Community > Posts By > nightruler

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:38 PM
If anybody cares to challenge me to write a sequel to this..just email me with a list of bands and I'll work my magic

and nothing will be repeated from the first post

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:37 PM

Very clever, and yes, this is my era

Would like to see you put Adam ant with Sinead O'Connor e.g
Well I'm standing here,what do I see a big nothing compares to you.............

Adam ant and sinead o'connor would be a bad match

he was a goody two shoes and she tore up a picture of the pope

bad idea

but funny anywaylaugh

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:32 PM

the ladies love you night........

lol,I doubt itnoway

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:01 PM
Daniel this is an epic and an amazing one at that

Im pasting a song in your email because I cant post it here,but it is one of my favorites

and this poem took me back to being a teenager and blasting
what you're about to read through my speakers

Now,you've brought back a memory,thank you for writing such
a beautiful piece of heroic literature


nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 02:55 PM
Moments of silence,oh they pass by me
The piece in my heart where love used to be
and sometimes i wonder on these sleepless nights
when I wake in the morning,will it be alright

The endless cirle of times gone by
the wasted memories and all the lies
for so long I've tried so hard to let go of my past
and for you to take my hand and believe in me at last

It will be alright
but I feel no change,just low and ashamed
It will be alright
I'll believe what you say,
though I hurt a little more each day
It will be alright,so they say

The path I have taken,so broken yet unchanged
A life thats been forsaken,but an angel could
fall from grace
I see you in the silence,surrounded by angelic light
My hands reach for your body,to only feel the night

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 02:37 PM
Edited by nightruler on Wed 03/26/08 02:46 PM
A spectre of the past is calling me back home again
A familiar voice,I've heard it all before
I never listened to what he had to say
for they were visions of the future

There are so many things left undone
and the things we never tell anyone
there could be so many old memories
that we'd forget to make new ones

A picture of a young man from so long ago
dreaming dreams undreamt,so many lonely roads
as dreams fade away to a selfless wake
how many tears must I cry before these memories
leave me to die

There are so many things left undone
and the things we never tell anyone
There could be so many old memories
that we'd forget to make new ones

Hear my words,listen to me
Don't assume that it was meant to be
look ahead before you look behind
savor this moment left in time
Dreams were nothing more than fantasy
left behind,unreleased by me
hear my voice before i fade away
forget the past and live for today

A spectre of the past is calling me back home again
a familiar voice,i've heard it all before
I never listened to what he had to say
now it's time,time for me to repay

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:55 AM
Heres a place where pointless individuals can meet,lead people on and be the tards that they are

I'll be the monitor of this special ed class

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:42 AM

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:35 AM

what is up with that?

i left you one

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:27 AM

holy crap nightie, that was awesome... havent heard so many one liners... much less musical lyrics... strung together so comprehensivly in along time.... bravo and encoreflowerforyou

thank you

nightruler's photo
Wed 03/26/08 02:35 AM
See how many 80's song titles you recognize,have fun with this one!

I'm so excited,to be standing in the purple rain
Call me a maniac,cause babe the heat is on again
What a feeling,I want candy like a virgin wants a one night stand
Don't stop believing,u got the look,I wanna be your man

You can be my private dancer,you can be my heart and soul
its a weird science baby,but the chemistry falls in control
I'll shout i'm head over heels,we built this city on rock n roll
so come rock on my sarah,i think were finally alone

Sweet dreams are made of this,do you really want to hurt me
for being addicted to love
I want action,but I didnt mean to turn you on
Papa don't preach I don't wanna marry Jessie's girl
so come on eileen,I'm the man who's gonna rock your world

If this is it,and one more night is something you'll never
video killed the radio star,but fame..I'm gonna live forever
If you dont think I'm a thriller then beat it Billie Jean
you wanna be startin somethin,then you can take on me

I want you to want me,lets get physical.jump for my love
Were dancing in the dark,Im on fire ,and girls just wanna have fun
Gonna dress you in my love,private eyes are watching you
A crazy little thing called love is what I'm gonna put you through

because jenny I got your number,its almost paradise
Now I gotta cut footloose,so sign your name across the dotted line
I'm the king of wishful thinking,but girl you know it's true
Blame it on the rain,on anything you can,but I'm the one for you

You can scream until you toll hells bells,I'll cry my rebel yell
at our white wedding I'll be dancing with myself,but I will live to tell
I dont mean no harm,I'm just burning doin the neutron dance
we dont have to take our clothes off,but I gotta get in your pants

So bust a move little fighter,climb aboard my carribean queen
you have got a heart of glass,it's ok I've got shattered dreams
I'm so high on you,we'll be dancing on the ceiling,if you know what I mean
all night long penny lover,I always feel like somebody's watching me

Love bites.just like an animal,so pour some sugar on me
lets put the x in sex,but if you love someone set them free
every breath you take roxanne,I'll be watching you
I don't mean to be the king of pain,but I just called to say I love you

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:39 AM
on second thought

listen to the women

cops,restraining orders..changing a bunch of ****

typical break up bull****

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:37 AM
I think you should tell him that you will call him and that you can at least promise him a half an hour conversation

Then try this

I know we had some both amazing and hurtful times together,but no matter what has happened..I have moved on with my life/Maybe not in a way you're probably thinking..(because men always think theres another guy)..but I am content with the way things are right now.I do appreciate that you seem to be doing okay for yourself,but I have no desir to be a part of that.I am gonna ask you to not show up at my job in the manner you did,not only was it uncalled for,but I could have lost my job over it..besides we were told to always leave our baggage at the door,and thats something I respect/I know you probably think I hate you,the fact is I don't..but I have never gone out with someone on account of pity,,,and this is no I'm sorry to say this but we cannot get back together..this is the answer I am standing by..I'm not asking you to wait or to try again or even to better yourself..I'm happy with my life and I need you to follow your honor and move on as well

its just an idea sexyblondee

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:28 AM

Someone is going to be a very lucky and happy girl!
Wonderful JT!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

I'll try,thank you

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:35 AM

so toe sucking is out:tongue: laugh laugh

Is flossing for toe jam frowned upon when done in public

enquiring minds wanna know

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:33 AM
Edited by nightruler on Tue 03/25/08 09:34 AM

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:28 AM

When I am alone
I look in my heart
sometimes what I see
just tears me apart

I have been a champion
I have fought to protect
my heart saddens
as I reflect

All life is precious
all life has meaning
why do some people
have to hurt other's feelings

If some could understand
and see what I do
They would realize the beauty
in everyone too

Oh I hang my head down
I can't stand this you see
my heart is cut to pieces
because of the misery

Please people
let's come together
let's establish a friendship
that will last forever..

By Daniel

Along with what Lurchs sister wrote,I too have known the feeling of hurting so bad you nearly go numb..but its a good feeling knowing we have this place to come to at anytime.Man,i bet mike and Van hug each other and cry when they see some of the things we write

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:17 AM

Thank you JT! You set my brain on fire with this one!blushing blushing

It's nice to know some like it hot

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 09:09 AM
Peabo Bryson-My heart belongs to you

nightruler's photo
Tue 03/25/08 08:46 AM

I'll try to write something real next time..however I'm sure other men..including myself have been in this situation

There was a time that I went through some very terrible pain because of something like this, but now that I look back on it and God giving me the strength along with very few friends that stood by me, I realized it was best it was over..

Thank you for the poem JT, it brought back memories of a time in my life when what seemed like defeat, turned out to be an amazing victory in the end...

Now there's a reason to love being a writer/This so reminds me of a show I played where people were in tears in the was quite an experience

I agree with you, we do write poems that touch others in some sort of way, sometimes loving, sometimes sad, sometimes giving hope, sometimes if for no other reason, but just to bring a smile to their faces

Amen to that Sir Daniel