Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3
All things Floyd
They used to be called "The Pink Floyd" in the mid-late 60's.
"Animals" is one of my fav. albums. |
A U.S. District Judge said
I know two people who were turned down because of simple things. One is slightly hard of hearing...rejected.
The other has carpotunnel in his wrists...rejected. But some buttslammers and pole smokers are allowed to join and stay!! LOL. I guess the PC'ness is just too much for the liberals to let go of. They'd rather trust our security to those who only have gay sex on their minds instead of defending our country at all costs. |
obama shifting on healthcare
It was designed by the liberals to exclude the elderly and especially those with pre-existing conditions that make insurance companies frown upon them.
Oblowme is certainly on the side of the insurance companies here. |
I'll take American terrorists over Islamic terrorists any day, thank you!!
No, its brother AMERICAN!! and NATIVE AMERICAN!!
Everything coming from the left is a joke...just not always a funny one.
Who cares??....maybe they're feeling the sting of retribution.
obama shifting on healthcare
Oblowme's gonna finger an aide!!
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Yep, the world is overflowing with peaceful Muslims!!
Sounds like another appologist delivering his message just in time for 9/11
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For real Americans, we already reached the tipping point...on Sept. 11th 2001.
Just because no evidence was found, does not mean they will not try.
Remember, this is the party of "transparency" that does deals behind closed doors so nobody can see, and the rush it thru so nobody will know!! |
Turn the Fox OFF!
But we dont see Oblowme scheduling to lower the taxes, now do we??
Lets hope it does'nt. I would'nt put it past them to do this behind closed doors.
I rely on other sources than the news media...because you cannot get the truth from the news media.
Why do YOU rely on the news media to cover for the 1.3 billion Muslims on the globe for what they do and dont condone?? |
But their religious book does not only contain examples of DEMANDS them to do it. How can one not interpret that for what it really is??
How can one not condone killing if their religion demands it?? If Christianity is racist and bigoted, than how can a true follower not be racist and bigoted in their beliefs?? |
But the news media is on the side of the Muslims, and they cover for the Muslims, but yet they condemn Christianity or Judeasim.
So why not just tell the truth about their actions?? Why rely on the media for their biased coverage and sorrow for the perpetrators?? |
Wrong. Their religion does indeed conflict with our laws. Their religion teaches murder, our laws prohibit murder.
Christianity teaches murder, our laws prohibit murder. So why are you now promoting that religions laws are above our civil U.S. laws?? |
But since all religion is racist and evil (according to your party) why be hypocritical and admit that you belive in it suddenly??
According to the left, there is no God, and according to other leftists, God is the ultimate killer and he discriminates against certain people on earth. And admitting to being "saved" by a racist killer (according to the left) is like saying F. Lee Baily who prosecuted Charles Manson is really his best friend!! And if the Government of the United States has legal authority to kill, then We the People also have legal authority to kill. |
The former...since Americans are in love with the worthless media, and they trust whatever the media tells them (Im talking all media, not singling out Fox or others), it must be the truth to Americans, right??
And since the media is on the side of the Muslims anyway, why would they report falsities about those whom they love so much?? |