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Well today I'm going to start tackling:
Don Quixote - Cervantes |
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Alexus De Tocqueville in his essay "Democracy in America" has a section where he talks about how, in America, each citizen takes the personal responsibility for the identification and capture of criminals in its society. That as a people we would not stand for this kind of behavior amongst our citizens.
We have gotten away from this. We all just assume that it is the police, FBI or some other "alphabet soup" organization that will "take care of this," and that we have no part in it. We are even encouraged to come home, close our blinds, turn on the alarm, and live in fear. We've become so afraid of what others will think, that we don't even watch our own neighborhoods, let alone take the responsibility of ensuring that those that live near us are safe and sound. This closed off society that we have today spurs isolation amongst people. We should be more welcoming to our neighbors (even old man Johnson who is grumpy and distempered) and our co-workers (yes, the boss too), especially if the are "new to the block." You don't have to like a persons religion, job, or political opinions to be accepting and respectful of them. I believe if we, as a whole society, started doing this again - as opposed to our current culture of divisiveness - you would see a change towards the better in all respects. It sure as hell couldn't hurt anything. |
If that were true, I wouldn't be able to form a coherent sentence.
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Rate me
Nice profile, simple and to the point. I think it will serve you well.
If I were to offer a critique, I might say that as you mention you are from "over-seas," you might mention that you have "settled here for the moment" or something of the such to emphasize that you are "from" where you say you are located. Or maybe switch it from saying you are "from over-seas" to "you'll hear a little ____ accent in my voice as I was born in ____." Just a suggestion though. |
Well, today I start tackling "Game of Thrones."
What do you suppose the odds are of reading an 800+ page paperback without breaking the spine? |
"The Girl In The Spider's Web - A Lisbeth Salander Novel"
- David Lagercrantz |
Okay, so the picture drew me in, that's usually done through either a good photograph, or one that makes me go "what is going on in that picture?"
Now a "good picture" will have to have a "good story" to go along with it. I'm going to need to read something in their profile that makes me smile to myself and laugh. I can't tell you what that may be until I read it, but it has to be there. The combination will definitely get a note from me, unless.... There are certain clues in a profile that will always make me say "fake" and move on. Is it filled out correctly? Did someone type their synopsis in the "interests" area? Are the descriptions (eyes, hair, children...) all set at their defaults or "no answer?" Do these things match each other? Basically, did the person take the time to show that they are truly going to put out an effort. Also, how long since they've shown up. If they haven't been here in "over a month" they aren't coming back so no point in sending a note that won't be read. Now then a picture that makes me say "what is going on?" will always get a response from me. I don't care if they haven't been on since 1982 (which would be a pretty good trick), something that sparks my curiosity like that, deserves to be acknowledged. |
What do you miss?
Well, after all these years, I miss remembering what it is that I miss.
I honestly can no longer remember what it is like having someone in my life. The good or the bad. I remember it happening, I just don't remember what it was like. So I guess that is what I miss??? |
100% - Because if the person isn't of a different sex than me, the relationship isn't going to start at all.
What Lincoln's thought's on slavery or whether he was going to abolish it before the war is irrelevant. It is an item of conjecture alone.
The truth is, Lincoln didn't start the war, South Carolina did. So to find the motivations of the Civil War, one does not look at Lincoln, one looks at the factors that caused the first shots to be fired. One might also point out that the letters of secession were already drafted by the Southern states before the war broke out, which means that Lincoln had nothing to do with the Confederacy's formation or the reasons behind - short of being elected, and even then, his pre-war objectives in office can only be a matter of a guess, as he was dealing with secessions which started to take place before he was sworn into office. The use of his tactics and methods can be debated, but the question must remain: "Were they used for the purpose of winning the war or for a private agenda?" When held to that standard, these claims fall away pretty fast. |
Reading "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" for the first time.
Yeah, I don't know how it slipped by all this time either. |
Stranger Sex
When did this become a thing??? And how come nobody told me!?!?!
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Say Something Vague - part 9
There's been some creepy stuff going on around here lately....
Unlimited funds?
Well, it looks like I'll be making some phone calls. How does unlimited funds lead to calling people??? Easy, I'll want someone to go with me when I travel across Europe. The first person to say "I'm in" gets to go on an all expense paid trip (with pocket money to cover their time away from work plus souvenirs and gifts).
drum tabs
They make tabs for that?
Sweetie, you don't need them. Drumming is dancing, feel the music and you'll move how you need. (At least that's what I've always said, but I'm not very good, so I could be wrong) |
Please be honest
Stop wasting your time and move on. Take it from me son, she'll never change her mind about you, she made it up within the first ten minutes of meeting you.
There is someone out there right now that is waiting to receive the kind of love you're offering. Find her, give it to her, and you'll be loved the rest of your life. I don't think I can take the "kid gloves" off any more, that's about as brutally honest as I can get. |
Dating but still no ring?
Dating 8 years but man makes excuses about getting married?
What kind of excuses? Like "you keep joining dating sites!" Or "you/I have a ton of debt, if we get married it's going to ruin my/your credit." Or "my wife won't let me." Or "I don't believe in the legal institution of marriage." Or "I've been married 3 times. I'm not getting married again." Or "I've got fantasy football on that day." Or "I just finished school, I just started a new business, until I start making money I just can't afford the wedding you want since you have a family of 2000 cousins and want a big wedding." Or "who are you again? We're dating?" Or "I told you from the beginning, we're just FWB, that's all we'll ever be. I don't know why you never listen. I don't want more." Or "my picture is in the post office. If we have a wedding there will be a wedding announcement in the paper. And then America's Most Wanted will find me." Or "I spend 8 months a year on an oil rig and barely talk to you. When I'm off I only see you one, two times a month. So in realistic dating terms we've only been dating for like 1 year." Or "I'm in the middle of transitioning to a male/female. Once I'm done we can do it." Or "my ex wife ran off 5 years ago and I can't find her, we're still legally married and I have to wait another couple of years before I can get it annulled or divorced without her signing the papers." Or "nothing. I'm in a persistent vegetative state and you only communicate with me through a psychic." Or "as soon as I'm out of prison." I would be interested in learning the real excuses...although after all those they'll probably be a letdown. Hey!!! "I've got fantasy football on Sunday" is a real thing!! If she loved him, she'd schedule it for a Tuesday. There's no football on Tuesday. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I thought we were going to be talking about the self-driving car they're doing.
It brought the question to mind: when you do crash tests on a computer driven car, do you have to replace the computerized crash test dummies with real people? |
Are you happy?
No. But I'm content, and that will have to do.