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Wed 06/25/08 12:32 PM


caters to little old ladies card & tea parties

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Wed 06/25/08 10:59 AM
put it back in your pants boy


flowerforyou flowerforyou

blushing blushing blushing

Nice red hair mmmhmmm


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Wed 06/25/08 10:31 AM
easy you're picking the wrong guys.... if a guy is worth it he'll love your babies just as much as he would love you.. if not why worry about it go on with your life bc obviously you didn't lose anythign worth worrying over.

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Wed 06/25/08 10:29 AM
3.83 a gallon here.

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Wed 06/25/08 10:23 AM
haha whatever i had a piece of chicken, carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese... the world is perfect.

and hmm i didn't think about the waitstaff thing.. good point

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Wed 06/25/08 10:19 AM

lol was my post deleted because i said that was ignorant? that thet census does have a mixed option now, and that on applications they now include other. ??? obama is not black he is mixed the end he is half black and half white. If he says " i am black" he is lying because he is not black if he says " i am white" he is lying because he is not white he is mixed the purpose of this whole thing getting started is my disagreement with him using his race to draw in voters, which fox news has been talking about, but whatever I won't bother posting if my post are going to be deleted.

This is a friendly reminder if you cannot keep your responses to a debate type form they will be deleted with you receiving a warning and with the chance of the post being deleted.

There is no excuse to attack another member for their views. If you find that you can not follow these rule it is best to step away from the post.

Thank You
Site Mod

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Wed 06/25/08 10:16 AM
So i went to ryans for lunch you know the buffet .... yeah 6.50 ... all you can eat... haha anyways why does ryans have waitresses? all they do is bring your bread which you could get off the buffet and refill your drink, why not just create a drink station so 1... no tipping from the customer is necessary .. cause lets face it most of the time they don't even deserve a $1, also it would eliminate the measley salaries that the waitresses make working there...

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Wed 06/25/08 07:36 AM

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Wed 06/25/08 07:29 AM
either it means sex, or hes looking for a woman to have fun with aka go out places do things with " have fun" heres something new ask him what he means...or what he wants...

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Wed 06/25/08 07:02 AM
hmm i love it when jsh gets spicy ... roar...dont ask

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Wed 06/25/08 06:59 AM
like im at work and i have to organize the filing cabinets.... but i don't want to do it so im just starring at the screen instead wishing it would do itself.

Being bored is a sign your not using your mind, if you can think, U can find SOMETHING interesting to do!!!flowerforyou

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Wed 06/25/08 06:55 AM
hhahah wtf?

Where you been????

how much do you weigh?

Someone explain boredom to me .. I don't get why anyone would be bored.. there is always something to do .. and if you are bored then why must we all hear about it ? So here is my suggestion instead of posting how bored you are how about doing something interesting .. Like scrape bugs off the grill of your car or wash your neighbors cat ...

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Wed 06/25/08 06:54 AM

way to kill the posting in here....

No w you are 100% right. If i had a beautiful looking woman like you beside me i sure as hell wouldnt be bored.

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Wed 06/25/08 06:53 AM
noway hmmm..

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Wed 06/25/08 06:50 AM
she doesn't have a choice, college or the military thats your choice... or marry rich... lol

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Wed 06/25/08 06:49 AM
you know txs i was thinking the same thing, esp when it was posted in two different areas... but i didn't say it... lol

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Wed 06/25/08 06:45 AM
whatever is lame, if you want a real relationship its not about either one of these its not about saying whatever when things get difficult or about completly giving up and getting along with someone its about accepting differences, and being adults knowing you don't have to raise your voice or that sometimes you have to let go of your ego on both sides.. ultimately its about having enought care, love, and concern for the other person to discuss things that need to be discussed in a manner thats beneficial for both parties.

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Wed 06/25/08 06:42 AM
honestly .... just having sex never works either you get feelings for her or she gets feelings for you. and if that's all you're looking for i worry about you dearly. Not to mention be careful with just wanting sex because 1 in 7 have an std and not to mention aids, and what i would think is women with a high self esteem wouldn't just give their bodies away, my thing is if you don't want to date me or you don't want to get to know me for me then you're not gettin any I want a serious relationship ( well i have one) i'm not looking to waste time with some little pos who doesn't know what he wants besides to get laid, buy a fake vag and call it a night dude.

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Wed 06/25/08 06:40 AM
im sleepy at work as usual :( lol

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Wed 06/25/08 06:38 AM

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