Community > Posts By > sororitygurl4life
the denial a response to...
not to mention that many christians from all areas steal, they murder, cheat, etc, etc, etc this whole argument on rules and why atheist want to disagree is kind of ridiculous in my opinon I don't believe people don't like the 10 commandments so they look for ways to prove god non existant.
the denial a response to...
this is fine because its your opinion, but the point is that being agnostic, atheist, or non denominational in one's faith doesn't mean you shouldn't question things, if men didn't question why imagine what wouldn't be around to day or how... we all have different beliefs and my problem with God isn't because i don't want to follow his rules, i don't lie , cheat, steal, murder, I work for non profit i respect others dearly the point is to me the bible has to many conflicts and i do not believe that God exists in the christian perspective it has nothing to do with this " being" but the book and the way man has made this God seem. I would suggest you stop seeing people on a 1 dimensional scale and look at the multiple reasons why they might be whatever they are. If atheist were to judge christians imagine what they would say. i'm sure you wouldn't like it.
actually there is no laws... jesus came back in the gospels to have a reformed judaism where he says all the old rules are to be forgotten the only rule is to love thy neighbor. I was interested in understanding how poeple come to beleive in Judeo-Christian beliefs. So I found a religion that has amazingly been extrememly well documented from it beginning. It began at a time when mass media actually existed, when personal transactions and actions were a matter of public record. The Morman religion. We can study every fascet of it from the beginning of the life of it's founder through every president of the organization. We can see EVERY SINGLE change in dogma with every single 're-write' the was wholly and totally an inspiration from god. Christains scoff at the rediculous nature of the Book of Morman. Call it a lie, call it offensive, call it the work of evil. Yet where did Jesus go in the three days after death before he rose. Obviously Christians don't believe it was to America to speak to the Native Indians. How rediculous. But Joseph Smith was given this information by the Holy Spirit, an angel of god. But Christians seem to know who the Holy Spirit speaks to and who it doesn't. My, my, such a dilemma Christians have, such a web they have woven with their mystacism, and their dogma. How to lure others in, without giving credit to those who also claim to know and have the inspired word of god. Joseph Smith did a ONE UP on Christians, he provided a way in which the head of the Mormans, the President will always be the sanctioned prophet of god. While Christians, on the other hand, no longer have prophets. In "profits" have switched hands, for the Mormans, the last I looked surprassed any religion in property and wealth. So who's more up to date, who has a better connection with the heavenly, and who actually holds an "inspired word of god?". I find this facinating redy....because as with you....he re-wrote to fit his selfish needs....But it doesn't work that way.....God's laws are God's laws and rewrite to fit what you think it should be just is not the case. Not only does the Book of Mormon plagiarize heavily from the King James Bible, but it betrays a great lack of information and background on the subject of world history and the history of the Jewish people. The Jaredites apparently enjoyed glass windows in the miraculous barges in which they crossed the ocean; and “steel” and a “compass” were known to Nephi despite the fact that neither had been invented, demonstrating once again that Joseph Smith was a poor student of history and of Hebrew customs. Laban, mentioned in one of the characters of the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 4:9), makes use of a steel sword; and Nephi himself claims to have had a steel bow. The ancient Jaredites also had steel swords (Ether 7:9). The Mormons justify this by quoting Psalm 18:34 as a footnote to 1 Nephi 16:18 in the Book of Mormon, but modern translations of the Scriptures indicate that the word translated steel in the Old Testament (since steel was nonexistent) is more properly rendered bronze. Nahum 2:3, NASB, uses “steel” but it is taken from the Hebrew word , probably meaning iron. William Hamblin, in his preliminary report entitled Handheld Weapons in the Book of Mormon (1985), published by the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (F.A.R.M.S.) uses the bronze argument as a possible justification for the rendering of steel in the Book of Mormon. He writes, “Another possibility is to equate this Jaredite steel with the ‘steel’ of the King James translation of the Old Testament, which actually refers to the Hebrew word for bronze.” The problem with using this explanation to protect the Book of Mormon is that it defies Mormon history. Remember, numerous contemporaries of Joseph Smith have claimed that Smith could not continue “translating” the gold plates unless the scribe read each word back to him correctly. If the word steel in the Book of Mormon should really have been bronze, it undermines the LDS claim that the book was translated by the gift and power of God, since it shows that errors did creep into Joseph Smith’s translation. Mormons sometimes attempt to defend Nephi’s possession of a not yet invented compass (known in the Book of Mormon as a Liahona) by the fact that Acts 28:13 states: “And from thence we fetched a compass.” Modern translations of the Scripture, however, refute this subterfuge by correctly rendering the passage: “And from there we made a circle.” Added to the preceding anachronisms is the fact that the Book of Mormon not only contradicts the Bible, but contradicts other revelations purporting to come from the same God who inspired the Book of Mormon. The Bible declares that the Messiah of Israel was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), and the gospel of Matthew (chap. 2, v. 1) records the fulfillment of this prophecy. But the Book of Mormon (Alma 7:9, 10) states: “the son of God cometh upon the face of the earth. And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem, which is the land of our forefathers.” The Book of Mormon describes Jerusalem as a city (1 Nephi 1:4) as was Bethlehem described as a separate town in the Bible. The contradiction is irreconcilable. Another area of contradiction between the Bible and the Book of Mormon concerns sin and Mormon baptism at eight years of age. Moroni 8:8 states the doctrine that “little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin; wherefore the curse of Adam is taken from them in me.” Anyone who thinks that children under age eight cannot sin has not visited the classrooms of today’s schools. The Mormon concept directly contradicts Psalm 51:5, which places sin at the point of conception. The book of Romans leaves no exemption to the sin and guilt that Adam passed on to all; no exceptions are made (Romans 5:12–15). Furthermore, it clearly states that “there is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10–12). There are also a number of instances where God did not agree with himself, if indeed it is supposed that He had anything to do with the inspiration of the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, the Doctrine and Covenants, or the other recorded utterances of Joseph Smith. In the Book of Mormon, for instance, (3 Nephi 12:2; Moroni 8:11) the remission of sins is the accomplishment of baptism: “Yea, blessed are they who shall be baptized, for they shall receive a remission of their sin. Behold baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sin.” But in the Doctrine and Covenants (20:37), the direct opposite is stated: |
this is a tottaly stupid conversation.
Look i'm being honest and i would expect the same to happen to me if i was or i'd do the same to anyone i loved as a friend. why do you date or have a relationship? it isn't so you can be really good friends. you date to find a mate ( hey that rhymes) you find someone that you can create a family with, have sex with, have a bond with, etc. I know what the chick said you can use condoms and you'll be okay.. thats true... as long as the condoms don't bust or you don't acidentally get drunk or forget .. * could happen* you cannot be intimate with her in anyway without probably wondering yourself. If you are i would suggest a monthly hiv test your local center can provide them for free. I would suggest you be there for her as a loving friend and give her support because thats definitly what she needs, but i just don't know how long you can actually go without having a sexual intimate relationship its one of those things that come .. even if you wait until marriage it happens and trust me you don't want to risk your own health... |
how about this you're all wrong and right.. religion is interpretation especially the bible.
NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... contradictions can be better identified through hypocrisy ... that way it can not be disputed as being a contradiction ..and one of those contradictions in the bible is "thou shalt not kill" ..that is truely a contradiction since it apparent that God himself doesn't follow his own laws And there is also an eye for an eye....and no matter what God did what God had to do....not only for his people but for the world as a whole.....And I think you need to understand all 613 of the laws before you claim contradiction. |
also as part of my major i took a classes in Islam, and I've never heard the second school of thought that a Caliph put it together
the angel Gabriel repeatedly told him " write it write it"
you're partially right and you're wrong yes he did . Muhammed physically wrote it but the angel Gabriel came to him and dictated the word of god the Koran is not muhammeds words. the Koran is the only book written by God not inspired!. look it up. they did however see it as a miracle because Muhammed could not read or write. look the only book said to be written by god is the qur'an/koran. Allah didnt write the Qu'ran! Where did you get that from? There are two schools of thought about who actually wrote the Qu'ran and how it was assembled because it is a known fact that Muhammad was so illiterate that he could not read or write. First, the Muslim leaders tell the people that Muhammad wrote the Qu'ran and it was a miracle because Muhammad was illiterate in spite of the fact that Muhammad himself spoke against miracles and said he could not and did not do any miracles, therefore, calling Muhammad a liar. The other school of thought comes from today's theological scholars or experts who claim that the Qu'ran was put together later by a Caliph who simply organized notes left by Muhammad. Amazingly, this belief defies common sense because, first, a man who cannot write cannot leave notes and, second, the size of the Koran would have required to write a huge amount of notes. It is only common sense that an illiterate person who cannot read or write cannot leave any notes much less enough notes to write a book six hundred pages long. Use some common sense. If Muhammad could write enough notes to write a six hundred page book, why didn't he just write the book? The only thing this proves is that many scholars and experts don't have any common sense. So, if you were Muhammad, wanted to write a very important religious document, and you had enslaved a large number of both Jewish and non-Jewish scribes, who would you use to write your religious document? There is only one answer and that would be a Jewish scribe. As a matter of fact, after I realized this, I found out that a group of orthodox Jewish rabbis from the Middle East who were fluent in Aramaic, studied the Qu'ran and came to the same conclusion for the same and different reasons. Based on their observations and my guess-work, I believe that what almost certainly happened was that Muhammad used a Jewish rabbi slave to write the Qu'ran, knowing he would be killed after the Qu'ran was finished, the slave wrote in secret messages to other Jews by writing in errors in referring to the Bible, and Muhammad's fellow leaders killed the Jewish rabbi after the Qu'ran was completed and they had disposed of Muhammad claiming he had been taken up to heaven by Allah. |
you're partially right and you're wrong yes he did . Muhammed physically wrote it but the angel Gabriel came to him and dictated the word of god the Koran is not muhammeds words. the Koran is the only book written by God not inspired!. look it up. they did however see it as a miracle because Muhammed could not read or write. look the only book said to be written by god is the qur'an/koran. Allah didnt write the Qu'ran! Where did you get that from? There are two schools of thought about who actually wrote the Qu'ran and how it was assembled because it is a known fact that Muhammad was so illiterate that he could not read or write. First, the Muslim leaders tell the people that Muhammad wrote the Qu'ran and it was a miracle because Muhammad was illiterate in spite of the fact that Muhammad himself spoke against miracles and said he could not and did not do any miracles, therefore, calling Muhammad a liar. The other school of thought comes from today's theological scholars or experts who claim that the Qu'ran was put together later by a Caliph who simply organized notes left by Muhammad. Amazingly, this belief defies common sense because, first, a man who cannot write cannot leave notes and, second, the size of the Koran would have required to write a huge amount of notes. It is only common sense that an illiterate person who cannot read or write cannot leave any notes much less enough notes to write a book six hundred pages long. Use some common sense. If Muhammad could write enough notes to write a six hundred page book, why didn't he just write the book? The only thing this proves is that many scholars and experts don't have any common sense. So, if you were Muhammad, wanted to write a very important religious document, and you had enslaved a large number of both Jewish and non-Jewish scribes, who would you use to write your religious document? There is only one answer and that would be a Jewish scribe. As a matter of fact, after I realized this, I found out that a group of orthodox Jewish rabbis from the Middle East who were fluent in Aramaic, studied the Qu'ran and came to the same conclusion for the same and different reasons. Based on their observations and my guess-work, I believe that what almost certainly happened was that Muhammad used a Jewish rabbi slave to write the Qu'ran, knowing he would be killed after the Qu'ran was finished, the slave wrote in secret messages to other Jews by writing in errors in referring to the Bible, and Muhammad's fellow leaders killed the Jewish rabbi after the Qu'ran was completed and they had disposed of Muhammad claiming he had been taken up to heaven by Allah. |
this is why the gay community needs " marriages" or " unions" or whatever you want to call them they really have no rights. Gay couples can't even legally ride in an ambulence together even in this case of 18 yrs the partner is a legal stranger, and then they cannot give permission for medical treatment a " familY" member has to, and even if you've went the legal way to sign papers to give the person permission they can say no and have their lawyers look over it to stop treatment from occuring. Also there's the problem with if they die who their possessions are to go not only that but if their partner receives them they are taxed by the government where as if you were a married man and woman you would not be taxed. There's also the issue of couples adopting children legally right now a child can only have 1 father and 1 mother, so if that parent dies the child can be placed in foster care, with a strange family member etc.. there's so many problems that gay and lesbian couples face that some legal terms need to be given to them.
Your First Tape/Cassette?
... shamed.. but oh well.. No Mercy
who's seen the happening?? lol
One can always believe in John as a alternative ![]() John Lennon - Imagine Whilst, I would love to see this as a reality, Im afraid that humanity is doomed. Our leaders are leading us down the path of war, and it will ultimately end in decimation. Our only hope is that Mother Nature takes a hand and get Yellowstone National park to do its thing. After all, its 40,000 years late (typical woman). That should give us another ice age and we can start again. Hopefully this time, some other inspirational ideas will emerge apart from kill, savage, maim & disfigure nope if man survives, it will reain the same belushi, man is like cancer the planet either need's to rid itself of or it will keep spreading it's inherent disease till it's no longer able to infest anything thats here.A world full of witless wanker's |
just a hint... there are two versions of the creation myth one being genesis 1 and one being genesis 2, both differ on the days and how women and men came about.. so really is this post even valid?
first of all I think i've struggled with the same wonder..and ultimately i decided not to decide because these terms religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheist all carry certain connotations in our society and i refuse to be deemed by them, people try to categorize things but hey The christian god is suppose to be all loving all powerful all good he is the end he is the beginning. I honestly think that if you go to heaven when you die and if it is god that it will look above these afflictions to see into your heart and your soul.. because lets face it while i may not categorize myself i believe i commit less sins than some christians and i dont' think just because you say you believe that you do believe or that you will be saved... thats my view anyways.
the new hulk or iron man ?
so he just keeps getting bigger the more angry he becomse? ?? i always wondered if his penis got bigger to... but any hows those are so good pants to last through all that... i'd be scared to buy expensive clothes unless i was on some type of meds if i was him.
look the only book said to be written by god is the qur'an/koran.
the bible doesn't have contradictions my advise is to wake the heck up. if you think that it doesn't you must also think its proper to sell your daughter into slavery, those who take the lords name in vain shall be stoned tod eath, and no more playing football bc we can't eat or touch pork, etc,etc, etc. Not to mention that the bible was never meant to exist, Jesus never wanted Christianity when jesus was here it was to reform Judaism not to create a new religion... however we listen to the rantings of paul when paul infact never knew jesus, is the founder of christianity, and wrote a bunch of **** that he made up, not to mention the gospels were written decades after if not some of the others centuries after jesus died.. i don't know about you but i do know when i played telephone it never ended up the same, not to mention the facts that scholars have changed things over the years, or the hundreds of text that people wrote that were thrown out into the non cannonical section, or that they were burned, because constatines council didn't think they fit with their version of chrsitainity.. but .. yeah.. |
dont you love it
when someone ims you with a comment on your profile thats negative and they have 1 sentence and no picture.. . cause i do...
The Bucket List
absolutely adored it... cried a little
If Jesus comes back...
you know what i love is how all these christians give these dates for the end of the world.. and then they stir up all this fanatic and nothing fkin happens, it was 2000 now its 2012, then it'll be 2020... never stops...
plus in my opinion as someone who doesn't claim a religion if god is an almight all powerful all good the omega and the alpha then i would think he wouldn't care what we thought or believed in as long as our souls and minds were in the right place. aka how can you be a christian if you are born in a muslim area, i mean seriously christianity is a pompous religion not all christians but certainly some. |
If Jesus comes back...
hahahahahha this is fkin funny ... funches you get a point for your post.
and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!! This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that? JB what prompt's them - meaning christians - is that they are all that is left - when this takes place. the unsaved are already gone. burnt up before jesus step's foot on earth. |