Community > Posts By > donthatoneguy
Confidence is based on repetitive results or reasonable deduction based on similar experiences. You can be CONFIDENT that the Earth will rotate again so the sun appears in view to us on the morrow because at least 10,000 consecutive occurrences tells you its a likelihood. By that same merit, I can be confident in my ability to drive because I've done so for fifteen years and I'm still alive. I am not, however, confident that I will never die in a car accident just because I have not died yet. That would require:
Faith, which requires no repetitive results or deduction of any kind. Example: How many times have you witnessed God flooding the Earth? Answer: None, but you have faith because you read it in A book (or THE Book, as you say). There is also no record or evidence whatsoever of a flood of global proportions within the last 12,000 years that Christians claim as the total history of the earth, yet their 'faith' is maintained. There's a HUGE difference. By the way, there's no need to put Atheist in quotations. Its not a nickname or alias, "Cowboy". You don't see we atheists doing it with Christian or God or Muslim. Yes, it is used to define a broad range of beliefs, but so is Christian or God or Muslim. |
What did Republicans do? Oh yeah we FREED the slaves! You're saying this as if you were there. ![]() Anyways ![]() Actually ... First off, do some research. Before 1960, Republicans were more like Democrats and vice versa, so Republicans were progressive liberals (anti-slavery was an liberal and progressive idea back in those days) ... the opposite of what they are today. Secondly, why are your bringing up examples of racist democrats from 70 years ago to compare to Ron Paul, who is alive and active today? That's kind of counter intuitive. If you regard my previous paragraph (since it was pre-1960), these "Democrats" you're citing were yesterday's "Republicans", so you're still off the mark. And no, I don't think Ron Paul is a racist, nor do I see any claims otherwise in this thread. |
Thank you for Not "Serving"
It is clear to me you never reads the Principles of Rule! Also the concept of Deterrent Force seems to mean nothing to you. And how does China conduct politics? Why not ask Tibet what is up? How about S Korea? HOW ABOUT VIETNAM? Vietnam found out they have oil on and off shore and guess who threatened them if they tapped their reserves especially off shore? Hint, IT ISN'T AMERICA! And I can ask you why you seem to think this "Peace Always" mentality does us any good? Sometimes the good guy has to get pissed off and strike back. And also you seem to confuse passion with hate. I can clearly see when I am hating something and have reasons for it and I can explain those reasons but people like you just grab onto the word and cling to it like a life raft in angry seas. WE ALL HATE SOMETHING! And as far as American world domination, don't make me laugh! And on top of that isolation is not good for us either. Making it clear our neighbors had better play fair with us or else is the only message these other nations understand! So far the only two nations on this world with any honor to them are Germany and Japan and BOTH got their ***** stomped in place and now they are model citizens! America stands to learn a lot from both! AMERICA LED THE WAY! But likewise total control is a joke. It is not possible! if anything we need to clean house and become world leaders again by example, not sell our souls to ideals like yours or Globalization! And now???? I've never said "Peace Always", ever. In fact, when GWB wanted to jump on Hussein again like Daddy did, I was making the argument "why are we kicking around in Iraq again instead of focusing on N Korea (who was actually openly threatening all its neighboring countries and was as well refusing security council inspectors)?" The only thing I've said is a kind of equivalent to "we shouldn't be jumping into schoolyard brawls and beating up the kids". We went to Iraq for oil and somehow GWB convinced everyone it was for "WMDs" and "links to Al-Qaeda". Striking back? Fine, but we haven't been struck first? Yes, yes, Al-Qaeda on 9/11, but that wasn't Hussein, it wasn't the Pakistani people, it wasn't Iran ... honestly, there is more connection to Saudi Arabia than there is to Iraq, but did we beat on the royal family there? Nope, they were evacuated from the U.S. by Bush and Co. within 6 hours of 9/11. Proof positive you DON'T know me at all and have no way of knowing anything about me other than what YOU make up. I love how you can turn passion into hatred. I hate hypocrisy. I hate stupid people. I hate my share of things I feel deserve spite. Now about this lumping everyone up, it goes like this, if people are living under a fuqued up regime and they likewise tolerate it then the population is complacent. Now how many Syrian and Pakistani towns had flag waving celebrations when the World Trade Center got knocked down? That was a total show of complacency and had I the chance I would have tossed cruise missiles and fully laden B-52s at each of those towns while they cheered our losses. Again you are speaking ignorantly. I feel sympathy for refugees fleeing their homes from groups like the Taliban or Al-Quieda. Afghanistan is also proof of MY thinking. Our soldiers drive the Taliban out of a town and we leave. A week later they are back and the people living in the town are cursing us while they are there but praising us while WE are there. Sorry but I have heard Afghan immigrants even accuse their own people of being two faced liars! Ask those same immigrants if they want to see their homeland nuked or at the very least, the towns where they grew up carpet bombed. I sincerely doubt it. There are several reasons to sentence someone to death, celebration of any event isn't one of them. BTW, I've not made up anything about you, I'm contesting the views you've put forth in this thread. I once again offer up Waco as an example that you ignored the first time. Should it have been bombed because of David Koresh? And neither does coming off intellectual when you really are spewing ignorance under the veil of PEACE AND CIVILITY! You can't be offended because that is EXACTLY how you come off with your challenges to my arguments. You CAN'T prove me wrong and I bet that drives you crazy but that you will never admit! Its not for me to decide when or if I've proven you wrong, its yours. I can only argue the point, but you're hardwired into some sort of "only I and those who think exactly like me deserve to live" mentality. Besides, I already know that even if I do manage to open your eyes to the hatred you're spouting, YOU would never admit it. I'm still in this because ... well, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm bored this early in the morning and this is my entertainment. And one more time, I likewise am against being used as the police force of the world. But the fact is a nation starts to threaten us we need to stop talking and go over to their land and break their azzes like cheap whores! it is time we ponied up some nukes, got in n Korea's face. Push them to striking the first blow, nuking ALL of their military assets, invade them, drag the Il family in front of a military tribunal as a formality AND EXECUTE THEM, AND END THIS GOD DAMN WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL![COLOR] If China wants to shoot their mouths off we let them and ignore them like they have done to us for so long. The second they send troops over the border we nuke their troops and nuke their military bases and tell them straight to their faces they brought this on themselves and should have invested more effort in getting the N and S of Korea to negotiate in good faith rather than support dictators. I know you are going to argue we support dictators too. WE DO but when they fall out of favor with the UN we get called in to take them out like Libya. In all reality the UN Support dictators and so do globalist corporations! The fact here is we don't have the balls to make real war. the fact is we should stop holding back the nukes on piss ant nations who threaten us WITH NUKES. China and Russia are not about to engage us if we nuke N Korea becasue they stand to loose too much when they strike at us and we retaliate. They will complain but then they will not act either. Not for N Korea. They would if we nuked them first and if China was smart and we did nuke N Korea they would sue for peace and keep their troops out of it this time. N Korea has NO REDEEMING QUALITIES. The civilians who live there are the one suffering and if you got a better answer to end this war I am all ears but don't say diplomacy. This war has been going on for over 60 years and diplomacy has not ended it yet! "Bully other nations into wars" and "let's throw nukes around". That'll get respect ... right. And "no redeeming qualities" ... anyone can say that about any other country and use any justification to do so. Have you lived there? Have you even been there? Do you know any North Koreans? I'm sure they, too, would be remiss to consider a nuclear solution. Your argument seems to always boil down to the point that oppressed people should rebel. I agree. However, you seem to think this happens instantaneously the moment people realize they're oppressed (and if they don't, they deserve death ... just as those regimes promise them for non-compliance). It doesn't, especially when the oppressed are OUTGUNNED by those in power. Sometimes several generations pass before the people realize they can overpower through numbers or just get tired enough not to care about the consequences anymore. Egyptians finally did after 30 years of Mubarak's rule. It was also a MOSTLY peaceful revolution. No nukes, no outside help to get them started. Oh, and the American revolution wasn't instantaneous either ... look it up. And now for your dose of humble pie. If congress said no and voted against the war Bush would have not led us into war BUT since congress blessed it guess what, CONGRESS ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY! MOVING ON! I've nowhere stated that Congress was free and clear for the vote. Hell, I condemned them as they made it because I knew what the move against Iraq was really all about and I say they should have seen it too. However, you seem to be making the argument that, since Congress voted for it, GWB is free and clear and holds no responsibility for anything that's occurred. He's not. He paved the way. That was my point. He begged everyone and their mother to let him go into Iraq like Daddy did, falsified data from the CIA to do it and then said "to hell with the UN" when they didn't agree and convinced Congress to let him do it anyway. BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU DON'T CARE. You never did! You see only what you want to see and believe only what you want to believe is relevant. And again your knowledge of foreign cultures is no surprise to me. Its irrelevant because we're not arguing the nature of Pakistan's founding. We're arguing whether it deserves to be nuked. I (and every other nation in the UN) says "no". Sorry. "I'm a bad guy. How does this make me a bad guy?" Why did that have to be explained? And so? Would you like a biscuit with that order of Chicken? Resorting to the absurd ... how mature. And again your ignorance shows. At least I read a Quaran. If you never did and you are going to start spewing tolerance it is time for you to shut the hell up becasue ignorance of a religions tenants is stupid. Just becasue it is poison doesn't mean we should not learn about it to prevent us from falling back into the dark ages thanks to religious piety taking over common sense. But there is something worst than Religious ignorance and that is EDUCATED IGNORANCE! here you are educated but again your lack of understanding outside of the classroom shows! I grew up with the bible pounded into me. There are moral guidelines that are good within most religion and we would not have the civilization we have now had it not have been for the religions you revile. Time to quit trying to see the world through a drinking straw! You're right, I've never read the Qur'an and no, I'll not be spewing "tolerance" on this level ... my previous statement should have been an indicator. I was raised Southern Baptist and I know more about Christianity and the Bible than the majority of Christians to whom I've ever spoken. As a book, fine, I'm not going to say "burn all bibles" ... as a religious doctrine, it is poison, just as any other religious text. As for the Qur'an, do you think the Bible carries no history of blood to rival its teachings? If so, then I'd be willing to put money on "you're wrong". Also, you, like every religious fanatic I've encountered, are making an incorrect assumption that without religion, there is no morality. This is false. Read up on Progressive Social Evolution. Yes, there are a few good morals spread throughout the Bible and probably the Qur'an as well, but they're buried under a lot of hate and oppression and silly myths stolen from other cultures that too many people find believable and center their lives around. Out of curiosity ... is it this upbringing and the idea that God was so wanton with destruction that makes YOU so sure in your judgment of other nations and the "necessity" of nuking them? |
Thank you for Not "Serving"
Edited by
Wed 07/06/11 09:41 AM
It isn't a matter of taking on all comers, it is about taking on the ones that count and the others will fall in line. We should have invaded Iran when they first stormed our embassy but NO, Peanuts had to go the rout of negotiation. And all he did was talk. And the rescue attempt failed becasue we tried to be all sneaky with poorly and improperly equipped air craft! he SO did set the stage for what we have now. Exactly. Bullying is what you boil down to. Is this all you BHLs can fall back on? "You learned this from Fox news?" Please try to get over yourself. I have friends from across the cultural spectrum. I have worked with people from other countries including Afghanistan and Pakistan. They both wonder why we even waste our time in their own home lands. Now I have read a Quaran, have you? I get my information from a host of sources and I don't watch the news very much these days becasue it is all BS! So where do you get your news? MSNBC? CNN? The National Enquirer? And you also do what every BHL I come across does to try and cover their own ignorance? Call me racist even in a sly way? Don't get a nose bleed and altitude sickness on your high horse... Worked with, maybe, but I find it hard to believe you have friends "across the cultural spectrum" considering the hatred you are spewing for the rest of the world. BTW, its not about a "bleeding heart" ... its about the golden rule. I don't wish to be lumped in with every other American (especially the radical right-wing warmongers), so I'm not going to lump in foreigners with their governments. NO! Prove to me otherwise! If they were so scared of the Taliban they would either organize and take them on or leave the area. I know a Palestinian who owns a stereo shop who left his country BECAUSE OF HAMAS! I also know a Afghanistan family who left becasue they didn't want their children growing up in a world controlled by Islam. They told me what life in their homeland was like! How about the vets of that war I have spoken with about their time there? Would you like to call servicemen WHO WERE THERE LIARS? And again you go for the racist card. BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL! It is clear to me you know VERY LITTLE and are trying to make me look like a monster here. Not happening. I judge people on individual merit. Not on race, color, or creed. You can call me BHL all you want. I'm not offended. Again, the golden rule. You can't claim that you "judge people on individual merit" while lumping all middle-easterners together and evoking a genocidal outlook for the area. That doesn't work. Third world nations are third world nations becasue the people living there make them what they are not us. Might always made right. Our nation shows more restraint with the power we have. Take China and Tibet for example. China is executing cultural genocide and yet what has the UN done to stop it? And what are WE supposed to do about it? Look at what happened to the most peaceful nation in the world. CHINA TOOK THEM OUT! Mark My Words sunshine, Mark them carefully becasue my predictions are right. China is ramping up a serious offensive war machine. They will try to take out Taiwan, Cambodia, Vietnam, and all of their smaller nations until they can focus on Korea. They just don't have the resources or manpower quite yet to really flex some muscle. it is just a matter of time the way things are going now! Our nation shows more restraint ... but your argument is that we should show NO restraint. What has the UN done? What are WE supposed to do? Nothing. Its not our business ... we are, once again, not the World Police. As for the "war machine" ... again, we are not World Police. FALLACIOUS AREN'T WE? Your Democratic CONGRESS VOTED FOR THE WAR! Congress did not vote for our actions in Libya with Obama but they did vote to get us into Cosovo under Clinton. And who is squealing like a pig about us helping these nations fight for their democracy in the media and news? Hillary Roddam Clinton. So nice try here but again you fall way short. I state again. George W. Bush dragged us into Iraq. Also quoting from Wikipedia: "An authorization by Congress was sought by President George W. Bush soon after his September 12, 2002, statement before the U.N. General Assembly asking for quick action by the Security Council in enforcing the resolutions against Iraq.[4][5] "Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[6] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle & Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert & Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert-Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on. "Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107-243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002." I do not stand corrected. Again you are blowing smoke up my azz. Their government knew he was there! Don't put this off on me as an issue of innocence. Also if you knew ANY history at all Pakistan was made (borders apportioned) by the British when they left the area after India had a revolution of their own. Quoting Wikipedia: "The modern state of Pakistan was established on 14 August 1947 (27 Ramadan 1366 in the Islamic Calendar), carved out of the two Muslim-majority wings in the eastern and northwestern regions of British India and comprising the provinces of Balochistan, East Bengal, the North-West Frontier Province, West Punjab and Sindh.[30] The controversial, and ill-timed, division of the provinces of Punjab and Bengal caused communal riots across India and Pakistan—millions of Muslims moved to Pakistan and millions of Hindus and Sikhs moved to India.[31]" The territory USED to be Indian! This was something I remembered from High School! Irrelevant. A) Again, I don't care what their government knew, I was speaking about the ENTIRETY of the country. B) How the country came about is a moot point. I never argued when or how it was created ... only that it doesn't "deserve to be CRUSHED" on your say so. Yep, I am evil. And that makes me a bad person how exactly? ![]() And this means????? "I'm a bad guy. How does this make me a bad guy?" Why did that have to be explained? Read the Quaran. There is a good start to clean up some of this mess! Religion is poison, no matter which book it starts with. At least a theological degree carries some kind of eduction behind it and philosophy! I always had a fun time tearing apart Theologians using Philosophy becasue I also was polluted with Critical Reasoning. Doctrine and Dogma are not safe around me. So I will not make any derogatory statements about liberals here becasue most of them speak badly enough for themselves. But I do see this for the insult it is. Wanna argue, please try to be more socially articulate. Otherwise you are just like any other BHL blowing hot air up our kilts! Thank you! ![]() Is there any way you can use that "Critical Reasoning" in regards to something other than yourself and your own goals for America's world domination? Apply the golden rule, at least. |
Thank you for Not "Serving"
Edited by
Mon 07/04/11 10:09 AM
What does countries hating us have to do with anything? North Korea hates Japan and South Korea and so does China. Those are two fairly peaceful countries and people still hate them. Sometimes countries just hate you. Part of my response to Andy. His fantasy wars include countries whose regimes (not necessarily their people) obviously have a dislike of America. My point was that if you start leveling nations, many many more countries will start to hate America and we can't fight them all. Andy: First of all I bet you have no clue of the geopolitical situation there. Also you seem to not have any clue as to the bent nature of humanity. Their war has spilled into our nation dragging us into this along with the UN and their meddling. Also Jimmy Carter set the stage for how the Middle East treats us. I could get into a long diatribe over this but I will simplify this as much as possible. Pakistan is a nation of Islamic two faced Liars. The Eastern Alliance of Afghanistan are back stabbers. many of these innocent towns throw parties when their "Feared Enemies" kill Americans and anyone else anywhere in the world. And you learned all this by watching Fox News, right? Enough said. BTW, lumping EVERY person of middle east residency under one negative adjective is called "racism" ... look it up. I am sick of this "Humanitarian" crap and war being co mingled. if we have to wage war we should stop being pu$$ies about it and go General Sherman on these azzholes. it is called Denial of Assets. Also we have to make it clear what we do to those who would lend comfort to our enemies. people in that area only respond to fear and a reason to play nice. Prove indefinitely that even half of the people in that area are lending "comfort" to "our enemies" and I'll jump aboard your racist train. Until then, innocent people are called "civilians" and don't deserve to be a part of your genocidal plan of attack. And you think I am evil? Look at what we have now? The only way to win in this world is to become the thing we hate. Good does not overcome evil when evil is stronger. Getting evil fights evil. Good is knowing when to stop. Wrong. These are mostly third world countries ... on what do you base the idea that their "evil" is stronger? The fact that we COULD wipe them out with relative ease (as you've stated) contradicts this idea. I agree we should not be there. But Hillary Roddam Clinton is dragging us into all the Crap the UN wants us to fight for free for them! And Obama is her boy! Do you think some pu$$y like Jimmy Carer is going to fix this nation? George W. Bush dragged us into Iraq. Sorry. And much of the contempt we're facing now is because of it. Pakistan deserves to be CRUSHED for harboring Bin Laden as well as others who have participated in attacks on America (Unless that was an Obama Lie!). Again, show me that every Pakistani was in on harboring Bin Laden and I'll jump on your train. Not going to happen. Yep, I am evil. And that makes me a bad person how exactly? ![]() But then again I am not going to value human life hypocritically! There are too many humans on this planet and WAY too many scum bags wasting MY AIR! I can agree with "too many humans on this planet". I've been saying that for years, but I don't call it upon myself to decide which CULTURES should be eliminated to make the rest comfortable. And to think, Liberal Arts deserves a degree! What a waste of education dollars! At least an Art degree counts for something! Liberals, Gods answer to functional retardation! I could say the same about theological degrees. I'll not bother to make some silly anti-conservative statement here ... I think you speak for yourself well enough. |
Obama Call Athlete A Jacka**
So we're posting stuff just to criticize without investigating its authenticity at all? Big surprise.
Edited by
Sat 07/02/11 08:34 AM
Double post, sorry.
Right. I'm just saying, include all sides ... there's not just a coin to consider. :)
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Sat 07/02/11 08:32 AM
this is what I said, both sides of the argument lack of evidence CONTRADICTING the story could mean there is no contradiction(ie, its true), just like lack of evidence CONFIRMING a story could mean the story didnt happen(ie. its false) There isn't "both sides" ... there are multiple sides. Its not "black and white" or "heads or tails". You're ignoring that the lack of evidence contradicting the story could still mean it is false. 1. Evidence = story may true. 2. Evidence = story may STILL be false. 3. Lack of evidence contrary = story may be true. 4. Lack of evidence contrary = story may still be false. Again, the arguments made by several of us here: illiteracy, lack of efficient means of communication and lack of efficient publication means; is a strong counter to your disbelief of a lack of contrary claims to the stories. As creative said: But, there can be no evidence against an event that never happened. Who documents in anything: "Dear Diary, there was no alien invasion today. There was no conspiracy found in the American government. Giant fairies didn't buzz around the sky spraying pixie dust over everyone and the populace flew around without airplanes. It wasn't amazing!" It just doesn't happen. |
Lol I dont get my info from conspiracy people. But I do know facts, facts of science, facts of math. . ect. And you know what it adds up to? I do. btw its impossible for 2 planes to take down the towers.. If you think its possible. . than that just puts you into the 85% of the American gullible group. Thats where they want us lol. The very building designers themselves said that they designed the buildings to take MULTIPLE plane hits, and they would not have crumbled all the way to the ground. . . I have more proof if you wanna mail me. Hit me up. Its not impossible for a completely fueled 747 to take down a tower. And I think claiming you can design a building to take the impact of up to 487 TONS propelled at over 500 mph without it being a completely solid structure is a bit hopeful if you claim it for MULTIPLE crashes. Can you not imagine the damage such an impact could do to ANYTHING? Let alone tossing a ton of highly flammable liquid fuel on top of it ... seriously. If you want to talk conspiracy, I find it far more credible to look at evidence you may have that the threat of attack was ignored by the powers-that-be. But for the above, I think you're too confident in the abilities of architects ... I mean, its not like they have a lot of hard data gathered from "jumbo jet crashes into buildings" that they can use to design said buildings. |
I personally think the slow responce to Katrina victims was a premeditated action. I have lived through many worse hurricanes than Katrina and the response was pretty quick. Betsy, Camille for a couple. I believe the Gov was curious to see things like, what lengths would desperate people would go to to survive? I mean, intentionally leaving people stranded like they did, could get them a lot of info on human behaviors. Just a thought. All of those people were given the opportunity to evacuate before the storm. The majority of those "victims" were self-imposed ... they chose to stay. Yes, there was a lot of mismanagement and mistakes made on the part of FEMA ... I'll not say there wasn't. However, "intentionally leaving people stranded" who chose to strand themselves may not be the correct argument. |
raises in the white house...
Question: Do you also disagree with "Defense" spending?
Thank you for Not "Serving"
If I were president and had to go to war I would not allow any politics to hold our soldiers back from beating the ever loving crap out of our enemies and I would draw a line and declare anything past that line is under the black flag (meaning NO PRISONERS). Any town harboring our enemy would be leveled by artillery LONG before I would allow our troops to go in. That way there is no having to guess at who is the enemy and who isn't and prevent jeopardizing our men and women's lives. If our enemy hides among civilians using them as shields thinking we don't have the balls to harm innocent lives then we make an example of those innocents who would say they did so out of fear. So, don't vote AndyBgood ... check. Way to be completely and utterly evil. Really, the best way to handle countries that "hide among civilian populations" that "endanger our men and women" is ... well, not to get involved in a war in those countries because ... well, none of them can touch us militarily. And we are not the World Police (America! F*** yeah!). "Harboring our enemy" ... right. Because random people have a say in what oppressive governments do, politically. You know those same citizens which militants hide amongst aren't necessarily CHOOSING to be human shields, right? By this reasoning, the US government should have firebombed the entire city of Waco because it was "harboring" David Koresh, right? (Reasoning: Cult is to Regime, as City is to Country). I'm sure that would have been just fine with you right? So long as you weren't living in Waco at the time. If they need to fear anything they should fear what we will do to them if they harbor our enemies. That means if the enemy shows up and the locals want peace they had better run like hell cause we are mopping up the ground with the blood of our enemies. That means I would line up in the boarders of Afghanistan's Eastern Alliance with the North and South Alliance backing us and crush the Eastern Alliance to the last one like bugs. In the mean time I would be on the Horn to India about new boarders for their nation (WAY WEST OF THE WESTERN BOARDER OF KASHMIR) and make an agreement to crush Pakistan once and for all! Us on the West and India on the East. Then we can drive a golden railroad spike where we meet and watch Iran get REAL nervous when I tell them "Make one more threat to us and we are coming for you and we will bring fire rain down upon you! TRY US!" I would in the mean time hint strongly they had better get on board the peace train and start talking to us in good faith before their heads are on pikes LITERALLY! So far since WWII none of our presidents have had the BALLS to really fight a war! What bothers me is how we treat our vets! if you want to get people's attention sometimes you need to beyatch slap them into next week. Then maybe we can get some peace in the world. Basically what you're saying is, if you were in charge you would turn America into an engine of fear in the world? You really think the rest of the world is going to say "Yay, America!" at that point? Several countries hate us now ... start leveling nations that don't agree with your personal doctrines and see how quickly the world as a whole unites against us. Sorry, if we're going to survive, we need to set an example of how to "play nice" ... not be the schoolyard bullies that beat up smaller nations because they don't like our "Girls Gone Wild" and "American Idol" culture. Grow up. People who spout the above propaganda believe the USA can withstand whatever the world throws at it ... including the entirety of the world itself. Sorry, not going to happen. Choose your battles ... and try not to choose only those with third world countries just because "we can take 'em!" |
Obama Call Athlete A Jacka**
If it was about Batista, who cares? Its like a soap opera, people talk about characters as if they were real as part of some kind of identification with the material. Its harmless. I would think the same about Batista ... not because I think he's actually a jackass, but because he's PORTRAYING a jackass. Watch the clip again and tell me he wasn't.
If it was about Kanye (and I have no information at all about the whole situation there), then what's the big deal? I'd assume Kanye was acting like a jackass (but I don't care enough to find out). If you act like a jackass, someone's going to call you a jackass. That someone is not necessarily a bad person for labelling you a jackass. Obama haters are really just finding ANYthing to ***** about, aren't they? |
No, your point was there was no evidence contradicting books not yet written or known to the public at the time. No one writes about events that DIDN'T happen ... that would be silly, thus my examples.
I could say right now that a man named Bubblebutt actually tiptoed on tulips in 300 AD and danced across an airborne leaf and by your reasoning, since you won't find any documents from the era REFUTING that no one danced across tulips (nor is anyone from that era still alive to refute it), then you can't say Bubblebutt didn't exist or do what I've claimed. I think its a pretty ridiculous claim. Wouldn't you want some other source to confirm my claim? Obviously you don't care for the specific example above, but that's what this topic really boils down to ... "Here's a ridiculous story." "This can't be true." "But it is, here read this." "What else do you have for proof?" "Nothing, why should I need anything else?" "..." |
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Thu 06/30/11 09:32 PM
MsHarmony, sorry, I couldn't pass this without word ...
I dont believe its simply the means of delivery that has kept the bible viable and valid. I imagine, it would have to be a huge conspiracy lasting that same two thousand years to not have any indication from that period that it was a hoax, even without internet. Imagine, these things being written in such a time when there was division and sacrifice and crucifixion. IN such a circumstance, I cant believe there would be not ONE (discovered) contradiction written by others in that time to state that these things didnt happen or werent true. If I wrote a story today, about how X came to Nevada and was burned at a stake by order of a Judge. I would think that someone who knew the judge, perhaps the judge himself, or someone who was in Nevada when such burning was said to happen, would write or express that they had heard or seen no such thing, or that no such thing has happened. To me, its amazing that noone from that period seems to have documented that these things DIDNT really happen. ,,,its the flip side of an absence of something seeming SUSPICIOUS my suspicion is on the other side, that nothing from that period refutes what was claimed to have happened... You're talking about books that weren't in large circulation at the time, IF they were even written yet. Only a handful of copies of the originals (at best) have ever been found and you can't believe that, what? Someone's diary wasn't found saying "No crucifixions took place today, this day that a book not yet written will say that the Son of God named Jesus will be flogged and hung on a cross."? Or ... "June 6th, 29 A.D. ... Went to market today and didn't see a man healing all the lepers in the square. Nope. No one walking on water today. Maybe tomorrow."? Sorry, for a time period certainly not known for its literacy or its publication ingenuity, that's definitely not a valid argument. |
Seek and ye shall find. The Jewish historian Josephus, writing for the Roman government in the 70's A.D. records some incidental things regarding Christ and the church. He confirms that John the Baptist died at the hand of Herod (this same incident is recorded in the gospels) as well as the death of, "The brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James. . . he delivered them to be stoned" (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XVIII, ch. V, p. 20; Book XX, ch. IX, p. 140 ). Tacitus was a senator under Emperor Vespasian and later became governor of Asia. Around AD 116 in his work entitled Annals, he wrote of Emperor Nero and a fire which had swept Rome in AD 64: Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilate, and a most mischievous superstition thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome If you'd paid attention, Cowboy, Josephus has already been discussed. I stated: Titus Flavius Josephus was a Jew whose accounts are very controversial among historians. The "respected" part of your statement is primarily a self-proclaimed adjective. Josephus also managed to talk himself out of being executed by the Romans (while apparently 39 of his companions were) and convinced them to allow him citizenship and pay him a pension ... I wonder how he did that? He never said. I consider this to put Josephus' writings under suspicion. Aside from that, Jesus was never mentioned by name. In response to Tacitus, I stated: And if he really is known for his integrity and moral uprightness, perhaps he is also correct in naming Christians as terrorists and evil? It was Tacitus himself classifying these Christians as evil trouble-makers and basically terrorists, not Nero. Do you really want to use him as one of your examples? Also, this is "General Religion Chat". It is for topics of religious discussion, this being one. You are not required to be of any denomination to post here. |
Here's a fun thought ...
Let's say there's this great catastrophe ... a nuclear war or something and just about all information is wiped ... except a copy or two (maybe more HIDDEN in CAVES--where the earth collapsed into the foundation of a house) of Harry Potter! Centuries later, someone finds this book and since all technical knowledge of today was lost in the nuclear fires, this is the only STORY record of our times. Not knowing fact from fiction of the era, the people of the future believe in magic and this "Harry Potter" from long ago. As time passes, more books are extracted from the CAVES and people figure it must be true and this J. K. Rowling must've been some sort of historian. Others, seeing selfish gain in the stories, start embellishing or "find" their own Harry Potter stories ... like the Gospel of Ron Weasley or the Testament of Severus Snape. Wouldn't that be fun? |
They drive me nuts!
Religions that is, Christianity in particular. They're called apologists, but they make no apologies for their god - only excuses. "We cannot question him." The Jews are different. They do question their god, they do argue with him who is right and who is wrong, and they do keep renewing their bi-lateral contract in case of a breach by one side or the other. I listened to this Rabbi talk about that. He said the Jews were complaining that the manna that god was throwing at them in the deserts of the Sinai was not too tasty. Job argued with god at lenght. He said other things too, which I can't remember. The one thing nobody argues with god for, that is, no Jew is arguing, is the Nazi Holocaust. That took the breath out of the Jews. They can't explain that. I really think they should dissolve the Jewish religion, in light of what happened in Auschwitz. It was a clear indication by god, a miracle of sorts, with his meaning "enough is enough. Adieu my little friends, you're on your own now." I think he got angry at the jokes. The world famous Jewish humour. In the bible the god is a mean and jealous god; it never laughs, in the entire five thousand years that the bible spanned on so many pages there is not one joke. Then the twentieth-century Jew becomes funny. Woody Allen, Seinfeld came after the Holocaust, but the Marx Brothers and the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem came just before it. So... go wild, make wild guesses what the Holocaust was all about in a religious light or explanation. If you can do it, fine, otherwise you need to turn in your badge as a Jew. Jew no more. I hear god is now eyeing the TELF (Tiberian Ethiopian Liberation Front) and Tiberians as his next chosen people. I don't know. I just hope that God has the wisdom to choose wisely this time. ![]() |
You can read as many brochures about a country and a culture (or even religion) as you possibly can, but until you are immersed in it and become a part of it, you will only understand it at a shallow level; it's like reading a book about Italy and thinking you understand the culture, habits and mindset of Italians. How can you expect to deeply understand something that is the tenet of the Christian religion if you are not a part of it? If that book on Italy includes "culture, habits and mindset of Italians" I would expect to have a decent cursory understanding of just that after reading it ... if I did not, I would label the book as fiction. As far as your question, its not a great selling point for anything, especially "eternal life". "Well I don't understand this, but I'll do it anyway" doesn't seem like a good motto nor does it seem like God would approve. I cannot tell you exactly if there is archaelogical evidence for King David or Moses, as I have not studied that. However, Flavius Josephus, a respected non-Christian historian, has attested to the existence of Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Titus Flavius Josephus was a Jew whose accounts are very controversial among historians. The "respected" part of your statement is primarily a self-proclaimed adjective. Josephus also managed to talk himself out of being executed by the Romans (while apparently 39 of his companions were) and convinced them to allow him citizenship and pay him a pension ... I wonder how he did that? He never said. Cornelius Tacitus, who lived from A.D. 55 to A.D. 120, was a Roman historian and has been described as the greatest historian of Rome, noted for his integrity and moral uprightness. In his work "The Annals", Tacitus describes Nero’s decision to blame the fire of Rome on the Christians and affirms that the founder of Christianity was executed by Pilate, the procurator of Judea during the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberias. He was also a non-christian. And if he really is known for his integrity and moral uprightness, perhaps he is also correct in naming Christians as terrorists and evil? Pliny was the Governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor (AD. 112). He was responsible for executing Christians for not worshipping or bowing down to a statue of the emperor Trajan. In a letter to the emperor Trajan, he describes how the people on trial for being Christians would describe how they sang songs to Christ because he was a god. Pliny the Younger was also a playwright and poet, known for writing fiction. Those are all real people who can be looked up and their writings are still available, who attest to the existence of Jesus Christ. None of these accounts mention or allude to the existence of Jesus by name. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in eleven caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea between the years 1947 and 1956. The first was discovered by a Bedouin shepherd boy who was searching for a stray goat. There were copies of the books of Isaiah, Deuteronomy and the Psalms, as well as fragments of every book of the Hebrew canon except Esther. They have been studied by a number of scholars and scientists dated the Isaiah Scroll, which was intact, to be 1000 years older than any previously known copy. The Scrolls are the oldest group of Old Testament manuscripts ever found. Hardly contrived. No doubt, the author(s) knew their controversial nature and hid copies so the text would not be lost. However, just because they were found doesn't mean they're 100% factually correct and/or unbiased accounts of anything. Nor does it mean God placed them there. I'm not a "sheep" either. I've been studying, not just reading the Scriptures, ancient Hebrew history and their existence for over 30 years. I have been seeking the truth and I believe that I've found it. When you've done 30 years of research, I'd be happy to learn what you've discovered. Seriously. I don't subscribe to modern religions either. Compared to the Bible and history, most doctrines are a combination of personal opinion, mixed with tradition and hold very little biblical truth. Paul was a brilliant Hebrew scholar who was trained as a legalistic Pharisee; training to become a rabbi usually was not completed until a man was near or in his forties - Paul became a rabbi at the age of 27. His letters have been studied by scholars through history, referenced by other authors and historians of his time (which is one form of evidence) and studied for their content, style of writing, language and historical setting. Of the 14 letters in the New Testament, seven are undisputed; they all share common themes, emphasis, vocabulary and style and a uniformity of doctrine concerning the Mosaic Law, Jesus, faith, etc. All of these letters easily fit into the chronology of Paul's journeys depicted in Acts of the Apostles. The others are still being researched. Keep in mind that Paul never meet Christ and did not write about him until many years after the crucifixion. When those letters were written, he was professedly a Christian convert ... thus, bias. As for Socrates, Genghis Khan, Confucius and Lao Tzu being taught in school history classes, don't schools also teach the theory of evolution as scientific fact, despite the fact that it is still unproved by science method and the author himself questions it's validity in his "Origin of The Species"? And yes, I've read that too. Schools teach the "Theory of Evolution", which is not scientific law mostly because any single human cannot live for millions of years to watch the process take place. There is much evidence to support this process, however and more being unearthed all the time. The author, Darwin, did not so much "question the validity" ... he was penning his thoughts on how nature might work, breaching new scientific territory and since it mostly went against what he was taught (as he was religious, by the way), of course there was a natural conflict. |