Momo, Do not contact
Boothworld Industries seems pretty cool though. That's not hackers...….
Momo, Do not contact
Momo, Do not contact
Edited by
Fri 08/17/18 06:00 PM
“In social networks, the image of a terrifying woman is circulating,” add investigators, in a statement. “They call her ‘Momo’ and she invites those who see her to write to her through WhatsApp.”
"Momo" threatens to appear in the night or lay a curse on the users if they do not respond, according to Mexican police. Criminals can use the “game” to steal personal information or even incite users to commit suicide or violence, investigators add. |
Momo, Do not contact
I got a call a few days ago from " the Department of Treasury".. some Indian accent guy. Seems The Treasury Department wanted to give ME $7,000, seems they " picked me out of a lottery they hold every year".............. I told him I am honored and to please make a donation in my name for the amount to save the whales. Then I heard the ..... click It's not the same. They are not trying to scam anyone they are trying to get people to kill themselves. How would thy get anyone to kill themselves. Maybe a few call from the IRS could do it.. but the Treasury dept.? I dunno, the video of the little girl killing herself is on YouTube and its really sad, REALLY SAD. |
Momo, Do not contact
This is Horrible and Sad. Why can't the number just be blocked the first time it contacts a student ? Are the young people just indulging in watching these kind of things !! Because there are \spoofing programs and the hackers use them to contact you if you block the first number. I have the spoofing app and I can make it look like I am calling from any number I want, you just type in the number you want it to look like your texting or calling from..... |
If you're married and have someone on the side? It's called an affair. Exactly, but some people do the whole open marriage thing...….. |
Plain and simple....the husband isn’t laying the pipe ![]() he probably has his own side kick... ![]() If she’s not riding him right you bet your *** he does....this is why sexual compatibility is soooooooo important..just sayin... ![]() |
Momo, Do not contact
I got a call a few days ago from " the Department of Treasury".. some Indian accent guy. Seems The Treasury Department wanted to give ME $7,000, seems they " picked me out of a lottery they hold every year".............. I told him I am honored and to please make a donation in my name for the amount to save the whales. Then I heard the ..... click It's not the same. They are not trying to scam anyone they are trying to get people to kill themselves. WOW !! How would. They do that ? They hack your phone or device look through your texts and pictures and they bother you non stop sending you pictures of murder scenes and they get more and more graphic and they bother you to the point where you kill yourself while they record it on your device. So far a 12 year old little girl killed herself and theres one other death related to this. A lot of the schools are taking action. Because this is done through the Dark Web and Whats App on your phone it's impossible to trace since they use spoofing programs to hid the real numbers they use. I know Law Enforcement has been able to track it to South America and Japan but other then that they haven't made much progress. |
Momo, Do not contact
I got a call a few days ago from " the Department of Treasury".. some Indian accent guy. Seems The Treasury Department wanted to give ME $7,000, seems they " picked me out of a lottery they hold every year".............. I told him I am honored and to please make a donation in my name for the amount to save the whales. Then I heard the ..... click It's not the same. They are not trying to scam anyone they are trying to get people to kill themselves. |
Momo, Do not contact
Has anyone heard of the Momo thing that's gone viral? It seems that there's no limit to stupidity now days. People actually think this is some paranormal entity when in al truth it's a group of hackers spoofing numbers. The moment you text or call one of the listed numbers they hack your device, that's how the personal details it reveals to you are found out.
Do not message or call! |
My blog post for 08/05/18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * Democrats Aren't All Bad (Really!) ![]() Democrats aren't all bad. Granted, that should go without saying, but some Republicans have trouble believing it. It is a mistake for Republicans to pretend that they are holier-than or more-righteous-than Democrats because the former aren't. No, one doesn't have to be a liberal or a Democrat to offer a defense of Democrats. This blogger has never been a Democrat and has never wanted a Democrat to occupy the Oval Office. Yet, this blogger will defend Democrats when they deserve defending. Sure, Democrats are mistaken about plenty of things even when they won't admit to being mistaken. Still, Democrats are just as human as Republicans, and Republicans are just as fallible as Democrats. Democrats and Republicans alike embrace beliefs that are emotionally pleasing even if those beliefs are factually false. Yes, one can find reason and sanity among Democrats. However, the reasonable and sane Democrats aren't often mentioned in national news because media members don't consider such Democrats to be newsworthy. It is the crazy Democrats who get the most exposure by the media because controversy sells newspapers. If America's liberal media are the publishing arm of the Democratic Party, then it is because America's liberal media are focused on their primary objective, which is to earn a profit. Greater profit is earned from the crazy than from the sane. Yes, the crazies are running the Democratic Party. Sure, the same can be said about the Republican Party. After all, look who is the POTUS. By the way, if Republicans and Conservatives believe that Democrats are bad now, then the former should consider the history depicted in the following image: ![]() The modern-day Democratic Party is nothing like the Democratic Party that the Republican Party was formed to oppose. Then again, the modern-day Republican Party isn't the party of Lincoln, either. * * * * * * * * * * * * Posted @ The Moderate Voice By the way . . . ![]() I was supporting a Democrat who was running in our last Presidential Race until Trump entered the race. Jim Webb, former US Senator and a highly decorated war Hero with the Navy Cross and a ton of other awards. Democrats need to start looking into him as a candidate! |
This news just broke today. This happened 5 years ago and Feinstein, Obama and Muller covered it up! I totally expect all of the same Democrats on here calling for President Trumps impeachment and arrest demand the same thing in this case, but they wont.
First Real Cruise
If you dive, you can get day permits for scuba in Cozumel. And try the food while you're there. ![]() I can't do scuba. I panic when I have anything over my face or mouth. They have to give me a local to even put an oxygen mask on my face in the hospital. I am signed up to swim with the Dolphins in Cozumel though.... You should join us man, they gave us a killer rate. It's only like $50.00 deposit! Scuba is awesome, too bad you can't get over that fear. But I'm sure you'll have a blast taking in the sites and swimming with the dolphins! ![]() I know, I am so stoked. I am just bummed because I wanted to see some of the historical pirate sites and I am going to Ocho Rios and there aren't any there...... |
First Real Cruise
Can I go? If you want, we got an unbelievable rate. My friends cant believe the deal we got! It's their newest and biggest ship that just got launched this last month! |
First Real Cruise
Edited by
Sat 07/28/18 11:50 PM
If you dive, you can get day permits for scuba in Cozumel. And try the food while you're there. ![]() I can't do scuba. I panic when I have anything over my face or mouth. They have to give me a local to even put an oxygen mask on my face in the hospital. I am signed up to swim with the Dolphins in Cozumel though.... You should join us man, they gave us a killer rate. It's only like $50.00 deposit! |
The Muppets
I miss fragile rock Fraggle Rock is awesome! Amazon Prime has it for free and I read they are going to be making a movie about it! |
First Real Cruise
I was excited when I found out one of the ports in in Jamaica. I have always wanted to see the historical Pirate sights like where Captain Vane was hung but apparently that is all over in Port Royal not in Ocho Rios where I am goin. From what I can tell theres not much in Ocho Rios other then a major tourist trap.
![]() |
Well, it’s true that the oriental world has gained territory and influence over the decades but I’m not all that worried. ISIS has been beaten by a coalition of American-French-German-British troops. I think that the restlessness that occured in the Middle-East in the last 5 years was the result of the Arab revolution in which a lot of dictators like Kaddhafi fell. Dictators knew how to keep structure in their country/regime. Once the regime falls, the structure falls away as well. An exception to this rule is Assad in Syria. Overall, I still think that with the US behind us Europe has nothing to fear. Iran can threaten however much it wants, the US is the country with all the weapons. So, to answer your question : my balance didn’t change because of the oriental influences. I think that the occidental world is strong enough and that ultimately it will be nuclear weapons that will cause us to succumb as a culture. ISIS is not defeated. They are like cockroaches and I guarantee they have a ton of sleepers in the US and through out Europe. Nuclear weapons are a red haring. They have only been used once in history to end World War II. They wont be used again. |
Ride the Ducks tragedy
How is it o.k. to put anyone in any type of floating " craft" without life preservers. let alone kids 2 years old and elders 70 years old. How is that possibly legal for any commercial operation? It's not legal. Then the owner and captain should face involuntary manslaughter charges for each person killed. Not that it matters much to the dead The captain died. The owner I have a hunch is going to be in some serious crap. |