Interesting thing..........
The FBI has repeatedly shown itself, to be nothing more than the enforcement branch of the DNC. They violated the basic principals and guidelines our intelligence communities follow. Every Administration up until Obama would let those situations play out. They should have looped in the Obama official that was getting played and let the "Honey Trap" go through but controlled by the FBI. Then maybe they could have charged them with actual Espionage and not the simple charge they ended up getting charged with. Also they were arrested, plead guilty and a prisoner swap was already in place for ALL of them within 10 days of their arrest! That is unheard of! Plus we got four high value Russian assets of ours that would have taken considerable negotiations and time to get. This was a perfect example of having a weak President who wanted to do damage control then get the job done. Also Obama claimed not to speak to the Russian President once about the situation. He's lying. We had the red line to Moscow installed in the White House because of incidents like this that could escalate. There is no way this would be over in less then 10 days and people silenced the way they were unless Obama and Putin signed off on it, and I say Putin even though he wasn't the technical President at the time everyone knows Dimitry was a puppet President because Putin was termed out. Also Putin was KGB, this would be the kind of operation he would personally be involved with as President of Russia and Prime Minister! |
Interesting thing..........
Edited by
Tue 07/10/18 07:54 PM
I love how President Trump is in the hot seat over alleged ties to Russian Agents when I just watched an interview with Frank Figliuzzi, you might remember him as the former Assistant Director of the FBI's counter Intelligence Division who was in charge of the SVR Illegals investigation.
I always wondered why they were so quick to make arrests so soon after discovering the operation. Usually the Government will take a lot, lot longer to develop information, pass false intelligence and find other Agents and handlers. Plus forming the basis of the arrest on a false passport given to Anna Chapman by an FBI informant was always weak. We've never in our history acted so quick. Look back at Robert Hanssen who was one of the top FBI Officials, they sat on him for a couple years, assigned 24/7 live surveillance on him when they already had him for more serious crimes then a false passport. If the Russians wouldn't have flipped so easy in custody we would have probably never known the truth. I always thought it was yet another bungle of the Obama Administration when in fact it was the FBI that saved his administration's a$$. The truth is according to Figliuzzi, that the call was made to make the arrest because the Illegal's had infiltrated the top members of the Obama Administration when they realized that Anna Chapman was setting up one of Obama's top people in a "Honey Trap". He also said that another Russian spy Cynthia Murphy had infiltrated Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2008 and got close to people around Hillary in 2012...…. Interesting, very interesting. Here we have the same Agents that were involved in the Illegals investigation who acted prematurely to potentially save a Presidential Administration set the next one up. Senior Agents have already resigned over it and have gone before Congress. One is facing jail time over some texts with another Senior FBI Official that they will do anything to keep Trump from getting elected. Imagine if they took the same attitude with Trump that they did with Obama and any know foreign intelligence Agent coming into contact with the Trump Administration they would be all over, but no. Interesting. |
Non fatal response ... Kudos
Non fatal response ... Kudos _________________________________________________________________ Kudos for sure :).. because it happens 10,000 times a day Exactly, we only really hear about it the rare times they use lethal force. |
navy seals , the boys are at it again ,Thank God for them , God bless them and for their actions ![]() Thai Navy Seals, not US. |
She pleaded not guilty to all charges. ![]() Wonder if she felt she had a right to Prostest any way she wanted, even if it put others in great danger to rescue her. Lol.. not guilty.. She was waving.. taking little cat naps. taking her shoes off and trying to get higher.. good luck with the not guilty plea. she woke up this morning now that the spot light is off her in a jail cell. Reality is starting to kick in. They are not going to go lightly on her, rightfully so. Is she in Rikers? If so that is one of the most dangerous jails in the country. |
She pleaded not guilty to all charges. ![]() Wonder if she felt she had a right to Prostest any way she wanted, even if it put others in great danger to rescue her. Actually its common practice to plead not guilty at your initial appearance that way you get offered a deal and usually lesser charges. Any lawyer would tell someone to plead not guilty at the arraignment unless there was a deal in place but here in Nevada you can not plead guilty to a felony at your Arraignment Hearing. I am guessing that's the same in New York. |
I'm sure if she would have fell and killed herself, the city would be sued for allowing her on the statue. Then there would be a huge outcry if the city fought the lawsuit. The NEWS networks would roll out their experts on what should have happened and people would be posting long responses on facebook and twitter would explode. I don't know the layout of the Statue of Liberty, but I do know it's a huge no no to throw a penny off a sky scraper as it could kill someone. Imagine if she fell off on her little stunt and landed on a little baby, child or elderly person. They would have been killed. I hope they nail her a$$ to the wall. |
| Yesterday a woman ( part of a group) that was protesting children being separated from Illegal alien parents decided to scale the Statue of Liberty foundation on the 4th of July holiday. Now, here in the NYC area the 4th of July is a big deal. People from all over the world plan and take their vacations here at this time. They save for the trip and want to be part of the festivities. On average, 22,000 people visit the Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July. Unfortunatly, because of the actions of one person the Statue of Liberty was shut down and police resources had to be used to get her safely from the statue. It took hours as she laid around up there waving to helicopters and taking cat naps. But for some, disrupting the plans of 22,000 and putting police in harms way ( not easy to rig rope on the statue) to satisfy your personal views is o.k. The antics of the looney left are just as bad as the behavior they claim of President Trump. I hope she is sent to prison and hit with a heavy sentence. |
Do you think China ...
If you want concern over pollution though, there's not much recent history of any Republican showing positive interest. They've cheered wildly at every elimination of pollution limits and treaties and concerns. ___________________________________________________________________ Now, now, lets be fair. I was back and forth over there thru most of the Obama administration and the plastics were burning around the clock. American plastic. So the Dems didn't do anything either yes, they screamed to the Chinese about the pollution and hole in the ozone layer all while the freight containers laden with toxic plastics continued to arrive. Out of sight.. out of mind Global Warming is a myth..... We just had one of the worst winters in decades. |
MAVNI. maybe canceled
The former director of the Space Program at NASA was a former high ranking Nazi official who designed the V2 rocket that killed millions. We recruited and or protected some of the most vicious war criminals because we saw a use for them. We also protected Klaus Barbie who worked with our military and was the one who caught Che Guerra for us. Barbie also known as the butcher of Lyon. We also protected Mangele and Eichmann. Our Government went into panic mode when Israel captured Eichmann alive because of what he could have revealed about our support.
MAVNI. maybe canceled
Technically we have been doing it since World War 2...…. That is very interesting and surprising. ! Look up operation paperclip. |
You cross the boarder illegally into North Korea you get 10 years in Prison, in Afghanistan you get shot In America you get, welfare, healthcare, food stamp. and a drivers license And you get to work under the table, thus avoiding taxes and not disrupting your " benefits". You get to have kids and let someone else pay the costs. The kid is now a citizen, so Uncle Sam is not going to throw Mom and Dad out now... no.. none of this is planned out beforehand.. none of it.. it happens that way just "by chance" something wrong here. In North Korea it's over 10 years of hard labor and you left out Iran..... Nobody sneaking into China ether.. why is that?.. maybe because you will get thrown in prison for a long time? or maybe because if you protest anything.. your family will never see you again. And that Government isn't going to give you .. anything. In China your lucky if you go to prison, 9 times out of 10 your executed. |
You cross the boarder illegally into North Korea you get 10 years in Prison, in Afghanistan you get shot In America you get, welfare, healthcare, food stamp. and a drivers license And you get to work under the table, thus avoiding taxes and not disrupting your " benefits". You get to have kids and let someone else pay the costs. The kid is now a citizen, so Uncle Sam is not going to throw Mom and Dad out now... no.. none of this is planned out beforehand.. none of it.. it happens that way just "by chance" something wrong here. In North Korea it's over 10 years of hard labor and you left out Iran..... |
Reynaldo Mora, 41 rapes a 13 year old girl even if you overlook her disability , she is an innocent child. I want to see the left and Liberals spin this What should be done about his scum rapist? rapists, regardless of citizenship status, should be proven guilty and face the consequence of the law hopefully this guy will be in the same place as the cop who sexually assaulted a grade schooler and threatened the mother with deportation if she reported him. except that I said they would BOTH be in the same place ... ![]() Or we make it a Capitol Offense with a speedy appeals process. |
Mora "willingly submitted to a DNA test and he is hopeful that this DNA test is going to clear everything." Results for a paternity test were still pending, according to the report. i'll wait for the test results come in.. if they show Mora to be the father, i'll volunteer to throw the first stone...if they show he could not be the father then send him to immigration court and keep looking for the one who impregnated her... ![]() Yes I would have, rape is rape and should be a capital offense. This is just a situation that wouldn't and shouldn't have happened if we enforced our own laws! |
Reynaldo Mora, 41 rapes a 13 year old girl even if you overlook her disability , she is an innocent child. I want to see the left and Liberals spin this What should be done about his scum rapist? They will say he just came here for the American Dream! ![]() |
Do you think China ...
You want to know about China and their's a couple of sites you all need to listen to..I have no avatar so I can't start a thread..get this out to as many people as possible.. Alex Jones from Infowars 1. Alert:Don't miss this one 2. America's Darkest Hour You all really need to see will give you all an insight as to what is really going on around you.Go to youtube and listen ..see if any of this starts to sound familiar as to what's been going on around us Alex Jones? The Racist Nutjob? I will look at a credible source. Not a conspiracy theorist. |
MAVNI. maybe canceled
Military Assessions Vital to the National Interest. Allows the military to recruit non-citizens with special skills. While serving in military , can earn citizenship to US. Created in 2008 by Secretary of defense. The program was widely seen as a success, so it was a surprise to many when the Pentagon announced in 2014 that the program has been suspended. The status of the program under Trump administration is now under review, and maybe canceled. Technically we have been doing it since World War 2...…. |
An illegal immigrant in Maryland has been accused of raping a non-verbal special needs girl while he was supposed to be babysitting her at her home.
Reynaldo Mora, 41, was arrested April 19 in Montgomery County and charged with sex abuse of a minor, in addition to two counts of second-degree rape, according to WJLA. Mora was reportedly babysitting the 13-year-old girl in February at her home in Kensington, where he allegedly forced the victim into having sex with him. The girl, whom police said has the "intellect of a first grader" and can only communicate using "gestures and writing," tested positive when she took a pregnancy test in April, the news outlet reported. Staff at a nearby medical center confirmed she was 11-weeks pregnant. Mora reportedly was held for seven weeks at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Clarksburg after a district court judge denied his bond. In May, his defense attorney filed a "motion to reconsider bond," and on June 1, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Steven Salant granted Mora a personal recognizance bond, according to the station. The personal recognizance bond would've allowed Mora to leave jail without putting up money under a deal that he'd appear at future court appearances. However, due to a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), local law enforcement surrendered him to federal officials on June 6. Jose Campos, Mora's defense attorney, told WJLA his client is innocent, and said Mora "willingly submitted to a DNA test and he is hopeful that this DNA test is going to clear everything." Results for a paternity test were still pending, according to the report. Mora is scheduled to appear in Montgomery County Circuit Court in October for a three-day trial. He reportedly faces up to 60 years in prison. This is one of the many reasons why we need to enforce our Boarder Security Laws! |
A white man was shot by a cop about 2 weeks ago. Where is the outrage? lol, people are shot by COPS every DAY. if they are running away unarmed and shot in the back, there should be 'outrage' (although I dont see that level of discussion in these threads). The white man had shot someone also. Police didn't take any chances. How was the police supposed to know that magazine in his pocket wasn't a gun? It's time for you to stop playing dumb. This is the same thing she said about Ferguson after that thug committed a vicious crime and attacked a cop going for his gun. |