Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3
Turn the Fox OFF!
Yep, gotta throw them all in the fire if we're gonna throw one in the fire!!
I see Some people here badmouthing their own races.Taking up with Muslim religions that have not meant dirt. Since the dawn of time...Just like to know were pride and self respect has gone these days? You are talking about pride in America?? |
Turn the Fox OFF!
The funny part is, the more people complain and whine about Fox, the more the public will tune into them!!
![]() The vast majority of lies and untruths come from CNN and MSNBC. |
Me too. Islamics are liars thru and Mr. Jones should keep his word and carry out the 'cleansing' of the Quaran!
Edited by
Thu 09/09/10 07:03 PM
Its just more PC BS!!
Looks like several posters here have gotten their wish...the burning of Christian Bibles. But as of right now, there has'nt been any burning of Quar'ans yet. So we need to even the score!! ![]() |
Mr. June is a real hero to the U.S.
John Kerry is a coward. |
The funny part is, the left wing nutjobs support Islamics, but Islamics hate homosexuals, and the left supports homosexuals.
They sure are confused bunch ![]() ![]() |
Well, maybe thats one issue I can see eye to eye with them on!!
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Turn the Fox OFF!
Thank God that Fox is not part of "the larger journalism Brotherhood" Right, they are not investigative journalists at all. POX is NOT a news outlet...not a part of credible media nor worthy of being on a public TV...I hope others complain about POX on their company TV's or anywhere they see this cheap RW nutbag reality TV show being propped up as "news". Thanks. LOL...well good luck with that!! You have a long uphill fight on your hands there because more people trust Fox and get better info from them than they do your lame-stream media. |
You people who are willing to back down at the threats of the Muslims just crack me up!!
I dont think you should belong in this country. This country is the home of the free and the home of the BRAVE...not the home of the cowards!! Let the Immams declare more extremism...since when have they NOT been extremists anyways?? F' em!! Let them make their threats. I know plenty of Marines who are just chomping at the bit to get more of these extremists out in the open so they can take them out!! Hooray for the USA and the BRAVE people who will stand up to every threat the filthy Muslims can throw at us!! F' the cowards who are soiling their underwear worrying about "tolerance" and "religious freedoms". An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Fight fire WITH fire!! |
Turn the Fox OFF!
Thank God that Fox is not part of "the larger journalism Brotherhood"
This is all about rights, right??
Two more days....I cant wait!!
![]() Lets roast some PORK over the fires too!! |
Turn the Fox OFF!
| you're trying to tell us that because of Fox, the right wingers are going to win the elections?? ROTFLMAO....its not because of the backstabbing and lies that the Democraps have done to the people??
LOL. Okay, so what "hate" and "ignorance" does Fox encourage according to you?? Its very amusing, because instead of trying to face a problem straight on, you go off in left field to place the blame on someone else, and try to take the attention off of the real problem makers.....your beloved politicians and crooked govt. You're so worried about Fox, that you are becoming extremely desparate, and its showing!! Congrats on running a dazzling circus, but no cigar, because more and more people are tired of the lies and racism of the lame-stream media, and tuning into a station where they can get real news stories, and stories that the lame-stream media wont even cover!! |
Oh, you mean like how everything is "racist", "Bigot", "Fearmonger", Hatemonger", "Islamaphobe", etc??
Typical leftist hypocrites!!
So its okay to let dirtbags burn our flag in protest, but its BIGOTED or RACIST for us to do it??
LOL..if it is, then sign me up!! |
Pakistani Flood
It has been reorted and documented that the floods in Pakistan has been even worse and more catastrophic than the 2007 Tsunami ![]() |
thats right people! who else has seen this and what do you think about it? INTERNATIONAL BURN A KORAN DAY 9/11/2010 6PM-9PM I havent seen it,, what nations are participating exactly? ![]() |
What Has Obama done for you?
You, and only a few others will be defending Oblowme til the end. LOL....everyone else can clearly see what a failure he is.