Community > Posts By > GreenEyes48
Your Not My Mother
Just like with my former ex I knew from the beginning she had severe jealousy issues and not bragging here, just stating a fact, she also knew other women were attracted to me, you see I have always known how to just be my self, guess women pick up on that, but I have never in my life ever cheated, guess im just not wired like that, can only be with one woman at a time, as far as my ex was concerned I went into our relationship with my eyes wide open and would have stayed with her forever reguardlees of her issues, but when the hitting started, I started leaving. |
One "Twilight Zone" episode always stuck in my mind. The man in the story wanted a woman to fall in love with him...Someone handed him a magic potion and guaranteed that it would make the "woman of his dreams" fall madly in love with him. And the potion worked!...But after awhile the man grew bored. The woman's "all consuming love" for him became a burden. He wanted to do something else besides just "being in love" 24/7...My husband and I had passion for each other. (Love and enjoyment etc.)...But we extended our "passions" out into the world a little more. We developed new interests on a regular basis.. Life was exciting because we were always coming-up with new ideas and new projects...And we were passionate about finding new ways to spoil and reward ourselves too. New ways to have fun!...We enjoyed having a passion and zest for life. (In general.)
Your Not My Mother
I have never had an issue apologizing when I have been wrong, have been told that I am stubborn, get it from my mother I guess, apologies don't seem to be enough with some women, I can understand how a woman can become frustrated over a period of time if certain mistakes or behaviors are not corrected, but if it's just a personality trait it should be leaned to live with or just go your seperate way, again we cannot change the person we are, we can however improve ourselves, but basic aspects of ones personality are a bit more difficult to change, such as myself I have been described as having a dry wit, that leans on the sarcastic side, come on ladies you already knew what your man was like when you decided to be with him, even though over the coarse of time I can see where one partner changes and the other stays as when you first met, so I do think it is important to grow together as a couple, but in most cases unfortunately that does not occur, and change cannot be forced on anyone. |
The compatibility zone.
Someone who can share everything with me. Discover new worlds together and just go side by side, shoulder by shoulder, hand by hand through life. Someone who inspire me to be the best version of myself everyday, like I would inspire him to be the best version of himself. Like falling in love everyday. We don´t even have to like the same, just that he be willing to participate in some of my interests, like I would participate in the interests of him. Respect each other, love each other, being always ourselves. |
Your Not My Mother
I agree...I've been around both men and women who consider it a "sin" to apologize. (Or ever admit to being wrong etc.)...When kids grow-up with mothers or fathers who act this way they can be a little "touchy" in adult-life if they haven't worked through their "old issues.".. Or they can become self-righteous themselves. And ready to "do battle" anytime. (With anyone.)
Your Not My Mother
Edited by
Fri 04/12/13 09:24 AM
Greeneyes I have to agree with you about parents, I think all parents messed their kids up to some extent. Like a lot of sons, I swore I would never be like my father and take verbal abuse as he did. Even if he deserved it most times. |
Your Not My Mother
Ha, guys saying that they need to be the ones that make the decisions in a relationship but also saying that they never argue with women. Now it becomes so clear where I've been going wrong for all of these years by actually trying to listen to what women want and trying to reason with them wen I should just have been bossing them about and telling them what to do. |
The compatibility zone.
Thanks for sharing, GreenEyes. I have been restudying compatibility. I think it can be easily overlooked. ![]() |
Your Not My Mother
I think a lot of issues men and women face in their adult relationships stem from "unfinished business" with our parents. (Problems that can date "way back" or be current and ongoing etc.)...If a boy grows-up with a passive dad and strong-willed mom he can blame his mom or his dad for the obvious inequities...Women may have problems later in life if they grew-up with a dad who seemed "indifferent" or disinterested. (And way off in the background compared to their mother's involvement in their everyday lives.)...We can follow in our parents' footsteps or we can decide to be "different" at some point along the way and "invent" new and better ways of relating to our adult partners. Don't you think?
The compatibility zone.
Edited by
Fri 04/12/13 06:34 AM
The compatibility zone.
RainbowTrout...I agree with you about common interests...My husband and I "took interest" in each other's interests. And we developed lots of new interests during our 30 years together.
Dating advice from friends
I would hope that I'd be able to spot the "con-artists." (At least at some point anyway!)...I think some people are probably addicted to the "thrill" and "high" of winning the attention (and affections) of someone "new.".. And this is basically all they are "after."..They keep moving down the line once they gain what they want from each new "victim." Or they "play" people "along" in order to maintain their "harem" etc...Have you noticed this?...Normally I'm not a good candidate when it comes to manipulation tactics. But I have been "burned" or "taken for a ride" a few times. So I don't take people at absolute "face value.".. And I take more of a "wait and see" approach just to be on the "safe-side."
The compatibility zone.
I do best with men who are chalk-full of ideas and interests and plans of their very own...Self-starters and self-motivators who don't need someone to tell them what to "do" or who to "be" etc...I don't want to "play mom" to a man and I'm not looking for a "substitute dad" either!...I want a man who is already "whole and complete" within himself. But yet he is flexible and always interested in learning new things and "expanding" his horizons etc...A man who doesn't feel threatened by a strong woman. (Because he's strong and secure within himself and doesn't need to "hold" anyone "back" or "down" in order to feel "tall.")
Your Not My Mother
I think it boils down to taking responsibility for everything that goes on in a household...And staying involved and staying "active" in the decision-making process...If one partner takes a "back-seat" and leaves everything up to his or her partner this isn't really fair...When we're kids we have parents to "take care" of us but when we become adults we're responsible for ourselves and everything that "goes on" in our homes. (Whether we like it or not!)...Some men and women fall into more of a "passive role" when they "hook-up" with a mate. (At least when it comes to certain areas.)...And they expect their mate to pick-up the "slack" and do most of the planning or problem-solving or "deciding" etc...People who have a tendency to be passive (or compliant) need a "strong-willed" and overly-responsible mate. (To "balance" things "out.") This is how it seems to me anyway...It's different when both partners "feel responsible" for everything and no one tries to "skate-by." (Or "get out" of doing certain things etc.)
Clutter Junkies
How can you build a hide out, if you have nothing to build it out of? There are pros to hoarding stuff you know. |
msharmony...Thanks for starting this thread!...Well for whatever reason I am the last person left in my family...I have to find a way to keep on "going" even though my husband and both my sons passed-away...I'm an only child with no brothers or sisters and my parents are gone too...I figure that there must be some reason why I am still "here." So I keep on "going" even though it's rough at times.
Quality Pickup Lines
YUK! I don't like pickup lines...Or any type of lines...I'm old so I remember what it was like back in the 70's and 80's when some men tried to act like Tom Jones. (And wore afro's and big medallions around their neck.) The first thing they said was: "Hey babe! Hey good lookin'...What's your sign?" YUKKO!
I knew I was in love with my husband because neither one of us wanted to "stay mad" for long...We always found ways to "patch things up" and work out compromises because it was more fun (and rewarding) to be "in love." (And happy with each other.)...Roses are beautiful. But rose bushes come with thorns...Love isn't always going to be a "smooth ride." No one gets to lavish in a beautiful "rose garden" without running into a few thorns. (Or problems along the way.)...But love doesn't have to die-off at the first sign of "trouble" if a couple is dedicated to working together to keep their love "alive" no matter what...(Despite all the thorns!)
Personality changes
Sorry for your loss as well. ![]() One thing I have learned over the years is life is too short to care about phoney people. If they don't want to be around me they don't have too. I myself will always be a friend unless I am given a reason not to. Friendship is earned not an entitlement . |
Personality changes
Sorry for your loss as well. ![]() One thing I have learned over the years is life is too short to care about phoney people. If they don't want to be around me they don't have too. I myself will always be a friend unless I am given a reason not to. Friendship is earned not an entitlement . |