Community > Posts By > AlbionCrusader

AlbionCrusader's photo
Sun 01/17/10 09:09 PM
His true God given name from the dead sea scrolls (unchanged) is Yehushua Ha Mashiach. King James gave HIM his man-given name of 'Jesus' when he translated, changed, and canonized the KJV bible in the year 1611, hence KJV 1611. In Matthew 1:21 you'll see HIS name is in all capitalized letters, that's becaused it was changed. God HIMSELF left His throne and came to earth to be born in flesh, and that was HIS name. Our Creator in flesh. His existence is in the Universe created. Behind EVERY design, there's a designer. The heavens are full of designs.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Sun 01/17/10 08:56 PM

LOL - either way... so what... if we alls gon dies... whats tha damn helld point of bein skrd....????? hhhhhmmmmm


If its my time... its my time... no sense in gettin all hootin and hollarin about it...

That's exactly how I feel about it, there's nothing we can do about it.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Sun 01/17/10 08:52 PM
Yeah, can you even imagine if the power grids across the US went down? Talk about looting, riots, killing for a bottle of water and morsel of bread.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Sun 01/17/10 07:32 PM
Edited by AlbionCrusader on Sun 01/17/10 07:37 PM
No, the world isn't going to end on Dec 21st 2012 as most believe, or what's been said. It's just going to be the beginning of a new era. After the pole flip, there will be new continents, old ones will sink (like atlantis did). New oceans,lakes and rivers will form, old ones will be displaced to form new ones. New seasons.

Also, the New World Order is nothing more than the Old World Order of Atlantis.

Not the end of the world, just the beginning of a new era.

The first time this planet x caused the pole shift was at Noah's Flood, the second time it passed by us 3,600 yrs after the flood was at 'The Exodus' with all the plagues. Now it's here again to cause havoc here on earth. Every 2nd passing is when it does the most damage. The increased earthquakes are caused by this inbound planet.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Fri 01/15/10 12:57 PM
Countdown Signs to 2012 - The Pole Shift

People are skeptic and say, yeah right, there's no way, I don't believe it, when in fact there's PROOF it has happened twice before. After all, the Bermuda and Devil's triangle are proof. The North and south poles used to be there before the last pole shift! That explains all the magnetic occurences in both triangles. Read on . . .Now I'm no religious fanatic in any ways, but I remember the scriptures. This is the REAL,TRUE Apocalypse and all this is recorded in the bible especially in the Book ofRevelation if you have a keen eye of what scriptures to look for: Rev. 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
[14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Isaiah 24:1 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and TURNETH IT UPSIDE DOWN, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. The "pole shift" will not take anyone by surprise, given the plethora of Undeniable Signs that something momentous is around the corner, such as increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, intractable droughts and inexplicable downpours, and most telling of all, an increasing slowing of the Earth's rotation. Nevertheless, the exact moment, day, or week to disrupt everyone's schedule and head for the hills or farm seems difficult to determine. Are there countdown signs that can be used as a guide? They are indeed. The most dramatic sign will be a slowing rotation. Where at the present time, this rate is enough to cause an occasional fraction of a second, per year, of adjustment to the world clock, this will soon change. This increasing slowdown will get diminishing press coverage, as clocks are quietly adjusted behind the scenes and the public allowed to believe their clocks must be running fast. But there will be a point in time, a few days ahead of when rotation stops, when this will get blatantly obvious. When one wakes up in the morning, finding it to be dark outside rather than a breaking dawn, yet the clocks in the house and the entire neighborhood confirm that it is indeed the morning hour - this is a countdown sign. Rotation will completely stop in a day or so, with such a dawn followed by an evening where the Sun seems reluctant to set, setting hours later than usual, and then rotation stops completely. (this event was also recorded in the bible) A second countdown sign is a fine red dust, unmistakable as it cannot be confused with any other natural occurrence. Ponds and rivers turn red, the blood color mentioned in the Bible's "Book of Revelation", with this iron ore dust (rust) giving the water a brackish bitter taste. Rev.16:4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. This countdown sign comes almost in step with the rapid slowing in rotation, as "the 12th Planet" must be between the Earth and the Sun (eclipse) for the trash in its tail to be sweeping the Earth. This 12th planet was known in ancient times as NIBIRU by Sumarians, and MARDUK by Babylonians, and Quatzequatel (the fiery serpent) by the Mayans.This fiery sepent has a tail made up of 9 moons. It will cause the eclipse mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; Keep in mind the magnetic pull of Planet X's pole and earth's magnetic pole will be attracted to eachother causing this pole shift and flip during this eclipse. Again, this rapid slowing occurs a day or so before rotation stops, and travel will become difficult if not impossible once it does. Where coming late, for primitive peoples without mechanical clocks there is a third countdown sign that can be scarcely ignored. The Earth moans, during her rotation slowing and stoppage, a sound not heard by humans except during earthquakes. Here, the moaning is chronic, essentially continuous, as though under a stress it cannot relieve with an earthquake, yet cannot bear in silence. For those who question the accuracy of their mechanical clocks, and who may have missed the presence of red dust due to living indoors, this moaning of the Earth is equivalent to the clanging of the fire marshal's bell. Here it comes, ready or not! First Steps To the degree that one is able, take yourself to a relatively safe place at least by the time the rotation of the Earth occurs. The timing of this will not take you by surprise, as the "inbound planet will be seen in the sky, unaided by telescope, for 7 weeks prior to the shift". The day of rotation stoppage is also not a surprise, as clocks and watches will be increasingly poky, and rotation takes a day to stop. Even if in the wrong place at that time, in that most of the population will be in shock but functioning, one could most likely travel on roads or even rails. Get going to "your safe location", if not there already. During the week of rotation stoppage, preparations not already made for the hour of the shift can be addressed, with rehearsals. On the long-day side of the Earth, it will seems like the worst mid-summer days, and on the long-night, colder than expected and one must deal with the dark, so anticipate these situations, depending upon where your location is. High winds are avoided by being at ground level, in a trench or under an overhang, or the like. Downpour, deluges, and flooding might occur, depending upon your location, so wherever you are riding out the shift should not be where you will be flooded or drown. Existing structures are best avoided, so do not plan on being in or under any existing structure. The least structure around you, the better, during quakes. Plan on being prone, not upright, so roll along the ground rather than being dashed. Having established what you will do when the hour arrives, the next issue is to watch for the hour. Assign, among your group, at least one individual at all times to watch the skies and for signs. The tail of the passing planet will curve toward the earth, due to gravity attraction, so some red dusting will occur almost as soon as rotation stoppage occurs. But when approaching the hour of the shift, the tail lashing will get extreme, with not only red dust but gravel and hail falling. This is a sign that the shift is very close, within hours, and all should seek shelter under the sod or metal roofs they have constructed over trenches, or under overhangs. It is not necessary for all to be prone, for hours, if watching the skies is ongoing and by competent individuals. Children, in particular, should be allowed to release their energy in play, but keep them close and within voice call. The separating of the crust from the core is unmistakable, in that jiggling can be felt, and the stars or the Sun or whatever visible in the sky will move. It is at this point that preparations for the shift itself should be made. Lie down, keeping children firmly in hand so they cannot panic and run out into the wind or lashing tail. Singing loudly in a group sing or some other engrossing activity will help in this regard, and keep the adults from panic also. Jolting and cracking of nearby trees will be felt and heard, and all should be ignored if the site has been well selected. At the end of the hour, it will be apparent that it is safe to emerge, as jolting will have stopped. A test can be done against the sky. Have the stars or the Sun stopped moving? Then the shift is past. How to Identify In the week or so leading up to rotation stoppage, what can be expected is a continuation of today, extreme weather, quakes in bursts globally, and a gradual slowing of rotation such that clocks never seem to be synched up anymore. Then the day or days before rotation stoppage will increase this slowdown such that minutes, then hours, then a total stop will occur. In other words, you will have but two days notice, and the first of those days doubtful as it will involve minutes, not seconds, and clocks being off already this will be a confused point. It is the day when the Sun sets hours later than expected that should be the trumpet in the skies, the flashing red light, the announcement you have been waiting for that now is the moment to drop all and rush to your safe location. Up until rotation stops, the crust of the Earth is under stress but dealing with it as before, with increased quakes and weird weather and melting poles, but only a slight increase day to day in these matters. When rotation stops, the core is trying to turn, the crust locked in place by the approaching Planet X grip on the strong magnetized Atlantic Rift, and dramatic changes occur. The Earth moans, and the stretch along the Atlantic will snap bridges, tear electric and phone lines, and derail trains. This is where imploding buildings will occur, as the underlying infrastructure will move, collapsing the buildings overhead. In areas of compression, where mountain building is occurring or along the Pacific Rim, volcanic activity will greatly increase.More than likely all volcanoes will pop thier tops. Yellowstone supervolcano will blow. Darkness will cover the earth in ash by tradewinds circling the globe. Photosynthesis required for plants to strive will be gone causing plants to die. When plants die, animals die. A stopped rotation will affect the atmosphere, in that wind current will be more extreme, moving cold air primarily to warm places, which can result in more tornado activity in those areas affected. Up to 300mph winds. Likewise, ocean currents will move differently, cold water rushing more rapidly to those warm areas, and swirling. This will create more hurricane or typhoon type activity in those areas affected. Given all this, the populace will be greatly distracted, and might miss the next sign to watch for, which is the dusting with red dust that turns rivers and lakes blood red and bitter. This dusting is followed by hail, and stronger quakes as at this point the shift is only days or hours away. For those not able to see the sky, to gauge motion of the crust during the hour of the shift by a movement of the Sun or Moon or stars, they should at this point be in their trenches, virtually living there. Obviously, as the shift takes place over an hour, and it is the stop of the crust slide where the huge quakes occur, one can leave to relieve themselves or stretch, but certainly sleeping should be done in the trenches. At the start of the shift, there is a strong clue that crust shift has started, and this is the uptick in wind. As the crust moves, the atmosphere resists, and this causes hurricane force winds globally. Where the wind was stronger than usual during rotation stoppage, this will be unique in that it will come from the direction the crust is moving. For North America, for instance, the crust will be moving NW, and the hurricane winds comes from that direction. To those confused about direction, take a globe, and rotate the globe accordingly. There will also be a jiggling in the Earth, a sense of motion, jerking, that will be consistent with crust movement during this hour of the shift. The hurricane force winds persist for an hour or more after the shift, as the atmosphere adjusts. Except as a caution to watch for falling structures around you, broken glass, fearful animals that might attack if they feel they are blocked, there is no reason not to emerge from your trenches. It is over, and picking up the pieces and comforting the injured and devastated can start. In 1400 B.C. there was a major shifting of the axis. This was recorded in Egypt, Summeria, Babylonia and all over Mesopotamia and in the Bible. The sun stood still for 20 hours. (The Bible says, "for about a day.") And on the other side of the earth the ancient Olmec teachings there say the sun did not rise for one day because it was night time there. THOTH [One of Drunvalo's guides] says it was caused not by the normal shifting caused by the precession of the Equinoxes, but was caused by Nibiru of the Nephfilim which comes by every 3600 years. It goes between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and comes very, very close to us. THOTH says that was the time when a big change occurred.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Thu 01/14/10 03:30 PM
Heard stories of Jesus, right? Well, HIS true God given name from the Dead Sea scrolls is Yehushua Ha Mashiach. He is the one who in the beginning spoke,"Let there be light!" and the Big Bang happened. By HIS word HE uphold all things in their place (planets) by the word of HIS power. HE made us in HIS image. HE loves us so much that HE actually left HIS throne in heaven, came to earth and was born a manchild (human) from a virgin. HE was without sin and GOD HIMSELF in flesh. The reason why HE came is to redeem us back unto HIMSELF for all eternity that we live in heaven with HIM. Adam and Eve messed up in the beginning, so because of this, HE came to redeem us. We are all redeemed already, just believe HE did what it says HE did. THIS is God, our Creator, Yehushua Ha Mashiach.

AlbionCrusader's photo
Thu 01/14/10 03:18 PM
Edited by AlbionCrusader on Thu 01/14/10 03:19 PM
Yeah, I don't care too much for what Pat Robertson says. However God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for being so wicked of a city by fierce hailstones of fire, possibly by volcanic lava bombs like pompeii. Ninevah, a prophet (forgot who) pleaded with God not to destroy the city,but to spare it if he found some righteous. Katrina was sent by God, for what reason I'm not sure. Too much wicked partying? HAITI is the Voodoo capitol of the world. Go figure. Doesn't surprise me God would send judgment. Just my thoughts that I firmly believe God uses natural catastrophies in Judgment. Those who read and might hate on this, not saying I'm any kind of prophet in any means,but, in the O.T. they lived very lonely,desolate,depressed lives. They had no friends, people hated them, and were out to kill them. =/

AlbionCrusader's photo
Thu 01/07/10 08:17 AM
It happened to me. I was living with a peruvian room mate and he introduced me to a peruvian gal named Fatima. They wanted me to marry this gal so she can come to the US. $3,000 plus a car upfront, then after marriage and she came, another $2,000. I turned it down as enticing as it was. My question was,"Do I get to sleep with her?" LOL, I mean, come on, if she's gonna be my wife,I'm gonna want to sleep with her. =P They said no. I then made a decision to say no because if I was gonna marry, it was going to be for love. So, I ended up marrying another peruvian girl years later. She got pregnant,had my son, got her green card after 3 yrs of marriage and disappeared with my son. He's now 15yrs old somewhere in California. The only remembrance I have of him is a small photo of him 5 yrs old wearing a maroon and white tuxedo. His memory forever lives on in my heart and in the only photo I still have of him.
