Community > Posts By > donthatoneguy
Life as I see it...
The first heartbreak is always the hardest! That's an unavoidable fact of life! I would beg to differ. I've recently been involved in a immensely difficult separation after a five year relationship that hurt and affected me on a far greater scale than my first heartbreak. Each trial of life can be easy or hard to overcome, depending on the circumstances, your expectations and how you look at the events themselves. The only thing to do is use it create in you a better person. Learn, grow, expand. Bitterness and/or doubt do not help with either of those. "Waking up" is far better than giving up, so good for you. I hope this is the worst you'll see. ![]() |
A thought
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Mon 05/03/10 11:03 AM
Certainly, religious dogmatizm cannot compare to flexability of Science. But what I was really trying to get accross was the point that our notions of "nature" are so incomplete, that our current beliefs aren't relatively far from the religious ones!!! (i.e. compared to the Complete/Total knowledge) Besides, the power of religion -- as with any philosophycal doctrine -- is in Interpretattion! Thus, I suspect, the farther we advance our scientific knowledge, the less difference there would be between Science and religion! (after all, science has sprung out from religion) Erm, no. Science sprung from a desire to learn and understand how and why things work and not settle for the explanations of uninformed, unmotivated people. Religion is about belief, without question, in the stories and "knowledge" of how and why things are as told by those who wrote the particular book(s) associated with that religion. |
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Mon 05/03/10 10:57 AM
Its a matter of efficiency. Anything that requires energy from an external source is not perfect in efficiency and is therefore not a perfect construct. In order to survive, man must kill, whether that be plants or animals. That is not perfection.
Does God need to eat? I would assume an all-powerful being would not require sustenance because he is perfectly efficient and self-sustaining. God is perfect. So, by that logic, humans are imperfect because they require food, water, light, etc. Its been stated many times in this thread that humans are imperfect and not because of "sin". There are genetic disorders that have nothing to do with sin. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to not getting enough sunlight. That is imperfection. There are disorders related to many many things. If a human does not get anything they require to survive, then they die. They are not self-sustaining and therefore imperfect. |
For 1 you do not know if i disobey God or not, you don't know so don't stereotype people. You have absolutely no clue if i practice what i preach or not, not saying i sin or not that's none of your buiseness. Adam and Eve did know what disobediance was, obviousely you don't. Cause it wouldn't have been considered disobediance if they did not know of such. Actually, I remember you posting this kind of thing before. So, unless you've been lying about it, then yes we do know about intentional sin. Here's a good example to explain what i'm trying to say. You, me, and most every body knows that say for instance stealing is against the bible, but yet alot of people still do as such. They all understand what disobediance is, but yet they still do the sinful thing, same as adam and eve did. Why don't we change this to "murder" and we can get a better perspective. "Thou shalt not kill" ... murder is evil, murder is against the law, to murder is to disobey the law and therefore, disobedience is evil. So in order to disobey God and eat the fruit, Adam and Eve either already had knowledge of good and evil, or they were condemned for actions they could not begin to fathom and were not prepared by God to know the difference. And with your logic on being God's fault, then if i go to the bank and rob it, it's not my fault it's the government's fault because they should know that if they keep that much money in one place someone would try to steal it. God is not the government. According to this discussion, God is beyond and above the human concept of law and order. If you place a bowl of water and a bowl of milk in front of a 6 week old puppy and say "Don't drink the milk" and it does, is that the dog's fault or is it yours? And do you beat the dog for disobedience? Same concept with Adam and Eve ... they didn't know any better. They were not given the proper knowledge (of good and evil) to rightly prepare them to make their "free will" decision. You always try to put blame on something/someone else instead of standing up and taking the punishment. It was adam and eves choice to eat of the tree nevertheless of if God knew they would or not, the blame is not on God it is on humans for disobeying God. Making an uninformed decision is not much of a choice. Let's say that you are given a choice between food A and food B, and are told that food A contains arsenic and food b contains corn syrup. Without a knowledge of what arsenic or corn syrup was, you would not be able to make a proper choice and have a 50% chance of dying in the next few hours. Same applies. Unless Adam and Eve were not given proper knowledge of good, evil and consequence, then it was God's fault for placing the Tree in the garden. Oh and ... No that is God's way of washing out the nasty discusting people out of the world. The only outcome of sin is death. The only outcome of obedience is also death. We all die, sin or no. Is it still considered the sin of murder if God commits the act? And if not, why can't God practice what He preaches? ![]() |
You want us to single out one thing in particular? hehehe. It was all great for me. I've been a big admirer of both Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens for years but didn't know who the other two were until watching this video (yeah, I'm not as particularly informed as I'd like to be), but I was amazed and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
Predators - Coming Soon!
Just to clarify ... think of it as the rectangle and the square. A graphic novel is a comic book, but a comic book is not necessarily a graphic novel. =)
--- Amazon's Kindle 2 ---
Honestly, if you're willing to pay the $500 bucks for the DX, you should look into the iRex iLiad. I think you would be more satisfied with it.
Has Christianity been lost?
Isiah 7:14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means 'God is with us'). Call me crazy, but if I were Joseph I would: A) be weirded out that I didn't have an appropriate sounding name for the area and time I live in ... B) wonder the same thing about my wife ... C) be extremely pissed that my wife got pregnant before we could consummate. I've never heard of anyone else being able to walk on water or heal a person by just saying for it to be done. Actually, in ancient feudal japan, it was said that ninjas could run on water. ![]() |
Its called "Devil's Advocate" ... you don't believe it, but you're saying for the sake of argument (or in this case, debate) that it IS real. Logic is then used based on the "factual" presentation of the topic in question.
Don't hold your breath, Redonkulous. Facts aren't Kings_Knight's forte.
It was, indeed, great. And I am a big fan of Joss Whedon ... especially with supporting roles.
I didn't get into Buffy until late in the series, but found Xander, Willow and Spike (pre-i-love-buffy) quickly among my favorite supporting roles ever. Then there was Firefly ... then there was Dollhouse ... both amazing shows that won't get to see their full bloom. Damn Fox. ![]() |
something to think about
Actually, to be fair ... the Lord of the Rings was THREE books, there was also The Hobbit, the Silmarillion and various other short stories written by J. R. R. Tolkien all dealing with Middle Earth and its historical events.
![]() Also, keep in mind that all of these authors from "different time periods" were all just that ... from different time periods writing about the same set of events that none of them witnessed. |
Way To Go, O ...
How, then, do you condone the absolute LACK of scruting of 'The ONE' by the 'media' [sic] duirng the campaign of '08? Seems like it was okay then (as it is now) to give 'Dear Comrade Leader' a pass when anyone else would have been raked over the coals. 'Selective breeding' is an apt descriptor for our 'political candidates' on the Left. When y' have 'journalists' [ahem] like Chris Matthews announcing he has a 'thrill run up my leg' when he hears 'The ONE' speak. that is no longer journalism but advocacy for a particular, PREFERRED, candidate. So how do you square your position with that operative reality? Seriously, Kings_Knight ... stop watching Fox News. Its not fair and balanced. Its not even news, its a bunch of commentating idiots who spout right-wing propaganda so that other idiots like Sarah Palin get airtime to throw the country off track of what's really important: INFORMED DECISIONS. I get my news from various sources online, on public radio, the Daily Show and anywhere else I can find it that won't put a political twist on every f***ing thing out of their putrid pie-holes. Present an ACTUAL opinion that's based at least REMOTELY in fact and we'll talk further. Bye, now. |
Way To Go, O ...
Wow ...
Ok, this is the last response I'm giving to you because its turning out not to be worth it. A) No, I don't need to be taught about communism. I said you should explain HOW Obama is a communist. Since you didn't, I'll assume either you, yourself, don't know or that you have no proof. Done. B) Since you won't explain why Obama does not love this country and how McCain does, I'll again assume that either you don't know or that you have no proof. Done. C) A valid candidate (in my opinion) is someone that hasn't completely flipped over in the 8 years since his last presidential bid. I would have voted for McCain in 2000 had he been the candidate instead of Bush. But in '08, he was no longer McCain, he was George W. Bush Part II. Since you obviously haven't realized this or bothered to do the research, then I'll assume that you have no basis for your argument, once again. Ron Paul, as I stated above, was a VALID candidate and he would have gotten my vote. D) I didn't change the subject, I asked you to elaborate on your arguments. You have not, all you have done is attack me. So again, I've little choice but to assume you have no idea what you're talking about. This has been very disappointing. Ah well. Enjoy, sir. |
Prius, Volt, Leaf or....
IMO, go Prius or wait for (help) Tesla Motors take off. There's also apparently a magnetic motor being developed by Perendev: Not sure if its actually real, since they don't yet have a good quality video of it in action from all angles. |
Way To Go, O ...
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Wed 04/14/10 09:51 AM
Actually, I would've preferred voting for Ron Paul (in a more perfect world, had he been the republican candidate). But what it boiled down to was, what has to be done to keep an idiot from being one heart attack away from the presidency. Sorry, it was not an easy decision.
Communist ... how about defining how Obama's a communist, define how that's bad and define how you think McCain/Palin would have been better for this country. After that, you can explain why having socialized fire departments, police departments and schools are bad for America too. "Socialized Healthcare?! Oh no!" ... why don't you look at these: France, being #1 has socialized healthcare. Sorry. American ... Apparently someone did not get the memo that Hawaii became a state in 1959. The only people that still question whether Obama is American are Fox News execs and the people who watch the network religiously. He's president, you lost, get over it. Being irrational about it will do nothing. You think he's going to impose laws that will ruin this country? Then keep in contact with your senator and representatives and express your desire for them to vote against whatever bill you find questionable. That's how the system (supposedly) works and stay in touch with the GOP and make sure they put up VALID candidates in '12. I'm not saying "don't speak your mind" and I'm not "all about Obama" ... just a little clarity in your ranting would be nice. You do it rather well in religious debate ... which is mostly why I'm butting heads with you here. ![]() |
A thought
Most of educated people tent to develop both aspects of their mind simultaneously -- Physical & Spiritual. I ain't no expert in After-life (NOBODY is), but I tend to believe that we get whatever we believed in: - transformation into something else? -- sure, take your pick.. - Nothingness? -- Certainly, no one is forced to go on... *******BUT YOUR AIN'T GONNA BE GIVEN A CHOICE!!!********* Let's see a list of these "most of educated people" to which you refer. If you're no expert in the "afterlife" then how do you know we're not going to be given a choice? |
Ha! Well translated, Redonkulous.
Way To Go, O ...
There you have it, ladies 'n gentlemens ... another proud 'Defender of the Faith' speaks ... well, for what THAT's worth ... I display 'bitterness' ... ? you're damned RIGHT I'm bitter - the little boy in short pants playing 'president' is actively destroying the country I inherited from my forefathers and intend to leave to my posterity. I'm supposed to IGNORE that? Not bloody likely. I will oppose him, his tactics, and his suckup sycophants (if the shoe fits ... ) for as long as it takes. He is a malignant narcissist with an active hatred of MY country. He is dangerous to me and my posterity with his Soviet-esque policies. If YOU want to be part of that, fine - I have no problem opposing you, either. Defender of the Faith? You've got nothing better than that? I've already stated that I voted for Obama only to keep McCain-Palin out of office (You wanna talk about RuiNation? That would have really been destroying this country if those two got in). With every new president there's always someone that's saying the exact same thing you're saying now. Want to oppose him? Fine, but try doing it in a coherent, non-raving-lunatic (if the shoe fits ...) manner. |
How Many Americans Know?
Again, why? Why not become energy dependent with alternative forms of fuel? That way it won't matter where the oil is, and its long overdue. Stop drilling for oil, you won't have to listen to the environmentalists' yammering, if that's your only concern.