Writer's Strike
I guess this qualifies as a "Current Event".
What are your opinions on the writer's strike that's going on now? Personally, I'm not affected. The only TV I watch is news, football, and old TV shows. |
Are you talking about Vince Foster, Duffy, or someone else? If it's someome else, I'd like to hear about it myself.
If Hillary's elected, I don't think she'll be the source of out problems, Forge, but I definitely think she'll be the continuation of them. I agree, tho, I see no solutions from her, either. Anyone who's ever complained about Bush having "pre-selected" questions in interviews, who DOESN'T find anything wrong with Hillary doing the same thing, is a hypocrite. |
Guys help me out...
Oh, and I also agree with Dean about dating someone from work. BAD IDEA! Of course, having casual sex with someone from work is just as bad, if not worse.
Remember the words of ole Knox: Never, EVER, dip your pen into the company ink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Guys help me out...
Hi HollyRenee
![]() I'll be blunt about this. Remember, I'm not judging here, just throwing my two cents into the mix: He's most definitely using you as a "booty call". But the worst thing about it is--you seem to be letting him. With a situation like that, there's no way in the world he's going to commit to you. And frankly, why should he? He's getting exactly what he's looking for. Honestly? If I were you, I'd tell him to hit the bricks. You seem like a nice person, someone who deserves better, and CAN do better than this. This guy seems to be a lost cause as far as a relationship goes. As I said before, just throwing my two cents into the mix. |
Happy Veterans Day
And a HUGE "THANK YOU" to ALL veterans, and those serving now.
This country owes all of you a debt of gratitude that we can probably never repay. Best wishes for continued success for all of you. Thank you once again. knoxman ![]() |
I'm cancelling my account
Hey, Combat
![]() Just checked your profile. You didn't delete. GOOD! Hope you keep it up. And best wishes to you in Basic ![]() knoxman |
Hey, I'm 45! Count me in!
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I know, Jtevans. I stated that in my earlier posts. However, like I also said, 6-6 is no guarantee that you're going. 7-5 sometimes isn't, either, but 99 times out of 100, 7-5 teams go. So that's why I use a 7 win/7 loss scale.
6-6? Usually depends on whether or not any bowl slots are left. |
I think I'll take the advice of posters here who lived in NY during his time as mayor. In other words, NO, THANKS ![]() That's why I'm against Fred Thompson. I live in the state that he "represented" as a Senator. Errr....when they actually could drag his lazy carcass to a Senate meeting. Like I said before, I'll vote for Edwards. He's nothing special, merely the best of a bad lot. |
Bowl eligible teams, updated, minimum 7 wins:
Air Force Arizona State Auburn Boise State Boston College Cincinatti Clemson Connecticut Georgia Hawaii Illinois Kansas LSU Michigan Missouri Ohio State Oklahoma Oregon Penn State Purdue Southern California Texas Texas Tech Virginia Virginia Tech West Virginia Wisconsin CENTRAL FLORIDA FLORIDA KENTUCKY NEW MEXICO SOUTH FLORIDA TENNESSEE BRIGHAM YOUNG Eliminated from bowl consideration, updated(7 losses): Alabama-Birmingham Baylor Colorado State Duke Eastern Michigan Florida International Idaho Iowa State Louisiana-Lafayette Marshall Minnesota Mississippi North Texas Northern Illinois Notre Dame Rice Southern Methodist Syracuse Tulane UNLV Utah State ARMY KENT STATE NEW MEXICO STATE NORTH CAROLINA STANFORD TEMPLE WASHINGTON WESTERN MICHIGAN And now, here's the latest batch of teams with 6 wins, looking for that magical 7th this weekend: WAKE FOREST FLORIDA STATE GEORGIA TECH TEXAS A&M RUTGERS IOWA NORTHWESTERN INDIANA MICHIGAN STATE EAST CAROLINA HOUSTON BOWLING GREEN CENTRAL MICHIGAN OREGON STATE CALIFORNIA FRESNO STATE NAVY SOUTH CAROLINA ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI STATE ARKANSAS And here are the 6-loss teams, hoping to avoid loss #7: COLORADO NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS@EL PASO(UTEP) BUFFALO OHIO UNIVERSITY AKRON WASHINGTON STATE MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE LOUISIANA-MONROE ARKANSAS STATE LOUISIANA TECH SAN JOSE STATE Next week, in addition to the update, I'm also adding an "in limbo" section, for teams that finish 6-6. The season starts to wind down this weekend, with a lot of teams playing their season-ending games. As I've said before, 6-6 is iffy as to whether or not a team goes bowling(really depends on who the team in question is), so that's why I'll put them in a special category. Hope your favorite team wins and goes bowling! |
TNA Genesis Results
Hey, maybe we'll see:
AJ Styles and Tomko vs Motor City Machine Guns. Glad to see these two teams get wins tonight. Gotta agree about Dustin--he's on the tail end of his career. I swear, Jay Lethal does a better Randy Savage than Savage ever did. |
NEW YORK/JERSEY GIANTS 20 Two weeks in a row ole Knox's come staggeringly close on the score. Original prediction: Dallas 31, Giants 17 GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
NEW YORK/JERSEY GIANTS 20 Two weeks in a row ole Knox's come staggeringly close on the score. Original prediction: Dallas 31, Giants 17 GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sanford and Son
My favorite episode was the one where Lamont was trying to join a weekly card game. He invited them to play at the Sanford house, and he forbade Fred to interfere. Unbeknowest to Lamont, the guys were planning to "cut him up", which meant cheat to take Lamont's money. After they broke Lamont, despite Fred trying to repeatedly warn him, Fred gave Lamont $20 and told him to go to the store to buy everyone some beer. As soon as Lamont left, Fred "innocently" asked the guys to teach him how to play cards. Needless to say, by the time Lamont returned, the guys were gone--cleaned out by Fred, who had not only won all their money, but their clothes and jewelry as well!
Sanford and Son
Hey, if anyone thinks Redd Foxx was a "dirty comedian", they should have heard LaWanda Page(Aunt Esther). My uncle had some of her albums, and let me listen to them when I was a kid. She made Foxx seem like a saint by comparison. But, make no mistake--Both of them, and the TV show, were hilariously funny. Still one of the best shows ever!
oops, all caps, I meant DALLAS COWBOWS 31
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Looks like Philly gets a win! And since it's against Washington, I'm happy about that! But now, it's time for the MAIN EVENT! DALLAS COWBOYS #! NEW YORK/JERSEY GIANTS 14 Congrats again, Philly fans! ![]() ![]() But, as always: GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I need an answer
Roll out and keep looking. Anytime a woman tells you, "Let's just be friends, and see what happens down the line", that's a surefire guarantee that NOTHING is going to happen down the line.
question for the ladies
Maybe she was busy that day. Ask again, the worst that can happen is she says no. If she DOES say no again, make sure she's got your number, and tell her to call you when she can go out again. If she calls, great, if she doesn't......well, at least you'll know, and that way, you won't be wasting your time chasins someone who's not really interested.
Whatever happens, good luck to you. |
WWE fans
Carlito'll probably end up making more money as a guaranteed main-eventer in his father's WWC promotion in Puerto Rico than he would as a lower mid-carder in WWE. They've got him losing to developmental (training-school)guys at house shows now. A sure sign the end is near.
He's a unique talent, and I'm sorry to see him go. |