last to post #8
![]() You've changed! Either that, or my Lasik's gone bonkers! ![]() ![]() |
I can't stand idiots...
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Glass_Eyes
![]() For all of us out here who collect something or other, I know that feeling of joy when you finally track down something you've been searching for--only to find a healthy dose of BS getting in your way. From one collector to another,I hope your troubles get worked out. ![]() |
Welcome to JSH, Leesha
![]() Hope you got your IM working. I forgot earlier to tell you to go into your "settings" and make sure IM is on. Have a great time here. Enjoy yourself. ![]() |
Welcome to JSH, Beverly
![]() Wow, two cute ladies in one picture! Hey, welcome to JSH. Hope to see you in the forums. ![]() |
I don't think you can talk to two different people at the same time.
Go into someone's profile, Leesha
![]() Look under their pic at the row of 6 blue buttons. The one on the far right will say "Instant Message". Click on that button. You're set. |
![]() Then the IM box will appear. Be looking for it. |
A little box will float down on the left side. Just click Yes, and the screen will appear.
Im new!
I think you're a very nice and attractive young woman, Elfin
![]() I'd date you, except: 1.I'm too far away. 2.I think I'm too old for you. Don't worry, and don't be too hasty. The right one for you will come along sooner than you think. And the guy that finds you will indeed be the luckiest guy around. ![]() |
Im new!
Hi Elfin
![]() If anyone's offending you, or sending nasty mail to you, don't hesitate to report them. This is a site for us all to get along, and exchange ideas with each other--and, hope against hope, that we all find our special someone. Not a site for people to insult each other. If you try to leave again, we'll find you and bring you back. So please stay. We're happy to have you here ![]() |
Bring back Gypsy and Jess!
There's still several people, especially in CE and Religion Chat, who are especially confrontational, and yet, nothing's ever said about THEM. And those individuals know EXACTLY who they are.
Bring back Gypsy and Jess!
Didn't Spur get suspended as well? I read that whole thread. If he didn't get suspended, that's a travesty of justice, in my opinion.
Dallas Cowboy Fans
Dallas actually WAS the first to sweep the NFC East in a single season. Can't remember the exact year, but it was still when Arizona was in the NFC East. 8-0. The Giants actually went 7-0-1 a couple of years before that, but thanks to the tie(they had ties then), their record wasn't unblemished.
Hi, Txmama ![]() DALLAS COWBOYS 31 NEW YORK/JERSEY ![]() Hey, look how close I came last week. Predicted Dallas 38,Philly 21 Actual Dallas 38,Philly 17 Believe! GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Hi Txmama
![]() Ready for the next Cowboy's victory tomorrow? GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Fresh meat
Welcome to JSH, Bryan
![]() Enjoy your stay here, and have lots of fun. It's a great place, and I'm sure you'll fit right in! |
The simpsons
Simpsons were great for about the first four years.
Then Bart(the true star of the show)started being "phased down" in favor of Homer, who went from being a not too bright dad who tried to being borderline mentally retarded. And the unquestioned star of the show, to the point that, in a lot of episodes, Bart barely appeared. And to all thosewho say the Simpsons never "jumped the shark": Yes they did. Remember the episode featuring "guest voice" Bret "the Hitman" Hart? The day they promoted a voice appearance by someone who's so far down the totem pole that he has to look FAR up to see the D-list celebrities, is the dat they proved they'd ran out of ideas. And this isn't an insult to Hart. People who follow Wrestling(like me)know who Hart is and respect him. But to the VAST majority of people who don't know him, the response to his name is, "Isn't he related to that wrestler that got killed a few years ago?". Sorry if I've upset people who still like the Simpsons. But remember, this is just one man's opinion. |
Right, Wolfeyes, they DO talk too much these days.
The problem is, very few of them are good at talking. HHH and Batista's promos are a great cure for insomnia. Has anyone heard Matt Morgan's promos in TNA? Might just be the best talker in wrestling today. Figures when Morgan was in WWE, they gave him a stuttering gimmick. Catch-22 situation: I can rell off the names of 50 wrestlers from the 1970s who were better talkers than ANYONE today. Of course back then, they didn't get anywhere as much time to talk as the guys do today. And back then, they didn't pre-script their promos. |
Obituary-Common Sense
Ever since the "pickle burned my lip" case against McDonald's several years ago. McDonald's has become a haven for frivilous lawsuits. Too many of these cause doubt to be cast upon the few that might be constued as legit. Much like Ted Turner in the 80s, McDonald's has become known as a "soft touch" when it comes to frivilous lawsuits.
I still am in favor of "loser pays BOTH attorney's fees and court costs" when losing a frivilous lawsuit. And the judicial system, flawed as it may be, certainly knows a frivilous lawsuit when they see it. |
Let's see, now......
Back when I was,oh say, 10 years old, I noticed that it got cold in winter and hot in summer. Now I'm 45, and I've noticed again, that it gets hot in summer and cold in winter. What can I surmise from this? If indeed "global warming" is happening, it sure ain't happening where I live ![]() |
![]() I can't tell if you were responding to my "justice for all...who can afford it" line, but I was being sarcastic. Wealth shouldn't matter as far as justice goes. That pedophile priest should have gotten the maximun prison sentence, no question. And OJ? He SHOULD have been found guilty of double murder, in my opinion. I've mentioned that in other posts. I haven't kept up with this lastest OJ escapade enough to comment on. There's a lot more important stuff going on. I put this OJ memorabilia case in the same folder as Brittney's meltdowns and Lindsay's rehab mishaps. |