Community > Posts By > nightruler

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:40 PM
ok so its the drunk version lol

keep going

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:39 PM
the playground

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:37 PM
I'll start ..the next person will type the next word only...lets see if we can get through this

laugh INlaugh

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:33 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:31 PM
Tard abuse,tard abuse..

No cupcakes for you

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:17 PM

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:16 PM
I think I would do angel by jon secada

nightruler's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:02 PM
Audition for American Idol what song would you sing?

Remember,you're lucky if you get 30 seconds,so choose your song wisely.

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:11 PM
Tardhemian rhapsody

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:09 PM
Ok first off..those without a sense of humor..go preach somewhere else..

This is by no means meant to harm or ridicule anyone

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 10:06 PM
Using the word "Tard"

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 09:46 PM

how did this go from being horny to deceased grannies in like a snap?!!?

I think me and Peccy were just busting each others nuts and...OF COURSE.....someone had to get all serious

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 09:40 PM
whatever,have fun...Peccy Penpals

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 09:37 PM

Your grandma
grandma is dead bro' yer funny

That explains why I'm so lonely

nightruler's photo
Wed 05/28/08 09:34 PM
Your grandma

nightruler's photo
Mon 05/26/08 11:22 PM
Too much love will kill you by Queen

nightruler's photo
Mon 05/26/08 10:51 PM
Dat is some smooove shizit yo.smack whack who got da (smoke)
poppin pills like de la so..drop a beat like ritalin hyprochondia be my sin.body jitter,body freak my big lip can swallow me..when i need a fix and aint got the time..I just hold my breath and suck my mind.clouds of smoke and bloodshot eyes a jimi hendrix paradise
don't know,dont care..dat aint no shi(p) in contro yo..dis rides equip

can I getta whoo whoo

nightruler's photo
Sun 05/25/08 03:14 PM

judge not,lest you be judged!

it's judge not,lest ye be judged

gotta get that holy lingual down..lolflowerforyou

nightruler's photo
Fri 05/23/08 03:01 AM
I thought a little too much last night
So tired ,I felt I was in a dream,without
ever closing my eyes
I felt alone and isolated,jealous,replaced
and oh so jaded
but it's just as bad,when you are left behind
Your haunting image is carried through like
a neverending thought
so deep inside,that simple words can not find
their way to make all of this be gone
and like a unforgivable obsession,here I'll
just give in to my depression
because forgiveness alone could never right the wrong

But still the same lost heart keeps beating,sad and
slowly constantly repeating,as if it has a thought
of it's own
Unlock these doors,don't make me wait for you anymore
though I broke you into hating me...I feel completely torn

I find myself just waiting for a chance,somewhere between
time and a memory hoping you will touch my hand..I remember
your beauty, how your eyes define such perfection.I wish I
could have kept you here,but it was me with no direction..and
now it's so beyond my hands,you seem to be the universe,and I'm
a small plot of land
So easy to look over,so easy to if one single memory
can't be recaptured in a kiss,I never thought I'd dream of someone as much as this..after all the time thats gone by,I miss
those perfect eyes.

But still the same lost heart keeps beating,sad and
slowly constantly repeating,as if it has a thought
of it's own
Unlock these doors,don't make me wait for you anymore
though I broke you into hating me...I feel completely torn

nightruler's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:46 AM
Vicki,you are amazing..I wish I could convince you of thatflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


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