me that is amazing. Plus, it has helped my typing speed tremendously.

I will keep in touch with her. However, I need to straighten out some of my own issues before I persue any more dating queries.

Thanks for listening. I'm gonna be OK.

Bearsman Bears Down!!

Bearsman's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:06 PM
That's OK. We are human, not perfect.

One thing though that song the love I lost is starting to run through my head.

The love I lost was a sweet love
The love I lost was complete love
The love I lost.........
I will never, no, no, never,
Love again.......

Beary sad ;~{

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