Community > Posts By > TonkaTruck3
I dont think she's all that hot...but I like her sign!!
In fact, I like all of those signs!! |
Why appologize to a lawyer??
The voters will bring it on!! And your boy aint gonna like the outcome!!
Yeah, he's on Oprah, Letterman, the View, and now this clowns show!!
But he refuses to go on Fox...with someone who will drill him on his policies. Coward. |
NPR has always been a joke anyways.
Its a good thing!!
And nobody cares.
You know things are desparate when Oblowme has to go on a so-called comedy show to try to save his career!!
Oh, but wait!!...he's batting for his homies that are going to lose!! |
Mr. Whittington is a lawyer. Most other lawyers should get the same treatment.
LOL...once again, the left is going to lose big time in Nov. so all they can do is try to link everything to "racism".
Its an old tactic thats worn out, and its not working. |
And dont forget to pull the U.S. out of the United Nations, and tell them to kiss our rears!!
More Tea Party Hilarity
And even after all that, the Tea Party is still gaining momentum, and opening people's eyes to fact that the govt. is criminal organization that is only wanting to gain complete control over everything.
But the people wont let that happen!! |
is she for real?
In either case, Nazi Pelosi is finished. She had her chance, and we have seen her true colors. We know what she stands for and what she wants.....and none of it is inline with what the people want, or what is good for the country.
A few years ago, president Bush had warned the people about trusting your money to a 401K or any other type of savings.
He said the govt. would possibly get so desparate, that they may attempt something like this. He may be right. And my bet is that if it does happen (Nazi Pelosi has already made mention of this very same thing, but said it was a "good thing" to help the govt. ![]() |
Muck Muck Iditarod wants to talk because he knows the dems are soon to be out of power and the repubs are taking control. It could be a repeat of when Iran had our hostiges and Jimmy Carter would do nothing to bring them home. When Ronald Reagan became president, he told Iran to release them or we were coming over there to get them ourselves. They released them immediately!! |
Its in humanity's hearts to kill each other. I would cheer on when the Muslims are getting wiped out.
American Liberal
y that car
Now me a woody. ![]() Hell yeah!! Are you a Drag Race fan too?? |
I dont think Israel will prevent them from becoming a nuclear country. But I do believe it will be a nuclear exchange between the two if it goes that far.
Amedinijhad is a Conservative?? ![]() He sure as hell is a conservative. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iranian presidential elections in June 2005 brought a surprise victory to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and an end to an uncertain era of reform in the Islamic theocracy. Ahmadinejad, the conservative mayor of Tehran, won 62 percent of the vote in a run-off election with the favored candidate and a former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. "This is the beginning of a new movement," Ahmadinejad said after casting his vote. Ahmadinejad was a little-known politician until Tehran's conservative city council appointed him mayor in 2003. In office, he gained a reputation for rolling back reforms enacted by moderate and reformist officials, moving to close fast-food restaurants, instituting separate elevators for men and women in municipal offices, and requiring male city employees to have beards and wear long sleeves. During his presidential campaign, Ahmadinejad was backed by powerful conservatives and second-generation revolutionaries known as the Abadgaran, or Developers, who have a strong influence in the Iranian parliament. Ahmadinejad also is widely believed to have the unspoken endorsement of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseini Khamenei. Ahmadinejad took office Aug. 6, 2005, replacing reformist Mohammad Khatami who was elected by an overwhelming majority in 1997 and 2001, but whose power to follow through with reforms was severely checked by the supreme leader and the Guardian Council. Well, if thats your idea of Conservative, you can keep it!! |