Community > Posts By > ElissaIsTrans

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Tue 07/24/18 10:06 AM
Good luck on your search to love.
You are an attractive woman so I’m sure finding an attractive man won’t be all that difficult. Especially since you still look young. Just make sure that he has a good character and that you can trust him.
Be careful with people’s intentions on the internet.

All the best.

Much love,

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Tue 07/24/18 10:03 AM
I had the hots for the younger version of Montel Williams. Now not anymore. Too old.

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Tue 07/24/18 10:02 AM
Just swam.

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Mon 07/23/18 07:11 PM
How much is an iPhone 6 with minor damage worth?
I bought it in September, 2017.

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Mon 07/23/18 07:09 PM
British Columbia, Canada.
Toronto, Canada.
Alberta, Canada.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Quebec, Canada

Florida, USA

Australia, Sidney
Australia, Brisbane
Australia, Melbourne
Australia, Adelaide
Australia, Perth
Australia, Cairns

New-Zealand, Wellington

Senegal, Sally

Israel, Tel-Aviv

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Philippines, Cebu
Philippines, Manilla

Thailand, Bangkok
Thailand, Chang Mai

Island, Reykjavik

Baleares, Mallorca

Kaapstad, South-Africa

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Mon 07/23/18 07:02 PM
50 shades darker

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Mon 07/23/18 07:00 PM
Because love doesn’t come to you. You have to go to love.
Love isn’t a basic right. It’s an earned right. A right you fight for.

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Mon 07/23/18 06:57 PM
Meat balls in tomato sauce.

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Mon 07/23/18 06:54 PM
Everyone develops dark secrets over the long course of a human life. That is the result of the taboo and judgement that people connotate with certain subjects in our society.
An example : Many men are bisexual and hide it from their wives because they are scared that she will leave them. So they turn to the internet to write about their fantasies and sooner or later their laptop is open, the wife goes through their search history and a breach of trust has taken place between both parties, all of a sudden. Things like this could have been avoided if subjects like this were more open for discussion in our society. But they are not, so people search outlets to canalize their feelings with regards to these kinds of subjects.
Another example : Some people have been sexually abused and hide it out of shame and fear. They live their lives as broken people suffering day after day. Wondering if they have done everything in their possession to avoid this from happening. They blame themselves for it. Because it’s taboo in our society. Because it’s still seen as shameful. Not open for discussion.

Another example is transgender people. Because science still lacks a decent and generally accepted explanation with regard to how gender dysphoria develops / manifestates itself, there is still a lot of judgement for trans people. So people hide it, try to conform to the gender role they were assigned at birth, try to do what society expects them to do, while slowly dying inside. Ultimately later in life it becomes unavoidable to act on the desire to be able to be yourself, who you truly are. And so one transitions. Caitlyn Jenner is the perfect example of this with her come out at 65.

Other examples of living with a dark secret include : hiding a murder out of guilt / shame / inwillingness to face your deeds.

The vast majority of people will have lived with a dark secret by the time they reach old age.
It’s simply unavoidable because of the way humanity is programmed. Because of how society is programmed with its quick judgement and prejudices.

Anxiety occurs when the adrenal glands start producing more stress hormones like adrenalin. The body thinks it faces a situation of danger and becomes restless. The “ fight or flight “ mechanism.

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Mon 07/23/18 06:38 PM
A man is in bed with his Thai wife. They are having an intimate time. She is carressing his testicles which he enjoys. He asks her why she does that every night and why she loves to do that. She answers : “ because I miss mine “ :’-D

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Mon 07/23/18 06:24 PM

hello, i'm rebecca, i'm new on this platform and i need a guide.

You might want to post your question in the “ help “ section of the forums.
Or contact Soufiehere . She is the friendliest moderator here.

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Mon 07/23/18 06:21 PM
A vacation on a tropical isle but I haven’t gotten a single dime to spend, so I stay home :-(

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Mon 07/23/18 06:21 PM
Owning would give me more peace of mind than renting.
You can’t inherently trust on the good will of other people. Because people are unpredictable.
Owning a place has the advantage that you can rest assured that you will not be kicked out.
Even if you paid your landlord, they could always come up with excuses and throw you out that month. Nothing stops them. They are owner and you are not.

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Mon 07/23/18 06:14 PM
Nope. Too fabulous to be hidden.

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Sun 07/22/18 10:06 PM

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Sun 07/22/18 09:58 PM
Titanic. “ Paint me like one of those French girls “ ;-)

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Sun 07/22/18 02:43 PM
Good luck on your journey to the land of love.
Safe travels.


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Sun 07/22/18 02:39 PM
It happened a few times.
The guys were not really exceptionally good looking and didn’t draw a lot of interest from other girls either but I got befriended with them and after a few months I realised how attracted I was to their maturity, intelligence, mystery, their properly maintained hygiene, their outlook on life, their humor. Usually the appearence is 70% of the deal for me and 30% is personality. I rather get attracted to handsome, mean machos than to kind, friendly nerds. I’m superficial.

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Sun 07/22/18 02:33 PM
Unconditional love, 2012, Owen’s first love.
This is a great movie. Funny and dramatic at the same time.

You can watch it for free on

Synopsis :

UNCONDITIONAL is a darkly humorous psycho-romance about 16-year old twins OWEN and KRISTEN who are so wrapped up in their own world that they’re misfits in the real one. They spend their days caring for their disabled mum MAUREEN. It’s actually fun although they long for escape. And along comes LIAM – 20s, tough, charming, full velocity, genuinely cool. Kristen fancies him with the intensity of someone in a fairytale. Then Liam takes Owen out drinking. Owen knows as much about pubs as Kristen does about men. They go back to Liam’s flat where he pulls out a set of designer women’s clothes and, “just for a laugh”, gets Owen to wear them. It’s a Cinderella moment. Owen finds Liam and the world instantly attracted to him. Liam isn’t a monster, he’s a romantic, offering unconditional love, on one condition: Owen takes his sister Kristen’s name and identity.

But the wiring in Liam’s head is further out than Owen thought: he veers between adoration and menace, increasingly trying to exorcise Owen from his invention. When Owen tries to escape Liam kidnaps ‘Kristen’ and books them into seaside honeymoon suite where a surreal, frightening but painfully funny climax plays out…

See the movie for free :

I highly recommend this movie.

Let me know if you enjoyed it and what your thoughts are when you decide to watch the full movie.



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Sun 07/22/18 02:17 PM
I use Estriol skin care cream.
The brand I use is LifeFlo. Two pumps a day on my arms.
Price is 25$ +-
I buy mine at

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