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Topic: What % does sex contribute to love?
no photo
Mon 10/19/15 01:25 AM
what oooh i am getting confused a bout this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Mon 10/19/15 01:32 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Mon 10/19/15 01:53 AM
Zero % bigsmile

Sex & Love are 2 different things.
They exist separately.
And there are many types of love.

Sex is an physical act.
* And depending on your spiritual beliefs... What it really is & with whom :angel: *

topsinardo's photo
Mon 10/19/15 01:57 AM

no photo
Mon 10/19/15 02:02 AM


Hey there in Alabama..waving
Are you my little brother? laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/19/15 02:08 AM
If people would just stop fussing about numbers and statistics and worrying they'd not get laid, life would be a lot easier..

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 10/19/15 02:10 AM
When there is love I say 10% of the day is sexual. What % of sex is love? I'm going to guess 80-20 I love the passion but then there's times its just for the sex.

zookeepersson's photo
Mon 10/19/15 02:46 AM
If sex has 00000.0 % to do with love where did the term Lovemaking come from ? And I wonder howlong love could exsit if either person in a relationship constantly said I love you but no I dont wanna have sex .

TMommy's photo
Mon 10/19/15 03:47 AM
sexual intimacy plays a part to an extent

to what extent? up to the couple involved

now there are some couples due to health issues
no longer having sex at some point in the relationship

does this mean they no longer love each other? no

abdeslam22's photo
Mon 10/19/15 03:55 AM
sex and love are diffenrent things , if u say not , then u can **** ur mother in order to love her , it s silly idea . love has no relation with sex

chronicliar75's photo
Mon 10/19/15 04:29 AM
This is just my take,
it can be different with others.

On healthy couple relationship:

-sex is an expression of love.
-sex can even be a gauging factor
of one's passion & chemistry to the
one u are in love with.

Lets just say for me,if u decided to
live the rest of your life with someone
u are in love with & compatible with,
u would know that even if the passion wanes,
& sex is not as great as the first decade u are
with that person,
tenderness, intimacy & devotion
would always still flow,
as long as u strive both to make happy memories
while battling the odds that will always test your love,
with each other.

vineet7's photo
Mon 10/19/15 05:47 AM

If sex has 00000.0 % to do with love where did the term Lovemaking come from ? And I wonder howlong love could exsit if either person in a relationship constantly said I love you but no I dont wanna have sex .

Very-very true!

I am sure the person who started this topic is only talking about a man-woman relationship & has nothing to do with love for your father, mother, sis, bro, uncle, pet, friend etc.

Sex is an integral part of any man-woman love relationship. Usage of the term 'love-making' for sex itself proves that love & sex are inter-related. Sex / intimacy generally leads to increased bonding and is essential for a long lasting love relationship. Two people can fall in love but if they are not sexually compatible, love would vanish soon! How long will a husband keep loving his wife if she refuses to satisfy him sexually and vice-versa?

It is difficult to accept that sex & love are inter-related because one is a physical activity while the other is a kind of feeling. In general, people feel that when we relate sex to love, we are actually degrading love. But if the two were not related Why does a man want to fall in love only with a beautiful woman? Why do women need handsome men to fall in love with? Why does love have to start with physical attraction?

prashant01's photo
Mon 10/19/15 05:49 AM

Ask me how...

4feelings4filled's photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:17 AM
More than people want to admit ...its true you can love someone that you never had sex with them ..but also that guy that gave you that big O that you never had b4 yeah!! say you don't love him or that lady that did that freaky thing you never got again guys yeah you love her .. everybody loves for different reasons somethings mean more to some than others

prashant01's photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:23 AM

More than people want to admit ...its true you can love someone that you never had sex with them ..but also that guy that gave you that big O that you never had b4 yeah!! say you don't love him or that lady that did that freaky thing you never got again guys yeah you love her .. everybody loves for different reasons somethings mean more to some than others

Dude that's physical pleasure....momentary.....That's not love.

no photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:25 AM

If sex has 00000.0 % to do with love where did the term Lovemaking come from ? And I wonder howlong love could exsit if either person in a relationship constantly said I love you but no I dont wanna have sex .

Lovemaking used to be another word for courtship, and had zip to do with sex.

no photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:38 AM
What is this thing called "sex" that you are referring too?


prashant01's photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:56 AM

What is this thing called "sex" that you are referring too?


Hmmmm....most people are not even aware that sex refers to gender too...

The term Sex occupies their mind & brain just like the smoke in a closed burning house...till suffocation & death of their sexual competency....

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:12 AM
100% - Because if the person isn't of a different sex than me, the relationship isn't going to start at all.

no photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:17 AM
I'm thinking my sexual competency then went in that Burning house and sat till it slowly choked didn't emerge back out....So I believe it sat and died while choking, trying to have an auto-erotic orgasm....:laughing:

Beginning to think I put too much thought into that. smokin laugh

no1phD's photo
Mon 10/19/15 07:19 AM
Well they don't call it" making love " for no reason ..slaphead

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