Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3
Only your records say he's a Christian, everyone else's is known fact that he's Muslim.
In any case, the Christians are racist, bigots who are into fearmongering and hatemongering, right?? So whether he's a Christian or Muslim, he's a racist bigot and hatemonger either way. So he's gotta go. |
He should'nt have been let in to begin with
Wrong, all humans have HUMAN rights...but not CIVIL rights, as in civil rights of U.S. citizens.
" for "...Dead in OHIO...
Oh yes, its all Bush's fault!! LOL.....Oblowme has dug his own political grave, now all he's gotta do is get in it!!
They wont get him on anything. They have been trying for years, and nothing is ever proven.
The "war" was over within the first two days of U.S. air strikes on Baghdad.
The rest was just a way to waste taxpayer money. |
illegal immigration
They abuse the system more than they help it.
Must be...since the media refused to cover it, just like they refused to cover the anti-tax crowd in NY.
where are the muslim riots and attempts at taking over in america? or canada? or Britain? or any other western country where muslims reside? Check out Detroit and Dearborn, Mich. As well as Toronto, Can. and San Jose, Ca for starters. |
So is the mission accomplished, or not??
Yep, its so scary, the page is not found.
Well, lets bring it back up to give em another chance!!
You can sure see all the prejudice against the poor people of this county by what they say. First untruth=all poor people are lazy Second untruth=all poor people are criminals Third untruth, and a really stupid one= all poor people try to make other mouths to feed to get more money from the government ![]() All poor people are just like all non poor people, they just have less or no money. That is the only difference. To classify them as lazy breeding criminals is really a sick ideology. It is an untrue hate tactic. Hatemongering. Obviously, you've never been to LA or Detroit. |
y that car
1966 Ford F-250 pickup. 588,000 original miles. Bought new by my Grandfather, given to my Father, then given to me.
MLK's dream will never come true as long as there are race baiters like Sharpton around.
Really Michelle?
And then his Grandmother mysteriously died all of a sudden, after being in great health all her life!!
No, he was'nt even going to let his Grandmother stand in the way of the presidency!! |
So Oblowme is giving the orders to pull out of Iraq, but wait!! the liberals claim that we are "occupying" another country, so how can it be that Oblowme wants to leave?? LOL...
What Allows this?
Can you condense the story down to fit onto the screen so we can read the whole thing??
How many goats equal a woman in Saudi Arabia ... ? I don't know but im sure goats are worth a lot to bin laden hiding in the caves...... ![]() |
Why does one need to be an "expert" on Islam, when they make it perfectly clear, even to the most mundane people, what their intentions are??