Community > Posts By > ronny4dating

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Sun 12/06/09 12:41 PM
I do ....blushing

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Sun 12/06/09 12:35 PM
my favorite band in the world and my favorite song below. Scott for sure

It's another lonely evening
And another lonely town
But I ain't too young to worry
And I ain't too old to cry
When a woman gets me down
Got another empty bottle
And another empty bed
Ain't too young to admit it
And I'm not too old to lie
I'm just another empty head
That's why I'm lonely
I'm so lonely
But I know what I'm gonna do -
I'm gonna ride on
Ride on
Ride on, standing on the edge of the road
Ride on, thumb in the air
Ride on, one of these days I'm gonna
Ride on, change my evil ways
Till then I'll just keep dragging on
Broke another promise
And I broke another heart
But I ain't too young to realize
That I ain't too old to try
Try to get back to the start
And it's another red light nightmare
Another red light street
And I ain't too old to hurry
Cause I ain't too old to die
But I sure am hard to beat
But I'm lonely
Lord I'm lonely
What am I gonna do -
Ride on
Ride on, got myself a one-way ticket
Ride on
Ride on, going the wrong way
Ride on, gonna change my evil ways
Ride on, one of these days
One of these days
Ride on
Ride on
I'm gonna ride on
Ride on, looking for a truck
Ride on
Ride on, keep on riding
Riding on and on and on

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Sun 12/06/09 12:13 PM
Edited by ronny4dating on Sun 12/06/09 12:13 PM
Well if the 80's go retro maybe you'll be in then??? I grew up in the 80's, glamour rock was for chicks! But hey i was a decade behind too, i loved music from the 70's and 60's!

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Sun 12/06/09 12:02 PM

What I think you have to watch out for, is someone who SEEMS smart, only because they are either very oblique in their communication style (speaking in generalities when specifics are in order), or who continually claims you aren't understanding them.

Sometimes I feel out of the loop with someone, and I figure out later that it wasn't that I was missing what they were about, it's that they weren't interested in including me in their lives enough to connect with me.

Sounds like Obama!

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Sun 12/06/09 11:59 AM
Even if you see healthcare as a problem you sure the hell don't want government making it worse! Are you f@@@king kidding me!

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Sun 12/06/09 11:39 AM
It's impossible for democrats to unite because they are the party of rhetoric! It's all about the consessions man! Democrats have always been this way since their conception! They fought to keep slavery, they fight against illegal imigration today cause it's not about right and wrong for them it's about the vote. The democrat party is about appealing to the masses and that's why they try hard to abolish the republic, constitution and bill of rights! Andrew Jackson started this proccess and he slaughtered the native Americans and yep he was a democrat too! Democrats are always on the wrong side of history! Even civil rights legislation they take credit for was written by a republican and kennedy had to step across party lines and embrace the republicans to get it passed.

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Sun 12/06/09 11:14 AM
Edited by ronny4dating on Sun 12/06/09 11:15 AM

in all fairness ronny, guys can be just as cruel and hurtful:cry:

yeah.....orgy it's sarcasm, completely ficticous! I made the whole thing up in response to the thought women are just hopeless victims and men are just preying heathens! I THOUGHT THE STORY TO BE SO COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS NO ONE WOULD BELEIVE IT!

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Sun 12/06/09 11:04 AM

It's an expression meant to describe courage. But in this day and age courage is only thought of in physical terms too often! But I see being a man as in the moral terms as well!

so feeling fear yet still going through with something...would be courage.

Yes it would be if it wasn't "stupid"!

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Sun 12/06/09 11:01 AM

I would be in heaven if i was able to find a man that wanted sex all the time!!:tongue:

I thought you found him already...shades

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Sun 12/06/09 10:52 AM

Define intelligence for me?

Define smart for me?

Smart by who's standards?

The average joe blow? or the people in Mensa?

Smart in what areas?

Book smart?

Mechanically smart?

Street smart?

It actually has been pretty well defined except that broadening types of intelligence is infinity! As the world invents and creates new types of intelligence develop and it's an endless proccess. For example music and arts or electronics. Like I said before the human brain is like a muscle, except it has an age of maturity when higher learning is somewhat unacheivable if you haven't used it. Someone locked up away from the world that becomes incaple of language is a perfect example.

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Sun 12/06/09 10:37 AM
Women have a stronger IQ in language and arts! Men are stronger in science and mathmatics. Women are socially more inept than men and men and more mechanically inclined. Each level of intelligence is used in different areas of the brain and the brain works very much like a muscle except that lack of usage young will create a defeciency. A well rounded intelligence comes from exploring all areas if you have the capacity. I will admit i lack language! Usually people lack something but some have it all!

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Sun 12/06/09 10:28 AM
Not all intelligent people are socially inept! I have met many many people that are highly intelligent and far more socially mature than most people of average intelligence. I just don't find that to be true at all except in the case of people who have a level of extremely high intelligence. I worked in sales for years and they teach you phsycology and social skills in sales training. Some people of average intelligence will consider themselves having common sense and good social skills but i never seen it! Some people consider social skills as knowing which band has the recent hit record and so on, That's not social skills but it helps you be more involved! Women are intimidated by intelligence in most cases and so are men! I dated a woman that was extremely intelligent and I loved that about her! It is very hard to find someone of high intelligence and frustrating searching for it. There are so many levels of inteligence, but the thing i find most attractive about intelligent people is they tend to be more intellectually honest because they can challenge with their own thoughts and do not need a script. I love to debate issues and hear others brilliance!

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Sun 12/06/09 09:55 AM
It's an expression meant to describe courage. But in this day and age courage is only thought of in physical terms too often! But I see being a man as in the moral terms as well!

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Sun 12/06/09 02:32 AM

Depends on the secret. The crimes that you mention, are they acceptable to you?
Most I know have something in their past they wouldn't want most to know about. is the past, has one learned from their mistake or is the behavior the same. I know several recovering addicts..I still watch them like a hawk, to see if they are using again because they are generally not trustworthy, yet I will still be friends as long as they are clean.

Is there a gut feeling that you get about such a person? I am fortunate that I do, so it's helpful.

How do you feel when your around the person? These would be the questions I would ask myself in that situation.

Crime is a necessity out of a government that constantly holds back progress to impoverished people. I understand that because I've been there, poverty isn't much fun and it is made even less fun when you have no other choice but to survive.

Really? I thought the true measure of a person's character was found under adversity? Making mistakes is one thing, justifying your mistakes leads to lying to oneself and therefore progress is halted completely! Everyone makes mistakes but be contrite or you will carry resentment and it will eat at your soul!

Under the presumption that people have "souls", quite honestly...I have no faith in much of anything anymore. My friends failed me, my state held me back, and my country neglected me. Maybe they didn't do the same thing to you, but I have no soul for this world.

I kinda figured that, not cause i'm not aware because i am well aware. Resentment is the primary reason for depression! If you ever feel so inclined to become completely contrite and take full responsibility for all your wrongs regardless of circumstance you will find freedom. There are phsycological theroies written on it and not that you may heed the advice but it's genuine and quite accurate! All the major religons and self help groups are centered around this one therory! You need not even beleive in God to apply it to your life, but the human soul has measurement as well. They have done studies trying to explain the human soul. The current scientific explanation is well documented by an atheist called Richard Dawkins. He explains his therory on the evolution of the human soul and why it exsists. The jest of it is that colaboration creates success and non-colaboration is weeded out thru the evolutionary proccess. Therefore the soul of man according Richard Dawkins therory was created thru the evolutionary proccess of colaboration.

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Sun 12/06/09 02:04 AM

Depends on the secret. The crimes that you mention, are they acceptable to you?
Most I know have something in their past they wouldn't want most to know about. is the past, has one learned from their mistake or is the behavior the same. I know several recovering addicts..I still watch them like a hawk, to see if they are using again because they are generally not trustworthy, yet I will still be friends as long as they are clean.

Is there a gut feeling that you get about such a person? I am fortunate that I do, so it's helpful.

How do you feel when your around the person? These would be the questions I would ask myself in that situation.

Crime is a necessity out of a government that constantly holds back progress to impoverished people. I understand that because I've been there, poverty isn't much fun and it is made even less fun when you have no other choice but to survive.

Really? I thought the true measure of a person's character was found under adversity? Making mistakes is one thing, justifying your mistakes leads to lying to oneself and therefore progress is halted completely! Everyone makes mistakes but be contrite or you will carry resentment and it will eat at your soul!

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Sun 12/06/09 01:53 AM
What a huge suprize! frustrated You know government healthcare will fail! It has no chance, it's like asking a wolf to watch the hen house! But you know what, no matter how many times government fails there is a fresh group of idiots for them to sale their snake oil to. Politicians are like pimps and Americans are like crack whores they just keep coming back for more and it never changes it just gets worse and worse! Poor America we are no more than a toothless nickel bag whore under this administartion!

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Sun 12/06/09 01:33 AM
I am a complete fabrication! I figured for my wedding i need something new, something borrowed and something blue. So I borrowed the pics, I created a new me and put a blue post it note on my monitor with all the details of my fabrication for i wouldn't forget who I am!

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Sun 12/06/09 01:23 AM
My ex-wife is black/hawaiian.... I am as whiteboy as they come I I never set out with any paticular fancy according to race and it happend. I haven't dated any black women this go around and only one prior to my wife. I have been attracted to women of every race, although there are a couple of accents I just can't get past but barring that i would date a woman of any race!

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Sun 12/06/09 01:13 AM
"Hi , its @@@@@@@ from calgary alberta , and i am white ,and i guess you must of pick me and i sad to say ,im to old for you but i don't look my age ,and i do love to exercise, and i am 57 and iam 125 lbs i lift weights also , and your handsome,and you will find someone soon ,just by looking at you ,you lots of girls ,senting you a email , and i like your profine ,nice ,and your picture ,you look like alot of fun to be with, whoo your very tall ,im only 5 and im christian yes ,so bad god bless one of these days , bye @@@@@@@."

So i kinda thought maybe a no response was the best way to handle this one cause i was quite thouroughly confused and really did not want the frustration of communicating under the circumstances. But she turned out to be a very nice French Canadian lady and very interesting.

But let's look at the possible realities of this???

She doesn't live in another city, nor state, nah....another country entirely...!

The other reasoning behind why this may not work out is I think better left unsaid. But i wrote back she is a nice lady, but don't you think the whole internet dating is a bit vast to feel obligated to respond to every person whom writes you?

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Sun 12/06/09 12:27 AM

I met this woman and all she ever wanted to do is have sex! Didn't respect me for my brains, didn't ever tell me how she loved me so! She never lavished me with gifts and all she ever talked about was my body. She kept tricking me into have sex with her and using me for my penis! It really hurt my feelings because when i was having sex with her i felt so used and cheap! I kept asking her to fawn over me for i felt like a King but she just wouldn't! I don't know why are women so cruel? They just want penis and it hurts my feelings! So i dumped her and from time to time she calls me for a booty call, but i always tell her NO i wont be used like that it's too degrading!

ummmm....hmmm....wait what???you dumped a chick because all she wanted was sex?

can i get her digits?


Anita yu

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