Community > Posts By > Loves2Please
Can we Vent
My god what a day, now its morning and still up, great, I feel more powerfull, ((YEA-NO)), more like lack of power. So I came here to get it on for a min, ok now get yalls heads out the gutter, I mean get my venting on, lol, well they say ex's are ex's for a reason, till they need your help some how or give you the line they want to talk, well why is that, why do ex's like trying to keep you traped in a web that they cant seem to spin right, there are problems I dont like hearing and others I really didnt care to know about, but I sit there and hear it out, does that make me lees of a person over my own power, or is it that I care to damn much to be evil, ok so I have a daughter by her, and im also a full time dad,but does it mean I have to listen to every damn thing the Ex brings up, or can I just be No No No, im done we been done, done is done. Ok so I sound like a total *** now, but im just not that drama type person, I like good,the respect of enjoying life, and having a talk over postive things, not stress stress and ummm more stress, and it dont have nothing to do with me ever, but I hear it, and feel it and just want to Runn Forest Runn away from her when she comes around,Errrr like what the hell.. How do most deal with there ex its not like this is new hell its been 7 year since married, like MOOOOOOVE on well lil harsh I know, but really. Well enough said I hope everyone here has a blessed day or night which ever you wanna call it,,,lmao Love to everyone Here....
Mind of Thought
Is there a way to find hope if you never knew what it looked like,,is there a reason for every question asked if there is no answer, is there a problem going on that never started, is there truth to whats said if there was lies befor, is there life to be learned if your never tought.......Let them words sit in your head for a min...
How does it feel
You can do bad off by ur damn self,,why u need someone to make u or break u ,friends are dime a doz so are familys,,but the ones that give back to u as u give to them thats TRUE FAMILY not only just friends or close ones true family,,where u always Fit in to place with them all the time,,,,
Do Men .........
I agree with most,,but really I think if you cant make the time to be old fashion,and meet people on your own theres a problem,,friends help turns in to trouble,,the net gives you false hope,,and church gives you good girls soon to turn bad,,lol,,but really where did we go wrong when it came to love at first sight,the bump into someone in a store, the oh what time is it,,see all this leads up to the date where you do get that door open for you and the chair pulled out and pushed in,,the kiss good night when he turns and you think,,wow whens the next time I can get the door open,,and the respect being treated like a woman...
As He Still Walks With Us..
Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
6 Ways to comfirm that Santa is a man,,,1.He shows up late..2.Eats your cookie..3.Emptys his sack..4.He only comes once..5.Calls You a hoe..6.And leaves when your asleep..Merry Xmas....
Do you, Can you, Would you
Is there any reason in this world to not give your all to someone,,could you ever feel, that life had to be just the way you want it,with no change,would there be, or is there ever that moment where you can say yes to make the other person happy,and never think twice about it..ask yourself them questions,,and see how easy it's not to answer....
For only the fact of love can show you the way, for only the truth will ever tell who's right,,as you see the words printed,,as you feel the love given,,can you call on that person to be your helping hand through life, is there a reason why you cant love no more then you should,,then why be the person to try,,why is it that we have to thank life,,cause it's the way LOVE GROWS IN EACH OTHER..
aka.HAFERCAN... |
Christmas:Why,What,Who For
What is it about Christmas we all like or love,,I would say enjoying seeing my daughters eyes light up like the North Star when she is there on the floor opening gifts,,the joy of family friends,and knowing I lived another year to see the joyest day of the year..So what your thought on Christmas,,
aka... The HAFERCAN.... |
Winter Love
well its soul,,how I feel right off the head about my feeling to being alone in the winter,,,I just hate it....
Winter Love
As I sit here to think of the weather change,,I feel true life change,,alone again,hoping for a drop of love,as a flake from the sky.I know im man,,not to cry,,knowing the clod is on its way,,I pray to keep warm with love,feeling the beat of a heart ,,like the melting snow falling from the roof to the ground,,that thump to only just think and think but yet your stumped on how to feel,,is this how it is,,why is this so real,,not one flake in the sky is the same not every heart beats the feel of shame like mine,,you see I try and yet no joy,,its like you play with me like a christmas toy,,well open your gift and feel the love,,as we chase snow flakes as kids we do the same as adults with our hearts,,as snow melts we fall apart to feel that life from befor,,your cold heart the breath that freezes my mind when you talk,,your touch with no warmth to it..Just call you the winter Witch...
Why Why Why
yea I know,,,EEERRRRR.....
Why Why Why
Edited by
Thu 11/18/10 01:33 AM
If people in this world took down some of there walls around there DAMN HEARTS,,they might find love,as the way its seen not the way it hurt from the PAST...Thanks to all the Azz HOLES in the world that made trusting LOVE again a HARD THING TO DO...((Finger Is Up))
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Brought the oldies back up from the past....
Im Back HEHEHE....
Thank u much miss it here, most of all miss writing ideas and poems
Im Back HEHEHE....
For all the ones that knew me or know me,,im back,,pomes will be wrote and if you have a face book look me up..Thomas Bizbee,,,hope to hear from old friends here,,,,miss everyone loves everyone...
Miss Yall
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Miss Yall
So can we all say the weekend took to long to get here and now to short to go back to work,,,,
Miss Yall
So as I took a break for a while,,I tend to return to search out the one thing I love LAUGHING AGAIN,,,,Hello to all here once again
To gassy to find out ,,,lol