I have seen a lot of people who are trying to claim that socialism cant work because of what is happening in Venezuela,but it is always VERY EASY to tell when somebody just takes a few talking points they heard on FAUXnews,or on the rush Limbaugh show,and didn't do any actual research into something themselves!!! The problem with socialism in Venezuela is the fact that the government was corrupt,and instead of using all of their socialist programs to help the normal citizens of its country,like they were SUPPOSED TO,they took all of the money and basically just gave it to the corrupt politicians that their government is infected with! [maybe you have heard about the mobster who is currently the president who illegally rigged the election to keep himself in power?? ] {you know...the one who has to 20 TON PILE OF GOLD in his vault that he is trying to ship out of the country before he loses power!!] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/venezuela-20-ton-pile-gold-022753684.html so,in REALITY,by definition,Venezuela isn't a socialist country..it is an AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORSHIP!!! in a toxic environment like THAT,though,where the government is corrupt,NO form of government is going to work!!! just look at OUR country... we live in a 'democracy',but now that the government has turned corrupt,and doesn't serve the PEOPLE anymore...just themselves,and the rich and powerful,WE aren't doing very well either,are we?? [and,its only going to continue to get WORSE,if we dont do something to take back control of it from the people who are running it only for the benefit of themselves,and the super wealthy,and powerful!!] but,i think that it is par for the course that none of you fauxsters,or dittoheads talks about the FACT that VIRTUALLY EVERY OTHER MAJOR COUNTRY IN SOUTH AMERICA HAS ALSO PRACTICED SOCIALISM,AND MOST OF THEM ARE DOING JUST FINE!!!! [I wonder WHY they never mention THOSE COUNTRIES on FAUX,or rush?????] [NO,i dont!!!] lol here... have a little education!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2018/08/21/no-venezuela-doesnt-prove-that-socialism-will-bring-about-a-zombie-apocalypse/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.582051ff7385 "Since the turn of the century, every big country in South America except Colombia has elected a socialist president at some point. Socialists have taken power in South America’s largest economy (Brazil), in its poorest (Bolivia) and in its most capitalist (Chile). Socialists have led South America’s most stable country (Uruguay) as well as its most unstable (Ecuador). Argentina and Peru elected leftists who, for various reasons, didn’t refer to themselves as socialists — but certainly governed as such. Mysteriously, the supposedly automatic link between socialism and the zombie apocalypse skipped all of them. Not content with merely not-collapsing, a number of these countries have thrived. Take Peru. When Ollanta Humala, widely seen as one of the most radical hard-left leaders in the region, was elected president in 2011, 28 percent of Peruvians were poor. In office, Humala governed from the left, but sensibly, investing in the poor while nurturing economic growth. By the time he handed over power in 2016 (peacefully, to a right-wing successor), just 21 percent of Peruvians were poor. Some argue that it was Humala’s relative moderation that averted disaster. But look across his southeastern border. In Bolivia, a hard-core socialist, Evo Morales, has been in power since 2006. Morales’s tenure lays waste to any notion that countries succeed only under “moderates” — he’s a proper extremist, a hard-leftist who nationalized the nation’s most lucrative industry, and it’s an incontestable fact that he has handled the nation’s finances with prudence and scored real social achievements along the way. According to the World Bank, under Morales poverty in Bolivia fell by a third, with none of the economic chaos Venezuela has seen." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/01/05/as-socialist-venezuela-collapses-socialist-bolivia-thrives-heres-why/?utm_term=.26f7d439b967 As socialist Venezuela collapses, socialist Bolivia thrives. Here’s why. "Venezuela ran large budget deficits every year, even as oil prices skyrocketed between 2005 to 2014. That meant the country was piling on debt even as government revenue exploded — a senseless, pro-cyclical policy that left Venezuela up a creek without a paddle when commodity prices tanked. In the meantime, Bolivia was running budget surpluses every year between 2006 and 2014. This allowed it to draw down the public sector’s debt, which fell from 83 percent of GDP in 2003 to just 26 percent in 2014, even as Bolivia built up its international reserves dramatically, from $1.7 billion in 2005 to $15.1 billion at the end of the boom in 2014." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GEE!!... socialism seems to be working out pretty well for THEM!!! I wonder why the people trying to hold on to their power only want you to look through a pinhole at the very worst example,instead of letting you take the blinders off,and see the BIG picture?? I will answer that question for you...its because they dont want you to have to REAL FACTS,because THEN,you wouldn't be so easily manipulated for their own purposes. "Socialism" wasnt the problem in Venezuela...."CORRUPT POLITICIANS" were he problem!! so,you might want to start actually doing the RESEARCH it takes to have a well informed opinion about things,instead of just swallowing the propaganda that people are feeding you to further their own agenda? [GOOGLE is your friend!!!] Yeah, Socialism really works. Just look at Nazi Germany oh wait that collapsed. Their economy was so inflated that even if they won the war they would have gone bankrupt. Look at the USSR, they whole system collapsed every country jumped ship, the poverty levels were at a record high. Look at Cuba, a country that if it weren't for foreign aid would go belly up. Look at Venezuela, they physically removed the leader of the country under a military coup (which they attempted to also do under Chavez as well because the economy was collapsing and corruption was rampant). Russia had to fly in their Special Forces in an unmarked plane to sneak out the leader before he gets arrested. Look at North Korea, the country is practically broke and if it weren't for foreign aid it would be belly up. Yeah, Socialism is just so wonderful...... |
Trump's 60 seconds
Why do you think I get MY news from Aljazeera and not CNN or the Washington Post? AlJazeera was among the first channels to cover 9/11 live!! (Saw it in Saudi Arabia; thought it was some comic strip) Ok, they seem to be neutral on both parties: Reps and Dems. On world news, they do have some of their own agendas. According to Reuters, Pelosi delays State of Union address (A much awaited event the world over) Trump threatens, then accepts. “Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened,” Pelosi said to Trump in a letter. U.S. President Donald Trump said in a late night Tweet on Wednesday that he would delay a State of the Union address until the government shutdown was over, responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's move to obstruct his plans for the speech.
The way I see it, the President (in his own way) agrees with Speaker Pelosi Of course Al Jaz was the first to air the attacks, they knew about them in advance. They have a long history of being tied to Terrorism and supported Osama Bin Laden for years. |
I haven't been following political news that much anymore. It just seems more like a circus where the attempt is to trigger outrage than inform. I mean: "they leaked the raid in advance to CNN" Who is "they?" Some Illuminati group? Pelosi? The head of the FBI? A single disgruntled FBI agent that hates Trump? Was it leaked or did CNN learn about it some other way? Like CNN has an illegal/hacked/legal FBI/military/police frequency radio? Was it actually leaked? Or was the FBI just slow and lazy? They showed up and some neighbor called CNN and they showed up during the multi hour process, or local news and CNN bought all the footage of local newshounds following swat vans? "Then you seen thirty tacked up Federal Agents with guns drawn serving a warrant" I was driving down in the hood for work not too long ago, saw a couple sheriff's vans and 3 cop cars pull up to a house, about 8-10 sheriff's deputies went up and served a warrant. That was on a little ghetto house. I sat and watched them arrest 1 guy. I don't know what kind of house or security Roger Stone has. For all I know he has 30 personal security guards and a 1000 acre property. That's going to take a lot of agents to secure. I mean I lived in Colorado for a bit, adjacent to a billionaire with hundreds or thousands of acres of property. Whenever he planned on coming for a visit to his home, just a week or month visit, about a dozen security agents would precede him by a couple weeks and start investigating the community of about 1500 people, see if there was anyone new, check out the property, look for dangers. Maybe all of those agents weren't for Roger Stone but a means to secure everyone else? I don't know if he lives in a 1500 square foot bungalow on 1/8th of an acre in the middle of suburbia, or has a sprawling gated compound with a private army. Also, I remember the raid on subway Jareds house. A ton of cops were sent there too, in order to prevent destruction of evidence, to seize computers and files, for child porno. I don't know about "guns drawn" but they tend to not send agents in the field without guns, and there are policies and procedures in place in how to approach a place, secure it. Hard not to have "guns drawn" with assault rifles. Mueller is grasping at straws.
I agree. Seems people being prosecuted are being prosecuted for stupid reasons, procedural reasons. Like Andy Bernard lawyering; "what about your lies david?! You sent a text: 'all is good, my wife has a cold,' well which is it? Is all good? Or your wife sick?!" Based on the Mueller probe he'd be arrested for lying under oath (if he worked for Trump). And Cohen going to jail? Let's see, he went to a bank, and lied about his assets and income to get a loan. Hmmm, sounds so familiar, but I must be crazy, because there weren't millions of other people doing the same thing, influencing the housing crisis. Musta happened in my dream. Seems like doing something similar to FBI agents standing around outside a medical marijuana dispensary in a legalized state waiting for someone who knows someone they don't like to come out in order to arrest them for violating federal drug laws. If I were a betting man I would bet sure money that Mueller was the one who leaked it. He would rather try it in the court of public opinion then a court of law. |
I really thought I had seen it all, then I watched the video of Roger Stone being arrested.
First point, it was cute how they leaked the raid in advance to CNN. Just like how Goebbels would have arrests and show trials filmed by the NSDAP media. Then you seen thirty tacked up Federal Agents with guns drawn serving a warrant on a non-violent crime on someone without a criminal history. Normally the prosecutor would contact the defense lawyer and the suspect would turn themselves in, not in this case. It was all a show for the media present. They normally would only send a couple Agents to serve a warrant like this. Case in point, when the FBI arrested John Gotti (a convicted of murderer and pure psychopath) that they arrested in a Mafia bar where only "made" men, killers are allowed in (to be made you have to have killed someone) the FBI only served that Arrest Warrant with a dozen Agents. |
We have a petition going to save the show! Please sign it and share it on your Facebook! It is already taking off and if we get enough signatures we might be able to save Criminal Minds! A petition like this worked on three other shows that were getting cancelled in the past!
Here is the link to sign it! It takes about thirty seconds to sign and share! https://www.change.org/p/cbs-save-criminal-minds |
The case on Scientology
I read Battlefield Earth, enjoyed it. I read Dianetics, didn't. I did find certain aspects of it interesting but most of it struck me as bullshiat. I remember a big stink years ago when Tom Cruise was jilted because of his views about Scientology. Personally, I don't give Scientology and more credence than any other religion. To me, all religions do the same thing, convince others on how they should behave and think based on unfounded beliefs. All that being said, I also have no issue with anyone's belief in their chosen religion. So, if you are a Scientologist, good for you. I hope you find the contentment you need to live with inner peace. Did you notice what he named the evil Alien race in that book and movie? They were a play on the work Psychiatrist. yeah, plus there are 'other' references that can be gleaned from the work. Adamantly stated, that he didn't want anyone
"creating" a religion, based on his writings. Yeah, I really didn't and haven't associated Scientology with LRH except in the proclaimed accountings by the followers. Makes me think that if he were alive right now, he would disown the lot of them. This makes me realize that people are batshiat crazy when it comes to belief systems. But, if it gives you the inner peace you need for you to live life, who am I to criticize? I mean, no matter which religion you subscribe to, its a purely personal endeavor or you are just a gullible fool. If your belief system isn't giving you the inner peace for a contented life, I only ask why? But, really, its all your own decisions to believe what you will. Personally, I have found that reality is the best for me. That's because reality is reality no matter who believes it and you can depend on it no matter the circumstances. It doesn't need elaborate explanations to explain it because it is whether it can be explained or not. It requires nothing and delivers nothing but itself. That movie was one of the biggest box office bombs in history and caused the production company that was pretty successful up to that point into bankruptcy. I hate that movie but I liked the book. I wont read it. I wont pay money for it so the Church of Scientology makes money. No way! |
The case on Scientology
I read Battlefield Earth, enjoyed it. I read Dianetics, didn't. I did find certain aspects of it interesting but most of it struck me as bullshiat. I remember a big stink years ago when Tom Cruise was jilted because of his views about Scientology. Personally, I don't give Scientology and more credence than any other religion. To me, all religions do the same thing, convince others on how they should behave and think based on unfounded beliefs. All that being said, I also have no issue with anyone's belief in their chosen religion. So, if you are a Scientologist, good for you. I hope you find the contentment you need to live with inner peace. Did you notice what he named the evil Alien race in that book and movie? They were a play on the work Psychiatrist. yeah, plus there are 'other' references that can be gleaned from the work. Adamantly stated, that he didn't want anyone
"creating" a religion, based on his writings. Yeah, I really didn't and haven't associated Scientology with LRH except in the proclaimed accountings by the followers. Makes me think that if he were alive right now, he would disown the lot of them. This makes me realize that people are batshiat crazy when it comes to belief systems. But, if it gives you the inner peace you need for you to live life, who am I to criticize? I mean, no matter which religion you subscribe to, its a purely personal endeavor or you are just a gullible fool. If your belief system isn't giving you the inner peace for a contented life, I only ask why? But, really, its all your own decisions to believe what you will. Personally, I have found that reality is the best for me. That's because reality is reality no matter who believes it and you can depend on it no matter the circumstances. It doesn't need elaborate explanations to explain it because it is whether it can be explained or not. It requires nothing and delivers nothing but itself. That movie was one of the biggest box office bombs in history and caused the production company that was pretty successful up to that point into bankruptcy. |
The case on Scientology
HHHMMMMmmmmmm....... a religion that was started by a science fiction/fantasy writer who actually wrote a book on what he would do if he started a religion....?????? I DO have to admit,though... it makes JUST AS MUCH sense as the belief that a jewish zombie that was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh,and telepathically accept him as your master so that he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because the rib woman was convinced by the talking snake to eat from the magical tree!!! I think that the simple fact that there is absolutely no evidence that ANY of 'gods',or 'supreme beings' exist,except for the fact that a HUMAN BEING who has NEVER met or seen them,or even KNOWS anybody that knows anybody that knows anybody that knows anybody [TIMES A MILLION!!] who has ever met,or seen them tells you that they are real pretty much disproves ALL religions,doesnt it? [including scientology!!] I can tell you that the sky is green,and that fire doesn't REALLY burn you if you sit down in it and go to sleep,but,even if I write a book claiming that,and get a 100 million other people to repeat this story,that STILL doesn't mean that it is true. it just means that there are 100 million people out there who are repeating something thst they heard FROM ANOTHER HUMAN BEING who has an overactive imagination,and is probably trying to manipulate you for their own purposes. [like L Ron Hubbard!!] Dave, in the 1940's when he was in the Navy he told another Officer that the way to become a millionaire was to invent a religion. Ten years later, BAM he did! That's after he participated in Sex Magic rituals and orgies with Jack Parsons. Hubbard was soo extreme that Parsons close friend and mentor Aleister Crowley advised Parsons to cut ties with Hubbard. |
The case on Scientology
I read Battlefield Earth, enjoyed it. I read Dianetics, didn't. I did find certain aspects of it interesting but most of it struck me as bullshiat. I remember a big stink years ago when Tom Cruise was jilted because of his views about Scientology. Personally, I don't give Scientology and more credence than any other religion. To me, all religions do the same thing, convince others on how they should behave and think based on unfounded beliefs. All that being said, I also have no issue with anyone's belief in their chosen religion. So, if you are a Scientologist, good for you. I hope you find the contentment you need to live with inner peace. Did you notice what he named the evil Alien race in that book and movie? They were a play on the work Psychiatrist. |
The case on Scientology
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Fri 01/18/19 04:27 AM
Wow, that was quick. I copied Tony Ortega on the article you posted John and he replied with the article listed below..... Mr. Ortega is a leading expert on the abuses and criminal activity of Scientology and David Miscavige and exposing them. He already covered the article you posted on his website The Underground Bunker.
https://tonyortega.org/2019/01/09/government-comes-down-hard-on-scientology-in-canada-where-worker-abuse-matters/?fbclid=IwAR0D2egq_sX9RHAxl6m1QV2QSHMYV11-haH7wpjkV7gLklOWd-CyKz2lTes |
The case on Scientology
Yea, the only reason i'd lean one way is, way too much abuse in the past We have a long history with such religious groups bringing in millions, paying no taxes, no payroll and sit on multi million dollar properties. tsk tsk That's what the COS is doing. They are buying property like crazy and when they open you go by there and there is never anyone in there. It's one big scam. |
The case on Scientology
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Fri 01/18/19 04:02 AM
It seems like they're not getting away with low wages here http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/church-of-scientology-underpaying-staff-1.4972447 John, thank you for sharing. I just sent that over to Tony Ortega. I am curious to get his opinion on it. People have tried filing a similar lawsuit here in the US but the Court of Appeals shot it down. |
The case on Scientology
Also the COS committed the worst case of Domestic Espionage in our Countries history!
The case on Scientology
As mentioned before, I am not a fan or critic of Scientology. I kind of see it as a group of people with like goals and values, like a religion such as JW, or Catholics or Jewish, or Christian, or Muslim, or like a non religion like atheists. I do hear criticism of them, but of those I know are members, they seem to be living pretty upstanding productive lives. I dont know any personally, only those reported on. Every religion and non religions is made of individuals, and these individuals can make poor choices. But I dont think that should reflect on the group unless it is shown that in the groups public philosophies, they are encouraging or mandating those choices. all that is to say, for those who have documented information from more than just x-members negative claims or current members praises, I am curious what is the negative or positive Documented information about this group as a whole. I have personal experience with them. I dated a woman I loved. We were engaged and because I wouldn't join the Church (at the time I didn't criticize) I was "Declared", which means I was a suppressive person and she could have no contact with me if she wanted to stay within the COS. I have been an advocate for the victims of Scientology for years, way before Going Clear came out or the Aftermath came out. I know other victims like Mark and Claire Headley, Tony Ortega etc. I have talked to other survivors first hand and its a dangerous cult that only cares about money. If you cant afford their "Religious Services" where the basic package is $50,000 they used what is slave labor. of the person is lucky they make $0.20 cents an hour. They do not give back to the community and their Narconon program has proved so lethal they State and City Governments have been shutting them down over the many deaths across the United States. Their anti Psychiatry stance is dangerous and they also are violating Stolen Valor laws by promoting a false military history of LRH and claiming he was awarded medals, ribbons and awards which never happened. They use this as the basis of recruiting people claiming he healed himself from his massive combat injuries (he never saw combat) with Dianetics. In fact his first station in Australia the US Ambassador complained to the Navy about him and not wanting him thee then shortly after the was PNG'D (Persona Non Grata) by the Australian Government. That is one of the worst things that can happen to a Military or Government representative. That took about two weeks. He was relieved of every command he held and damn near started an armed conflict with Mexico, a key partner of ours at the time. It was an international incident that the President of the United States had to personally get involved with to squash. He was then given crap duties to finish out his term which he then complained of tummy aches so he finished out his Navy career in a military hospital in Alameda, California. He then also repeatedly wrote to the DOD asking for Psychiatric help which was denied which is partly why Scientologists are taught to hate Psychology. During World War II we were massively understaffed and were refitting personal watercraft, fishing boats and cruise liners to be military craft. All's it took to become an Officer or a Commanding Officer of one of these vessels is a recommendation of from a Congressman or Senator or other high ranking Official. Hubbard found one that was a huge fan of his science fiction writing and appealed to him claiming he had Captained massive naval expeditions to the Caribbean and to Alaska. Both were a failure, the one to the Caribbean they never made it out of the States, everyone of the crew left when they got to their first port in North Carolina because of Hubbard's incompetence. Then the Alaska one he never made it out of the Area because he damaged the vessel because he didn't know what he was doing. That Congressman or Senator later said he gave LRH a signed paper on letter head and told him your the writer write your own letter of recommendation. SO that's how he became a CO of a vessel. He was also given very little training at the time. It's not like it is now. We had to get people out there and fast. |
As a democrat supporter and a agnostic and a person that likes Kamala Harris I must agree that it was wrong to judge thean based on his membership to a religious organization. I beleive in the seperation of church and state . I hope she sees the error of her ways and retracts her comments . This thread is the first ive heard of this and i need to learn more . But if she stands by her opinion i wouldnt vote for her . But she is correct that the judge in question has no buisness being on the bench with his bias views . As i said im not religious but deffend anybody's right to believe what they want to believe She hasn't declared to run yet. Warren has, Gillinbrand has, Julian Castro has, John Delaney has, Richard Ojeda has, Tulsi Gabbard has and that's it so far. There is discussion about Biden running with Beto as his running mate, but that not official. If Harris, Warren or Booker get the nomination they will loose. The majority of people hate them. The one Democrat that I love and who I would love to see run is United States Marine Corps Veteran and Heavily Decorated War Hero, former Senator Jim Webb. He's a Democrat I could support. |
Edited by
Thu 01/17/19 04:16 AM
What has Scientology Church done, Not just the claims, but actually proven to have done? Are you serious? Do you know how many lives have been ruined by that cult? Did you know they conducted the biggest infiltration and domestic espionage breaches in our countries history? LRH himself went into hiding for the rest of his life as he feared prosecution. His wife went to prison. They use forced labor, they will come fetch you if you leave and they are currently under Federal investigation in multiple countries. All's they care about is money. LRH said famously in the 1940's he was going to invent a religion and become rich, well he did. He also lied about his military record, lied about war injuries he claimed to have received and that he cured himself through dianetics, the basis of Scientology. I don't want to derail David thread because of this topic, so I suggest we make a new thread on this topic. Maybe I can even get Tony Ortega to come in and clarify a few things. |
I would like to see some good news about the Church of Scientology getting what they deserve.
not necessarily,but when the republicans are so UTTERLY DESPERATE to try to discredit their opponents that they dig up 'dirt' from her past and try to use it to embarrass her as a political strategy,but they are SO INCOMPETENT that all they can do is post videos that show her dancing and being cute,and adorable,i think THAT says A LOT about them,PLUS,it ALSO says A LOT about HER,if that is the best that they can come up with on her to try to discredit,or embarrass her!! sorry to disappoint you,but the difference between kavnaugh,and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that when they dug into kavanaugh's past,THEY FOUND SOMETHING in his past! [several somethings,actually!!] in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's past,all hey could come up with was the video of her dancing!! so,your comparison is basically the equivalent of trying to compare mother Teresa with Adolph hitler. [or,should I say,mother Teresa with donald trump?] so,once again... would you rather have a politician who is so morally,and ethically above reproach that a video of her dancing when she was in college is the most embarrassing thing that they can find on her,or somebody whose whole life has been nothing but an ethical,and moral train wreck? it is REALLY a VERY simple question,with a VERY simple answer! Everyone of those somethings were false and charges are being filed against the lawyer and one of the accusers so far. The other so called victims the Democrats have abandoned and left them to hang themselves out to dry. |
Gotham Season 5. The best show on TV by far!
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Tue 01/01/19 10:00 PM
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't officially a member of Congress yet, and she is already having a temper tantrum. From The Hill, 31 December 2018: Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ripping her fellow Democrats for failing to take up her proposed special climate change committee called the Green New Deal because it was deemed "too controversial."
Ocasio-Cortez in a Twitter thread Monday blamed House leadership for rejecting the idea behind the Green New Deal, which aimed to create a plan to get the country on a 100 percent renewable energy electric grid. "A few weeks ago, I joined youth activists in a specific demand for a Green New Deal Committee. It had 3 simple elements: 1. No fossil fuel money on climate cmte 2. Offer solutions for impacted communities 3. Draft sample #GreenNewDeal All 3 were rejected as "too controversial," she tweeted. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's problem isn't that she is a Democrat or a Socialist. Her problem is that she believes that her election equals a mandate from all Americans. No, it doesn't. She was elected to speak on behalf of the residents of her congressional district. She doesn't speak for everyone else in the USA. It is bad enough that she is woefully naive about the complications involved in converting all America to 100% renewable energy. Has she told her constituents just how much her Green New Deal would cost them? Of course not! She doesn't know how much it would cost. It is as if she doesn't know where New York City gets its heat during winter. Perhaps she doesn't. Then there is this from economist Dr. Charles N. Steele: "Scientific economic analysis suggests radical responses are unnecessary, even if we accept the basic models of global warming. Economics also shows that attempts by government planners to redirect the economy will result in unsustainable catastrophe, not sustainable development." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still has much to learn about reality. She is the dumbest person ever elected to Congress. The Democrats should be proud. |