Topic: NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... | |
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"John 1:18, 6:46: I John 4:12 No one has ever seen God.
Exodus 33:11 God says no man will ever see His face and live. But ... the Lord appeared to Abraham (Gen 18:1#. Jacob saw God face-to-face (Gen 32:30). Moses and the Elders gazed upon God (Exodus 24:9-11). God spoke to Moses face-to-face (Exodus 33:11: Deut 34:10). God allowed Moses to see his "back parts" (Exodus 33:22-23). Isaiah saw God in a vision (Isaiah 6:1,5). Ezekiel also saw God in a vision and described Him in some detail (Ezekiel 1:27-28). Amos saw God (Amos 7:7). " He contradicts himself and the bible right here. Jacob saw god face to face, moses and the elders gazed upon god. Yet no one has seen god. The guy is just trying to find loop holes around the contradictions. None of these are supported by any fact. There theory's of why it may not be a contradiction. "Jesus carried the cross got exhausted, then simon did, that explains why it was said they both carried it. " It didn't say jesus was exhausted and stoped carrying the cross. Further more, in "The reign of Jehoiachim" he states that the men who recorded the info on him and wrote it in the bible got confused. The bible is the word of god, so that still is a contradiction. He claims they where not in the original manuscripts, but no one has a copy of it to check. From this arguement you can basicly find a loop hole, then say it wasn't that way in the original, here is the real way. Then he says another reason might be because it might of been joint rulership, yet offers no explination who the other joint ruler was. On the 'who took the census' part, the entire thing is a blanket assumption of how david was and was acting and thinking. No where do any of the bible passages support this. Nowhere do they say 'god told david to do it anyways'. In goliath and giants he now says it was originally a contradiction, and is now corrected. He also said the story was 'altered' to correct it in the king james version. ummm, word of god people, not suppose to be altered or changed. "The bible records the words of men, even when they are wrong. In this instance Job is refuted by God. " thats a direct quote from him. Again, bible is suppose to be gods word. god isn't suppose to make mistakes, else ALL things said by ANYONE except god, are subject to. Nothing in the bible was actually writen by god, it was always through someone else. Thus to accept this is to disprove god completely, instead of just the book. Has anyone been to heaven, he fails to explain the contradiction away. Elijah Ascended to heaven, and jesus said no one ever has ascended to heaven, cept himself. him and Enoch went before jesus did. Just visiting is still ascending I have no problem with christianity, and faith. This guy though, he's full of crap. He basicly said that the current bible is inacurate. So yes, it is full of contradictions. |
The Bible has NO contradictions.
The Word cannot be taken out of context, and must be rightly divided. Read this also.... |
Wasn't the Bible interpreted by man? So some mistakes could've been made upon interpretation...the Bible has contradictions, too many to list in fact.
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Thu 06/26/08 03:43 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Everybody loves you ,MirrorMirror...and I can see why. ![]() |
Wasn't the Bible interpreted by man? So some mistakes could've been made upon interpretation...the Bible has contradictions, too many to list in fact. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God....but man must also have the Holy Spirit in him, to rightly interpret the Word of God. ![]() |
Wasn't the Bible interpreted by man? So some mistakes could've been made upon interpretation...the Bible has contradictions, too many to list in fact. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God....but man must also have the Holy Spirit in him, to rightly interpret the Word of God. ![]() If that was the case then no one would interpret contradictions. |
The Bible is the Inspired Word of God....but man must also have the Holy Spirit in him, to rightly interpret the Word of God. ![]() Just what does that mean, inspired? The words were certainly written (and re-written) by human hands. But what reason do we have for supposing that it did not come from the mind of man? Is it a book that no person could have written? Why not? The claim is made that the bible is the word of God because no one in their right mind would believe it otherwise. The stamp of inspiration is made on the words so that they might be enforced. The bible is claimed to be true because it is the word of God. It is claimed to be the word of God because God says so. Priests and ministers say it is so because of revelation. The basis of the revelation is the book itself which is claimed to be inspired. And so on, round and round in a circle. (It's called circular logic). To prove that a book is inspired you must prove the existence of God. You must also prove that this God thinks, acts, has objects, ends and aims. This is somewhat difficult. It is impossible to conceive of an infinite being. Having no conception of an infinite being, it is impossible to tell whether all the facts we know tend to prove or disprove the existence of such a being. God is a guess. If the existence of God is admitted, how are we to prove that he inspired the writers of the Bible? How can one man establish the inspiration of another? How can an inspired man prove that he is inspired? How can he know himself that he is inspired? There is no way to prove inspiration, any more than one can prove he had a particular dream. The only evidence is the word of some man who couldn't possibly know anything on the subject. What is inspiration? Did God use men as instruments? Did He cause them to write His thoughts? Did He take possession of their minds and destroy their wills? Were these writers only partly controlled, so that their mistakes, their ignorance and their prejudices were mingled with the wisdom of God? What does all this mean? What is it all worth? How are we to separate the mistakes of man from the thoughts of God? Can we do this without being inspired ourselves? If the original writers were inspired, then the translators should have been, and so should be the men who tell us what the Bible means. How is it possible for a human being to know that he is inspired by an infinite being? How can we be certain that it wasn't all in their heads? But of one thing we may be certain: An inspired book should certainly excel all the books produced by uninspired men. It should, above all, be true, filled with wisdom and beauty -- perfect. It is claimed that the bible is the inspired word of god. It's obvious that it is not... that it is only the work of uninspired, flawed humans. Throughout history, some 40 "holy books" from different religions from all over the world have claimed to be "divinely inspired." What makes any one of those books legitimately inspired, and the rest impostors? |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Everybody loves you ,MirrorMirror...and I can see why. ![]() ![]() |
NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... contradictions can be better identified through hypocrisy ... that way it can not be disputed as being a contradiction ..and one of those contradictions in the bible is "thou shalt not kill" ..that is truely a contradiction since it apparent that God himself doesn't follow his own laws |
NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... contradictions can be better identified through hypocrisy ... that way it can not be disputed as being a contradiction ..and one of those contradictions in the bible is "thou shalt not kill" ..that is truely a contradiction since it apparent that God himself doesn't follow his own laws Ahh but God doesnt have to follow his own laws .. he makes them up to be interpreted, as and when, as he goes along. That should be "Thou shalt not kill, except if you feel like it, or it suits you or me" |
Ahh but God doesnt have to follow his own laws .. but he asked the angels to kill and ask Moses to kill ...when he clearly stated that "thou shalt not kill" .... a total contradiction |
Ahh but God doesnt have to follow his own laws .. but he asked the angels to kill and ask Moses to kill ...when he clearly stated that "thou shalt not kill" .... a total contradiction Very true. Buuuuuut <with loads of British sarcasm intended> "The Bible doesnt have contradictions" Only misinterpretations! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 06/26/08 07:36 AM
I was interested in understanding how poeple come to beleive in Judeo-Christian beliefs. So I found a religion that has amazingly been extrememly well documented from it beginning. It began at a time when mass media actually existed, when personal transactions and actions were a matter of public record. The Morman religion. We can study every fascet of it from the beginning of the life of it's founder through every president of the organization. We can see EVERY SINGLE change in dogma with every single 're-write' the was wholly and totally an inspiration from god.
Christains scoff at the rediculous nature of the Book of Morman. Call it a lie, call it offensive, call it the work of evil. Yet where did Jesus go in the three days after death before he rose. Obviously Christians don't believe it was to America to speak to the Native Indians. How rediculous. But Joseph Smith was given this information by the Holy Spirit, an angel of god. But Christians seem to know who the Holy Spirit speaks to and who it doesn't. My, my, such a dilemma Christians have, such a web they have woven with their mystacism, and their dogma. How to lure others in, without giving credit to those who also claim to know and have the inspired word of god. Joseph Smith did a ONE UP on Christians, he provided a way in which the head of the Mormans, the President will always be the sanctioned prophet of god. While Christians, on the other hand, no longer have prophets. In "profits" have switched hands, for the Mormans, the last I looked surprassed any religion in property and wealth. So who's more up to date, who has a better connection with the heavenly, and who actually holds an "inspired word of god?". |
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Thu 06/26/08 07:46 AM
The Holy Bible is a collection of writings that led me to pursue the Holy Spirit.
That was the bottom line for me. Uniquely, the only way for that to come upon one is through faith in Jesus. This way of life is not about sharing it with the world at large, only. That is but a small part of the whole. It is so much more. The best part is in the love we share for the Lord and one another in Him. Bash away. That storm is no longer our concern, hid in Christ. It is but the trial of all that have not yet found the truth for themselves, though it is in plain sight. We are busy growing in love and in the knitting together of ourselves in Christ, by His Spirit. Arrogant? Not at all. A joy? yup. unspeakably full!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
look the only book said to be written by god is the qur'an/koran.
the bible doesn't have contradictions my advise is to wake the heck up. if you think that it doesn't you must also think its proper to sell your daughter into slavery, those who take the lords name in vain shall be stoned tod eath, and no more playing football bc we can't eat or touch pork, etc,etc, etc. Not to mention that the bible was never meant to exist, Jesus never wanted Christianity when jesus was here it was to reform Judaism not to create a new religion... however we listen to the rantings of paul when paul infact never knew jesus, is the founder of christianity, and wrote a bunch of **** that he made up, not to mention the gospels were written decades after if not some of the others centuries after jesus died.. i don't know about you but i do know when i played telephone it never ended up the same, not to mention the facts that scholars have changed things over the years, or the hundreds of text that people wrote that were thrown out into the non cannonical section, or that they were burned, because constatines council didn't think they fit with their version of chrsitainity.. but .. yeah.. |
The Bible has NO contradictions. The Word cannot be taken out of context, and must be rightly divided. Read this also.... The Bible is full of contradictions. God inspired me to write this post. Therefore THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD. |
look the only book said to be written by god is the qur'an/koran. Allah didnt write the Qu'ran! Where did you get that from? There are two schools of thought about who actually wrote the Qu'ran and how it was assembled because it is a known fact that Muhammad was so illiterate that he could not read or write. First, the Muslim leaders tell the people that Muhammad wrote the Qu'ran and it was a miracle because Muhammad was illiterate in spite of the fact that Muhammad himself spoke against miracles and said he could not and did not do any miracles, therefore, calling Muhammad a liar. The other school of thought comes from today's theological scholars or experts who claim that the Qu'ran was put together later by a Caliph who simply organized notes left by Muhammad. Amazingly, this belief defies common sense because, first, a man who cannot write cannot leave notes and, second, the size of the Koran would have required to write a huge amount of notes. It is only common sense that an illiterate person who cannot read or write cannot leave any notes much less enough notes to write a book six hundred pages long. Use some common sense. If Muhammad could write enough notes to write a six hundred page book, why didn't he just write the book? The only thing this proves is that many scholars and experts don't have any common sense. So, if you were Muhammad, wanted to write a very important religious document, and you had enslaved a large number of both Jewish and non-Jewish scribes, who would you use to write your religious document? There is only one answer and that would be a Jewish scribe. As a matter of fact, after I realized this, I found out that a group of orthodox Jewish rabbis from the Middle East who were fluent in Aramaic, studied the Qu'ran and came to the same conclusion for the same and different reasons. Based on their observations and my guess-work, I believe that what almost certainly happened was that Muhammad used a Jewish rabbi slave to write the Qu'ran, knowing he would be killed after the Qu'ran was finished, the slave wrote in secret messages to other Jews by writing in errors in referring to the Bible, and Muhammad's fellow leaders killed the Jewish rabbi after the Qu'ran was completed and they had disposed of Muhammad claiming he had been taken up to heaven by Allah. |
I was interested in understanding how poeple come to beleive in Judeo-Christian beliefs. So I found a religion that has amazingly been extrememly well documented from it beginning. It began at a time when mass media actually existed, when personal transactions and actions were a matter of public record. The Morman religion. We can study every fascet of it from the beginning of the life of it's founder through every president of the organization. We can see EVERY SINGLE change in dogma with every single 're-write' the was wholly and totally an inspiration from god. Christains scoff at the rediculous nature of the Book of Morman. Call it a lie, call it offensive, call it the work of evil. Yet where did Jesus go in the three days after death before he rose. Obviously Christians don't believe it was to America to speak to the Native Indians. How rediculous. But Joseph Smith was given this information by the Holy Spirit, an angel of god. But Christians seem to know who the Holy Spirit speaks to and who it doesn't. My, my, such a dilemma Christians have, such a web they have woven with their mystacism, and their dogma. How to lure others in, without giving credit to those who also claim to know and have the inspired word of god. Joseph Smith did a ONE UP on Christians, he provided a way in which the head of the Mormans, the President will always be the sanctioned prophet of god. While Christians, on the other hand, no longer have prophets. In "profits" have switched hands, for the Mormans, the last I looked surprassed any religion in property and wealth. So who's more up to date, who has a better connection with the heavenly, and who actually holds an "inspired word of god?". my my my. the angel that supposedly spoke to Smith was named Moroni, and not the Holy Spirit. That changes everything. I can see you haven't read it, or at least only skimmed it through. I read it because a Mormon wanted my opinion of it. My conclusory judgement was expressed to my friend in this way..... The grace of God was only mentioned once in the whole writing of the Book of Mormon and not at all in the context of being through faith, let alone that faith comes by hwearing, and hearing by God. And that word ,grace, was given in the vernacular as a word describing a contemporary definition for it and not in the correct context of the original word which means confidence, and confidence alone. Assumptions abound and parade as fact. How smug.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |